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Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section__________________

Subject: _________________ Teacher: __________________ Score: ___________________

Lesson: Quarter 2 Week 6 LAS 1
Activity Title: Compartments of Fishpond
Learning Target: Identify different ponds compartments.
Reference: MELC, TLE 7
LAS Write: Manal J. Abubakar

Compartments of Fishpond and Functions

Fishpond - is an artificial body of water surrounded by dikes and with accessories such as gates,
pipes and canals to facilitate water supply management.

.1. Nursery Pond (NP)- is the smallest and the cleanest compartment where fish are reared from fry
up to pre-fingerling size.

2. Transition Pond (TP)- is a compartment where fish are reared from pre-fingerling size to post
fingerling size before stocking them in to other larger compartments.

3. Rearing pond (RP)-is the larger compartments of a fishpond where fishes are reared from post
fingerlings up to marketable size.

4. Breeding Pond (BP)- is a compartment where breeder is confined and are used purposely for the
production of fry.

5. Catching Pond (CP)- is an area that serves as catchment basin for fish harvest.

6. Head Pond (HP)- is used for storing reserve water.

7. Water Supply Canal (WSC)- is used for supplying water to the different compartments.

Test Activity: Identify the different pond compartments.

_____1. It is the larger compartments of a fishpond where fishes are reared from post fingerlings up
to marketable size.

_____2. It is the smallest and the cleanest compartment where fish are reared from fry up to pre-
fingerling size.

_____3. It is a compartment where breeder is confined and are used purposely for the production of

_____4. It is an area that serves as catchment basin for fish harvest.

This space is
_____5. It is used for storing reserve water. for the QR
_____6. It is used for supplying water to the different compartments.

_____7. It is a compartment where fish are reared from prefingerling size to post fingerling size
before stocking them in to other larger compartments.

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