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Learning by Research and Development in

Perspective of Peer-group Mentoring

Jukka Paro Jyri Rajamäki

Laurea Leppävaara Laurea Leppävaara
Laurea University of Applied Sciences Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Espoo, Finland Espoo, Finland

Abstract— The research question of this case study is to A recent, on September 2014 started INACHUS project
observe the educational functionality of research and was applied as an objective of integrative research work
development related (R&D) learning in externally funded (R&D) combined with vocational teacher education at HAAGA-
projects in perspective of peer-group mentoring. In this study, HELIA University of Applied Sciences. The INACHUS
educational functionality of integrative learning approach called
(Technological and Methodological Solutions for Integrated
learning by R&D for regional-global research collaboration in
externally funded R&D project integrated with vocational Wide Area Situation Awareness and Survivor Localisation to
teacher studies was investigated. Support Search and Rescue Teams) FP7 project is a 4-year
R&D project aiming at achieving time reductions and
Keywords— Case Study; Externally Funded, Research, increased efficiency in urban search and rescue operations.
Integrative Learning Space, Learning by Research and
Development, Peer-group Mentoring.
This paper studies the integrative way of learning by the
An innovative educational method learning by research and method of learning by research and development introduced
development in education engineering is studied. Learning by Laurea UAS. From the literature is found how the peer-
ecosystem is constructed using the excellence of advanced group mentoring applied in engineering education applications
educators operating with the perspective of collaborative and what are the theories behind the peer-group mentoring
needs of research agenda and curriculum of applied science method. Also peer-group mentoring, PGM is introduced in
university students. Their learning is derived from the research several popular applications. In addition, students can be
agenda and deliverable data collection and preparations work. involved in preparations of the Research Development and
Also learning by doing (LbD) is applied and from the Innovation (RDI) project by participating in a competence
mentoring point of view peer-mentoring groups are also team which comprises Laurea UAS staff members, students
induced from the preparation of research work. and partners depending on the project idea.

This case study is to observe the educational functionality Reference [1] stated that teachers should participate within
of research and development related (R&D) learning the learning process: the teacher’s role should not be to stand
externally funded (R&D) projects. In this study, educational at the front of the room doling out bits of information to be
functionality of integrative learning approach called learning absorbed by passive students. Instead, the teacher’s role
by R&D for regional-global research collaboration in should be that of a facilitator and to guide. Thus, the teacher
externally funded R&D project was investigated. The methods becomes a “partner in the learning process, guiding students to
to improve collaborative learning and practices by R&D and independently discover meaning within the subject area”, cf.
can be developed in integrative learning spaces such as shared [2]. Pirinen [3] has described learning by R&D as an
work packages by international research consortiums were integrative way of learning; here, an individual learns along
integrated with peer group mentoring (PGM) by the means co- with a workplace, school, and R&D community, such as a
operation of vocational teacher´s education programme research consortium, as well as alongside a learning
students in together with integrative learning purposes. The organization and across borders and disciplinary silos, as in a
integrative model of learning by (R&D) was applied in several collective learning space that can be regional or individual-
R&D projects carried out at Laurea University of Applied global oriented. It is also explained by Pirinen [3] that the term
Sciences (UAS) between January 2010 and March 2014. “integrative model” or “integrative” refers to the student -
centred integration of regional development, R&D, and higher
educational functions. He has also described the learning by

978-1-4799-1908-6/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 18-20 March 2015, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 379
Sattler et al. [9] have described how the Graduate
Engineering Education Consortium for Students (GEECS)
peer mentoring works and its contribution to the growth of a
community of emerging engineering education scholars. Also
Sattler et al. [9] have carried out research work on the progress
of two peer mentoring groups through autoethnographies
based on the authors’ experiences in developing, facilitating,
and contributing to the peer mentoring groups. The possibility
of the mentorship activities becoming integrated into
curriculum at universities with sustainable engineering
education graduate programs is also envisioned by Sattler et
al. [9].

