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Physical Education

Daniel Marin A.

Integrity The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral
Doing the right thing even when nobody's watching.

I could tell that the highschooler has integrity for reporting the bully, knowing that
he’d be targeted by him in a short times’ notice.

Evolve Develop gradually, especially from a simple to more complex from

I have evolved as a person during the past couple of years, my experiences have shaped
me into the unique person I am today.

Complex Static StretchingConsisting of many different and connected parts;

complicated, intricate, difficult

Before the gymnast began her performance, I observed as she did some complex static
stretching- to prepare her body for her routine.

Static Stretching a stretch is held in a challenging but comfortable position for a

period of time usually somewhere between 30 to 60 seconds

While in my goat yoga class, our instructor guided us onto a new static stretch that was
very hard for me to accomplish- with time and practice, this trench became fairly easy
and soothing.

Dynamic Stretching a stretch is performed by moving through a challenging but

comfortable range of motion repeatedly usually 10- 12 times

My PE teacher told her students to do some Mountain Climbers on the mats, as much
as the kids hated hit, it was apart of the curriculum for her student to do at least 3
dynamic stretches.

Passive Stretching means you’re using some sort of outside assistance to help you
achieve a stretch. (This assistance could be your body weight, a strap, leverage,
gravity, another person, or a stretching device.)
I had to perform some passive stretches as the last part of my physical test. Before
doing so I asked Kaya if she could hold my legs so that I would have better control of
my body.

Active Stretching meaning you’re stretching a muscle by actively contracting the

muscle in opposition to the one you’re stretching. You do not use your body, a strap, or
a stretching device. With active stretching, you relax the muscle.

Before doing my daily run, I always like to start off with some active stretching, like
lunges, so that my muscles don’t get sore.

Hydrated having absorbed enough water or other liquid. The process of providing an
adequate amount of water to body tissues

During the triathlon, there were many people who had gotten heat strokes- it was clear
that they were not fully hydrated and therefore caused their body to over heat.

Dehydration not having absorbed enough water or other liquid

While on a group exhibition, we all experienced dehydration because all of our water
had fallen off the boat while we were rafting. And unfortunately we were miles away
from camp.

Systemic Racism also known as institutional racism. Is a form of racism that is

embedded as normal practice with society or an organization, it can lead to such
issues as discrimination in criminal justice, employment, housing, health, political
power, and education, among other issues.

After sending my sister to the store, and seeing that she had come back empty handed.
I figured that she had gotten denied service because of her skin color, and witnessed a
form of systemic racism.

Caucasian white-skinned; of European origin

I have always had trouble presuming what he considered Caucasian.

Resume A formal document that a job applicant creates to itemize his or her
qualifications for a position/job
Before sending in my application to a summer internship, I had to work on a resume
that listed all the things that would make me a great candidate for the position.

Prevail price more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious

The Blue team Prevailed through the challenges of the obstacle course despite starting
off on a bad foot.

Humble Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance

Martin Luther King, is a great example of a humble person, based off the fact that he
was well aware of his authority and power, but always shared it amongst those who
were in adversity.

Ambiguous Unclear or I exact because a choice between alternatives has not been

It was always something ambiguous with Jake, he could never make up his mind as to
what he wanted.

Feeble lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness

My grandma is very feeble, I worry that one day she might not even be able to lift
herself up.

Array an impressive display or range of a particular type of thing

The Sugar store in Universal City Walk always has such an amazing, unique array of
candies that can make a child go crazy.

Democracy system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members
of a state, typically through elected representatives. Controlled by the majority of its
members: freedom

The United States lives by a democracy. We all have the power to strike change,
without there being any social Selina stopping us from doing so.

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