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Keeping Customers and Staff informed on Products, Events and Activities

Prime Bank moves to September 2009 financials Corporate Social Responsibility Prime Junior Savings Account
1st peer group of Banks
Internet Banking Prime Bank Sports Events Wise Quotes
Prime Bank celebrates
17th Anniversary PrimeBank Website Contact info
pg 2 pg 3 pg 4

Message from the CEO

2008 published by Central Bank of we are one of the 14 Banks which
K e n y a , o u r B a n k h a s b e e n share 83% of the Deposits, 85% of the
categorized as a Large Bank. Advances and 92% of the Profit in the
Banking industry.
We have moved up from the category
of “Small and Medium sized Banks” We thank staff of Prime Bank for
and joined the “Large Banks”. having a clear and focused approach
in providing service to the customers.
As per the definition of Central Bank, a
bank is categorized as LARGE when We thank our customers for their
the asset base is over Kshs. 15 Billion continued patronage and support.
as at 31st December. Presently our

W e are pleased to inform you that in asset base is Kshs. 22 Billion.

the just released CBK Bank
Supervision annual report for the year Consequent to the re- categorization,
We are committed to exceed our
customers expectations.

Prime Bank Celebrates 17th Anniversary

P rime Bank celebrated its 17th anniversary
in September 2009. We proudly march
into our 18th year of operations.
extending various competitive banking
products and services. The bank's
management comprises of an experienced
Bank Group, who have extended a trade
finance guarantee to the bank as part of their
USD 1bn Global Trade Finance program
and qualified team of dedicated professionals launched in 2005. The above enable the Bank
The Bank is grouped recently by Central Bank and the Board of Directors is comprised of to offer full-fledged trade finance and foreign
of Kenya among the 14 Large banks in Kenya persons of high repute from various exchange services.
with its total assets exceeding Kshs 22 billion. professional backgrounds.
Prime Bank has a network of eleven branches, As part of the bank's growth strategy Prime
eight within Nairobi, two in Mombasa and one The position of our audited results as at Bank acquired a license from VISA to offer
in Kisumu, with the Head office situated at 31st December 2008 is as follows: credit and debit card facilities. Prime Bank has
Riverside Drive, Nairobi. also acquired a license from Retirement
Since its inception, the bank has been The core capital of the bank grew to KShs Benefit Authority (RBA) and the Capital
1.697 billion, against the statutory Markets Authority (CMA) to offer custodial
requirements of KShs 250.00 million. Total services. As part of the bank's regional
deposits of the bank stood at KShs 15.6 billion, expansion plan, the bank has its presence in
a 51% increase over the previous year, while Malawi through First Merchant Bank and in
total net advances stood at KShs 9.425 billion Botswana through Capital Bank.
from Kshs 6.298billion. Profit before tax
increased by 45% to Kshs 460.36million from
Kshs 316.7million as at 31st December 2007.
The liquidity position and other statutory ratios
of the bank have been much above the
requirement of Central Bank of Kenya.

The Bank has correspondent relationships

with Citibank N.A, New York, London,
Frankfurt and Johannesburg, Standard Bank
of South Africa, ICICI Bank - India,
Barclays Bank of Kenya LTD and
International Finance Corporation Chairman of the bank
(IFC), the private sector Mr. Rasik Kantaria cutting
development arm of the World the Anniversary cake Prime Bank makes banking a breeze

02 Financial Highlights
SEPT’08 DEC’08 SEPT’09
CUSTOMER DEPOSITS 15,776,223 15,661,930 18,623,900 1,800,000
NET ADVANCES 8,827,415 9,425,710 9,019,200
PROFIT AFTER TAX 300,204 330,347 312,204 1,500,000



FIGURES IN KSHS. ‘000 900,000

DEC ‘08 300,000

SEPT ‘09


Comparison as to September 2008 and September 2009
Growth in deposit ..................................18%
Growth in Advance ................................6%
Profit After Tax.......................................4%

Product News
Prime Bank offers Internet Banking Services to its customers.
We realize that most of our customers travel frequently within and
outside Kenya for business or personal reasons and would prefer to
access their account information from their office or home to remain in
touch with the Bank. For these customers Prime Bank offers access to
the account information through internet banking services.

Please visit our website and use the E-

Banking Services link on the main page to log on to internet-banking.
If you do not have e-banking login details, kindly contact our nearest
branch for information.

