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CLOZE TESTS 01.-05. sorularda, parcada bos birakilan uygun diigen sézciik ya da ifadeyi.bulunuz. el 01.-05. sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere uygun diigen sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. CLOZE TEST 1 According to a recent survey, a large majority of ‘Americans are in favor of retaining the present 55- mile-an-hour speed limit. This speed timit —- (1) in 1973 when fuel shortages became crucial. Seventy- five per cent of the persons — (2) think that the law is a good one. They point to the decrease — (3) the hway death rate or to the saving of fuel as reasons for their opinion, Easterners and older people, ~~ (4) young adults, are more likely to argue for the taw. 2 A). imposed B) imposing ©) was imposed D) had been imposed E) has been imposed A) surveyed B) surveying C) were surveyed D) to be surveyed E) to be surveying A) on 8) at C) with D) off E) in A) beside B) moreover ) such as 0) as E) rather than A) attention B) interaction C) succession D) retention ) intention inem vavINCILK inem vayINCIUK 349 CLOZE TEST2 ‘There is a popular belief that the feminist movement, which — (1) very popular and powerful in the early 1970's, caused women to be dissatisfied —--(2) their traditional roles (3) wives, mothers, and homemakers. These women then began to find more satisfying work outside the home. This, ~~, (4) is not an accurate picture of the connection between ‘working women and the feminist movement. — (5) feminism, or women's liberation, has been an important factor in the changes which have occurred in the role of women since 1970, it did not begin these changes. 4. A) has become B) had become ©) becomes D) was becoming E) became ‘A) upon B) of ©) into D) with E) at A) as B) even ) such D) so E) too A) although B) however C) since D) in addition &) hence A) Because of B) Although, ) Inasmuch as D) Whereas E) Despite Goze Tests 01.-05. sorularda, parcada bos birakilan yere uygun diigen sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz, 01..05. sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere uygun diigen sézcdk ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. CLOZE TEST 3 Food contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats and Vitamins and these are vital to life. Food must be fresh when we eat it. —- (1) it is bad, it can make us ill, There are two main agents which turn food bad; fungi (-~- (2).yeast and various moulds) and bacteria, These are micro-organisms which cannot make their own food..—-, (3) they live and grow on our food, Moulds, for example, usually grow on bread. Yeast can spoil fresh food but it also has some very useful (4). For hundreds of years people --- (8) it in the making of bread and wine. 1. A) Even if B) Unless C) Provided that D) Asif E) Incase A) as B) in addition cy too D) such as E) elther A) Therefore B) Whereby C) Irrespective of D) Besides E) Even so A) necessities B) choices C) properties D) hazards E) proportions A) used 8) had been using C) have used D) were using E) have been used inem vavinciuK inem vayINCILIK 350 CLOZE TEST 4 There are —- (1) different kinds of electric fish —~ (2) in the various rivers and oceans of the world, They can generate electricity up to several hundred volts. ‘The most powerful electric fish are the electric catfish and the electric eel. The electric eel lives in South America. ts special organs can generate, a very powerful electric current, —- (3) is enough —~ (4) twelve light bulbs. The eel uses this electric charge to kill its prey -mainly fish and frogs - and to keep its enemies — (5). 1. A) a great deal of B) a number of ©) alte D) too much ) a large amount of A) live B) lived C) having lived D) living E) tolive A) that B) who C) whose D) whieh E) where A) to be lit B) to light ) lighting D) being lit E) to have lit A) away 8) in ©) on D) of E) behind Svat GURCAN & fiovan GURBUZ ‘sorularda, pargada bos biralalan yere Sareea 01.-05. sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere uygun dilgen sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. [ | CLOZE TEST 5 Hearing specialists used to worry —- (1) loud noise (2) @ cause of deafness only in industrial and military situations, They knew that eight hours of daily exposure, year in and year out, —- (3) the noise of the proverbial boiler factory would eventually —- (4) permanent, or irreversible, hearing loss. People who used dlls were —- (5) susceptible. 