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Alveolar Ridge Expansion: Comparison

of Osseodensification and Conventional
Osteotome Techniques
Jimmy H. Tian,y Rodrigo Neiva, DDS, MS,z Paulo G. Coelho, DDS, PhD,y§
Lukasz Witek, BME, PhD,y Nick M. Tovar, BME,y Ivan C. Lo,y Luiz F. Gil, DDS, PhD,jj
and Andrea Torroni, MD, PhD§

Objective: The aim of this in vivo study is to compare the Key Words: Alveolar expansion, animal model, atrophic ridges,
osseointegration of endosteal implants placed in atrophic mandib- dental implants, osseodensification
ular alveolar ridges with alveolar ridge expansion surgical protocol (J Craniofac Surg 2019;30: 607–610)
via an experimental osseodensification drilling versus conventional
osteotome technique.
Methods: Twelve endosteal implants, 4 mm  13 mm, were placed
in porcine models in horizontally atrophic mandibular ridges
E ndosseous titanium implants have proven to be a successful
treatment option for the rehabilitation of partial or complete
edentulism. The success of dental implant is attributed to the
subsequent to prior extraction of premolars. Implants were process of osseointegration that provides stability and long-term
placed with osseodensification drilling technique as the survival of these rehabilitations.1 –3
experimental group (n ¼ 6) and osteotome site preparation as the In the area of implant research, investigations in surface engi-
control group (n ¼ 6). After 4 weeks of healing, samples were neering and implant macrogeometry designs have yielded a pleth-
retrieved and stained with Stevenel’s Blue and Van Gieson’s Picro ora of useful features that improve osseointegration and thus
Fuschin for histologic evaluation. Quantitative analysis via bone-to- longevity of implant restorations for the patients.4– 7 In contrast,
markedly smaller body of literature that explores the relation
implant contact (BIC%) and bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO%) between instrumentation methods and osseointegration has been
were obtained as mean values with corresponding 95% confidence produced.8 –11
interval. A significant omnibus test, post-hoc comparison of the 2 Recently, a novel additive drilling design, osseodensification,
drilling techniques’ mean values was accomplished using a pooled has been introduced for placement of endosseous implant.12,13 The
estimate of the standard error with P-value set at 0.05. mechanical engineering design of the drill is such that the bone
Results: The mean BIC% value was approximately 62.5% in the particulate removed from the osteotomy wall is compacted against
osseodensification group, and 31.4% in the regular instrumentation the osteotomy wall, creating a higher density environment that
group. Statistical analysis showed a significant effect of the drilling allows more intimate mechanical interlocking between bone and
technique (P ¼ 0.018). There was no statistical difference in BAFO implant, thus achieving higher primary stability.12,13
as a function of drilling technique (P ¼ 0.198). An additional challenge that faces the endosseous dental
implant therapies pertains to bone volume both in the vertical
Conclusion: The combined osseodensification drilling-alveolar ridge and horizontal directions at the edentulous site.14 – 16 Volumetric
expansion technique showed increased evidence of osseointegration bone deficit pertaining mainly to the transverse dimension, with
and implant primary stability from a histologic and biomechanical adequate vertical dimension, results in the so-called ‘‘knife-edge’’
standpoint, respectively. Future studies will focus on expanding the alveolar ridge atrophy, also defined as alveolar class IV by the
sample size as well as the timeline of the study to allow investigation of Cawood and Howel classification of the edentulous jaws.15 The
long-term prognosis of this novel technique. alveolar ridge expansion technique (ARET) is a particularly useful
surgical approach that allows transverse bone expansion and
subsequently implant positioning in class IV alveolar atrophy.17
From the New York University College of Dentistry; yDepartment of The current iteration of ARET consists of creating a longitudinal
Biomaterials and Biomimetics, New York University College of Den- osteotomy along the atrophic osseous crest, at which point a green-
tistry, New York, NY; zDepartment of Periodontology, College of stick fracture is then introduced to the ridge. The fracture is
Dentistry, University of Florida College of Dentistry, Gainesville, FL; subsequently expanded manually in the buccal-lingual direction
§Hansjörg Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery, New York University
Langone Medical Center, New York, NY; and jjDepartment of Dentistry,
via instrumentation with a sequence of osteotomes of increasing
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil. sizes.17 – 19
Received February 8, 2018. The current investigation evaluated the potential of combining
Accepted for publication July 17, 2018. ARET and osseodensification drilling as a predictable ridge expan-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Andrea Torroni, MD, PhD, sion method, a combination not yet described in the literature, in a
Hansjörg Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery, New York University, highly translational porcine model. Two hypotheses are tested: if
Bellevue Hospital Center, 462 1st Ave, Room 5S19A, New York City, the osseodensification expansion method achieves the same degree
NY 10016; E-mail: of ridge expansion relative to manual osteotomes, and whether
This work was partially funded by BRR Tech, MI, USA. implants placed via ARET with osseodensification ridge expansion
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
Copyright # 2018 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD would yield a statistically significant higher levels of primary
ISSN: 1049-2275 stability and osseointegration indicators at bone-implant interface
DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000004956 than those placed with manual osteotome expansion.

