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Philosphy Paper


Classroom Management Philosophy

Haley Pedersen

Education 240

Dr. Wyckoff

June 3rd, 2020

Philosphy Paper


In this paper I will address three theories I learned over this course that I think will help

me when my time comes to manage my own classroom. I will be talking about the Glasser

model, the Seganti model, and the Kagan model. I think these three models will help me

tremendously when I start teaching and working as my own independent teacher, and this course

has really helped me learn the best way to control my class.

Philosphy Paper

The Glasser Model

Over the course, the one model I felt would help me the most in my own future classroom

was the Glasser model. On page 198 in the textbook, it states that Glasser's model “Provides

positive conditions that helps students meet their needs and influence students, without coercion,

to conduct themselves responsibly to do high quality work”. This model really stood out to me

because growing up in the classroom I had many different teachers, many different management

styles and attitudes from my teachers. I personally know I interacted and performed best with

teachers who were positive and helpful rather than the more strict, serious and to the point

teachers. I think as a teacher in my classroom I will try and make every student walk into the

classroom every day with a positive mindset going forward on the day ahead of us. According to

Glasser, a teacher cannot make a student do anything, they can just kind of guide them in the

direction they want the student to go and hope the student follows along. For example, as a

teacher if I want my students to do an assignment and do it well, I will have a better chance of

making a fun and engaging assignment then a boring worksheet. I couldn’t make them do either,

but they will most likely be drawn more into the fun interactive assignment rather than a boring

worksheet. A potential issue I may run into, is the fact that I want to teach younger kids, so in

order to maintain Glasser’s theory I will need to really make sure to lead them down the path of

success and try to help shape them for the rest of their academic careers.

The Seganti Model

I also closely related and liked the Seganti model over the course. On page 122 you learn Seganti

believes that you must “Establish and maintain a calm, orderly and purposeful classroom
Philosphy Paper

setting”. Basically, Seganti believes that on day one you address the students with all the rules

and expectations of a classroom and after that, anything broken is an automatic need for

discipline. I think this is something good to implement in a classroom because then as the teacher

you always have order and control. In my time in school, I quickly learned teachers who have

control of their classroom will have a more successful and smooth school year. Teachers who are

free going without much control in the classroom often have discipline issues and it results in a

wild classroom. If I establish who is boss on day one and keep that same energy through the

whole school year the students will respect you and you will have good classroom management.

At first, I may have to discipline a few, but going along with Glasser, if you establish that

eventually they will catch on if they behave taht things will be better all around.

The Kagan Model

Lastly, I strongly agree with Kagan, who on page 251 says “establish same side cooperation with

students and use structures to prevent and address student misbehaviors.” Basically, Kagan

believes that teachers and students work on the same side to help students have the best school

year with emotions and actions. I think this is a good theory in the classroom because as a

teacher, the more comfortable your students are with you, the better chance you have of them

listening and behaving. Growing up, I know I was more comfortable with the teachers who were

a little more personal and closer with me. I think as important as it is to maintain a teacher and

student relationship, it also is very important to be there and listen to your students. I also think it

is very important to let students know If they need anything you are there for them. It is
Philosphy Paper

especially important when teaching younger students because they are still adapting to the

classroom setting and how to go through every day as a student.


In conclusion, when the time comes to be my own teacher and maintain order and control in my

classroom, I will use Glasser, Kagan, and Seganti’s models to maintain a good classroom setting.

I think this course really helped me learn ways to help me in the future to be the best teacher

possible. I learned a lot of theories and methods to things that I will take with me when the time

comes to run my own class. I have learned the importance of maintain order and control, but also

making a personal connection with students so that they feel comfortable with me and open to

come to me with any help they need. I will use this class for many years to come!
Philosphy Paper


Charles C. M., & Cole K. M. (2018). Building Classroom Management. [VitalSource

Bookshelf]. Retrieved from

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