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Grammar &


Aptis Practice Test

Version 1
Instructions The test has two sections:
Grammar – 25 questions (about 12 minutes)
• Please do not write on the question paper. Use the Vocabulary – 25 questions (about 13 minutes)
answer paper.
• Answer as many questions as you can in the Total time – 25 minutes
time allowed.
• Follow the recommended times for each section.
Aptis Practice Test
Version 1

(25 questions – 12 minutes)
Write your answers (A-C) to questions 1-25 on your answer paper.
Do not write on this question paper. The answer to question 0 is given as an example on
your answer paper (A).

0 How old ______ you? EXAMPLE

A. are

B. age

C. have

01 The woman _________ sold me those flowers spent twenty minutes wrapping them.

A. what

B. that

C. which

02 A: I’ve just seen Mark.

B: You _________ have seen him. He’s on holiday at the moment.

A. can’t

B. shouldn’t

C. needn’t

03 He emphasised in his speech that __________ education he received when younger had
been excellent.

A. (-)

B. an
Aptis Practice Test
Version 1

C. the

04 She takes the bus to work _________ day.

A. early

B. many

C. every

05 I’ll call you when I ________ home.

A. get

B. will get

C. getting

06 We ate dinner and _________ we watched a film.

A. then

B. since

C. so

07 We’re ________ in a beautiful holiday home at the moment.

A. stay

B. staying

C. stayed

08 When I got home, Jenny _______ on the telephone.

A. was speaking
Aptis Practice Test
Version 1

B. speaking

C. speak

09 Coffee ______ to be much cheaper a few years ago.

A. would

B. has

C. used

10 I’m not sure about my future. __________ I will start a business.

A. Perhaps

B. Shall

C. Might

11 They ate their lunch while they ______ coming home from school.

A. were

B. was

C. are

12 She bought it herself, __________ she?

A. hasn’t

B. didn’t

C. shouldn’t
Aptis Practice Test
Version 1

13 If the dress _________ been so expensive, she would have bought it.

A. hadn’t

B. weren’t

C. aren’t

14 I ___________ a great book this morning – I really want to finish it.

A. was reading

B. read

C. have read

15 Excuse me? Can I try _____ this jacket to make sure it fits?

A. under

B. with

C. on

16 I saw Wi Joo this morning and she __________ if you were free tomorrow.

A. told

B. asked

C. said
Aptis Practice Test
Version 1

17 When I go to university, I may ________ history.

A. study

B. to study

C. studying

18 It ________ be meat free – it tastes just like chicken!

A. could

B. can

C. can’t

19 It was a dark, moonlit night when the traveller ________ at the inn.

A. arrived

B. was arriving

C. had arrived

20 If I hadn’t gone out last night, I ________be so tired now.

A. won’t

B. wouldn’t

C. hadn’t
Aptis Practice Test
Version 1

21 I _________ like mushrooms, but I can’t stop eating them now.

A. wouldn’t

B. didn’t use to

C. couldn’t

22 The newspaper China Today ________ published for over 60 years.

A. is being

B. has been

C. was being

23 They said they ________ been studying for ages.

A. will have

B. are

C. had been

24 My father, _________ is a dentist, told me not to drink sugary drinks.

A. who

B. which

C. that
Aptis Practice Test
Version 1

25 _______ memory of the day I met the president is very special to me.

A. The

B. A

C. (-)
Aptis Practice Test
Version 1

(25 questions – 13 minutes)
You need to write all answers on your answer paper. Do not write on this question paper.

Write the letter (A-K) of the word that is most similar in meaning to a word on the left (1-5).
01 Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will not
need five of the words (A-K). The answer to question 0 is given on your answer paper as an
example (L).

0. create A train
B look after
1. choose C make
D decide
2. close E take
F shut
G propose
3. improve
H believe
J develop
4. care K worry
L make
5. practise

Finish each sentence (6-10) using a word from the list (A-K). Use each word once only.
Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-K).

