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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

A. Via Local Display to configure KVM and install VM as Win7 example.
B. HDMI/DISPLAY port without hot plug support, please link HDMI/DISPLAY port to monitor before
NAS power up.
C. Recommend IDE DISK & NIC choose VirtIO for better performance.
D. Please configure network via NAT or bridge.

1. Enter APP Page & install LocalDisplay 3.02.14 x64 KVM manually:

2. Enable KVM & choose OS source path. Enable VNC server (optional).

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

3. Via VNC link to NAS or use keyboard & mouse, choose virt-manager

4. Choose File-> Add Connection->Connection

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

5. Click Connect

6. New Virtual Machine

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

7. Choose OS source:
(if place ISO file at \NAS_Public\ISO)
(choose your win7 iso file: GRMCPRXVOL_EN(GGWA-W7)DVD.ISO)

8. Browse

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

9. Open ISO
EX: \NAS_Public\ISO or \raiddata\0\NAS_Public\ISO

10. Choose Win7 & Forward

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

11. Assign VM resource

12. Create virtual machine volume

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

13. Check the “Customize configuration before install” & Network default at NAT, depend on your

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

14. Or

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

15. During hardware configuration choose Boot Options -> Start Virtual machine on host boot up-> Apply.

16. Choose IDE DISK -> Advanced options -> VirtIO -> Apply.

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

17. Specify win7 ISO file location

18. Click Add Hardware, will add a new IDE CDROM

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

19. Click Select or create custom storage -> Manage…

20. Select virtio driver ISO file, download from :

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

21. Click Finish

22. Choose NIC -> Device mode: -> virtio -> Apply

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

23. Click “Begin installation”

24. Click Next

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

25. CTRL+ALT to enlarge win7 window, Click Install now

26. Choose I accept the license terms -> Click Next

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

27. Choose Custom (advanced)

28. Click Load Driver, you will need to add virtio driver for the disk

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

29. Choose Browse, to select driver location

30. Choose “CD Drive (E:) virtio-win-0.1.1”

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

31. Choose viostor -> w7 > amd64

32. Click Next

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

33. Now the disk appear, Click Next

34. Wait for windows install

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

35. Configure user name & computer name -> Click Next

36. Configure password

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

37. Choose Ask me later

38. Configure Date & time, -> Click Next

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

39. After windows ready, enter Control Panel -> Click Hardware and Sound

40. Choose “Device Manager”

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

41. Click “Ethernet Controller” -> “Update Driver …”

42. Choose “Browse my computer for driver software”

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

43. Click “Browse…” to select driver location

44. Click NetKVM -> w7 -> amd64 -> OK

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

45. Choose Install

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

46. Click “PCI Device” -> “Update Driver …” -> Browse … to install driver

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

47. Click “PCI Simple Communications Controller” -> “Update Driver …” -> Browse … to install driver

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

48. Finish

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Thecus OS7 KVM with Win7 example

49. (Optional) Change VIDEO from VGA to Virtio for better graph performance.


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