We encourage our customers to take advantage of this technologically advanced paperless service and help
save our environment.

“ If you are one of those who need to monitor the transactions and view balances in
your account frequently, this service is for you.”

Prime Bank’s Website

P rime Bank's website has been attracting several hits in the last few months.
The website is easy to access and maneuver and contains corporate, managerial, and financial
information about the Bank. Clients may access current foreign exchange rates or read the Bank's
newsletters covering our product news and Corporate Social Responsibility activities. Branch locations
And contact details are also available on the website. PAGE 2 Prime

Bank makes banking a breeze
03 Corporate Social Responsibility
Famine Relief Fund St. Paul’s Children Centre

O n 5th September 2009, the Chairman of

Prime Bank, Mr Rasik Kantaria was the
Guest of Honour at Lions and Rotary Club
S t. Paul's Children Care Centre is a
registered NGO situated in Ngong. The
centre was developed as a response to
cares for 81 children through donations.
Many individuals also volunteer their time
and goodwill to care for these children. The
Emergency Relief Programme launch. Prime Kenya's increasing population of street organization is currently focusing on
Bank donated Kshs 500,000 and our Chairman children. The children are mostly orphans becoming self-sufficient by digging a bore
helped raise an additional Kshs Two Million. The and those who have parents have been hole on its premises in order to bottle and
fund supports millions of people in the country exposed to tremendous hardships and sell purified water. Prime Bank has proudly
who suffer of starvation. decadent behavior in most cases. The associated itself with the efforts of this
home will accommodate children abandoned organization by making a donation of Ksh
from 3 months of age. Currently, the home 100,000.

St. Mary’s Mission Oshwal Youth League

Hospital, Miles-4-Smiles Donation

T he Dental and Oral Care (DOC)

initiative held a Miles-4-Smiles Charity
Walk to raise funds for basic dental health
care and awareness programme. The
In the picture, Mr. Rasik Kantaria, Chairman of
programme was conceived by a team of
Prime Bank, addresses the congregation which volunteer dentists who were willing to
includes contribute their time and skills for the
Mr. Abbas Gullet, Secretary General of
programme. Prime Bank donated
Kenya Red Cross; Rotarian Kaushik Manek;
Lion Manoj Shah; and Lion D.K. Shah. Kshs. 151,000 towards this initiative.

Prime Bank proudly sponsored

OYL Navaratri - TAAL DHAMAAL 2009

In the picture, Inderaj Rehal handing over

a cheque for Kshs. 300,000 to Aditi Shah
in supporting Oshwal Youth League,

Prime Bank Golf Day

Prime Bank Golf Day
Diwali Golf Competition at Sigona Golf Club
at Royal Golf Club
at Nyanza Golf Club, Kisumu on 31st October
on 5th September
Charles Maloba, on 25th October
Custodial Manager;
In the picture,
hands over the
winner of Diwali
Golf Competition,
prize to Mr.
James Mkombwa
Dhamji Raghwani
receiving prize
who scored an
from Mr. Suresh
impressive 38
Sheth - Chief
stableford points;
Manager, Kisumu
announced by Ben
Omuodho, Captain

Nita Omanga presents prize to the guest winner

of Prime Golf Day to Mr. Suman Shah who scored
an impressive 38 stableford points

In the picture, Mr. In the picture,

Bharat Jani, Chief Mr. Raju Bhayani
Executive presents receives
prize to the winner, 2nd prize from
teenager Supi Mr. Michael
Mogere who Laxmi,
brought a Marketing
spectacular result Manager
of 43 stableford
points. PAGE 3 Prime Bank makes banking a breeze

04 Prime Junior Savings Account
he Prime Bank Junior Account is a special Prime Junior Savings Account
account for minors below the age of 18 . The can be converted into Faida
prime bank junior account can be opened Account upon the minor
with a minimum of Kshs. 5,000. This account helps attaining the age of 18 .
planning your child's future and to inculcate the
habit of saving in the child. You can transfer
money to your child's account through a standing

Junior savings account features:

Come today and open
R Attractive interest rates up a Prime Junior
R Free quarterly statements Savings Account for
R No ledger fees
R No standing fees
your child.
R Interest calculated on a daily basis and
credited monthly Be ahead of the game and teach your child how to
R Free birthday card every year
save today for a better tomorrow!
Piggy Bank Days: A Brave New ~ adapted from Family
Riverside Drive,
P. O. Box 43825-00100,
World for the Young Education website
GPO, Nairobi, Kenya

