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It is acknowledged that in this 21st century, human life is crammed with all kind of

challenges; no matter in personal, social interaction, or when dealing with something.

They always face problems due to the rapid growth of high technologies and everyone

seems to be very busy. As an upcoming generation, especially the student community,

is always looked upon and remarked as the one that exposed to dispute and

arguments, because they are actively performing in education wise, sports, and

managing themselves in various situation. They are on the process of reaching

adulthood, physically and mentally. Before they make each step or action to overcome

these stuffs, it is crucial for them to have critical and creative thinking, since these

specified thinking skills, facilitate them to attain a good judgment in an artistic way.

Before we proceed, first, I would like to describe the delineation of critical and

creative thinking. This is to refreshen our mind on the concept of these terms and to

make sure that readers could understand the proper applications of these both thinking

skills and the importance of them in our daily life. Critical and creative thinking are

frequently collocated by researches who investigate higher order thinking. The order of

the terms, that is, whether, critical or creative appears first, is usually irrelevant. These

both forms of thinking are actually different from each other but there is a common

perception that they actually rely on each other and have a close relationship formed.

Although, they may very well be different sides of a coin, but they are not identical

(Beyer, 1989, p.35).

Importance of critical thinking skills.

Critical thinking seeks to assess worth or validity in something that exists. It

involves knowledge of strategies as well as a propensity toward applying them, is a

major component of education (Brookfield, 1987; National Education Goals Panel,

1991). Furthermore, it cultivates students by creating awareness of difficult real-world

problems and prepares them to evaluate the merits and demerits of proposed solutions.

Faculties in all disciplines want students to perform complex mental operations that will

allow them to be successful in coursework, in future careers, and in their personal lives

(Pellegrino, 1995; Siegel, 1980; Weiss, 1992/1993). From the Alvin’s (1990) glossary,

critical thinking is the process of determining the authenticity, accuracy, or value of


For an example in student’s life; in an examination hall when the question papers

are distributed, firstly students will think; what are the questions going to be asked? Do

the chapters that we prepared will be questioned? At that particular moment, they start

to think critically and refresh their minds on the subtopics they have studied. By thinking

critically, they are able to make small reference on the things they have prepared

without looking at books and notes. Next step, when they go through all the questions

they are asked to choose only one question from the given choices and answer it.

Once more the role of critical thinking is played. Students select the best question

among all to be answered. During their critical thinking moment, actually their mind is

coming across many key words related to that specified question.

Besides, they consider the toughness of the questions, points, solutions,

formula, and things to be elaborated on. Then, for one or two minutes, they close their

eyes to make a short review on it; write all important keys next to it, and start answering

it. So, it is clearly known that, importance of critical thinking is revealed in this situation

where students take into account many things before answering a question paper.

Moreover, this evaluative thinking is significant for students to make up their own

mind in situations. Usually, they face problem when they are in a critical situation; when

a best friend of them invite them to a birthday party or movie but at the same time they

have assignments to be finished up. In this case, they have to think critically and make

a positive decision. They should give priority to which comes first and most crucial;

whether the assignments or the entertainments. Although the friend is the close one but

then, in this matter they need to think rationally. This is where critical thinking promotes

mind to make a suitable judgment. So as prominent critical thinkers, they do not jump

into conclusions easily. They take some time to think it very crucially and decide to

complete the assignments first; then carry on with the less important things!

Another example that students are always exposed to other than education is

advertisements. It is a must for them to think critically the purpose of the

advertisements, its advantages, disadvantages, and usages in daily life. By thinking

critically, it could help them evaluate the consequences of these advertisements;

whether brings good or bad to themselves. They list down all the effects and make a

good assumption or pre decision. At last, they are able to come up with their own

decision whether to accept and follow the information or just reject it. Such thinking

actually deepens their mind to evaluate something precisely.

In due all fairness, critical thinking also encourages student to think for them

themselves to question hypothesis, to develop alternative hypothesis, and to test those

against the known facts. Certainly, they are able to cope successfully with changing

environments, go along well with their tasks they perform and the decision they make to

carry out, thus gaining a competitive advantage over their equals who do not posses

critical thinking skills.

