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Enterprise-wide resource planning (ERP) technique software packages are extremely integrated,
complex systems with regard to intended for businesses, and 1000s of a huge number of companies are
running them effectively worldwide (Koch, 1996). Actually companies such as Hershey, JoAnn stores,
Whirlpool in addition to Samsonite that have experienced through classic disasters, accept} the software
packages are usually able to handle the particular job. The systems will be capable of functioning while
advertised; however, companies encounter costly and sometimes lethal problems with the execution}
and subsequent maintenance associated with these packages.

Based on the Gartner Group, 70% of most ERP projects are unsuccessful to be fully applied, even after
36 months (Gillooly, 1998). Typically, there is absolutely there is not you cannot find any individual one
culprit responsible for a new "failed implementation", and simply no individual reason to become
credited for any successful {1|a one particular}. Even the definitions associated with failure and success
are usually gray areas, lending in order to be able to interpretation. There are normally two levels of
failing: complete failures and incomplete failures. In a full a comprehensive failure, the project possibly
was scuttled before execution or failed so totally that the company experienced significant long-term
financial destruction. Those implementations considered incomplete failures often led to tenuous
adjustment processes for that organization; creating some form associated with disruption in daily
procedures. Inside the same vein, a good ERP success can become complete success instructions one in
which everything goes off without sort of} hitch, or one away here are usually few alignment problems,
producing in minor inconvenience or or perhaps downtime. Frequently, these situational circumstances
that have to become ironed out in the particular weeks and months following the "go-live" date will be
severe enough in order to disrupt the daily businesses.

There are dozens involving vendors of ERP techniques. Yet the top a few ERP system vendors are
generally SAP, People soft, Oracle, {M|L|T}. D. Edwards, and Baan. SAP continues to be the leader with
a lot more than 50 % of the particular market Burns, 1999; Mabert et al., 2000; Stratman and Roth,
2002; Vaughan, 1996). Hence, the existing research has focused on SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS AND
program implementation.

Among one of SAP's main strengths includes the considerable capability of the software's functionality.
Perhaps a set of its shortcomings are usually the complexity of the particular system and the causing
implementation. It is commonly used in industries this kind of as chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs
(process industries), as well as inside oil and gas sectors. By looking into making a huge in addition to
ongoing investment in study and development, SAP is constantly on the strive for increased prominence
from the ERP market. Consequently, developments are underway in order to gain strength in several
other sectors from the economic climate economy. There are over twenty, customers running typically
the SAP software systems |these days; this equates to something like 20, 000 "successful"
implementations. A few of these were initially failures, requiring iterative efforts at making the software
program act as designed.

In buy to determine factors of which will indicate early about if the project will certainly be successful, or
condemned to potential failure, forty-four companies that implemented SAP (SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS
AND PRODUCTS) were reviewed. These businesses change in size, industry in addition to scope of
implementation. The study methodology employed for the particular analyses was that associated with
content analysis, which looks at the content within printed articles, and processes the particular typically
the} information contained within all of them qualitative processes. The businesses analyzed
implemented SAP among 1995 and 2000.

1.1 Purpose

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) techniques are software packages that will allow companies to have
even more real-time visibility and handle over their operations. This kind of paper should investigate and
assess common circumstances that arise within most ERP tasks and determine the places that are most
important factor compared to us those that contribute to be able to failure.

1.2 Design /methodology

The research is based on a content material analysis of published content articles reporting SAP
implementations within 44 companies.

1.3 Findings

Determines six common factors which can be indicative of successful or even non-successful SAP
implementations. It is often found that the absence appropriate culture in addition to organizational
(internal) readiness while the most important element adding to failure of SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS AND
PRODUCTS (SAP)} implementations in 15 organizations.

The existence of project management methods and appropriate culture in addition to organizational
(internal) readiness are usually the most significant factors adding to the success associated with SAP
implementations in twenty nine organizations.

1.4 Research limitations/implications

The information analyzed is from {supplementary sources published in the particular press. Secondary
reporting may increase objectivity; however, the particular weakness is that not really all the factors
may well have been reported.