The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 30, Number 2, March 2019 607
Copyright © 2019 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Tian et al The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 30, Number 2, March 2019

METHODS TABLE 1. Ridge Expansion in Millimeters Before and After Expansion for the
Different Instrumentation Methods
A total of 12 Ti-6Al-4V implants with internal connection (Intra-
Lock International, Boca Raton, FL), 4 mm in diameter and 13 mm Osseodensification Osteotome
in length were utilized in this study between osseodensification and
osteotome expansion groups: (n ¼ 6 osseodensification implant Patient Before After Before After
placement and n ¼ 6 conventional implant placement). The thread
design was identical between the 2 groups, with the only difference 1 3 7 4 7
being the ridge expansion method, whether it was with osteotome 2 4 7 4 7
or osseodensification. 3 4 6 5 7
4 3 7 3 6
5 5 7 4 6
Animal Model and Surgical Procedures 6 4 6 5 7
This study included 6 minipig with an age of 24 months and an
average weight of 30 kg. The study was conducted according to the
ethical approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use the osteogenic parameters around the peri-implant surface. The BIC
Committee of the Ecole Veterinaire d’Alfort under Animal determines the degree of osseointegration by tabulating the bone
Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments guidelines. Endoss- percentage of bone contact over the entire relevant implant surface
eous root-form implants were placed on horizontally deficient perimeter. The BAFO measures the quantity of bone (newly formed
mandibular ridges secondary to prior extraction of maxillary pre- and nonvital autografted/native bone due to instrumentation) as a
molars (12 weeks healing). Surgery was performed in a standard- percentage of the space occupied within the implant threads.
ized fashion. Anesthesia was induced with sodium pentothal (15–
20 mg/kg) in normasol solution into the jugular vein and maintained
with isofluorane (1.5–3%) in O2/N2O (50/50). Animal monitoring Statistical Analysis
included electrocardiography, end tidal CO2, and SpO2 and body All biomechanical and histomorphometric testing data are pre-
temperature, which was regulated by a circulating hot water blan- sented as mean values with the corresponding 95% confidence
ket. Prior to surgery, the surgical site was prepared and draped in interval values (mean  CI). Ridge dimension, insertion torque,
sterile fashion. Using a #15 scalpel a crestal incision was performed BIC%, and BAFO% data were analyzed using a linear mixed
along the atrophic crest in the premolar region bilaterally; a buccal model. Given a significance omnibus test, post-hoc comparison
and lingual full-thickness mucoperiosteal flap was elevated to of the 2 drilling techniques’ mean values was accomplished using a
expose the ‘‘knife edge’’ alveolar process, and a crestal corticotomy pooled estimate of the standard error. Preliminary analyses showed
was performed using a fissure bur. Then, alveolar expansion homogeneous variances in the analysis of all 2 dependent variables
techniques were randomly performed on either the right or left (Levene test, all P > 0.25). All analysis was completed with IBM
ridge by osseodensification (O) or conventional osteotomes (regular SPSS (v22; IBM Corp, Armonk, NY).
