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Module 3: Discovering Your Strengths

In 2018, Dr. Shane Lopez did a TEDx Talk entitled “Focusing on Your Strengths.”

He talked about the concept of strengths on several different levels, from how to

develop them through “make believe” to questions one can ask themselves to help

identify exactly what those strengths are. What I found particularly interesting though

was not just how to identify strengths in oneself, but also how to identify them in others.

Dr. Lopez referred to people that have honed this ability as “strength spotters” (TEDx

Talks, 2018).

To be a strength spotter the first step is to “develop a strengths mindset,” this is

to get one in the habit of looking for strengths rather than weaknesses. The second step

is “catching people in moments of excellence.” Positive affirmation can be a powerful

tool, because it can not only fulfill someone’s desire for reassurance or acceptance, but

can also shine a light on a talent that someone might not have realized they possessed.

The final step is “naming & nurturing the strengths that that person had to achieve the

extraordinary.” This is where a simple “good job” comment that you might have given in

the second step becomes much more specific and personalized (TEDx Talks, 2018).

One of my favorite things to do is teach or educate others on a topic I am familiar

with. As I start a new photography business with my fiancée, I get this opportunity

regularly. Sometimes I focus on the negatives and don’t give good instructions or

feedback, and the tension in the air is palpable. But when I approach from the other side

and look for the positives instead, the quality and growth I see is tangible. My goal going

forward is to shift the ratio of focus more and more to the positive side.

TEDx Talks. (2018, July 18). Focusing on Your Strengths | Shane Lopez | TEDxUCCS.


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