The Homebrew Way of The Force Monk DND 5e

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6/26/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

The Way of The Force

he way of the force is an ancient and Force Push:
mysterious way among the monks. A tradition You know how to hit your enemies with a wave of pure force
said only to have been practiced by "The energy. As an attack, you can fire a blast of force energy in a
Master of Ancient Ways" and a few hands that 15 foot cone, a 20 foot line or a 25/50 attack roll. Targeted
met him, since then. Because of it's little creatures must make a constitution saving throw equal to
usage, even though it has given great power to your monk save DC or take force damage equal to your
it's users and turned them into legends, it has martial arts dice+your wisdom modifier and be pushed back
been lost to time. The way of the force is said to be the primal 10 feet.If you make an attack with this feature, an unarmed
form of ki manipulation, tying a user deeply to his or her strike or a monk weapon you can make another attack with
lifeforce and the energy of the universe. As ki is the energy this feature as a bonus action.When you use this attack, you
that binds everything together, from the greatest of dragons can spend a number of ki points up to your proficiency bonus
to the smallest of insects, the potential in it's practice can to increase the range of the chosen attack by 5 ft per point
lead one to tremondous power, allowing individuals to spent. This can be used with Flurry of Blows.
manipulate the fabric of reality and showcase unbelievable
feats of strenght. Yet those who practice this lost tradition Force Grip:
can also fall victim to it's overwhelming power, said to corrupt Using the force, you can lift and move objects and creatures
and twist the minds of those who aren't powerful enough to by manipulating the force within them. As an action, you can
resist it's temptations. lift any willing creature or object not being worn/carried that
is Small or Tiny, and can move it up to 30 feet as an action or
Disciplines of the Force throw it at a creature you can see as a monk weapon attack
Beginning when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you with a range of 30/60. To continue holding said object or
know the most basic of force techniques of all. These require creature, you must either keep using your action on each of
very little force energy, an amount that is almost your turns to do so or spend 1 ki point at the start of each of
automatically recovered, but they can be strengthened by your turns to maintain concentration. If the target is an
pouring more into them. You know the following and prepare unwilling creature or an object being worn/carried, the
one of them per long rest: targeted creature must make a strength save. They can
continue to make the save at the start of each of their turns if
Force Assault: they fail if they were what was targeted and not an object they
You use the Force to enhance your fighting abilities. During were wearing or carrying.When you use this feature you can
combat, you can take a bonus action to add 1d4 force damage expend a number of ki points equal to your proficiency bonus
to each of your attack til the end of your next turn. When you to pick up additional objects or creatures per point spent so
activate this ability, you can expend a number of ki points long as they meet the size requirements.The maximum size
equal to your wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). For each ki you can pick up becomes Medium at 6th level, Large at 10th,
point spent, add 1d4 of force damage. Huge at 15th and Gargantuan at 18th. 1/4
6/26/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

Mind Power Force Lightning:

The force not only connects everything physically and By manipulating the force around you, you are able to attack
spiritually, but mentally as well, and this connection can be with force energy that simulates the effects of electricity.You
used to affect the minds of others. At 3rd level, you have 40 gain the Shocking Grasp cantrip, but with a range of 30 feet
feet of telepathy, and can use this on any creature regardless instead of touch.In addition, when you are targeted with a
on if you share a language with them or not. However, if a lightning based ranged attack or spell, you can spend 1 ki
creature has an intelligence score of 6 or less, you can only point to use your Deflect Missiles Reaction on it. This feature
communicate basic images and feelings between you and the requires a short or long rest in order to be recovered. Since
creature, such as what the creature recently saw or how this power requires a tap into one's inner hate, the player
fearful and or calm it is at the current moment.In addition, must suceed a wisdom saving throw DC 10 or begin, on a fail
you can spend 2 ki points to cast Detect thoughts as an becoming consumed by inner darkness.
action. Force Barrier:
The Force can be used to help block any deadly damage that
Force Techniques could hurt you.When you are hit by an attack, you can spend
At 6th level, you have begun to learn more ways to use and 2 ki points to add your proficiency bonus to your AC until the
control the force. You learn 2 from the following: start of your next turn. This feature is regained after a short
or long rest.
Force Speed:
Using the force you are able to make yourself move much Force Stasis:
more swiftly. You can spend 2 ki points to double your You are able to use the force to render a foe immobile. You
movement speed until the end of your next turn. You can can spend 2 ki points to cast Hold Person on a creature you
choose to spend 1 ki point every turn afterwards to keep this can see within range. This feature is regained after a short or
active. This feature is regained after a short or long rest. long rest.
Force Healing:
When a teammate is wounded, the power of the force is what
can heal them best. You can expend 2 ki points to heal them
by a number of hit points equal to your monk level.For ever
additional ki point spent, they heal by an extra 5 points. This
feature is regained after a short or long rest.
Force Jump:
You can use the force to allow you to become much lighter,
leaping much higher and much farther. You can spend 2 ki
points to gain a high jump equal to your walking speed, and a
long jump equal to half of that.
Force Choke:
While the Force connects everything in existence, you have
found away to make it stop the connection of air to the
lungs.When you use your Grip ability on a creature you can
choose to use a bonus action to choke them. They must make
a constitution save. On a fail, the creature begins to suffocate
(and is considered silenced) for 1d4 rounds. If you use this
ability when someone/something is speaking it gains
disadvantage on its saving throw. Since this power requires a
tap into one's inner hate, the player must suceed a wisdom
saving throw DC 10 or begin, on a fail becoming consumed
by inner darkness.
Force Defense:
Using the force, you can protect yourself from different
sources of damaging effects to an extent.You can expend a
number of ki points equal to your proficiency modifier,
gaining resistance to a number of damage types of your
choice equal to the ki points spent until the end of your next
turn. This feature is regained after a short or long rest. You
choose another at 11th and 17th levels. 2/4
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6/26/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