In addition, it is opposed to rote learning or memorization, requires identifying

problems, collecting relevant facts or data, making and testing generalizations. For

example, seeing multiple or layered meanings in a text or event; appreciating the

importance of context and perspective in interpreting a text. They also learn to play with

ideas, through speculation, induction, deduction, counter factual, metaphorical thinking,

discerning, themes and patterns in the past and devising; interpretations to explain

them; develop the ability to comprehend diverge point of view.

Elements of critical thinking skills.

To add, there are two essential dimension of thinking skill that students need to

master in order to learn how to upgrade their thinking. They should able to identify the

“parts” of their thinking, which mean the “elements” and to evaluate the use of these

parts. Furthermore, elements of critical thinking can be divided into eight divisions. Each

of these components has significant effect in promoting my learning. The first is all

reasoning has a purpose. During my SPM examination, when I answered the Science

subject questions such as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, I applied that element,

because most of the questions are related to reasoning. From a question there will be

another question related to it.

To answer these types of questions, I need to come up with suitable

explanations. For example, the question begins as this; “why a person suffers from

cardiovascular disease?” The answer will be “because he constantly takes fast food

meals.” The following question will be “explain the reason for the above answer.” So at

this point where, I have already given an answer for the first question and the second

question asks reason for that particular answer whereby I need to distinguish my

purpose from the related purpose. In order to give my reasons and explain on them, I

had taken time, think carefully, and state my justification because my answer should

give a clear explanation to get full marks.

I have to check periodically to be sure I am still on the target to solve the

question. Before making an accurate conclusion, I need to choose realistic reasons and

answer questions which come into my mind such as “why fast food meals cause
cardiovascular disease?”, “what are the components of these meals that have negative

effects to cause this disease?” After all these considerations, I answered “fast food

meals contain a lot of unsaturated fat and cholesterol which deposit on the arterial wall,

causing arteriosclerosis. To conclude, this element taught me ways to think critically and

to end up with a precise solution.

The second element is all reasoning is an attempt to figure something out, to

settle some questions and to solve problem. For example, the reaction between

Calcium Carbonate, (CaCO3) and Hydrochloric acid, (HCL). So, when solving this

equation, actually I discovered the reaction between the molecules, particles, change

and transfer of electrons. Besides, the release of CO2 gas too show the evidence of the

reaction that took place. Thus, these incidents lead to solve the equation between the

reactions of both chemical substances. The reaction will produce Calcium Chloride,

(CaCl2), water, (H2O) and Carbon dioxide gas, (CO2). This type of question comprise of

many component in itself. While I try to solve the equation, actually I am also trying to

describe the movement of molecules, attraction of opposite charges, release of gas,

and production of new chemical substance.

Next, is all reasoning is based on assumptions. During my physics classes, I

have done a lot of experiments. Before, carrying out them, I need to make assumptions

based on the given situations. For example, I did the pendulum experiment to

investigate the relationship between the length of the pendulum and the period of

oscillation. First, I made a suitable assumption, by stating; the longer the pendulum the

longer the period of oscillation of the pendulum. This is just an assumption made by

myself based on the given aim of this experiment. But, there are also chances for me to
assume that, the longer the pendulum, the shorter the period of oscillation of the


When I do think critically, I come up with those assumptions and there is

difference between them. Assumptions are actually shaping our point of view towards a

problem. How we look at the problem? From which angle do we see it? So,

assumptions do help us to enhance our point of view. But how we know whether the

assumptions we made previously are true, logic and acceptable. They might be either

correct or incorrect. So, how to determine this sort of confusion? Thus, we need to

practice our assumption in these real situations to solve problems. Therefore in such

case, I carried out the experiment to get an accurate result.

At this point, we also look up into the fourth element that is, all reasoning

contains inference and interpretations by which we draw conclusions and give meaning

to data. After observing the movement of pendulum and calculate the time, then I

represented them in the table form. This is to analyze easily the data shown. Here we

need to infer what the evidence implies and check inferences for their consistency with

each other. This is because assumptions that we have identified lead to the inference.

At the end of this experiment, I have proved that my first assumption is correct and

acceptable with the reality; when the length of the pendulum is longer, it takes more

time to finish a complete oscillation. The inference will be stated as; the period of

oscillation is influenced by the length of pendulum.

The fifth part of critical thinking is, all reasoning is done from point of view. When

I was in school, my teacher always encourages me to take part in the story-telling and
debate competitions. Some time I would be so excited to take part, but some time I feel

lazy and find them as boring. So, I have two different types of point of view towards the

competition. To make my mind set, first I see them from the positive angle. What would

I gain if I enter the competition? I will get certificates and if I seem to win then I will be

given prizes.

