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Intern Name: Landen Whitmore

Topic/Title of Lesson: Credible vs. Non Credible Sources

Grade: 8


In this lesson… students will be able to accurately and efficiently determine the
Overview credibility of a source and identify what kind of characteristics are common amongst
credible/non credible sources.

● 8.7g: Clearly state and defend a position with reasons and evidence, from
credible sources.

Standards of Learning
● 8.9b: Collect and synthesize information from multiple sources.
● 8.9c: Evaluate and analyze the validity and credibility of resources.
● 8.9d: Analyze information gathered from diverse sources by identifying
misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, conflicting information, point of
view, or bias.
What kind of strategies can we utilize to determine whether or not a source provides
Essential Questions credible information?
Students will be able to accurately identify credible/non credible sources and
Objectives distinguish the differences among the two. Additionally, students will be able to defend
a viewpoint while using the source as reference.
● I understand the differences between credible vs. non credible sources
● I can accurately paraphrase and restate what a source is trying to convey
Learning Target(s) ● I can efficiently determine whether or not a source is credible by using the
information learned in class

Necessary Prior ● Basic understanding of computers and computer systems

● Understand how to navigate sources to accurately gauge their credibility
● Computer
Materials ●
1. Students will be asked if they have any knowledge of what a credible source
may look like or what makes a source credible.
Introduction/Hook 2. Students will be asked to defend a viewpoint using their own knowledge; it will
later be contradicted to see if the student can properly defend themselves in an
1. The opening of the lesson will start out by identifying strategies to use when
determining whether or not an article is credible or non credible.
Instructional Activities 2. Students will split into two groups. One group will be assigned with a list of credible
& Strategies sources, while the other group will be assigned a list of non credible sources.
Students will then evaluate the sources they were assigned and give reasoning as to
why the source is credible or not.
Homework None
Key Vocabulary Credible, Reliability, Validity, Credentials, Reputable
or Concepts
Assessments Following the activity, students will be asked to login to Kahoot to demonstrate their
The lesson will be wrapped up via the Kahoot, which will be a fun and engaging way for
Closure Activity students to demonstrate their knowledge of the topic.
(I am not sure what I am supposed to put here, as the teacher I have been assigned
Accommodations does not have any major accommodations for students) I will say that this is not
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