1.5 Originality/value

Determines factors critical to the particular success of SAP execution

2- Executive summary

in this phrase, An powerful enterprise approach facilities on an competitive, green use of information
technology; for this reason the ERP systems have appear because the center of a hit facts management,
and the business enterprise spine of the agency (Nash, 2000a, b). A a success ERP system will streamline
processes within a company and improve its general success, whilst supplying a method to externally
decorate aggressive performance, boom as a nice to customers, and aid strategic initiatives (Sandoe et
al., 2001). The advantages of ERP structures, as soon as the pains of implementation are over, sue to

There are many factors to be taken into consideration in making the selection of whether to put in force
an SAP system or not. The technical component isn't always the only component that desires to be
considered; regrettably many organizations have not visible this till it became too past due. The financial
dedication is substantial; consequently, chief govt officers and senior government groups have to be
deeply involved. Virtually positioned, ERP isn't always intended for every enterprise. Whilst considering
the selection to invest in an ERP machine, a business case should be evolved to provide information of
ERP, and to officially determine the blessings that the enterprise – as an man or woman entity aside
from its competitors – can anticipate to reap. The analysis should recall now not most effective the plain
price/advantage evaluation, but also the non‐economic factors. Non‐monetary blessings include
information visibility and flexibility (Sandoe et al., 2001). A extra entire listing of actual and intangible
blessings is provided in table I. ERP implementation fees are incurred in three areas: software program,
hardware, and employees. The personnel (or the human assets) price is via far the largest and maximum
steeply-priced, however at the equal time has been the place given the least quantity of attention. The
software and hardware costs are regularly easily quantifiable; but, the “human” price isn't (Davenport,

There have been some papers currently posted at the elements supply to ERP implementation. Dong
(2001) proposed a conceptual model exploring the effect of pinnacle management on organisation
systems (ES) implementation. Aladwani 2001) described a non-segregated, procedure‐orientated
approach for facing the complicated social trouble of people' resistance to ERP structures. Huang and
Palvia (2001) proposed ten elements (on the country wide/environmental and organizational stage)
regarding ERP implementation by using making a assessment of advanced and growing nations. The
national/environmental factors identified by using them are economic system and monetary boom,
substructure, regional surroundings, government policies, and manufacturing strengths. additionally
they referred to that information era maturity, pc lifestyle, business length, business manner re‐
engineering revel in, and management faithfulness are the organizational stage elements. Huang and
Palvia (2001) did not categorize the factors into those that make contributions to achievement and
people that make a contribution to failure.

3-Main Discussion
In the present area, based on a study of earlier papers (most of which were normative/prescriptive in
nature), identified 11 factors that were critical to ERP implementation success. The 11 factors noted by
them are

1. ERP teamwork and composition;

2. Change management program and culture;
3. Top management support;
4. Business plan and vision;
5. Business process re‐engineering and minimum customization;
6. Effective communication;
7. Project management;
8. Software development, testing, and troubleshooting;
9. Monitoring and evaluation of performance;
10. Project champion; and
11. Appropriate business and information technology legacy systems.

Tangible benefits Intangible benefits

Inventory reduction Information feasibility
Personal reduction New process
Productivity improvement Customer responsiveness
Order management improvement Cost reduction
Financial cycle improvements Integration
Cash managements improvement Globalization

Table 1: Tangible and intangible benefits of ERP system

None of the above papers were based on any number one empirical records (in the form of survey or
case research) or secondary information (content evaluation of said instances or survey studies). The
mistocleous et al. (2001), based totally on a survey of 50 respondents, underscored the need for
integration of existing structures with erp programs in erp implementation. Strotman and Roth
(2002)thru a questionnaire survey of seventy nine north American production users of erp systems
recognized eight commonplace constructs (strategic records era planning, government dedication,
assignment management, information era talents, enterprise manner capabilities, erp training,
mastering, and trade readiness) that are hypothesized to be related to a success erp adoption. However,
the works of nah et al. (2001), Themistocles’s et al. (2001) and strawman and Roth (2002) do not
awareness on elements of failure.