6. To oppose someone is to… A concern

B challenge
7. To teach someone is to… C instruct
D appear
8. To accept something is to… E worry
F obtain
G wish
9. To get something is to…
H compensate
J assume
10. To pay someone is to… K approve
Aptis Practice Test
Version 1

Write the letter of the word on the right (A-K) that matches the definition on the left (11-15).
03 Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will
not need five of the words (A-K).

11. Wanting to know or learn something. A artificial

B brave
12. Not natural or real. C crucial
D curious
13. Not clear and difficult to understand or see. E fierce
F lazy
G obscure
14. Having a flat, even surface.
H peculiar
J smooth
15. Having a lot of strong emotion. K emotional

Finish each sentence (16-20) using a word from the list (A-K). Use each word once only.
Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-K).

16. He had to walk down a long dark _______ to get to A atmosphere

his room. B canteen
C ceiling
17. The teacher should maintain _______ in the classroom D corridor
to make the lesson effective. E discipline
F envelope
18. She opened the _______ and took a coat out of it. G fringe
H hedge
19. You should cut your _______ regularly otherwise your J museum
hair will get in your eyes. K wardrobe

20. The local _________ has an exhibit about the history of

this area.
Aptis Practice Test
Version 1

Write the letter of the word on the right (A-K) that is most often used with a word on the left
05 (21-25). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will
not need five of the words (A-K).

21. abstract A clean

B club
22. athletics C efforts
D food
23. congested E friends
F painting
G roads
24. frantic
H speed
J status
25. housework K tasks
Grammar &

Aptis Practice Test

Version 2
Instructions The test has two sections:
Grammar – 25 questions (about 12 minutes)
• Please do not write on the question paper. Use the Vocabulary – 25 questions (about 13 minutes)
answer paper.
• Answer as many questions as you can in the Total time – 25 minutes
time allowed.
• Follow the recommended times for each section.
Aptis Practice Test
Version 2

(25 questions – 12 minutes)
Write your answers (A-C) to questions 1-25 on your answer paper.
Do not write on this question paper. The answer to question 0 is given as an example on
your answer paper (A).

0 How old ______ you? EXAMPLE

A. are

B. age

C. have

A: Do you think you will get the job?

B: ________, but I’m not sure.

A. Possible

B. Possibility

C. Possibly

02 I ________ 25 years old.

A. have

B. am

C. (-)

03 I have ________ English for three years.

A. studied

B. study
Aptis Practice Test
Version 2

C. studying

A: I enjoy working on challenging projects at work.

B: So________ I!

A. am

B. do

C. can

05 We could cook dinner. ________, we could buy some takeaway food.

A. Therefore

B. On the other hand

C. Although

06 You really should ________ to Barcelona – it’s a wonderful city.

A. go

B. to go

C. going

07 You need ________ new shoes – those ones are too old!

A. to buy

B. buy

C. buying

08 When I was at school I used ________ a good student.

A. to be
Aptis Practice Test
Version 2

B. be

C. being

09 I’ve got no plans for the weekend. Maybe ________ visit my parents.

A. I

B. I’m


10 I’m reading a really ________ book on the history of Europe.

A. interest

B. interesting

C. interested

11 He’s about 40, but in this photograph he looks much ________.

A. young

B. younger

C. youngest

12 She has ________ two books.

A. written

B. wrote

C. write
Aptis Practice Test
Version 2

13 I don’t recommend driving in the morning because there’s too ________ traffic.

A. much

B. many

C. most

14 I never do my homework ________ I hate studying at home.

A. so

B. because

C. although

15 They’re so different. I ________, there’s no way they’ll be happy together.

A. mean

B. decide

C. wish

16 Because of computers, many people don’t watch a lot of ________ now.

A. the television

B. a television

C. television
Aptis Practice Test
Version 2

17 I think, in the future, people ________ live much longer than they do now.

A. ought

B. will

C. would

18 Call me tomorrow after 8.30, because I will just _______ at home.

A. about to relax

B. have relax

C. be relaxing

19 The doctor says I will ________ much better by the end of the week.

A. to feel

B. be feeling

C. have felt

20 ________ been reading this book now for a week and it isn’t getting any better!

