TOEFL Template Integrated Task

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Score Booster #1 Paraphrase when taking notes

When taking notes, only write down key words. This saves you a lot of time.
Paraphrase what you have read and heard to show that you have a broad range of

Score Booster #2 Make a smart start

1. Introduction
o The article and the lecture both deal with…
o Whilst the author of the article thinks that…for three specific reasons, the

lecturer opposes the author's claims.

o In his opinion,…

2. Paragraph 1
o First, the writer claims that…
o Furthermore, it is stated in the article that…
o In contrast, the lecturer argues that…
o Additionally, he maintains that…

3. Paragraph 2
o Second, the author mentions that…
o On top of that, he adds that…
o However, the lecturer calls this argument into question by saying that…
o Further, he remarks that…

4. Paragraph 3
o Finally, the writer asserts that…
o In addition to that, in the article it is mentioned that…
o As opposed to the author, the lecturer holds that…
o He highlights that…

Score Booster #3 Display the content of an argument

Depending on the content of the author's and lecturer's arguments, you should
point out whether he or she gives an example, talks about a consequence, gives
reasons for his point etc.

1. Examples

• This is exemplified by…

• … is a compelling example of this

Example: Let's assume the passages are about self-driving cars

First, the author claims that passengers of self-driving cars suffer fewer accidents
since the software used is less prone to make errors. Furthermore, it is stated in the
article that this is exemplified by a recent experiment where a driverless car
drove thousands of miles without having a crash.

2. Consequences

• thus
• consequently
• as a consequence
• as a result
• accordingly
• hence
• therefore
• for this reason


First, the author claims that passengers of self-driving cars suffer fewer accidents
since the software used is less prone to make errors and thus these cars can save
people's lives.
3. Reasons, Contrasts, Enumerations

• because, since, as
• while
• whereas
• not only… but also


First, the author claims that passengers of self-driving cars suffer fewer accidents
since/as/because the software used is less prone to make errors compared to
human drivers.

First, the author claims that while/whereas drivers of normal cars tend to cause
more accidents, passengers of self-driving cars suffer fewer accidents since the
software used is less prone to make errors.

First, the author claims that passengers of self-driving cars do not only suffer fewer
accidents since the software used is less prone to make errors but also have more
free time to enjoy.

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