Umble and umble (2001) expressed their views on 14 success elements (definition of enterprise goals,
established order an government control making plans committee, taking into consideration
implementation as studies and improvement, use of move‐practical teams, stocking implementation
groups with the best and smartest workers, alignment of anybody's interest by giving mid‐level
management hands‐on duty, constant communique with groups and quit users, exquisite undertaking
control, desire of companions, vast training and schooling, control with statistics, size of the right
matters, status quo of aggressive achievable schedules, and no fear for change) and 9 failure factors (top
control failure, poor assignment control, loss of education and schooling, human beings do not need
new machine to succeed, unrealistic expectancies about implementation, faulty facts, try to automate
present redundant or non‐price‐delivered tactics, mismatch among the enterprise and erp device
decided on, and technical problems can cause implementation) in erp implementation. It appears that
the work of umble and umble (2001), though normative/prescriptive for failure and achievement of erp
implementations, isn't based totally on a systematic evaluation of erp implementations in one of kind
companies. In summary, the evaluation of the literature suggests that there aren’t always a whole lot of
studies carried out on identifying the factors of sap implementation fulfillment and failure based on the
content material evaluation of posted articles and books. That is the main thrust of the present day

4-Research methodology

The primary motive of these studies is to discover the factors that make a contribution to fulfillment and
failure in adopting sap. Content evaluation has been be used to deduce from posted articles the
elements that cause success or failure for an erp mission, mainly sap implementations. Content material
analysis is “basically empirical in its orientation, exploratory, and predictive in its intent” (krippendorf,
1980). This studies technique is frequently used to decide the prejudice among aspects of an problem
(for instance, hard work unions versus manufacturers), to decide quantitatively whether or not readers
can and are being encouraged via the manner wherein a piece of writing is written, or maybe wherein
it's miles placed in a publication. The statistics of a successful or unsuccessful implementation are fairly
honest – the assignment succeeded or it did not as measured by using economic requirements, or via
operational requirements. Content material analysis changed into used on this level as a tool to analyze
the material and make hints with a view to offer expertise, new insights, and a realistic manual to future
moves (krippendorf, 1980). This content evaluation is not to sway the reader into forming an opinion of
the outcome, only to indicate particular factors that relate to the outcome. The information generating
and records reduction methodology involved analyzing textbooks, journals and mag articles for
information associated with agencies which have applied sap software. Businesses that implemented
sap among 1995 and 2000 length were analyzed. Articles have been selected via a library database, the
usage of search key phrases of sap, erp, sap fulfillment, sap failure, and implementation. Companies
have been removed if the assisting articles only specific what passed off after implementation or gave no
info surrounding the success or failure. Statistics inference targeted on mapping and reading the factors

said inside posted articles. The analysis section concerned figuring out the frequency of precise factors
from inside the whole populace. The structure of the research allowed for a organization to quote a
couple of component referring to success or to failure. In all, more than a a hundred articles and books
have been searched. A sample of these includes atkinson (1999), enterprise twine (2001), campbell
(1999), jesitus (1997), levin (1998), o'brien (1999), osterland (2000) and wheatley (2000). The content
evaluation confirmed that sap implementation successes accounted for 2‐thirds (29 in absolute variety)
of the companies studied, and screw ups accounted for the final one‐1/3 (15 companies). Failed
implementations are often extra tough to investigate, as groups generally tend to hold problems hidden
from public view as much as viable to keep away from embarrassment and/or probably critical monetary
repercussions. The factors had been labeled into six logical groupings.

Before starting an ERP implementation that is even earlier than a seller is selected, a good deal planning
and idea ought to move into the manner. With the aid of utilizing the methodology of content material
analysis, it becomes possible to identify phrases that came about within the studies, and quantify their
frequency. The groups evaluated within these studies had been mapped against the criteria, and
inferences are drawn based totally upon the records.

All of the factors have been lumped into six logical groupings. These elements either caused the
fulfillment of an implementation challenge, or to its failure. As all elements listed within an article had
been evaluated, one would anticipate groups to frequently discover multiple factor as being primary to
success/failure. The organizations and relative data are indexed in Tables II and III.