4. A) with: B) over ) about D) beyond E) at A) as B) like ©) 80 D) more E) such A) in 8) on ©) at D) of E) to A) resutt in B) result from. €) develop out of D) arise from E) likely to A) hardly B) rarely C) conversely D) particularly E) almost inem vavINciUuK inem vavinciur 351 CLOZE TEST 6 At the age of 12, the Spanish musician Pablo Casals, could play nearly —- (1) instrument in the orchestra after. The one he decided to study seriously was the cello. He was such a fine player —- (2) by the time he was 21 he was professor of the cello at a big music school in Barcelona. His method of playing —~ (3) by collsts all over the world. Later he took up conducting, and showed himself to be as good a conductor as he was a colist. In 1939, —- (4) the Spanish Civil War, he left Spain because he did not like the new ruler — (5) that country, Francisco Franco. 4. A) every B) all ©) some ) most E) neither A) even B) that C) the fact that D). who E) which ‘A) copied 8) has been copied C) had been copied D) was copying E) was copied A) when B) the moment C) after D) untit E) once A) upon B) away ©) off D) of E) outof Goze Tests CLOZE TEST7 It is said that the falling of an apple to the ground helped the great’ mathematician and scientist Sir Isaac Newton to. (1) the laws of gravity. His knowledge of the laws of gravity enabled him ---- (2) how the moon revolves around the earth, and the earth and -— (3) planets around the sun. Newton studied light, and discovered — (4) sunlight is a mixture of all the colours of the rainbow. He —- (5) ‘constructed the first reflecting telescope. 4. A) putup with 8) put out ©) work out D) depend on ) carry out A) calculating B) to be calculated ) being calculated D) having calculated E) to calculate A) others B) other ©) another D) the others E) wach other A) what B) whether ©) that D) how E) where A) as well B) too C) either D) neither E) also inem vavINCILIK inem vavinciuK 352 01.-05. sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere uygun diigen sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. CLOZE TEST 8 ‘To grow and maintain health we must eat not only the Fight kinds of food but also the right amounts. —~ (1) we eat 160 much’ food we get overweight. This problem can —- (2) heart disorders and we get undernourished. The result may be weakness that makes us -— (3) to various disorders and diseases. ur daily energy needs vary widely. At work, a labourer uses almost —~ (4) as much energy as a desk clerk. We obtain energy trom the proteins, fats and carbohydrates in our diet. In most diets, carbohydrates —- (8) the main source of energy. 1. A) Evenif B) Incase C) Asicng as D) Unless E) What if A) result from B) lead to C) resort to D) emerge from E) relyon * . A) susceptible B) sensible ©) tkely D) adapted E) resistant A) periods B) degrees ©) figures D) twice E) points A) propose B) provoke C) protect D) prevail E) provide Svat GURCAN & Riclvan GURBUZ 01.-05. sorularda, parcada bos birakilan yere uygun diigen sézcik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Many large companies may be waiting anxiously for the Turkish government -- (1) a new foan deal with the International Monetary Fund. —-, (2) that is not the case for the small-and medium-sized enterprises of the country. -—- (3) many of Turkey's leading companies --- (4) the government to reach a deal with the Intemational Monetary Fund, or IMF, as soon as possible, —~- (8) of the country’s smaller companies are cringing in the background. CLOZE TEST 9 1. A) reaching B) to be reached C) being reached D) to reach E) to have reached ‘A) Even though 8) Moreover C) Hence D) On account of E) However A) However B) Although ) The fact that D) Thereby E) Regardless of ‘A) were pressuring B) pressured ) has been pressuring D) was pressuring E) are pressuring A) alittle B) a great deal of C) some D) vast amount of E) both 01.-05. sorularda, pargada bog birakilan yere uygun diigen sézcilk ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. | ‘The number of shopping malls in Istanbul rose to 226. These shopping malls and newly built: residential projects with business centers led to a surplus of demand —- (1) rental properties. And with the global economic crisis, the number of empty rental estates increased — (2). -—-, (3) the opportunity to rent without key money has become a possibility. On the ‘most popular streets, owners still require key money, but often they are offered at a 50 percent discount. But more time is needed —- (4) tenants for real estate =~ (5) require key money compared to those that do not CLOZE TEST 10 4. A) upon B) of ©) for D) in E) outof inem vavinciLiK A) substantially B) barely C) anxiously D) doliberatoly E) comprehensibly A) Nonetheless B) Besides ©) Even so D) Asa result E) Seeing that inem vavINCILK A) to be found B) to find ) finding D) being found E) to have found A) whose B) of which ©) who ) in which E) that 353 Goze Tests 01.