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What Was the Driving Force Behind European Imperialism in Africa?

Background Essay Quesions

1. Between 1500 and 1800 what was a main reason Europeans did not enter the interior of

The main reason Europeans did not enter the interior of Africa because they were afraid to
catch malaria or other tropical diseases. Europeans were vulnerable to these diseases that
the west coast of Africa, from Senegal's river to Angola, became known as " the white man's

2. What is the difference between ending the slave trade and ending slavery?

Ending slave trade would stop the transportation of slaves but ending slavery itself gives
slaves freedom to be there own person. In 1807, the British outlawed the trans-Atlantic
slave trade law and in 1833, slavery itself. this caused Europeans interest to shift to

3. What is the connection between a man like Mungo Park and imperialism?

Mungo Park was a Scotsman who gave his life in 1806 due to how dedicated he was to
investigate the Niger River region in West Africa. He is connected to imperialism because it
shows how far a man would go to take over land. This starts the shift from slavery to
imperialism, the seizing of colonies.

4. What percentage of Africa had been colonized by 1870?

In 1870 only 10 % of Africa was colonized by the Europeans. Most of the land that was
colonized was mostly around the edges of Africa.
5. What likely explains the poor standing of Leopold II among historians today?

Historians do not stand by Leopold II because even though he was able to acquire 900,000
square miles of land and make tons of money taking out ivory and rubber, in twenty years
Leopold managed to kill over 10 million people through forced labor and horrible

6. When was the Berlin Conference and what did it do?

The Berlin conference was in 1844-1845 and the purpose was to divide up the Africa
continent by claim and by the rule of occupation.

7. What place were Africans given at the conference table in Berlin?

Africans were not given a place at the conference table in Berlin. They were not even

Define the following terms: malaria

A tropical disease.

trans-Atlantic slave trade

biggest deportation of slaves.


the seizing of colonies.

forced labor

people forced to work.

rule of occupation

The rule that European nations used to evenly split Africa.

free trade

The elimination of slavery.

Document A

1. How many European countries held African colonies by 1914?

Seven European countries held African colonies in 1914.

2. Which two European countries were the biggest winners in the race to seize African

France and Britain.

3. Britain had a dream of building a railroad from the Mediterranean Sea to South Africa (i.e.
from Cairo to Cape Town). Which country was in the strongest position to block this from

German East Africa stood in the way.

4. By 1885, what were the only two African countries to remain independent?

Liberia and Ethiopia.

5. How could this document be used to explain a driving force behind European imperialism
in Africa?

This document can be used to explain that one of the driving forces behind European
imperialism in Africa was power and competition with other colonies.

Document B

1. What does Ruskin say England must do to again be “a source of light, a center of peace”?

England must acquire colonies, she must found them as fast and as far as she is able.

2. What does he say should be the colonists’ “first aim”?

The first aim should be to advance the power of England by land and sea.

3. According to Fabri, what were Germany’s strengths when it was “at the peak of the states
in Europe”?

It was great in trade and sea power.

4. Why does Fabri believe that Germany needs to “strive after” colonies?

Germany needs to compete with the Anglo-Saxons to maintain its new position of industrial

5. What is the driving force behind European imperialism in Africa, according to these two

This document can be used to explain that one of the driving forces behind European
imperialism in Africa was power and competition with other colonies.

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