Moreover, I am able to develop my language tones, style, vocabulary, and

fluency. Besides, for debate, I will gain new knowledge when I do find for points to be

debated on the topic. By taking part in these competitions, I will also strengthen my self

confidence. While I am telling the story, I will be standing alone on the stage and the

audience will be seated down. I am not accompanied by anyone. As they watch my

performance from there, I will feel nervous and might panic anytime.

To avoid these incidents from happening, I would practice many times and fortify

my self confidence. These are all the plus points. But I must also seek for other point of

view that is negative thinking. This thinking will make me feel lazy and not interested

because I need to spend more time to memorize the text content and find points.

Furthermore, this will distract me from completing my homework and other important

things. Thus, after considering all these things I need to strive to be fair-minded in

evaluating all the points of view.

Since, in this case, there are more plus points than the minus. So, I will take part

in the competitions; put my full effort and energy to gain success. At the same time, I

will adjust my time to finish my homework and other works. Negative point of view, is

also good for us to make up our own mind, but if we always practice this thinking and
neglect good things, then we will end up in failure and will miss the precious chances to

improve ourselves and become better person.

The sixth element is all reasoning is based on data, information, and evidence.

This part is important when doing essays. To do a good essay, we need information

from various sources such as newspaper, journal, books, and internet and also from

real happenings. When we include all these, data and evidence, our essay becomes

more compact with knowledge and shows our maturity in elaborating the points and

give suitable examples. We should search for info that supports and opposes our topic.

Make sure all the information used it clear, accurate and relevant to the question at

issue. We should also ensure that we have gathered sufficient information; nothing is

left out to complete the essay. These matters are significant in ensuring the high quality

of the outcome of the essay.

The next part is all reasoning is expressed through and shaped by concepts and

ideas. That means, when we want to present or express something to others. The best

way is to know its concepts and ideas. When we follow these concepts and ideas,

others intend to understand well, the matter that we are trying to tell them.

Likewise, we handled an English exhibition. English is such a wide title, thus how

we are going to present exhibition on the title? So first, we found the concepts and

ideas; several themes such as festivals, taboos and superstitions, places of interest,

and foods. This each theme will have its own method to represent its content of

knowledge, such as charts, pictures, materials, games and quiz as this sort of games
and graphical organizers lead to better understandings of the theme and improve their

English language proficiency.

These sorts of exciting methods will include the grammatical rules, proverbs,

phonetics and some other components of the language. These are the best ways to use

the concepts with care and precision. Because when students take part in those

activities and exciting games such as puzzle solving, making the voodoo doll according

to the steps given, mix and match, and singing, they will have fun and enjoyments

besides learning and upgrading their language tricks.

The last element that is the eighth one is all reasoning lead somewhere or has

implications and consequences. We should trace the implications and consequences

that follow from the reason that we made. For example is, solving the mathematical

reasoning which I studied in form five. In the mathematical reasoning question, there will

be a situation given, so I need to come out with two implications from the situation. For

example, x is greater than one, only if only, x equals to three. So the first implication will

be; if x is more than one, then x is equal to three. The second implication will be as; if x

equals to three, then x is more than one. These implications made are actually leading

to a conclusion whereby stating that x equals to three and three is more than one.
Practicing critical thinking skills in classroom.

Foremost, there are many ways for teachers to guide students to practice these

skills in their daily life. Critical thinking requires deliberating, continuing instruction, and

practice in order to develop it to its full potential. It will not take place if a student’s goal

is simply “an exit score from school, necessary to enter a professional course, which

only involves surface approaches by teachers to learning with inappropriate assessment

driven learning” (Caldred and Aldred, 1998, 654).

Teachers should organize debates so that students could argue from knowledge

and give their own opinion and explain briefly the reasons. Besides also teach them the

budgeting method; that is involving mathematical problem solving. This is an efficient

way to shape students as critical thinkers. In fact students must be given a chance to

conduct the class fund money. If the materials they needed to buy is not there, so they

will think of an alternate thing to be replaced. Moreover, they will also learn to spend the

money on useful and beneficial stuffs in a proper way.

