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Name: Nur Arissa Syamina Binti Sahrim (2020894932)

Setting (Place) Courage and love Setting (Time)

- Story’s house
- Meeting room - At night

Title & Author

Title : Hi. My Name Is..

Author : Sarah Hinkle

Main Character(s) Supporting Character(s)

- Molly
- Story
- Members of meeting


Molly knocked Story’s front door because she knew story was inside. While Story was hiding in the living
room and make sure there were no evidence that she was home. But suddenly, she noticed that the light
glowed from her laptop and tried to pushed the F5 key slowly to dim the light. So that, Molly could not
possibly know she was home. Molly took the other way to make her friend out by calling police and informed
that Story was inside but she could not open door because it was locked. She also said Story was hurt.

Finally, Story opened the door and yelled at Molly because she was mad. But, actually, it was a fake call.
Molly’s lips were trembling with false sincerity, a few crocodile tears filling her green eyes. She blinked them
away, a smirk replaced her face and asked Story why she cancelled the appointment. Story felt scared when
saw Molly pushed her back in home. Molly was mad when she saw Story home was unorganised and dirty.
She also said that Story not even pick up her magazine but managed to reply her e-mail. Molly voice tone
start to changed, she asked Molly why she changed her lifestyle. She felt that her friend need help. She
asked Story to see her hand. Molly promised that she would not force Story to go to the meeting if Story can
prove to her that her hand was not shaky. At the first time, Story did it well but then her hand started to shake
and shoved her hand back in the pocket. She felt frustrated and keep her head low. Molly convinced her with
a low tone voice that she needs to go to the meeting because she can’t do this alone.

For the sake of herself, he nodded her head. Story realised that her stubborn would not help anything. Molly called back Story’s
name, because she wanted to accompanied her to the meeting. Story agreed with Molly’s idea but with one condition which
was Molly need to stop nagging. Molly gave her a big hug and they went into the car. They were silent in the car the whole way
over. Story tried to convinced herself to beat her insecurities. They arrived and went into a big room saw a group of people
sitting on chairs in a circle at the center. She talked to herself that she can do it! Suddenly, she wanted to turned back but she
saw Molly clapped her hand to give her support. A woman which was one of the member in the meeting, pointing at the
intended chair. She shuffled over to take her seat and start to tell her name and why she came to the meeting. She was
nervous at first but with full of courages, she stated to say the word out of loud.She finally felt that the healing process begin.

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