-05. -sorularda, parcada bos biralalan yere uygun diigen sézcilk ya da ifadeyi bulunu; CLOZE TEST 11 ‘The global economy is likely to shrink for the first time (1) World War Il, and trade will — (2) by the most in 80 years, the World Bank said. The World Bank's assessment is —~° (3) pessimistic than an International’ Monetary. Fund report in January predicting 0.5. percent global growth this year. The Washington-based World Bank didn't provide. a specific -- (4) in its report Sunday. World growth will be 5 percent below its potential, the bank said. Developing nations will bear the stress —~ (5) the contraction, 4. A) until 8) before ©) prior to D) since E) during inem vavincluK 2. A) increase B) rise ©) soar D) dectine E) float 3. A) more B) too ©) much, D) even ) such inem ¥a¥INCILK 4. A) process B) estimate C) treaty D) quotation E) perception 5. A) of B) in ©) at D) off E) on 354 01.-05. sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere uygun diigen sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. CLOZE TEST 12 London was the first city —- (1) a. subway. Today, London has 10 fines that provide quick, cheap ‘transportation to -—~ (2) parts of the city and suburbs. This subway system is often called the tube or the underground. Some of its subway lines are -— (3) far that passengers go down on elevators. London's first underground passenger line opened in 1863, — (4) used steam locomotives. The first deep-lovel line ‘opened in 1890 and had electric locomotives. All subways since then — (5) electricity. 1. A) to having B) having ©) tohave D) to be having E) having had 2. A) both B) every ) none D) neither E) all 3. A) such B) as ©) even D) so E) too 4. A) when B) which ©) that D) where E) how 5. A) have been using B) used ©) isusing D) has been using E) was using Svat GURCAN & frovan GURBUZ 01.-05. sorularda, pargada bos birakilar in yere uygun diigen szcik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 01.05. sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere uygun diigen sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. CLOZE TEST 13 Throughout most of history, transportation was extremely slow and difficult. In prehistoric. times, people traveled mainly ——- (1) foot. They transported goods on their backs or heads or by —- (2) them along the ground. About 5000 8.C., people began to use animals to haul loads. By 3000 8.C., wagons and sailing vessels —-- (3). The use of animals, wagons, and sailing vessels —— (4) people to transport loads farther and more easily than before. -—, (5) the speed of transportation improved only slightly over the centuries. A) at B) of C) by D) on E) off A) being dragged B) to be dragged C) dragging D) to drag E) to have dragged A) have been invented B) invented C) had invented D) had been inventing E) had been invented A) persuaded 8) discouraged C) enabled D) prevented E) involved A) For B) So ©) Nor D) And E) Yet inem vavinciuik inem yavinciuk 355 CLOZE TEST 14 By 1970, more people in U.S. metropolitan areas had lived in suburbs than in central cities. But by the early 1980's, the rate of suburban growth had decreased for — (1) reasons.—-, (2) many people moved to the ‘suburbs to -—- (3) such problems of big cities -—~ (4) crime, housing shortages, and racial conflicts. However, as the suburbs grew larger, they developed the same problems. Urban revitalization programs drew some people -—- (5) to central cities. 4. A) vast amount of B) only alittle C) only afew D) a number of ) too much A) Like B) However C) For instance D) Such as E) In addition A) include B) witness ©) predict D) adapt E) avoid A) as B) so C) that D) tke E) more A) on B) back C) out of ) beneath E) across Goze Tests CLOZE TEST 15 Yoga is a term that has two meanings. It is of mental and physical exercise ~ of yoga exercise in hope of ~ achion discipline in Sanskrit, the classical language — India 4. A) neither B) either C) both D) not only E) whether 2. A) developing B) developed C) tobe developed D) to develop E) having developed 3. A) tum B) access C) reject D) achieve E) curtail 4, A) improving 8) to improve C) being improved D) to be improved E) having improved 5. A) on B) from ©) at D) of E) off ~ (a ‘school of thought in the Hindu religion and a system (2) by that school. Followers of the yoga school, who are called yogis or. yogins, use yoga exercise to — (3) their goal: of isolation of the soul from the body and mind. Many hhon-Hindus in Western countries practice some form (4) their health and 19 peace of mind. The word yoga means inem vayinciuK inem vAVINCILIK 356 01.05. sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere uygun diigen sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunu: CLOZE TEST 16 Day care:is a service —- (1) children or dependent adults are cared for while the person who normally cares for them cannot do — (2). In the United States and Canada, women have traditionally cared for their children and for other dependent relatives. BUt in recent years, more and more women — (3) working