T he world is no longer
the same as it was a
decade or two ago. Only
of the college or career
path they will follow even
before they have entered
Planning for the future is
even more imperative
today with the mounting
Tel: (020) 4203000 / 4203116 / 4450810
Fax: (020) 4451247
Swift Code: PRIEKENX
some time ago, parents high school. College fees financial expenses while Email:
worked hard to make a are exorbitant and saving life expectancy is higher.
living while the children for higher education has Educating your children
went to school, grew up, become imperative. The about money and NAIROBI
chose a university, and costs of having a family are encouraging them to save RIVERSIDE DRIVE BRANCH INDUSTRIAL AREA BRANCH
Tel : 020.4203000 / 4203120 / 4450810 Tel : 020.537654 / 537655
then a career path that lead also in a way excessive is vital for a head start in Fax : 020.4451248 Fax : 020.537656
them to having their own with children's education the constraints of the

money-making adult lives. and well-being being the future. It provides them KENINDIA HOUSE BRANCH CAPITAL CENTRE BRANCH
Tel : 020.2245150 / 2241594 / 318395 Tel : 020.552190
predominant focal point. with decision-making Fax : 020.343947 Fax : 020.552199
Today, money matters a Living in retirement also opportunities and will help
great deal. It has become costs money when costs of them in facing their future BIASHARA STREET BRANCH WESTLANDS BRANCH
a necessity for securing Tel : 020.2226781 / 2226787 / 2252767 Tel : 020.4447925 / 4441393
health care for the aging is financial endeavors. Fax : 020.2226908 Fax : 020.4447820
one's future in various escalating.
Tel : 020.3753791 / 3749733 Tel : 020.3867454 / 3867455 /
Fax : 020.3749990 3867456
Here are tips to educate your child about money: Fax : 020.3867457
v Teach children about v Teach children how to v Teach children how to CARD CENTRE
Phone : 020.4203000
the value of money calculate interest economize and take Fax : 020.4450809
income on savings and responsibility for their
v How can children save
more and spend
how fast money can financial well-being. MOMBASA
wisely? Distinguish v Teach children about Tel : +254.41.2229928 / 041-2229929 Tel: +254.41.470678 / 79
compound interest. Fax : +254.41.2229931 Fax: +254.41.470680
between a need, a the dangers involving
want, and a wish. v Where will the children money when it relates
keep their money? In a to paying interest or KISUMU
v Set goals for saving KISUMU BRANCH
piggy bank at home or borrowing. Tel : +254.57.2024674 / 057-2024455
money. How much can
a savings account at a Fax : +254.57.2022079
they save in a given v Give children an
time frame? allowance in small
v How will they record denominations to EXTENDED BANKING HOURS
v Teach children about
their savings, interest, decide how much they AT DESIGNATED BRANCHES
the concept of a credit
and expenses? Do want to save before
card. How does RIVERSIDE DRIVE
they have a special their next allowance.
interest accumulate on WEEKDAYS: 09:00am - 04:00pm CAPITAL CENTRE
diary? SATURDAY: 09:00am - 12:00noon
borrowed money? SUNDAY: Closed
WEEKDAYS: 09:30am - 05:00pm
SATURDAY: 10:30am - 03:00pm
SUNDAY: 10:30am - 01:00pm
Quotes of the Month
“ Every job is a self-potrait “Excellence in action is when WEEKDAYS: 09:30am - 05:00pm
SATURDAY: 09:30am - 12:00noon
of the person who did it. employees: SUNDAY: Closed
Autograph your work with > Pay attention to details PARKLANDS
WEEKDAYS: 09:30am - 05:00pm
excellence.” > Do things right the first time SATURDAY: 10:30am - 03:00pm
SUNDAY: 10:30am - 01:00pm
> Practice good human NYALI, MOMBASA
WEEKDAYS: 09:30am - 05:00pm
relations .” SATURDAY: 10:30am - 03:00pm
SUNDAY: 10:30am - 01:00pm

PAGE 4 Prime Bank makes banking a breeze EMAIL YOUR COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK TO : or Call Customer Care on 020 4203000

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