instrumentation, R) to achieve desirable ridge with for placement of
4.0 mm wide implants, in a split mouth design. The transverse RESULTS
dimension of the atrophic alveolar ridge before and after expansion The mean ridge expansion dimension change is presented in Table 1
was measured with a periodontal probe. Following preparation of and was approximately 80% in the O group and 63% in the R group
implant osteotomies, 4 mm in diameter and 13 mm in length implants (Fig. 1A) with no statistical difference in the degree of ridge
were placed and a primary stability was recorded. The final insertion expansion between the 2 groups (P ¼ 0.156). In contrast, the mean
torque of all implants was recorded by a digital torque meter (Tonichi implant insertion torque of 56.7 Ncm in the O group was signifi-
STC2-G, Tonishi, Japan). Primary wound closure was achieved with cantly higher than the 32.5 Ncm insertion torque in the regular
4-0 polytetrafluoroethylene interrupted sutures. After 4 weeks, the osteotome group (P < 0.001) (Fig. 1B).
animals were euthanized with anesthetic overdose and the samples The mean BIC% value was approximately 62.5% in the O group,
were retrieved for histologic quantitative analysis. which decreased to approximately 31.4% in the R group (Fig. 1C).
Each experimental group was processed for histologic and
histomorphometric evaluation via progressive dehydration in etha-
nol and methyl salicylate prior to final embedding in methylmetha-
crylate. Standard nondecalcified histologic sections were prepared
for each implant specimen according to standardized methodology.
The samples were then sectioned along the implant’s long axis with
a slow-speed precision diamond saw (Isomet 2000; Buehler Ltd,
Lake Bluff, IL) as thin slices of 300 mm thickness. Each tissue
section was glued to an acrylic plate with a photolabile acrylate-
based adhesive (Technovit 7210 VLC adhesive; Heraeus Kulzer
GMBH, Wehrheim, Germany) before grinding and polishing under
abundant water irrigation with progressively finer silicon carbide
(SiC) abrasive papers (400, 600, 800, and 1200) (Metaserv 3000;
Buehler Ltd) to a final thickness of 50 mm. The final sections were
FIGURE 1. Quantitative comparison of (A) amount of ridge expansion in the
subsequently stained with Stevenel’s Blue and Van Gieson’s Picro bucco-palatal direction, and (B) implant insertion torque, between
Fuschin stains. Histologic observations and images were collected osseodensification (O) and regular (R) osteotome expansion techniques. (C)
with an automated slide scanning system and specialized computer Bone-implant contact (BIC) and (D) bone-area fractional occupation (BAFO) as
software (Aperio Technologies, Vista, CA). Histomorphometric function of drilling technique between osseodensification (O) and regular (R)
osteotome expansion techniques. The lower case letters indicate statistically
evaluation was completed with specific image analysis software homogenous groups. Survey view of bone-implant surface with (E)
(ImageJ; NIH, Bethesda, MD). Bone-implant contact (BIC) and osseodensification and (F) regular osteotome. Magnified view of bone-implant
bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO) were quantified to evaluate interface in (G) osseodensification and (H) osteotome instrumentation.