As one would expect, multiple component turned into indexed as contributing to the outcome of a
assignment. The 44 organizations listed a complete of eighty one occurrences of these elements. For the
29 corporations where SAP changed into “efficiently” carried out, the six factors were listed 60 times
and the within the 15 companies where SAP implementation became “unsuccessful” the six elements
had been listed 21 instances. Desk IV indicates a list of each thing, and its relative percent of frequency.
The subsequent paragraphs tricky on the six component groups.

Factor 1: worked with SAP functionality/maintained scope

An essential a part of operating with the sap functionality is the capacity to streamline operations. When
imposing a machine, many groups fail to specify their organizational targets. Task competencies are
raised via the necessities of the new, post‐implementation organization. Idiosyncratic approaches of
doing business, which were potential, despite the fact that most possibly inefficient, below the “old
device”, are not tolerated. Organizations that do not apprehend those issues early on will face critical
issues (davenport, 2000). Hit businesses have identified the significance of “cleansing up” their
operations, in order to allow them to implement “vanilla” sap – with minimum customization. Even

though the so‐referred to as “vanilla” method is adopted by way of ‐thirds of implementing
corporations, some customization will continually be required on the way to meet person needs
(Themistocles’s et al., 2001). The important thing, it seems, is to know simply how a whole lot to
customize. Colgate-Palmolive, a $9 billion purchaser merchandise manufacturer, applied sap in 41
countries in 1998. Installing an integrated pc device at this stage of significance would be a frightening
venture for every person. An immediate quote from ed token, cio of Colgate-Palmolive, puts the plan
into clear terms: “that is complicated stuff, you have to do something you could to simplify it” (Stedman,
1999). The ability to put in force sap with minimum customization requires help from several different
elements, more often than not streamlining operations and re‐engineering the commercial enterprise –
both of on the way to help the corporation to run in a greater honest manner. Thorough making plans
are also a close companion, as it is threaded via the plans from scope to budgets. Scope is the
preliminary “blueprint” of an implementation plan. Within this unique plan, budgetary and aid desires
are mounted. For the duration of the course of the challenge, it may be smooth, frequently
transparently so, to grow to be so involved in details that additional responsibilities or necessities are
added or affected. Suddenly, however often too overdue, the belief comes that the project is a victim of
“scope creep”. The capacity to hold scope is carefully associated with planning, and it is possible to
attain for corporations both massive and small. Colgate-Palmolive enterprise also listed scope
maintenance as a issue to their success (geishecker, 1999). Keeping scope is simply as vital for small
businesses as its miles for big organizations. The approach for “rolling out” their implementation is every
other very vital attention underneath the sap capability/scope umbrella. Tons has been said
approximately “huge bang” processes and gradual rollout of modules within a agency. There is no proof
that any person way is higher than some other as a whole; however, one method could be better for
businesses on an character basis. There were many widely publicized “huge bang” successes, and lots of
failures. The identical is genuine for slow (phased) rollouts, although those typically aren't headline‐
grabbers. Chevron, a $forty three billion oil massive, attributes a phased rollout to their achievement.
They successfully applied sap and replaced over 250 legacy structures on a international foundation the
use of the phased technique. By way of enforcing regularly, they were capable of catch any “insects”
earlier than shifting forward, thereby avoiding any catastrophic, machine‐extensive problems
(geishecker, 1999). Amoco, merisel and owens corning are examples of other organizations who chose
to take a sluggish rollout technique, and who recall the choice a contributor to their success. Domestic
depot has successfully carried out numerous modules around the world, and utilized the phased rollout
method (mearian, 2000). The phased rollouts take longer to finish, and are extra high-priced because of
the extra time dedication; however, the approach does offer a reduced commercial enterprise danger
(davenport, 2000). Handiest one of the organizations analyzed referred to sap core functionality as a
hassle. Sobey's, an $89 million canadian grocery chain, did not sense sap ought to handle its necessities,
and prematurely deserted the

Implementation procedure. For the maximum component, corporations, even those who experienced
depressing, steeply-priced failure, agree that sap will perform as advertised.