A. I’ve

B. I’m

C. I’d
Aptis Practice Test
Version 2

21 The garden is looking untidy – you need to get rid ________ the weeds.

A. from

B. out

C. of

22 The next meeting ________ on the sixth of June.

A. is holding

B. will be held

C. holds

23 ________ of China is very interesting.

A. A history

B. History

C. The history

24 You ________ have bought that car. What a waste of money!

A. shouldn’t

B. mustn’t

C. couldn’t
Aptis Practice Test
Version 2

25 This is a ________ train to London. It doesn’t stop on the way.

A. direction

B. directly

C. direct
Aptis Practice Test
Version 2

(25 questions – 13 minutes)
You need to write all answers on your answer paper. Do not write on this question paper.

Write the letter (A-K) of the word that is most similar in meaning to a word on the left (1-
01 5). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will not
need five of the words (A-K). The answer to question 0 is given on your answer paper as an
example (L).

0. big A area
B rule
1. design C money
D base
2. policy E chance
F department
G plan
3. fortune
H approach
J business
4. wonder K surprise
L large
5. opportunity

Finish each sentence (6-10) using a word from the list (A-K). Use each word once only.
Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-K).

6. The group of people who protect a country is a/an... A figure

B board
7. A covering for floors is called a/an... C cottage
D army
8. A type of house in the country is call a/an... E desk
F crowd
G carpet
9. A large group of people together is called a/an...
H character
J case
10. A type of table used for work is called a/an... K example
Aptis Practice Test
Version 2

Finish each sentence (11-15) using a word from the list (A-K). Use each word once only.
Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-K).

11. Just one more ________ is enough to end the project. A sock
B hood
12. The jacket has a/an _______ to protect your head. C light
D script
13. The ship sailed into the ________ on time. E witness
F error
G port
14. The actors read their lines from the ________.
H call
J champion
15. The cycling ________ broke the world record. K country

Finish each sentence (16-20) using a word from the list (A-K). Use each word once only.
Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-K).

16. The board will ________ the plan tomorrow. A fly

B involve
17. Can I ________ some money from you? C approve
D benefit
18. This fact is going to ________ everything. E complicate
F compete
19. Two teams are going to ________ in the race. G focus
H presume
20. She couldn’t ________ on the question. J borrow
K catch

Write the letter of the word on the right (A-K) that is most often used with a word on the left
05 (21-25). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will not
need five of the words (A-K).

21. adverse A property

B hygiene
22. vacant C mechanism
D effort
23. collaborative E agreement
F formula
G personnel
24. unanimous
H profile
J effect
25. humble K origins
Grammar &

Aptis Practice Test

Version 3
Instructions The test has two sections:
Grammar – 25 questions (about 12 minutes)
• Please do not write on the question paper. Use the Vocabulary – 25 questions (about 13 minutes)
answer paper.
• Answer as many questions as you can in the Total time – 25 minutes
time allowed.
• Follow the recommended times for each section.
Aptis Practice Test
Version 3

(25 questions – 12 minutes)
Write your answers (A-C) to questions 1-25 on your answer paper.
Do not write on this question paper. The answer to question 0 is given as an example on
your answer paper (A).

0 How old ______ you? EXAMPLE

A. are

B. age

C. have

01 In those days, my father _______ never eat dinner after eight o’clock.

A. would

B. will

C. used to

02 He _______ finished cooking when we arrived.

A. have

B. had

C. has

03 If you were a better cook, you _______ need to eat out all the time.

A. won’t

B. wouldn’t
Aptis Practice Test
Version 3

C. hadn’t

04 The passenger _______ a fine because he didn’t have the right ticket.

A. given

B. was given

C. didn’t give

05 There were _______ than fifty people in the audience last night.

A. fewer

B. lesser

C. few

06 I’m _______ happy with my new car. It’s brilliant!

A. so

B. quite

C. a bit

07 I’m not sure about my future. _______ I’ll start a business.

A. Sometimes

B. Perhaps

C. Always

08 Please, ________ the street if the light is red.

A. cross not
Aptis Practice Test
Version 3

B. not cross

C. do not cross

09 Why _______ you apply for the job, you’ve got the experience.

A. are

B. don’t

C. not

10 I _______ London but it’s expensive.

A. likes

B. like

C. liking

11 We _______ through France during the summer.

A. was travelling

B. travelling

C. travelled

John: I love riding bikes.