Mind Trick This means that the player will lose a certain number of
levels according to the judgement of the DM. If you fail, your
At 11th level,the force now allows you to influence the minds spirit will be entrapped in the afterlife and it will be unable to
of anyone who isn't strong enough mentally to resist, making come back, not even with true ressurection or wish. To
them take actions they usually would not do. As an action, adquire this ability, one's character must have an lawful evil
you can expend 3 ki points to manipulate the mind of a or chaotic evil alignment.
creature you can currently see. If the creature has an
intelligence score of 14 or less (16 at 17th) they must make
an intelligence save. On a fail the creature will follow a single The Way Of The Force
command of 10 words or less to the letter. If the command
would directly cause them harm this effect ends. Once they Proficiency
have completed said task, they instantly know that they were Level Bonus Features
mind controlled by someone, though they do not know it was
you in particular. If they succeed on the save you take 2d6 1st +2 ─
psychic damage and they are immune to this effect for 24 2nd +2 ─
hours. You can choose to spend additional ki points equal to 3rd +2 Force Discipline and Mind Power
your proficiency bonus to either influence an additional ─
creature per point or have an extra word to your command 4th +2
per point spent. Any creatures you target with this must be 5th +3 ─
able to hear you say the command in order to be affected. 6th +3 Force Techniques (choose 2 force
techniques); ability improvement in
Transcendence force grip (pick up medium)
At level 20, your mastery of your own life force has allowed 7th +3 ─
you to separate your consciousness from your body in death.
Corresponding to your aligment, you have a final force 8th +3 ─
technique from the following: 9th +4 ─
10th +4 Ability improvement in force grip (pick
Force Ghost up large)
By accepting death and it's innevitability, you are able to tie 11th +4 Mind Power; choose another force
your consciousness to your ki energy. This ability allows the technique
user to trascend their physical life-span and become force
ghosts. As a force ghost, your are not able to interact with the 12th +4 ─
physical world, but you can communicate with the living
beings of it, yet, said communication cannot be done within
13th +5 ─
the context of combat because it requires concentration from 14th +5 ─
the living. You are inmune to magical and non-magical 15th +5 Ability improvement in force grip (pick
damage. You can't be brought back to life by after using this up huge)
abitlity. This ability can only be adquired if your character has
a lawful good or neutral good alignment. This ability cannot
16th +5 ─
be used in the midst of battle unless the user is battling to 17th +6 Choose ability from Force Technique
save someone else (and not to save his or her own life). To 18th +6 Ability improvement in force grip (pick
use this ability, one must accept his or her death and let it up gargantuan)
happen without a second thought. 19th +6 ─
Essence Transfer 20th +6 Transcendensce
You are a slave to no one, not even death, you shall not
succumb to it's grasp. The force is strong in you and it shall
set you free. When you reach 0 hit points and fail the saving
throws, you are able to separate your consciousness from
your body and leave it behind in search for another one. Once
you have encountered a body, you must fight it's spirit for
possesion of it. As the age of the possesed is older, your task
becomes more difficult. Rolling against a victims wisdom, if
you wish to possess an infant, you roll the dice 3 against said
child's wisdom saving throw; if the victim is an adult (from 25
to 49), you roll the dice 2 times; if the victim is 50 years or
older, you roll once. If you succeed, your physical stats and
your charisma are modified according the body of your victim
and you are restricted from using your ki related abilities
until you are able to sync your body with your ki energy. 4/4

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