Factor 2: project team/management support/consultants

The hit undertaking team is pass‐functional, along with the most informed humans inside the enterprise
(nah et al., 2001). The team, always, should be committed entirely to the assignment, and haven't any
different duties inside the organization. Lockheed martin, a main aeronautical institution, said certainly
one of its keys to fulfillment was “assembling a group able to making and executing” the adjustments
required (stedman, 1999). A a success implementation is handiest manageable while high‐degree
executives have a strong commitment to the project (davenport, 2000). The attitude of senior managers
will affect now not most effective the waft of price range and facts to the assignment, but also the
subordinates view the mission, its destiny impact upon the agency as a whole, and its impact upon the
personnel as valued and succesful people. Fujitsu microelectronics, an worldwide manufacturer of
semiconductors, efficaciously completed its erp implementation inside ten months. They attribute
success in component to pinnacle management support (zerega, 1997). In the course of the whole
project, organization management supplied tremendous incentives to group participants, and ensured
that inner verbal exchange channels were open always. Gte completed an 11‐month integration not
simplest on time and within finances, however additionally with out the aid of an out of doors consulting
company. Again, top control become a primary component mentioned for their fulfillment (caldwell,
1998). Senior control at farmland industries confirmed its help of the procedure by using supplying
bonuses to employees and consultants. The assignment members have been charged with making sure
that not only technical dreams were met, but additionally that the “humans” element and commercial
enterprise modifications had been taken care of at the equal time (davenport, 2000). Farmland had the
foresight to understand that an erp gadget was now not most effective a massive technical trade,
however also a massive cultural trade. As said earlier, and reinforced with these examples, the erp
software can be designed to work perfectly nicely, but missing top management guide, the assignment is
destined to fail. Senior control has the authority and responsibility to help the mission internally thru
incentives and bonuses, and externally through keeping open and effective communication channels
and a reassuring, nice mindset. With the aid of continuously exposing the high-quality blessings and
outcomes of such an endeavor throughout the implementation technique, achievement is much more
likely to occur.

Factor 3: internal readiness/training

The “human’s element” and schooling aspect of an erp implementation have traditionally received the
least quantity of attention. The anomaly of that is that once this issue is ignored or downplayed, in the
main as it does not have the biggest quantifiable advantage; fees are greatly accelerated in the end. By
means of treating aid training with little regard and economic assist, it isn't hard to realize the fact of
delay, confusion and economic destroy that can end result. A few agencies insist on assigning a set cost
or percent to the education effort, no matter want or variable conditions. This error has really been the
basis cause of many failed implementation attempts. Fortuitously, it has also been a supply for others to
learn from such reviews and avoid repeating the error. The people detail needs to be handled on two
tiers. At one level, employees ought to study on the new machine with a purpose to use it to hold day‐
to‐day operations. The second one degree is instructional exposure. Managers need to recognize and
recognize the implications of the system, and need to come to a consensus about the adjustments in
order to take region. If they agree that trade is essential and feasible, they can be charged with
disseminating this facts to their subordinates. If managers are not in settlement or collaboration, then
there might be no “enthusiasm”, or buy‐in, and there can also also be lively resistance (davenport,
2000). The reinforcement of a “team surroundings” is essential to the overall achievement of an erp
implementation. Individuals of the assignment group ought to be recommended to help every different
and paintings in the direction of common dreams. This also ends in a “cross‐pollination” effect, ensuing
in a greater collaborative and self‐sufficient mix of skills and responsibilities. No longer all at once, had
the most commonplace failure element stated become that of “readiness for trade”. Imposing an erp
system completely adjustments the way of life inside an organization, and many groups have located
themselves difficult pressed to accomplish this efficaciously. Unisource, a $7 billion corporation, scuttled
its implementation plans due to “internal issues”. The organization became unable to address the levels
of cultural change that would should take vicinity so one can be successful below an erp gadget (stein,
1998). Many groups had been responsible of making simplistic assumptions of how an implementation
will have an effect on the tradition within their employer. Subculture modifications do not occur
magically, and must be dealt with with the utmost care and precision (davenport, 2000). These changes
at once relate to the human fee element, or human psyche. If people aren't prepared or willing to
exchange, exchange certainly will no longer arise. All managers must be charged with the obligation of
controlling worker anxiety and resistance to the erp gadget (aladwani, 2001).

