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Reflection: The Rise of Airbnb

As what I have always says, starting up a business takes a lot of courage,
perseverance, efforts, patience, hard word, determination and faith. It is never easy to
enter the business industry and to build a business, there are a lot of challenges,
difficulties and uncertainties you will be facing along the way. Many entrepreneurs have
failed because they are not strong and brave enough to face and endure the challenges
that their business are facing, they do not held onto their determination to be successful
someday and they let their efforts go to waste. However, for those entrepreneurs who are
just starting out that wish to be successful someday, be strong and firm enough in starting
and running your business, always keep the faith and believe that at the end of the day
success are given to those who fight until the end.
Just like what the video have shown, Airbnb is so famous and very in today
especially to those people who love travelling. Airbnb is an online marketplace which
connects people who are willing to rent out their home to people or travellers who are
looking for accommodations in a certain local, place or area. As of now, Airbnb includes
more than 100,000 cities and more than 220 countries around the world. In addition,
Airbnb is safe and enjoyable as if it is you are living in your own house, it is a safe platform
that will collect and transfer your payments and make sure that every transaction is very
smooth and well. But in spite of that success, before Airbnb becomes famous and in
demand to every traveller, the two founder of it have undergo various failures, downfalls
and breakdowns. Joe and Brian have gone so much through as they strive hard to make
their online business to become successful. They did everything for it to become
appealing to all people, they never set back, they never lose their faith and perseverance
to continue what they have started. Even if they have failed for so many times, they are
always looking for ways how to improve their business and make it even better. They tried
to look for some investors who will whole-heartedly invest to their business but no one
have come to invest but that thing does not hinder and discourage the two of them to give
up what they have started instead, they work even harder for the business to become
appealing and be known to people until their time has finally come and that is the start of
their success and breakthrough.
Upon watching the video, I have learned so many things from it. First is that do not
ever be discourage by the outcome of your hard work, if it is a good result continue it until
it becomes more successful however, if it is a bad one, just move forward and work even
harder for it to work for the second time. Secondly is that do not abandon what you have
started even if it did not work out, do not lose hope and continue to work on what you
have started and by that you will see that at the end of the day, victory and success are
waiting for you at the finish line, you just have to be brave enough to face and take on the
hard path that will lead you to what you desire the most.

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