outside the home. —— (4) families with only one arent has also increased. —-'(5) these changes, many families no longer have an adult at home during the day, and the demand for day care has risen, 1. A) when 8) that CC) in which D) where ) on which 2. A) too 8) either C) as well D) 80 E) neither 3. A) began B) had begun C) was begun D) have been begun E) have begun 4, A) The number of B) A number of C) Agreat deal of D) Somany E) Great quantity of 5. A) Inspite of B) Now that C) However D) No matter E) Because of Suat GURCAN & ficvan GURBUZ 01-05. sorularda, parcada bos birakilan yer uygun diigen sézetik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. People of almost —~ (1) age can enjoy hobbies. A hobby offers a way to relax after periods of hard work. Hobbies offer broadened areas of interesi and ways to pass the time —- (2). Hobbies can be important in helping patients —- (3) from physical or mental ines because they provide distractions from the patients’ problems. For people —~ (4) are ill or bedridden, hobbies offer fascinating ways to pass the time. Hobbies can -—- (8) be an important form of occupational therapy. CLOZE TEST 17 1. A) all B) some C) most D) any E) none A) restlessly B) intolerantly C) successively D) respectively E) pleasantly A) to be recovered B) recovering C) recover D) being recovered E) to nave been recovered A) whose 8) that C) which ) whom E) to which A) 80 B) either ©) both D) as well E) also 01.-05. sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere uygun diigen sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. CLOZE TEST 18 No purely capitalist or completely centrally planned economy hag ever existed. The economic systems of -~ (1) nations: use some government control and Some private choice. But economies that rely mostly -— (2) private decisions are usually described as capitalist. --- (3) economies include those of the United States and Canada. The former Soviet Union and- many nations of Easter Europe once relied heavily upon central planning. Those economies are sometimes called socialist or corimunist. Many ~ {4) nations rely —- (5) upon capitalism than the United States does but more than the Soviet Union did, inem vavinciuK 1. A) all B) every ©) each D) both ) none A) up B) at ©) in D) on E) of A) As B) Like ) Such D) Such as E) So inem vavinciuK A) some B) another ©) other D) others E) the others: A) less B) much ©) that D) so E) as 357 Coze Tests rakilan yere 01.-05. sorularda, parcada bos uygun digen sézcik ya da ifadeyi bulunus CLOZE TEST 19 Interest is the price paid to lenders for the use of their money. Interest is figured —-- (1) a percentage of the amount of money -—- (2). For example, a borrower who:is charged 12 percent interest would pay $12 a year in interest for every $100 of the loan, Interest is based ~~ (3) the idea — (4) lenders are entitled to a retum on their investment. This pays them for giving Up their right to use the money for a period of time or to make a profit in -—- (5) ways. 4.) like B) such ©) as D) so E) too A) borrowed B) borrowing ) to have borrowed ) having borrowed E) to have been borrowed: A) in B) at ©) on D) for E) of A) which B) whose C) what D) that E) how A) another B) the other C) the others: D) other E) others 1 04.-05. sorularda, parcada bos biraktlan yere uygun diigen sdzciik ya da ifadeyi bulunu: CLOZE TEST 20 Petroleum is one of the most valuable natural -~ (1) in the world. Some people call petroleum black gold, (2) it may be better described as the' lifeblood of industtialized countries. Fuels.--~ (3) from petroleum provide power (4) automobiles, airplanes, factories, farm equipment, trucks, trains, and ships Petroleum fuels also generate heat and electricity for many houses and business places. Altogether, petroleum provides nearly —- (5) the energy used in the woitd. 1. A) protections 8) options C) resources D) depictions E) convictions inem vavinciuk A) but B) so C) and D)-for E) nor A) to have been made B) to make C) making 1D) having made E) made inem vavINCIUK A) with B) beside €) behind D) for E) along A) many 8) both ©) afew D) halt E) several 358 Suat GURCAN & Ricvan GURBUZ 01.05. sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere uygun diisen sézcilk ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 01.-05. sorularda, parcada bos birakilan yore uygun diigen sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. CLOZE TEST 21 In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. In early 1991, the United States and other countries —— (1) Iraq in the Persian Gulf War. —~ (2) the war, Iraq fired missiles at Israel. In October-1991, peace talks began (@) Israel, Syria, Lebanon, and a joint Jordanian- Palestinian delegation. Israel's Labor Party gained control of the government in June 1992 parliamentary elections. In July, Labor Party leader Yitzhak Rabin replaced Shamir ____ (4) prime minister. Rabin agreed to limit construction of new Jewish settlements in the occupied territories as a step —- (5) a peace agreement. 