Factor 4: deal with organizational diversity

Groups have many cultures. Individual branches of the equal corporation have their personal methods
of doing matters, and every function/department operates with extraordinary methods and business
necessities. No longer abruptly, the bigger, more worldwide businesses cite their diversity as an obstacle
to achievement. Man or woman devices and businesses are often agencies of their personal right, and
do now not desire to be assimilated into one company culture. “re‐engineering” of the commercial
enterprise is required right here, each on the “humans” level, and at the operational degree.

This organizational variety differs from element #1 (worked with sap capability/maintained scope) in
that the business enterprise modifications its lifestyle, no longer just its approaches. Farmland
industries, a $10. 7 billion farmer‐owned cooperative wanted to make certain that their enterprise
might achieve success. Earlier than launching their implementation, they interviewed over thirty
different sap users, in an try to “learn from the mistakes of others”. The know-how received allowed
them to re‐engineer their enterprise earlier than starting the system, and ended in a a success
implementation (stedman, 1999). It appears to be greater essential for large, various corporations to re‐
engineer their methods and get rid of idiosyncrasies – each cultural and procedural – before taking up a
venture. Amoco ($33 billion, oil/petroleum) and chevron ($43 billion, oil/petroleum) painstakingly re‐
engineered their groups. The concept of re‐engineering the business is not surely to in shape the
software. Earlier than any corporation can be linked effectively to global‐class deliver chains, their
internal methods have to be world‐magnificence (ptak, 2000). Chemical giant e i dupont, scuttled its sap
implementation after figuring out that its organizational units were too various, feeling that it might be
too difficult for them to try and re‐engineer their methods (koch, 1996). Then again, it is possible to
overcome this trouble. Many big groups, amoco and chevron, for instance, effectively re‐engineered
their commercial enterprise and overcame the hassle of organizational diversity.

Factor 5: planning/development/budgeting

Planning a sophisticated erp project should no longer be taken lightly or with little forethought. As noted
before, there are big ability charges related to such an undertaking. Further to the excessive charges
paid out before the go‐live date, there can and were predominant costs incurred by agencies that have
been unable to completely increase a complete plan. Making plans should be closely identified with
keeping scope during an implementation. Value overruns and developmental delays are high priced,
every so often deadly outcomes of ineffective making plans. Home depot, lockheed martin, and mead
enterprise are some examples of businesses that attributed their fulfillment to planning. Lockheed
deliberate a properly‐geared up group to do the implementation, allowing them to make a solid plan for
accomplishing their stated dreams. Mead employer, a large pulp and paper producer researched the
infamous hershey meals implementation on the way to research what they might want to do differently
so one can be triumphant, or extra especially, to avoid failing. Consequently, mead successfully
implemented 9 separate modules simultaneously within their operations (shaw, 2000). Developmental
delays with erp implementations were extra of an trouble all through the y2k readiness length, and a
few companies in the midst of an implementation have been pressured to scuttle the operations and
make quick fixes to their legacy systems. For example, this was a primary issue with nash finch, a
country wide meals wholesaler (mearian, 2000). Delays, but, can cause any operation to be scratched if
the senior managers sense they should no longer, financially or in any other case, assist a assignment
that could in no way get off the ground inside an inexpensive period of time. Developmental delays can
also result in useful resource attrition, which in turns influences the gaining knowledge of curve and
completes the vicious cycle by using creating additional obstacles to obtaining reduce‐over.
Understanding this, fujitsu microelectronics effectively finished their well‐planned implementation in

ten months. Initiatives are demanding, no longer simplest on the agency, but additionally at the
employees on the team (zerega, 1997).