Fig. 1. The components of integrative process with cyclic, thematic, linear

and relevant elements. [11]
Along with educational task, Laurea UAS has educational
research and development as an integrative process presented development tasks. Also among other principles the Ministry
on Figure 1. According to him [11], the integrative process is of Education Laurea UAS is evaluated based on education and
seen as a macro-level action logic, describing operational regional development. Pirinen [10] points out the realisation of
components and activities of body integration of knowledge, regional development tasks of higher education in response to
knowledge base, and knowledge economy in everyday action. new regional and national challenges, such as integration of
INACHUS project, higher education functions and regional
The model of integrative pedagogy expertise [4] consists of advances. In another study by Pirinen [11] the execution of
theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge, self-regulative R&D functions in a UAS are analysed. The objective of the
knowledge and socio-cultural knowledge and the integration research work is to improve issues relevant to the integration
of different forms of knowledge is a key to professional of RDI related to higher education studies and the national
development. According to reference [4] the key ideas of research agenda [10].
PGM are derived from the model of the Finnish way of
educational reform with a high level of teacher autonomy. It is Another case example as an innovative R&D project at
also mentioned that PGM is based on the constructivist view Laurea UAS is SATERISK [12], where student-centred and
of learning and model of integrative pedagogy and opposite to student-driven research and development (R&D) is proposed.
many of the international mentoring program elements of Pirinen and Tarkkanen [13] are defining it as a novel R&D
assessment, standardisation or control are not involved. scope which collaborates learning, mutual discussion and
Working in a peer mentoring group offers opportunities to research in an interoperative way within a regional innovation
learn together in a supportive environment promoting time for system. Pirinen [12] is also establishing the related research
collaboration and reflection. According to Langelotz [5] the investigations addressed to two questions: Firstly, how can
responsibility of teachers to develop both their own teaching learning within R&D be understood, designed, defined and
expertise and the school practice has been expected for a long actualised in a University of Applied Sciences? Secondly, how
time in both Swedish and international contexts. can regional R&D be understood, designed, defined and
actualised in higher education? The current INACHUS project
According to Heikkinen et al. [3] the concept of mentoring is continued after the RDI related MACICO project at Laurea
has undergone a transformation over the past years during UAS.
which mentoring has increased in popularity. There are
currently various interpretations of mentoring and they are The development work at Laurea UAS is based on local
used in order to achieve different goals. During a group development. Learning and construction of education
mentoring process teachers are supposed to develop their development are enriched by this local development task. The
professional expertise through (collective) reflections on their network of learning spaces establish knowledge and action
practice [6, 7, 8]. creating society. The research scientists in the innovation field
underline the importance of motivated personnel and
Traditionally in mentoring a senior and more experienced motivation on the innovation creation in together with all
worker transfers "tacit knowledge" to a novice colleague, participants. They also point out the role of individuals and
whereas peer group mentoring is based on the sharing of their interaction in creating innovations. The education of
experiences and expertise. Relationships between the mentor information engineers at Laurea UAS has been under
and the mentee are reciprocal and both parties are interacting development by the means of qualification management and
to each other. Dialogue is an essential element in creating national qualification framework shown in Figure 2. It is also
shared understanding [3].

