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Patient Assessment and Data Management Heidi Christensen, DDS, MS

ODRP 725

Summary of Risks Associated with Dental Treatment!

Note that some risks are not due to the disease itself, but are common risks due to medication or other treatment of
the disease.

Possible Risk with Dental Treatment: Items from the Health History Questionnaire form, which if checked,
may indicate the presence of the risk
Bleeding problems with invasive  Frequent or severe nosebleeds
procedures  Blood transfusion
 Bruise easily for no apparent reason
 Hemophilia
 Taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiplatelets or
 Stroke (from medication
 Heart attack (from medication)
 Blood clots or thrombosis (from medication)
 Headaches or chronic back pain (from medication)
 Arthritis (from medication)
 Renal dialysis (from medication - heparin)
 Hepatitis (disruption of clotting factors)
 Jaundice (disruption of clotting factors)
 Cirrhosis of the liver/liver disease (disruption of clotting factors)
 Heavy drinker - alcoholic beverages (liver disease – clotting factors)
Negative reaction (including allergy) to  Stroke
medications used and/or prescribed by the  Heart surgery
dentist  Pacemaker
 Irregular heart beat
 Epilepsy/seizure disorder
 Glaucoma
 Kidney disease
 Cirrhosis of the liver/liver disease
 Ulcers
 Medication allergies
 Methamphetamine or cocaine/crack
 Recovering alcoholic or drug addict
 Breastfeeding
 Renal failure or dialysis
 Chronic pain – (NSAIDS, aspirin, acetaminophen)
Infection which could be passed on to the  Tuberculosis
health care worker  Cough up bloody sputum
 Venereal disease/sexually transmitted diseases
 Hepatitis
 Jaundice
 Persistent fever
 Blood transfusion

Possible Risk with Dental Treatment: Items from the Health History Questionnaire form, which if checked,
may indicate the presence of the risk
Delayed healing and infection  Sickle cell disease
 Diabetes
 Cushing’s syndrome
 Renal dialysis
 Suppressed immune system
 Tested positive for HIV or been diagnosed with AIDS
 Taken steroid/prednisone
 Organ transplant
Inability to handle stress from  High blood pressure
dental procedures  Heart attack
 Stroke or transient ischemic attack
 Pacemaker
 Angina
 Irregular heart beat
 Sickle cell disease
 Asthma
 Taken steroid/prednisone
 Hypothyroid
 Hyperthyroid
 Diabetes
 Epilepsy/seizure disorder
 Diabetes
Infective endocarditis  Previous history of endocarditis
 Cardiac transplant patients who develop cardiac valvulopathy
 Congenital heart disease
 Artificial heart valve

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