Five factors have been recognized for fulfillment and failure of sap implementations in this paper. It has
been referred to that the number one factors (operating with sap functionality and maintained scope,
and undertaking crew/control guide/experts) for a success implementation of sap are one of a kind from
the primary elements (inadequate inner readiness and training, and inappropriate making plans and
budgeting) that contribute to failure of sap implementation. Therefore, it can be mentioned that the
elements that make a contribution to the success of sap implementation aren't necessarily the same as
the elements that contribute to failure. This points out that management ought to be focusing on one
set of factors of keep away from failure and every other set of factors to make sure fulfillment. The
primary remorse in erp implementations appears to be that there was now not sufficient time and
interest devoted to the inner readiness thing and their adjustments for the duration of the

process (davenport, 2000). This is real for all groups which have had applied an erp gadget, whether it's
far sap or another dealer. Control aid and dedication is a number one strategy important to create the
environment important for a successful advent of the changes delivered about by way of an erp system
(aladwani, 2001). As mentioned, employee resistance and readiness for exchange were the number one
motives for implementation failure. It is genuinely vital for organizations to be conscious of their “inner
customers” whilst they're developing systems to be able to assist them deal more successfully with
“outside customers”. Enforcing an erp system is one of the most hard initiatives any business enterprise,
regardless of length, can undertake. Success does no longer come easily, and people who implement
handiest for an immediate go back on investment are in for a impolite and highly-priced awakening. It is
clear that most organizations enforce erp systems simply to stay aggressive. The manner has to be a part
of the business goal, and it must be clean that a successful “go‐live” is not the brass ring. This fateful
date, set early on in task making plans, can't be regarded as the end intention or maybe the cease of the
task, but as a substitute best a milestone alongside road to the real intention – understanding the
benefits (davenport, 2000). The modern research does have its boundaries. The statistics analyzed is
from secondary assets published in the press (inside the form of books and articles). Secondary
reporting (as opposed to self‐reporting) should boom objectivity; but, the weak point is that not all of
the factors could have been said. The articles/books studied may have mentioned fame of the erp
system (in the shape of sap) implementation at a specific factor in time. The agencies that might not
have efficaciously carried out sap may additionally had been successful at a later point in time with
suitable changes of their respective implementation strategies. Consequently, it's far necessary that
longitudinal studies (over an extended time frame) at each of the agencies need to be undertaken. Even
as this studies undertaking changed into restricted in scope, it became apparent thru studying the
literature that elements leading to fulfillment or failure are complex and do not arise by myself. They're
in reality intertwined with each other, and at oftentimes, are difficult to split or isolate. Rather than
listing the methods to technique a assignment, and individualize each point, it would be more possible

for a employer to remember that it takes the whole device to complete an implementation via diligent
research. While one or standards have been recognized greater regularly on this paper, a complete and
thorough examination should be indelibly taken into consideration prior to mission the venture of
implementing an erp system.

1. Aladwani, A.M. (2001), “Change management strategies for successful ERP
implementation”, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 7 No. 3, pp. 266‐75.
2. Atkinson, H. (1999), “ERP software requires good planning”, Journal of Commerce, 9
December, p. 14.
3. Burns, M. (1999), “ERPs: a buyers' market”, CAmagazine, Vol. 132 No. 7, pp. 37‐45.
4. Huang, Z. and Palvia, P. (2001), “ERP implementation issues in advanced and developing
countries”,Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 7 No. 3, pp. 276‐84.
5. Jesitus, J. (1997), “Change management – energy to the people”, Industry Week, Vol. 246
No. 16, p. 37.
6. Collett, S. (1999b), “SAP gets stuck in the spin cycle”, ComputerWorld, 8 November, p. 1.
7. Collett, S. (1999a), “Rayovac charges into SAP with a big bang”, ComputerWorld, 23 August,
p. 56.
8. Mabert, V.A., Soni, A. and Venkataramanan, M.A. (2000), “Enterprise resource planning
survey of US manufacturing firms”, Production and Inventory Management Journal, Second
Quarter, pp. 52‐8.


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