1. A) were defeated B) had defeated C) had been defeated D) defeated E) was defeating A) Once B) During ) While D) By the time &) The moment A) between 8) either ) neither D) both ) from A) like B) such ©) as D) for example E) except A) back 8) behind C) near D) beyond E) toward CLOZE TEST 22 Encyclopedia is a collection of information about people, places, events, and things. It may deal —- (1) all areas of knowledge or it may confine itself ~~ (2) just one area. A general encyclopedia, ~~ (3) World Book, includes information on topits in — (4) field of knowledge. Specialized encyclopedias provide more detailed and technical information -—~ (5) specific areas of knowledge, stich as art, ‘medicine, or the social sciences. 4. A) into, 8) with ©) by D) through E) for igem vavinciuk AA), with 8) for ©) to ©) at E) out A) as B) such ©) too D) much E) such as . A) all B) both C) every D) either E) neither inem vavinciLik A) back B) with ©) outof D) on E) off 359 Goze Tes 01.-05. sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere uygun diigen.sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunus CLOZE TEST 23 Human being has the most highly developed brain of —~ (1)-animal, The human brain gives people many speciel abilities, the, most outstanding ~~ (2). is the ability to speak. Language has enabled human beings to.develop culture, which consists -~ (3) ways of behaving and thinking. These ways are passed on from generation to generation —-(4) learning. Culture als6. includes. technology; “—-, (5), the tools and techniques invented by people to help satisfy, their needs and desires. The richness and complexity of human culture distinguish human beings from all other animals. . A) all B) some ©) any D) most E) several A), of which B) of that C) whose D) which, E) what A) in 8) at ©) on D) of E) for A) whereby B) thereby ©) through D) also E) in addition A) in that B) however C) moreover D) as well as E) thats inem vavinciuk inem vavinciuk 360 (01.-05. sorularda, pargada bog birakilan yere uygun diigon sézciik yada ifadeyi bulunuz. War is any struggle in which two large groups try to destroy or conquer-— (1). Since. the dawn of history, there -— (2) many kinds. of wars. Families have fought against families, tribes against tribes, followers of one religion against followers of —- (3) religion. in modem times, wars have been fought between nations or groups of nations. Armies.and navies once were almost the only factors in —- (4) the outcome of wars. Today, civilians must join in the war effort (8) itis to succeed. CLOZE TEST 24 1. A) others, B) another C) the others D) each other E) the other A) were B) had been C) have been D) was E) has been A) another B) some other C) each other b) others E) the others A) to decide B) to be decided ) being decided D) to have decided E) deciding A) owing to B) if ) supposing that D) incase E) asif 01..05: sorularda, parcada bogs birakilan uygun diigen sézcdk ya da ifadeyi bulun CLOZE TEST 25 In 1528, Hernando Cortes, the conqueror of Mexico, took some cacao beans to Spain. In about 1606, cacao beans ~~ (1) into Italy. Shortly after, people in ‘Austria and France began to use the beans. Eventually, their popularity —- (2) to England. By 1707, cocoa ——- (3) a fashionable beverage in London. Today, chocolate is popular in most of the world. Countries -—- (4) large amounts of chocolate (5) include Belgium, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. A) introduced B) have been introduced C) have introduced D) were introduced E) were introducing A) appointed B) promoted ©) spread D) consumed E) facilitated ‘A) has become B) becotnes ) was becoming D) had been become ) had become ‘A) whom B) in which C) that D) what E) how A) are eaten B) were eaten C) had been eaten D) eat E) have eaten inem vAYINCILIK inem vayINcIUK 361 CLOZE TEST 26 Primary care physicians are the first line of triage for patients (1) — have fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). They are responsible (2) — ruling out coexisting disorders and establishing possible inducing factors that may warrant specific management. (3) —~ these goals are accomplished, they can steer patients in a positive direction toward addressing their symptoms without becoming stigmatized. Providing patient education, instiling a sense of self worth, advising avoidance of disability and narcotic medications, offering instruction in optimal sleep hygiene, establishing anxiety reduction measures, and recommending a comprehensive exercise and stretching program all may help this effort. Involving patients in management decisions has the (4) ——- to improve physician-patient interaction and, (5) improve outcomes, 4. A) who B) whose ©) what D) where ©) why A) from B) with ©) for ) within E) onward AY Incase B) Whether ©) Only if D) Once E) Although, ‘A) impotence B) potential C) emergence D) provision E) presence A) in spite B) providing ©) whereby D) because of E) asa result Coze Tests 04.