608 # 2018 Mutaz B. Habal, MD

Copyright © 2019 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 30, Number 2, March 2019 Osseodensification Versus Osteotomes

Statistical analysis showed a significant effect of the surgical important milestone in the transition from primary to secondary
preparation technique (P ¼ 0.018). There was no statistical differ- implant stability.
ence in BAFO as a function of surgical preparation technique Regarding the amount of expansion achieved with osseodensi-
(P ¼ 0.198), albeit the substantial difference between the O group fication drilling relative to conventional osteotome techniques, our
at 56.6% relative to 31.7% in the R group (Fig. 1D). results support the hypothesis that similar levels between rotary and
Survey histologic evaluations showed osseointegration of all manual instrumentation can be obtained. This evidence is in
implants. Both O and R groups showed integration with the newly accordance with how reported in a study from Kao and Fiorellini28
formed bone in contact to the implant surface. For both drilling who compared mechanical ridge expansion and ridge splitting in a
groups, the pattern of osseointegration showed similar features. swine cadaver model; in the study the authors reported no statisti-
Regardless of the surgical instrumentation method, the bone cally significant difference in crestal width gain between the 2
surrounding the implants in either groups showed extensive remo- techniques, and primary stability achieved in all 36 implants
deling that included both sites of bone apposition and bone positioned. Although the 2 techniques of mechanical ridge expan-
resorption in close proximity to the implant surface. Higher sion and ridge splitting obtained the same degree of crestal width
amount of bone was observed along the surface and within threads gain, the study showed a fewer incidence of ridge perforation in the
of the O group (Fig. 1E) relative to its R counterparts (Fig. 1F). motor-driven ridge expansion group compared with the ridge
Higher magnification optical micrographs further confirmed the splitting group,28 supporting our hypothesis that a mechanical-
survey observations, where extensive bone remodeling was occur- driven expansion may decrease the technique sensitive limitations
ring along the implant surface for all groups. New bone growth of the manual expansion technique.
around clearly demarcated bone chip surfaces was observed for the In our experience, the comparison of primary stability obtained
O group (Fig. 1G); in contrast, the bone surrounding the R group at the time of surgery showed values 75% higher for osseodensi-
(Fig. 1H) showed less bone chips with less discernable borders for fication drilling relative to conventional osteotome instrumentation.
such particulates. The present study also evaluated the osseointegration indicators
BIC% and BAFO%, defined as histologic evidence of BIC and
DISCUSSION BAFO between implant threads; histologic examination at 4-week
Dental rehabilitation of horizontally deficient alveolar crests by showed higher amounts of bone in close proximity to implants
osseointegrated implants can be challenging. Strategies such as placed in O prepared sites. Quantitatively, the O technique demon-
host-derived block autografts to membrane-guided tissue regen- strated significant difference BIC% and substantially higher
eration have all been established as a predictable surgical therapy amounts of BAFO%, which is in agreement with the qualitative
to augment bone volume prior to implant placement.14,20,21 observation. Both qualitative observation and quantitative results
However, the augmentation of bone precedes dental implant are evidence that the osseodensification technique improves
surgery with an additional surgery for grafting and bone healing, osseointegration indicators of ARET protocols as early as in 4 weeks
adding additional time and costs to complete the treatment. In of healing, suggesting a faster transition between primary and
contrast, the ARET can simultaneously allow horizontal bone secondary stability, which is an important prognostic factor for
volume augmentation along with implant placement, all in one successful long-term osseointegration of dental implant.
surgical visit to accomplish 2 goals: to expand the bone volume to Despite the limitations of a small sample size, a relatively short
adequately accept the implant body and to place the implant time line, which did not allow for a complete secondary osteointe-
device. This, theoretically, shortens treatment period, reduce gration of the implants, and the lack of mechanical pull-out test to
costs, and eliminate the need for a secondary surgical site when compare the ultimate grade of osteointegration achieved at the end
compared to augmentation of bone volume with autologous point, the histometric data for BIC% and BAFO% obtained, along
grafts.18,22 The main drawback of the ARET is the unpredictable with the insertion torque data, supports our hypothesis that implants
stability of the bone plates of the expanded alveolar ridge that may placed via ARET with osseodensification ridge expansion would
jeopardize the primary stability of the osseointegrated implants. A yield higher levels of primary stability and osseointegration indi-
recent review has shown that ridge expansion is a technique- cators at bone-implant interface than those placed with manual
sensitive surgical protocol. In a systematic review on type of osteotome expansion. Further investigation with increased sample
devices used in ARET, Jha et al report that manual instrumenta- size and longer time frame are required to corroborate this hypoth-
tion is the prevailing expansion method, at 65% of frequency in esis and validate the clinical advantage of ARET via
the examined series, while the frequency of usage of a motorized osseodensification technique.
expansion tool is only 18%.23 This operator dependence may be
attributed to the high prevalence of using manual osteotomes, CONCLUSION
contributing to potential drawback that can impede the successful The results of the present study show that osseodensification was
treatment outcome of ARET. Hypothesis of the present study is compatible with ARET with observation of osseointegration with-
that simultaneously combining motorized osseodensification out adverse effects on bone healing and provided histologic and
instrumentation with the ARET, an experimental surgical proto- biomechanical evidence of increases in osseointegration and
col has not been attempted to date, may decrease the technique implant primary stability, respectively. Limitations of the current
sensitive aspect of the expansion technique. investigation warrant further temporal investigation for longer long-
The miniature swine model was utilized as it has been estab- term prognosis of implant osseointegration following ARET
lished as a highly translational model that closely mimics human through osseodensification.
anatomy and physiology, including in the bony architecture in the
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Copyright © 2019 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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