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Name Nol Ase Chapter 14 Worksheet Packet Use the pedigree below for questions #1-6 2 ® Worksheet 144 . Is this a dominant or recessive trait? v2. a. Explain your reasoning: Od “SK.P aN v a. Explain your reasoning: . Is this an autosomal or sex-linked trait? Se x - Unwd lacey Wrrakd >Riroksip Porth 3. Give the Seoghoes of persons | xX b. 2 x8Y 07 x8 y> 3 3 XP? ho 8 X*N a4 Xx?) io xexP X®X> cee. 5 XEXS j. 0 eX” ko X8Y 12 X¥Y m. 13 X® X® n 14 X8Y 0. 16 X® Xx? 4, Number 8 was colorblind just like his father. Where did the son get his allele for colorblindness? Fron, Moon -SROS acaccur CXBYP 2 #3 5. Neither numbers 1 nor 2 were colorblind. How did they have a colorblind son (6)? Morn parsed cecapawe atbale on X Dad cacsed Y Dad- coicrohad Man -coccar yex? OR corerbhad — XPXP Sx) 6. What must be the genotypes of the parents of a colorblind daughter? Use the pedigree below for #7-9 Worksheet 144, 309% er Ff 3 ac 7. Is this a dominant or recessive trait? “Docndsno. A a. Explain your reasoning: No SKAPRYASS 8. Is this an autosomal or sex-linked trait? __ ores oro. a. Explain your reasoning Males =Qimoles affected 9. What are the probable genotypes of persons at HY) e 5 Wh i 9 ha b2 Vn f eh i to «3 hh 9 7h aa Hh ho 8 HN Use Queen Victoria's pedigree for questions #10-12 Om Gearge VI Waldemar ana Alpais Alfonse and Gonzalo Heinrsich 10.1s this a dominant or recessive trait? _ {2 020 >/\ _——_—_———- Worksheet 144 a. Explain your reasoning: Skies Berean en 41.1s this an autosomal or sex-linked trait? __ 2X ~ Anweod a. Explain your reasoning: females »Amoakes affected 12. What is the probable genotype of? a. Alice? X"X" c. Beatrice? XX” b. Leopold? XY d. George V? xXry Use the pedigree below for question 13-15 edecdd O7= Al ne 13.1s this a dominant or recessive trait? “Daca o.t a, Explain your reasoning: Every apeerahay ¥ 14.Is this an autosomal or sex-linked trait? _Sex-Qro\cacd a. Explain your reasoning Mere Brats vod eros 15,Give the probable genotype of a. The individual marked with a* y¢®& XT « b. The parents of the* Moen s Xe XT pea: XY c. The spouse of the* 4° |. The child of the * er xeY Use the pedigree below to answer questions 16-18 ? 16.Is this a dominant or recessive trait? Qo ce s\V0 b. Explain your reasoning: SKIES QEreconcry 17.Is this an autosomal or sex-linked trait? Santee a a. Explain your reasoning: Maken = moles 18. Give the probable genotypes of al? Aq oe OL b.Mk2 Oo d V5 Ao 19.For each trait, describe the pattem of inheritance a. Achondroplasia - QGtG “Dorn Albinism - Proto Rac Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy = - Sev Qa c Hemophilia = -Se~ Ree Huntingdon’s disease — Gyro Docs, Progeria — AOA Dosen Red-green colorblindness, — Sex Qe Rett Syndrome ~Sex Dosa, Ricketts = -— Sex Deen, j. Tay-Sachs Disease -— Aso Rag, Feneaog Fo oo Worksheet 144 Worksheet 14B 3. In cats, the black coat pigment (R) is codominant with the orange coat pigment (0). These two alleles are found only on the X chromosome. X®X8, X8Y = Black coated female, Black male XX, X°Y = Orange coated female, Orange male X® X°’ = Tortoiseshell coat (intermingled black and orange in fur) Notice, only females can have tortoiseshell coats. Byo ~N a. Atemale tortoiséShelt cat mated with an unkndwn male cat giving birth to 6 kittens (2 orange females, 1 tortoise female, 1 black male and 2 orange males. What was the genotype and phenotype of the father Babes a ye xt xX xe x? [xO PX” Phenotype: canoe ona) yeoxe y LN Dey Genotype:__X° 1 XeN yy f : b. The owner ofa bladk female cat wants to know which cat fathered her two tortoiseshell famale and 2 