Map Assignment - Locations of Septic Systems and Journal Story Map

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Map Assignment 2 – Option 1

Mapping locations of septic systems using data from the Colorado Information
Marketplace saved as a file (found on Canvas)and creating a Journal Story Map

Sign into your ArcGIS Online esri Account and Prepare to Make a Map ...................................................... 1
Add Spreadsheet Data to ArcGIS Online ....................................................................................................... 2
Save Map to My Content .............................................................................................................................. 4
Finding My Content in ArcGIS Online ........................................................................................................... 5
Create a Story Map App ................................................................................................................................ 6
Working with the Map Journal Builder (a Story Map Option) ...................................................................... 9
Add a Section to a Journal Story Map ..................................................................................................... 11
Save Journal Story Map........................................................................................................................... 15
Share Journal Story Map ......................................................................................................................... 15
Where did my Story Map go? ..................................................................................................................... 17
Resources .................................................................................................................................................... 18

Sign into your ArcGIS Online esri Account and Prepare to Make a Map
1. If you already have an account, go to the esri Sign in page. You can reach it by going to and Sign In.

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2. Choose Map from top menu.

Alternative (lower middle)

3. View blank map.


File is a .csv file found in Canvas
Week 9 Data Visualization Map 2

Add Spreadsheet Data to ArcGIS Online

1. Click dropdown menu next to Add.

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2. Click Choose File.

3. Choose Septic Systems in Superior Colorado Simplified (download from Canvas). Click Open

4. Click on IMPORT LAYER button.

5. The Change Style Menu appears.

6. Choose waterSupply as the attribute to show.

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7. Select the drawing style as Types (Unique symbols).

8. Click done button at the bottom.

9. This is a portion of the map.

Save Map to My Content

1. Save map by clicking on Save icon (middle top).

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2. Choose Save As from the dropdown menu.

3. Give Map a title, tags, summary, and choose folder to save map.

Tip: Having trouble thinking of a summary? Here’s what I used: This is a map of septic systems in
Superior, Colorado. The colors represent the water supplies for the homes.

4. Save map by clicking on SAVE MAP button.

Finding My Content in ArcGIS Online

1. Log into ArcGIS Online (
2. Choose Content from top menu.

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3. Alternative: From Map, click on dropdown by ArcGIS (top left corner).

Create a Story Map App

1. Log into ArcGIS Online (
2. Log into ArcGIS Online (
3. Choose Content from top menu.

4. Click on the map you made for Septic Systems in Superior, Colorado.

5. A new screen appears with more information and options for the map.

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6. Choose Create Wep App from right side of screen.

7. Click Configurable Apps from the dropdown menu.

8. A new menu opens that allows you to Create a web app.

9. Click on Build a Story Map.

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10. Choose Story Map Journal.

11. Click CREATE WEB APP from menu that appears.

12. Provide the Title, Tags, Summay, and location to save.

13. Click Done button.

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Working with the Map Journal Builder (a Story Map Option)
1. A new screen appears to build the Journal Story Map.

2. Choose Side Panel (or Floating Panel to try something different). Click START button.
3. Create a name for your Map Journal. Click arrow for next.

4. A new screen appears to Add Home Section. This is where you’ll add your map.

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5. Click dropdown and choose your septic systems map. Note: The map will need to be made
public. This will be covered in future steps.

6. Add the Legend and Address, Place, and Feature Finder Extras.

7. Add Alternative Text. Having trouble thinking of alternative text to describe your map, try This is
a map of septic systems in Superior, Colorado. The colors represent the type of water supply
that the residence uses.

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8. Click NEXT button.
9. Add a definition or description of a septic system, a well, a cistern, and water district. Note:
You’ll have to do a little research.

10. Click ADD button.

Add a Section to a Journal Story Map

1. Add a section by choosing + button.

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1. A new menu appears. Notice which area of the page is highlighted. In this case, the main stage
or the larger area (1) is highlighted

2. Add a Section title.

3. I chose Thank you as this will be the last section.

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4. Choose Image.

5. Choose Upload (or Flickr or Link).

6. Upload a related picture (a picture of yourself as the author, picture of a house with a septic
system, picture of a well, etc.)

7. If needed, click to choose the image.

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8. Choose Fill, Fit, Stretch, or Center.

9. Add alternative text.

10. Click on NEXT button.

11. The side panel content (2) is now highlighted.

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12. Add your name and class (ENVS 5305 or GEOG 4305). Feel free to personalize.

13. Click ADD button.

Save Journal Story Map

Click SAVE button (top right corner).

Share Journal Story Map

1. Click SHARE.

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2. A new menu opens.

3. Click Public. Notice Public is now blue and a note the map in the Journal Story Map has been
shared public.

4. Copy the link that is in the Socialize box.

5. Highlight the link.

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6. Right click and choose Copy from dropdown menu.

7. Paste into Canvas.

8. Close window.

Where did my Story Map go?



It was likely saved in my content. Look for the Web

Mapping Application in My Content.
1. Sign in to ArcGIS Online.
2. Go to My Content.

3. Open story map by clicking on the title of the Web Mapping Application.
4. Click on Configure App.

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Boulder County, Colorado SepticSmart Program

Colorado Information Marketplace


Add spreadsheet data to ArcGIS Online by esri


Concatenate-Joining Names and Addresses by Matty Just Excel Tutorials

How to merge two columns in Excel without losing data by Alexander Frolov at

How to Geocode a Spreadsheet of Addresses by geocodio


Auto Populate Latitude and Longitude in Excel by Spencer Burton

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