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 Compare S.B. 438 and R.A.

1. What are the main difference between S.B.438 and R.A. 1425?

S.B. 438 R.A. 1425

requiring the inclusion in the curricula of all private and Courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal,
public schools, colleges and universities the life, works and particularly his novel Noli Me Tangere and El
writings of Jose Rizal particularly his novels Noli Me Filibusterismo, shall be included in the curricula of all
Tangere and El Filibusterismo schools, colleges and universities, public or private:
Provided, That in the collegiate courses, the original or
unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo or their English translation shall be used as
basic texts. It shall be obligatory on all schools, colleges
and universities to keep in their libraries an adequate
number of copies of the original and unexpurgated
editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as
well as of Rizal’s other works and biography.
The main difference is that in S.B. 438, the subject is not yet required to be taken up in the schools and universities in the
Philippines, while on the other hand, R.A. 1425 it is already obligatory to the schools and university to let their students
take up the subject as part of their curriculum.

2. Is R.A.1425 still important nowadays?

 Yes, because it makes the students inspired on the heroism of Dr. Jose Rizal before. This is what
influence the youth to never be hindered by the circumstances immediately, instead, look for an
opportunity that can be turned into an outlet for you to speak out especially when it regards to the
future of our fellow Filipinos.
3. Does school still comply with the provisions of R.A. 1425?
 Yes, I believe so, because it has been part of the curriculum in which every student is required to
undergo this subject.
4. How effective do you think is Rizal Law today in instilling patriotism and nationalism among young
generations today?
 It is effective in a way that, us, Filipinos, know what happened before that made our country free
from captivity. How our ancestors fought to have the freedom that we are experiencing today. It
is effective because it instills the patriotism and nationalism in a way that us, especially the youth
of today, is not afraid to speak out, not afraid that we would just be looked over. We have learned
that we can make a difference as long as we believe in it.
5. If given the chance, would you still take this subject if it's only an elective? yes or no? Why?
 In my opinion, yes, I would still take this subject. This is because as a student and as a Filipino, it
is somehow my obligation to know what our ancestors did. Because we know that everything that
is happening today has a direct and indirect connection to what has happened in the yesteryears.
Also, it gives me a chance to truly appreciate the works of our National Hero.

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