(Evaluation) Accuracy of TCB

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Original Paper

Received: February 3, 2003

Biol Neonate 2004;85:21–25
Accepted: April 29, 2003
DOI: 10.1159/000074953 Published online: November 19, 2003

The Accuracy of Transcutaneous

Bilirubin Measurements in Neonates:
A Correlation Study
Shakuntala Nanjundaswamy Anna Petrova Rajeev Mehta
William Bernstein Thomas Hegyi
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey,
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, N.J., USA

Key Words Introduction

Neonates W Transcutaneous bilirubin measurements W
Accuracy The early identification of neonates with high bilirubin
levels, when coupled with prompt medical intervention,
has an important implication for preventing kernicterus
Abstract [1, 2]. Previous studies have suggested that transcuta-
A prospective observational study was conducted on 212 neous bilirubinometry (TcB) may be useful for screening
neonates born between 24 and 42 weeks of gestation neonatal jaundice, could reduce unnecessary blood tests
who required blood sampling to determine total serum and could also decrease complications related to severe
bilirubin (TSB) in the first week of life, prior to photother- hyperbilirubinemia [3–6].
apy. The transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) measurements Over the past two decades, numerous attempts have
were performed on the infant’s forehead using Bili- been made to develop a more precise transcutaneous
Check™ within B30 min of a blood sample being drawn. device and to investigate the accuracy of TcB measure-
There was significant (r = 0.78) correlation between bili- ments in screening for neonatal jaundice [7–9]. The origi-
rubin levels obtained transcutaneously and those mea- nal bilirubinometers demonstrated that the correlation
sured in the infant’s blood. The correlation was not between transcutaneous and serum bilirubin measure-
affected by birth weight and was dependent on the biliru- ments was affected by skin pigmentation, gestational age
bin levels. The negative nonsignificant correlation ap- and birth weight, and was dependent on race/ethnicity
pears when TSB levels are greater than 11 mg/dl. Thus, [10–13].
TcB measurements can accurately predict TSB values One of the latest commercially available TcB devices is
lower than 11 mg/dl in a multiracial preterm and term the BiliCheck™ (SpectRx Inc., Norcross, Ga., USA),
neonatal population. which allows for an unbiased measurement that is inde-
Copyright © 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel pendent of gestational age, birth weight and postnatal age
[14, 15]. It has been suggested that TcB measurements
with the BiliCheck could be used as a screening tool for
the healthy multiracial neonatal population [9, 15, 16].

© 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel Anna Petrova, MD, PhD, MPH