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2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 380
The design of case study research is presented by Rajamäki
[14] and Yin [15] by a model five components of research
design of case studies. (1) The questions of the study; (2) its
propositions, if any; (3) it unit(s) of analysis, (4) the logic
linking of data to the propositions; and (5) and the criteria for
interpreting the findings. The observing perspective of
learning by research and development was presented for
example by [16, 17, 18] following research and observation
work. Teachers and students participate in R&D, such as
externally funded R&D projects where the rising role of
students’ own thoughts and imagination creations, leading to
realizations where creativeness is seen as an underlying ability
within the professional development context.
Fig. 2. Students of higher education at the centre of the regional-global
In comparison to the methods presented in the literature; to
learning process at Laurea UAS. Abbreviations: European Foundation for
Qality Management (EFGM), European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and deepen the focus about the goals and structure of these actions
National Qualification Framework (NGF) are derived from the European on carrying out the research work on international R&D,
Commission. lecturers and students could be interviewed and observed. In
this study a sample group of 3 lecturers and 15 students was
declared by Pirinen [3] that the students of higher education observed. The data revealed that peer mentoring provides a
are at the centre of regional-global learning process useful means by which both mentors and their mentees are
conducting regional profiles, - capabilities, and - configuration able to make the most of their university experiences. The
by bridging novel knowledge and competences in a third significant survey finding relates to pedagogy and
community of practice. suggests that peer mentoring has significant educational value
for mentors and mentees [19].
It is also presented by Pirinen [3] that the knowledge-
creation metaphor addresses a collaborative effort to enhance V. RESEARCH FINDINGS
some subject matter, e.g., the learning scope or integrative The research question of this study was how research and
components in learning, and it relies on an interaction between development (R&D) related learning realized in externally
individual and communal process; builds on a pragmatist funded R&D projects can be observed from the perspective of
conception of inquiry and learning conceptions, e.g., as peer-group mentoring. In addressing this question, the
Dewey explained. Additionally several samples of realization traditional view found in the literature was included for the
of R&D functions of higher education institutions in response understanding of relations between learning and real R&D in
to the progress of information systems, security management, the context of the study.
and service programs at Laurea UAS between 2010 and 2014
are reported by Pirinen [3]. This research work revealed the new dimensions of
IV. METHODOLOGY Learning at a R&D project. To support research development
and professional development of personnel at externally
The observations and data collection of this study was
funded research work, various forms of professional group
carried out as a case study at Laurea UAS between September
mentoring have been introduced and as an addition to
and November 2014. The research work performed by UAS
previously presented integrative models [4], a peer group
students at INACHUS Seventh Framework Programme
mentoring dimension of vocational teacher studying was
project was analysed from viewpoint of peer-group mentoring.
introduced to learning by doing model. Also the quality and
The interactions and correlations between mentors and mentee
effectiveness of deliverable preparation of research process
were analysed by the means of observations. The INACHUS
work was found to have increased. As stated by [4] learning
project utilised R&D oriented learning in collection of data for
by doing can be understood as an integrative way of learning
deliverable preparation considering technical and ethical
to the student centres of regional development and higher
considerations in field of rescue team operation and support.
education functions. This paper describes an innovative
During the period learning by R&D was followed in learning
application of tacit knowledge transfer of experienced peer
spaces and compared with previous work carried out in
group mentoring members in educational purposes.
reported related projects at Laurea UAS as mentioned at the
last chapter. Students daily learning process of including data
For the vocational student point of view, this kind of
collection, discussions, reporting, scientific article
learning by research and development method is an interesting
preparations and presentations to peer-group and the teachers
method to collect theories and concepts. From the perspective
and experienced project research scientist, vocational teacher
of peer-group mentoring it is mentioned that according to
candidates was observed and the data was collected.
reference [3] the higher education institutions can increase
their contribution to the innovation system and higher

978-1-4799-1908-6/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 18-20 March 2015, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 381
education institutions. As a global network can keep co- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
creation and innovation processes alive at regional, national, The authors would like to acknowledge all the participants
and global levels, can higher education institutions act as of the INACHUS project, colleagues at Laurea UAS, and
incubators of entrepreneurial skills and value makers for new Tekes - the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology. Also
competences. However, the realization of these targets HAAGA-HELIA School of Vocational Teacher Education is
requires the competence improvement and especially acknowledged.
confidence, and this probably affects the action change in a
demanding way. Also the concept of mentoring has been REFERENCES
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Company, 1938
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Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1897, pp. 229-235.
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2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 382
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2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
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