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Map Assignment 1 – Option 2

Mapping Locations of Well Permits using Colorado’s Decision Support Systems and Google
My Maps

Download Well Permit Data ......................................................................................................................... 1
Manipulate the Well Permit Data ................................................................................................................. 1
Sign into Google My Maps Account .............................................................................................................. 1
Creating Map of Household Use Well Permits in Douglas County ............................................................... 2
Add a Photograph to Google My Map ........................................................................................................ 11

Download Well Permit Data

The instructions are the same as Map Assignment 1 – Mapping Locations of Well Permits using
Colorado’s Decision Support Systems and Google My Maps until Step 13.

Manipulate the Well Permit Data

1. Manipulate the data to include only the Permit Number (Column A), Latitude, Longitude, Parcel
Name (AB), and Permit Issued (AI), Construction Date (AL), and Completed Well Depth (AR).

Figure 1 New worksheet will have seven (7) columns: Permit Number, Latitude, Longitude, Parcel Name, Permit Issued,
Construction Date, and Completed Well Depth.

Tip: To be able to use this data in different platforms (database, ArcMap, etc.), you can add a column
named ID and fill the column with a set of numbers 1 – 69429 or another unique identifier.

2. Save the new worksheet.

Sign into Google My Maps Account

The instructions are the same as Map Assignment 1 – Mapping Locations of Well Permits using
Colorado’s Decision Support Systems and Google My Maps.

1. Open Google Maps:

2. Click Sign in (top right corner)

3. Sign into your Google My Maps account.

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Creating Map of Household Use Well Permits in Douglas County
The instructions are the same as Map Assignment 1 – Mapping Locations of Well Permits using
Colorado’s Decision Support Systems and Google My Maps until step 8.

1. Click Menu icon (top left corner)

2. Click Your places in the list that appears.
3. Click MAPS in top menu.
4. View new window.
5. Click CREATE MAP at the bottom of this new window.
6. View new map window.
7. Import a layer into the map by clicking Import.
8. In the new window, select the Excel file containing the 2020 Douglas County Well Permit
modified data (contains seven (7) columns: seven (7) columns: Permit Number, Latitude,
Longitude, Parcel Name, Permit Issued, Construction Date, and Completed Well Depth) from
your computer.

Figure 2 Choose your file to import by clicking Select a file from your device

Figure 3 Choose file and click on Open button

3. Click the check box next to Latitude and Longitude. Click Continue button.

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4. Choose the column title for your markers (name of your points) by clicking the circle next to
Permit Number.

5. Click Finish. Points will appear on the map.

6. Title the map by clicking on Untitled Map.

7. In the new window, replace Untitled map with the new title.

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8. Provide a Map title and Description of the map. Include the data source. Click Save button
when done.

9. Correct any problems in the data by opening the data table. In this case, four (4)rows were
missing location information.

10. Right click on the rows to choose to delete the rows with missing location data. Note: Because
the data is continuously updated, you may have more or less rows with missing data.

Figure 4 Delete the rows with missing data. (Right click and delete row.)

Figure 5 Close the data table.

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11. Click on the icon to change title of icon for All items. Note: You may need to hover over All

Figure 6 A new window will appear.

Figure 7 Type new name of layer by clicking into the All items in layer box. Close box by clicking on x when done.

12. Change the Base Map to Dark Land Map by clicking on the arrow (drop-down menu) next to
Base map (located last on the left-column menu)

13. Go back to map by clicking X on the base maps.

14. Click on Uniform Style.

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15. Click on menu under Group places by.

16. A new window appears.

17. Choose by Completed Well Depth under Style by Data Column.

18. Choose the radial (circle) by Ranges.

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19. Change color from blue to green or any color other than blue by clicking on arrow menu next to

20. Change Range to 6 by clicking arrows and choosing 6 from list. This provides six (6) colors in the
green spectrum.

21. Set labels by clicking on arrow menu.

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22. Choose Completed Well Depth.

23. Close by clicking on x on menu.

24. Change the icon by clicking on No value.

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25. Change the icon shape by clicking on the More icons button in the same icon window.

26. In the new window that opens, choose a x shape for No Value. Click OK to exit.

27. Change the icon for 2 – 215 ft by clicking on icon next to range.

28. Add ft to range.

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29. Click on More Icons.

30. Choose an icon from the list and click OK.

31. Repeat for other values (216-335, 337-430, 433-555, 560-700, 702-1224). Note: Your ranges
may be different.

Figure 8 These are examples. You need only showcase you can change colors and icons.

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Add a Photograph to Google My Map
1. Find a photograph of a water well, Douglas County, or another appropriate photograph.
a. Need help? Go to Pixabay for a free stock photo (
b. Download the photo to your computer.
2. Choose a location near Golden/Genesee (west side of map) where there is an outlier. This
location allows me to locate the photograph. Click on location and a new window appears.

3. Click on add image or video.

4. Add the photograph that you saved on your computer or do a Google Image Search.

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5. Once the image loads, a window will appear that has the photograph. Click on the Save button.

6. Rename photograph and Save.

7. Share map with class.

Figure 9 Click Share (located at the top left side of the screen)

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Figure 10 Change who can access from Private to On-Anyone with the link

Figure 11 Make certain that the link can be shared with anyone with the link

Figure 12 Correct share settings is Anyone who has the link can view

Figure 13 Copy the link and paste into the assignment submission area. Click Done button when completed.

8. Resize and center map.

9. Create .pdf to attach in case the shared link fails to work.

Figure 14 Click on three dots by map title to access menu that says print. Click on Print map.

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Figure 15 Choose output type (PDF) and Print

Figure 16 Image of .pdf that is produced

Note: Your map will look different from my map. I’m looking that you can change colors and icons.

Note: The image (photograph) only appears on the interactive map that can be found by the shared link.

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