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However, the accuracy of TcB measurements has been standard racial/ethnic categories as a combination of the basic (black
questioned in some recent studies [17–19]. It is possible and white) and Hispanic or Latino were used. American Indians or
Alaskans and Native Asian or Pacific Islanders were classified as
that variation in the neonatal population and the different
belonging to the ‘other’ racial/ethnic group. Because of evidence of the
laboratory techniques utilized for the measurement of possible influence of birth weight and bilirubin levels on the correla-
serum bilirubin could be a likely explanation [20, 21]. tion between TSB and TcB measurements, data were stratified by birth
To resolve some of these issues, we embarked on a cor- weight categories: less than 1,500 g, 1,500–2,000 g and more than
relation study in an attempt to evaluate the accuracy of 2,000 g, and also by bilirubin levels: ^10, 10.1–15 and 615 mg/dl.
Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, ¯2 test, analysis of
the BiliCheck measurements in neonates with different
variance and multiple regressions were performed to characterize
birth weight, race/ethnic background and serum bilirubin data and determine differences in correlation between TSB and TcB
values. measurements by birth weight, race/ethnicity and observed TSB cat-
egories. Paired TSB/TcB comparisons were made to calculate the
proportion of accurately paired measurements, which were defined
as not more than B1.5 mg/dl according to the BiliCheck manufactur-
Patients and Methods er’s reference [26]. p values ! 0.05 were considered statistically signif-
This prospective observational study was conducted at Saint Pe-
ter’s University Hospital in the Regular Nursery and the Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neona- Results
tology, and was approved by the Saint Peter’s University Hospital
Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research.
The BiliCheck (SpectRx Inc.) is a noninvasive, handheld device A total of 212 paired TSB/TcB measurements were
that utilizes an optical method to assess the ‘yellowness’ of skin. It performed in infants between 1–7 days old (mean 2.5 B
was standardized to the industry gold standard high-performing liq- 1.6 days). Most of the infants had a birth weight greater
uid chromatography (HPLC) utilized for total serum bilirubin (TSB)
than 2,000 g (165 out of 212, 77.8%; p ! 0.001); 26 neo-
measurements. As compared to the other transcutaneous devices
such as Minolta, BiliCheck evaluates jaundice by using multiple nates (12.3%) were less than 1,500 g, and 21 infants
wavelength analysis of reflectance data [9, 22]. Skin chromogens do (9.9%) were between 1,500 and 2,000 g. Out of the 212
not interfere with the BiliCheck result because it uses the whole spec- infants included in the data analyses, 50% (106) were
trum of visible light. The subtraction of the aforementioned compo- white, 16.0% (34) were black, 11.8% (25) were Hispanic
nents (dermal maturity, hemoglobin and melanin) is used to quantify
and 22.2% (47) were of other racial or ethnic origin. In our
total bilirubin, which is proportional to the concentration of bilirubin
in the subcutaneous capillary beds and tissue [23]. study, the ‘other’ group was mostly (n = 42, 89.4%; p !
The TcB measurements were performed on the infant’s forehead 0.001) represented by Native Asians. The proportion of
on an area of skin without visible bruising, within B30 min of a infants of a different birth weight and different age in each
blood sample being drawn for serum bilirubin. The device was cali- race/ethnic group was similar (¯2 = 3.2, p = 0.106, and ¯2 =
brated before each measurement as per the manufacturer’s instruc-
1.97, p = 0.218, respectively). Most of the paired TSB/
tions to ensure the accuracy of the TcB. After testing three devices for
interdevice variability (less than 0.2 md/dl), the same BiliCheck unit TcB measurements in each race/ethnic group were per-
was used for all the measurements, and TcB measurements were formed in the first 2 days of life: white: n = 94 (88.7%);
made by the same operator to avoid interoperator imprecision. The black: n = 28 (82.4%); Hispanic: n = 21 (84%); and other:
light source in the unit was triggered for five measurements which n = 40 (85.1%). TSB levels of 152 infants (71.7%) were
were automatically averaged to provide a TcB value. The total proce-
equal to or less than 10 mg/dl, in 51 infants (24.1%) they
dure for the TcB measurement took between 10 and 15 s. Because of
the possible influence of light on the correlation between TSB and were between 10.1 and 14.9 mg/dl, and in 9 neonates
TcB measurements [24], all TcB measurements were done with the (4.2%) they were equal to or greater than 15 mg/dl.
same room illumination. TSB was measured by the AEROSER® Sys- The results of our study showed that out of the 212
tem, a direct spectrophotometric assay from Abbott Laboratories, in paired TSB/TcB bilirubin measurements, only 90 (43.4%)
the chemistry laboratory at Saint Peter’s University Hospital. Direct
were within the B1.5 mg/dl range. Out of these 90, most
spectrophotometry for the measurement of bilirubin in sera from
newborns is a simple and rapid method that requires a small volume of the paired TSB/TcB measurements (n = 61, 67.8%) had
of blood [25]. a difference that showed overestimation of TSB in the
A sample of 212 neonates born between 24 and 42 weeks of gesta- range of less than 1.5 mg/dl. Overestimation of TSB in the
tion who required blood sampling to determine TSB in the first week range outside 1.5 mg/dl was observed in 111 TSB/TcB
of life was included in the study. Infants who had previously been
paired comparisons (52.4%). In 11 neonates (5.2%), TcB
exposed to phototherapy and/or exchange transfused were excluded
from the study population. underestimated TSB levels by more than 1.5 mg/dl.
Statistical analysis was performed using ‘STATISTICA’ software. Overall, there was significant (r = 0.78, p ! 0.0001)
Continuous data are presented as mean B standard deviation. The correlation between bilirubin levels obtained transcuta-

22 Biol Neonate 2004;85:21–25 Nanjundaswamy/Petrova/Mehta/Bernstein/

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Table 1. Correlation coefficients between TSB and TcB measurements in association with birth weight, race and serum bilirubin levels

Birth weight, g Race/ethnicity TSB levels, mg/dl

! 1,500 1,501–2,000 1 2,000 white black Hispanic other ^10 10.1–14.9 615
(n = 26) (n = 21) (n = 165) (n = 106) (n = 34) (n = 25) (n = 47) (n = 152) (n = 51) (n = 9)

0.88** 0.86** 0.73** 0.84** 0.65* 0.75** 0.85** 0.72** 0.54** –0.30

* p ! 0.001, ** p ! 0.0001.

neously and those measured in the infant’s blood (fig. 1).