black male kittens. Was it the same male cat from above? ye & Rotous 3 Possibly | X®X x° [exe he Coe xs\ n oO N [XEN IXSN cones 4, In humans, the gene for normal blood clotting is dominant to the gene for hemophilia. XHX", XHY = Normal blood clotting X"X" = Carrier for hemophilia but normal blood clotting "XN, XHY = Hemophiliac " Oe ak a. Suppose a young lady comes to you for advice in youréapacity as a marriage counselor. She fells you her brother has hemophilia, but both of her parents are normal. She wishes to marry ‘h oie nes eee pi x Y man who has no history of hemophilia in his family. She would like to know the probability of having hemophilic offspring. Explain. 4 , xX Ef gre recewedd wo rectnall x" page OME ARO OU of her cheer wall Be NACA \ X xt XX TE snes a carrur, a SOY Woold! hare A SO% change of bare, Ramepalac b. What will be the results of mating between a normal (non-carrier) female and a hemophilac male? x" yt A\\ Benokin will be comers xX” exer) Pal Sons will a necmed N DONT Worksheet 14B 1. In humans, the gene for color vision is dominant to the gene for red-green colorblindness. XNXN, XY = Normal color vision XNX? = Carrier for colorblindness but normal vision XX", XY = Colorblind ; Ny NY a, Show the cross between a normal visioned caftier female and a ndrmal male. What is the likelihood of them having a colorblind son? Daughter? = x™ xe SO% chen o son will bE Xx” Noe xy coler DUNG, \ Ley | yy O% crane ao dosopec WINN BQ coicctolind Xk x XM ae b. Awoman with ne nal i Vision marries a man with\normal visi ionjand they have a(olor blind son) Her husband dies and she marries a color blind man. Show the type of children that might be expected from the second marriage and thelproportions of each. XN Xx x XP [XEX9 KX 50% cosopess Wail) BL spartan NWO LY SO% sons Will 02 coiertshad 2. In humans, the dominant allele for a rare form of rickets (Vitamin D deficiency), is located on the X chromosome. This condition can be successfully treated with Vitamin D therapy. Let "R” = the rickets allele & "r” = the normal allele XR XR, XR Y = Affected female, male X® X" = Affected female X*X!, XY = normal female, male a. A couple goes to a genetic counselor to find out the chances of them having children with rickets. The wife is normal, without any family history while the husband is affected by this disease. xo xX" XA KS Phenotype: c : mode ved a Genotype: b. What if the wife were affected (but had a normal father) & the husband was normal? X®_XE XBXE XN EXC YCY TT) ATK Phenotype: | Quvetis Grebe s (Rc eetts ene Le shnocrrel Ange R TY WN IXY Genotype: | X®XE 2 Axey SLXTKE XY 1. Identify the types of chromosomal mutations based on the diagrams below Worksheet 14C. AB CODE FGH MNOCOE FG tromslece no ABPQ RAR ABCOE FGH quoncann A BCE COE FGH DED 2A CEs D-CD ABCOE FGH . A € FGH WAV ES ICO Lp“ + t DCB ABCDE FGH cn AB CE FGH Py deteh rpc D tt 2. What is the difference between aneuploidy and polyploidy? Xx) BAX w@ cece 3. What causes aneuploidy or polyploidy? Nondkgyumehen Faure off clarorro Orr TH SEPMOK 4, What is the major factor that increases the risk of nondisjunction? Maternahk acg 2 Aiceck correlanca 5. What would a karyotype look like for an individual with a. Downs Syndrome (Trisomy 21)? Waxy or 4AaXy Sextra 2 chrrameA0mrK b. Klinefelter Syndrome? UAXXY 9 extra X Bo mohke ©. Tumer Syndrome? USXO > only A x d. XXX Syndrome? YAXXX S extra xX for Reraig e. XY Syndrome? 4A XXY > extra Y Lor moh 6. What benefits do amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling provide? Detect cromotomad Ao nerraltiies in tere oe

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