-05. sorularda, parcada bog birakilan yere uygun diigen sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. CLOZE TEST 27 Frida Kahlo (1907-1964) is one of. Mexico's (1) famous female artists. She did not always aspire (2) — an artist, however. Only after a serious bus accident when she was eighteen did she begin to teach herself to paint. Now, she is internationally respected for her self-portraits, (3) —- used brilliant colors, One of Kahlo's earliest supporters was her husband, Diego Rivera (1886-1957), a-trained artist whose dramatic murals are said (4) -— fresco painting in. Latin America, His murals are also (5) — their bold use of color; but unlike his wife's personal portraits, his work focuses on. depicting broad themes in Mexican history: 4. A) much B) so C) most D) very E) the most A) tobe B) being ©) be D) having been E) to being A) what B) whose ©) that D) which E) where A) being revived 8) to have revived ©) tobe revived D) having revived E) tohave been revived A) regardless of 8) accused of ©) charged with D) applied to E) noted for inem YavINCIUK inem vavINcILK 362 01.-05. sorularda, parcada bos birakilan yere uygun dagen sézcik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. CLOZE TEST 28 Were America and Europe (1) —-- sceptics and agree a sort of common market across the Atlanti, it (2) — a revolution in global ait travel. With full liberalisation of the two markets that account for (3) — half of air travel, the rest of the world would follow. Instead of the present trend toward a creeping liberalisation, bilateral deals would (4) —- all restrictions, (5) — airlines fo behave like normal businesses, with consolidation and cross-border mergers. 1. A) surprised B) surprising ©) to surprise D) being surprised E) tobe surprised A) had unleased B) would be unleashed ©) unleashed D) can unleash E) Would unleash ‘A) so much that B) as many as ©) more than D) as E) further AA) figure out 8) make for ©) put away D) run over E) do away with A) allowed B) being allowed C) allowing D) to have allowed E) to be allowed sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. CLOZE TEST 28 This month, Google announced that it is moving forward with its plans to diitise books from several big libraries, (1) -- two lawsuits filed in October by authors and publishers who claim (2) — the firm's actions violate their copyrights. Meanwhile, Yahoo! and Microsoft (3) — plans to make books accessible online through the Open Content Alliance, and Microsoft has struck a deal (4) — the British Library to digitise 100,000 books in its collection that are no longer under copyright. Not being outdone, Amazon said it plans (5) —- online access to books on a “pay- per-view" basis. 1. A) hence B) though ©) while D) despite E) even so A) that B) which ©) what D) whom E) how A) had unveiled B) will have unveiled Gy would unveil D) have unveiled ) Is unveiling A) in B) for ) with, D) off E) on A) being sold 8) selling ©) tosell D) to be sold E) to have sold inem vayINcIuK inem vayiNciuk 363 Svat GURCAN & ficvan GURBUZ 01-05. sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere uygun digen sézctik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. CLOZE TEST 30 ‘After the "Cold War" ended, EU has entered a new phase: The integration of the "Larger Europe". This integration is néw of course included previous "East European States" which were (1) -~ the Soviet influence during the "Cold War". This new phase has started within the member states of EU, with the unification of Germany and this development has paved the way for the extension of the borders of Europe. (2) — the new cultural and political frontiers of globalization cut across the religious and nationalistic differences, the "New Europe" has ‘emerged as a futuristic project not only for Europe, (3) the humanity as @ whole, Globalization has two contradictory aspects with regard to culture: It surpasses nationalistic cultures and puts all of them in the metting pot of a “global market” whereas at the same time underlines and puts special (4) — on local cultures especially the ones (8) — are under the threat of extinction, 1. A) under 8) with ©) upon D) before E) over A) Just as B) Although ©) However D) Even if E) Since A) where B) but for ©) like D) elther E) afterwards A) formation B) revolution C). emphasis D) challenge E) opposition A) whichever B) where ©) what ©) that E) who

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