The correlation plot shows that with increasing serum bil-
irubin levels, the majority of points fall above the 95%
confidence interval of the correlation coefficient.
The correlation coefficients for TSB and TcB measure-
ments were estimated in association with the infants’
birth weight, race and serum bilirubin levels (table 1).
As is shown in table 1, the correlation coefficient for
TSB and TcB measurements in infants with a birth weight
greater than 2,000 g was slightly lower (r = 0.73) than in
infants in the low (1,500–2,000 g) or very low (!1,500 g)
birth weight categories (p = 0.054). Also, the correlation
between TSB and TcB measurements among black neo-
nates (r = 0.65) was lower than among white (r = 0.84) and
other race/ethnic groups (r = 0.85, p ! 0.05). The data
showed significant variation of TSB values in race/ethnic
categories (¯2 = 17.8, p ! 0.01). Of the 9 infants with TSB
equal to or greater than 15 mg/dl, 5 infants (55.6%) were
Fig. 1. Correlation between TSB and TcB measurements (paired
black, 3 (33.3%) were white and 1 (11.1%) belonged to the comparison in 212 infants).
other race/ethnic group. Stratification of our data by the
TSB values shows significant correlation between TSB
and TcB levels in infants with TSB less than 10 mg/dl (r =
0.72, p ! 0.0001) and also for infants with TSB between
10.1 and 14.9 mg/dl (r = 0.54, p ! 0.0001). However, at public health concerns regarding the frequency of severe
TSB levels equal to or greater than 15 mg/dl, there was hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus [15, 27]. However,
negative correlation between TSB and TcB (r = –0.30, p 1 there is controversy regarding the reliability of TcB for the
0.05). The negative nonsignificant correlation appeared assessment of neonatal jaundice [14, 15, 17, 18, 28]. In
when TSB levels were more than 11 mg/dl: 11–12 mg/dl: our study, we addressed as many factors as possible in
n = 18 (r = –0.29); 12–13 mg/dl: n = 8 (r = –0.65); 13–14 order to avoid the interaction of factors that may affect
mg/dl: n = 6 (r = –0.46); and more than 14 mg/dl: n = 12 the prediction of TSB using TcB measurements [17, 29].
(r = –0.18). The difference in skin thickness was indirectly negated by
including preterm infants in the study. Although the skin
color was not quantified, approximately 50% non-white
Discussion infants were studied in an attempt to address this issue.
The TcB was measured before phototherapy, to preclude
Evaluating the accuracy of noninvasive TcB measure- its influence on the reliability of TcB measurements [18].
ments for the assessment of neonatal jaundice has an Not all of the BiliCheck evaluation studies have addressed
important implication in clinical practice because of the the above factors [14, 15, 18]. Moreover, in these studies,

Accuracy of Transcutaneous Bilirubin Biol Neonate 2004;85:21–25 23

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regression analysis was predominantly used to determine accuracy of TcB measurements. This has been previously
the correlation between TSB and TcB measurements mentioned by some studies [17, 28]. Beck et al. [28]
despite the different correlation plots obtained by regres- showed that the BiliCheck is not reliable for TSB levels
sion and correlation analysis [28]. greater than 11 mg/dl because of underestimation of TSB.
As in previous studies in this field, significant correla- A recent publication by Engle et al. [17] reported the ten-
tion was found between TSB and TcB measurements dency of TcB to underestimate TSB, particularly in those
using the BiliCheck device [14, 15, 17, 18]. Nevertheless, neonates with relatively high bilirubin values (greater
the magnitude of correlation was different. Bhutani et al. than 15 mg/dl). However, the correlation coefficient for
[15] used the BiliCheck device to screen term and near- TSB/TcB in neonates with TSB levels greater than 15 mg/
term multiracial infants whose TSB values (measured by dl was not reported. They concluded that the weaker cor-
HPLC) were in a range similar to ours (measured by the relation between TSB and TcB in the Hispanic population
AEROSER® System, direct spectrophotometric assay) was the result of a significantly higher proportion of TSB
and reported a higher correlation (r = 0.91) as compared values equal to or greater than 15 mg/dl in the Hispanics
to our results (r = 0.78). In a recent multicenter study, (31%) as compared to non-Hispanics (9%). We made the
Rubatelli et al. [14], using the HPLC methodology for same conclusion regarding the lower correlation coeffi-
TSB measurements in a multiracial neonatal population cient between TSB and TcB in black neonates as com-
greater than 30 weeks’ gestational age, also obtained a pared to white infants and those from the other race/eth-
higher correlation (r = 0.89). We believe that a reason for nic group.
the discrepancy in the correlation between TSB and TcB Therefore, the magnitude of correlation between TSB
is the different methodology utilized for the serum biliru- and TcB measurements is very much reliant on serum bil-
bin measurements, since there is a discrepancy in TSB irubin values. Underestimation of TSB by TcB measure-
measured by HPLC, direct spectrophotometry and other ments when TSB levels are more than 11 mg/dl may have
methods [25]. The BiliCheck device has been standard- the same clinical implication as overestimation of TSB
ized with the gold standard [15] for TSB measurements, when TSB is less than or equal to 10 mg/dl. Because of the
the HPLC technique, which is labor-intensive and not clinical significance of TSB levels lower than 11 mg/dl in
practical for routine use [25]. Therefore, using methodol- the management of low- and very-low-birth weight neo-
ogy other than the HPLC technique for a TSB/TcB corre- nates [30], TcB measurements can be an objective, rapid
lation study will always affect the correlation coefficient. and noninvasive screening technique to identify preterm
Our findings are in agreement with results in other neonates requiring phototherapy. However, TcB is unreli-
publications [14, 15] that race/ethnicity and birth weight able at levels of bilirubin that require clinical decision
do not notably affect the correlation between TSB and making for term neonates.
TcB measurements. Increasing TSB levels affected the


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