Paul: _______? Me too!

A. Really

B. Right

C. Anyway
Aptis Practice Test
Version 3

13 I’m really not sure what to do at work. I need _______ advice.

A. the

B. piece of

C. some

14 I think, in the future, space travel _______ as common as plane travel is now.

A. will become

B. has become

C. is becoming

15 Please don’t come in the morning. I will _______ if you do.

A. have worked

B. be working

C. work

16 San Francisco is the most beautiful city I _______ visited.

A. ever

B. have

C. had
Aptis Practice Test
Version 3

17 I’m sorry to let you_______, but I can’t come to your party.

A. down

B. on

C. under

18 You missed a great party on Saturday night. You _______ have come.

A. must

B. ought

C. should

19 _______ the cold weather, she went swimming.

A. Although

B. Despite

C. In spite

20 He had been working for hours when he _______ asleep.

A. has fallen

B. falls

C. fell
Aptis Practice Test
Version 3

21 Before she got married, she _______ go out most evenings.

A. should

B. would

C. must

22 It _______ been snowing heavily, so we decided to go skiing.

A. has

B. had

C. would have

23 It is expected that two million copies of the novel _______ sold by December.

A. will have been

B. have been

C. will have being

24 If I _______ harder at school, I wouldn’t be doing this job now.

A. has worked

B. have worked

C. had worked
Aptis Practice Test
Version 3

25 The way I see it, you _______ have sold the land then – prices are higher now.

A. mustn’t

B. shouldn’t

C. can’t
Aptis Practice Test
Version 3

(25 questions – 13 minutes)
You need to write all answers on your answer paper. Do not write on this question paper.

Write the letter (A-K) of the word that is most similar in meaning to a word on the left (1-5).
01 Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will not need
five of the words (A-K). The answer to question 0 is given on your answer paper as an example

0. big A doubt
B tell
1. oppose C accept
D join
2. unite E realise
F assume
G choose
3. complete
H finish
J disagree
4. say K touch
L large
5. vote

Finish each sentence (6-10) using a word from the list (A-K). Use each word once only.
Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-K).

6. To say no is to... A instruct

B improve
7. To look at something is to... C follow
D share
8. To wrap something is to... E cover
F refuse
G measure
9. To give orders is to...
H link
J observe
10. To guess something is to... K estimate
Aptis Practice Test
Version 3

Write the letter (A-K) of the word that is most similar in meaning to a word on the left (11-15).
03 Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will not need
five of the words (A-K).

11. whack A catch

B dance
12. tread C chase
D hit
13. arrest E step
F stand
G excite
14. mend
H laugh
J mix
15. thrill K fix

Write the letter of the word on the right (A-K) that is most often used with a word on the left
(16-20). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will
not need five of the words (A-K).

16. millionaire A hunters

B subject
17. epidemic C employee
D programme
18. diploma E shoppers
F joint
19. windscreen G proportions
H wipers
20. bargain J size
K businessmen
Aptis Practice Test
Version 3

Finish each sentence (21-25) using a word from the list (A-K). Use each word once only.
Write your answers (A-K) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-K).

21. I don’t buy _______ food because it’s expensive and A catch
I think it’s a waste of money. B vicious
C swift
22. He was an excitable man and was very _______ about D organic
being unhappy. E ripe
F extravagant
G secret
23. It was one of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen. It was
H furious
absolutely _______.
J vocal
K calm
24. They’d spent a huge amount of money on the wedding. It
was very _______.

25. When the player found out he’d lost the point, he was
absolutely _______.
Test 1 answers (old workbook)
Test 2 answers (old workbook)
Test 3 answers (old workbook)

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