Evidence 7 Audio Write A Tour Schedule

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Actividad de proyecto 3

Learning activity 10: Arrange action and contingency plans according to the
organization protocols.

Write a tour schedule to exchange daily and technical information

For a tour guide it is essential to learn how to plan a tour and make an action plan,
in order to establish a path-to-follow and help your work-team to follow a guide
when you are about to guide a group.

When a foreign visitor pays for a tourism service, the customer needs to be sure
that the time and money will be well invested. Arranging a schedule will give
certainty to the customer, and will give you the control of almost everything during
the tour.

If you make an action plan, you will evidence what things you will need (equipment),
how many people are you going to need (number of support guides) and when
things should be done.

In order to complete the evidence, the apprentice must:

1. Read the learning material “Action plan design and outdoor equipment” in order
to have the necessary tools for the elaboration of the evidence.

2. After analyzing the material contents, do the following activities:

o Make a list of five cultural spots in the place you are living that have touristic
relevance for your town or city. It could be a museum, a court, a bridge, a
square, a plaza, a church or a monument.
1 Castillo Marroquín
2 Iglesia la Balvanera
3 Puente el Comùn
4 El parque principal
5 Centro comercial centro chia

o Search for precise information about the history of each place and take notes.

1. Castillo Marroquín The Castle was designed by the architect Gastón Lelarge
in 1898. Its construction was completed in 1901.
The character who makes the decision about its construction is José Manuel
Marroquín. He hands over the project to be finalized to his son Lorenzo
Marroquín Osorio. The castle has particular characteristics such as two circular
towers, an interior chapel, kitchens for double services, spacious interiors for
servants, and a good part of it is destined for residence and recreation for
thinkers and flight writers.

Now it is one of the best convention and event centers in the Bogotá savanna.

The Castle, because it was built in modern times, does not have a historical
burden of violence, tears or battles, on itself. Rather, it is probably the only castle
that, having a century of construction, has a new physiognomy, and its history
belongs to another context that is part of the political and literary influence of its

3. Iglesia la Balvanera
According to history, it was built by order of the Spanish Sebastián de
Benalcázar. It was inaugurated on August 15, 1534. This is the church of the
Virgin Mary Natividad de Balbanera. ... Due to this victory he ordered the
construction of a Catholic temple in that area.
3.Puente el Comùn

The Puente del Común is a bridge dating from colonial times over the Bogotá
River, in the municipality of Chía. Located thirty kilometers from Bogotá, this
bridge, built in 1796, is still preserved. It operated as the only bridge for
motorized vehicles until well into the second half of the 20th century.

4.El parque principal

Santander Park is a historic center, it is located in the Municipality of Chía in the
Department of Cundinamarca, built in 1935, as a tribute to the Chibcha culture,
highlighting the roots and ancestral cultural wealth of this territory of the Andean
Region of Colombia.

5.centro comercial centro chia

This Commercial Complex began to be built in March 1988 and was delivered in
December 1989. Although in its beginnings it did not have the activity of the size
of its facilities and services, it became in a few years, a recreational meeting
point and savanna environment.

o Make a map of a “tour route” in your city or town, where you include the
previous five cultural spots. You can follow the map example in the “Let’s
listen” section of the learning material.

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