Furthermore, they also should given essays because this will form clarity of

expression. Students will express themselves well, in the form of essays. Quality of

essays will represent the thinking level and maturity of their mind. The usage of various

vocabularies and referring to many sources to collect points will illustrate their initiative

to perform well. Organizing quiz is absolutely a superb way for them to think critically.

They will answer the questions individually and in groups. When they give their own

answer, they are able to think on their own idea. Otherwise when they are doing

teamwork, they able to be open minded and each of them will contribute their mind
thought. Indeed, they will either agree or disagree about their classmate’s ideas by

rising proper reason and argumentations.

Students are also should be encouraged to involve themselves in instructional

activities. This will make them to be aware of what they are going to be asked. They will

be always alert and well prepared. One of the activities that is interesting and promote

critical thinking in students is project designing. This is an opportunity for students to

solve problems, to invent, or to improve a product. They might also design a strategy to

achieve goals.

Scientific method is a formulization of critical thinking. Critical matter is some

sense intuitive and automatic. For example in science subjects, the teacher harps on

correlation, necessity, sufficiency and the kinds of experiments required to gather each

type of evidence ( Gidelight in Gilbert’s Development Biology, 200, Sinquer Associates).

These techniques which include both verbal and written reinforcements are used to

invigorate students to evaluate claims about cause and effect that is to distinguish

between correlation and causation. In addition, to learn facts, concepts and certain key

experiments, the students learn the principles of the scientific method that means

students become critical thinkers. So, how is this idea being applied? First, the lecture

period is divided into discussion of observation, loss and gain of function, experiments

and controls.

These steps introduce the first principle of and the vocabulary of experimental

biology. Thereafter, each piece of information can be frequently discussed with

reference to those principles. At last, everyone has those discussions, the final project,
tests, and reinforce the same idea. In conjunct, what do the students get out of it? They

understand from where information comes, where to start when they are asked to think

about something.

Moreover, they can judge the validity of conclusions. As their confidence grows,

they become more active participants in class. Thence, this provides beneficial values

to students; gain a real understanding of how to go about asking questions. The

experimental design techniques and problem solving approaches do really strengthen

their critical thinking skills. They feel less over helmed by all the research and

knowledge by knowing how to break it down into manageable questions.

Importance of creative thinking skills.

Likewise, creative thinking too plays a very crucial role in students’ daily life.

Creative thinking is a specific thought process which improves the ability to be creative;

being in an optimal state of mind for generating new ideas. One should think

deliberately in ways that improve the likelihood of new thought occurring and to

maximize the ability of the brain to think of new, original, diverse, and elaborate ideas. It

is a series of mental action which produce changes and developments of thought. The

process is also defined as an exploring multiple avenues of actions or thoughts.

Creative thinking can be stimulated both by a freewheeling (unstructured)

process such as brainstorming and by a step by step (structured). It is also thinking

about new situations in inventive and unusual ways in order to understand them better

and respond to them in a new constructive manner; learners think creatively in all

subjects areas when they imagine, invent, alter or improve a concept or product. A

creative thinker is curious, seeks problem, and enjoys challenges, optimistic, able to

suspend judgment, comfortable with imagination, and sees problems as opportunities

and interesting. For them obstacles are emotionally acceptable, as they do not give up

easily and always work hard.

It is an ability to generate new ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying

existing ideas. Some creative ideas are astonishing and brilliant, while others are just

simple, good, practical ideas that no one seems to have thought of yet. Moreover,

creative thinking is also an attitude; the capability to accept change and newness, a

willingness to play with ideas and possibilities, a flexibility of outlook and the habit of
enjoying, while looking for ways to develop it. We are socialized into accepting only a

small number of permitted or normal things, like buying small note pad to jot down

notes. But a creative thinker thinks that there are other possibilities, like collecting used

note books, separating the over left blank sheets which are still in good condition,

compile them into a compatible note book, make the cover page and then use it for

taking notes! This type creative thinker knows that there is always room for


Besides, several methods have been identified and proven to produce creative

results. First, is the evolution method. This is the method of incremental improvement.

New ideas stem from other ideas, new solutions from previous ones, the new one

slightly improved over the old ones. Many of the sophisticated things we enjoy today

developed through a long period of constant increment. Making something new a little

bit here, a little bit there, gradually makes it something a lot better; even entirely

different from the original.

For students, there are more computer based learning tools coming up. Firstly,

they just came up with simple exercises, then later added with formulas, pictures, and

then upgraded with using learning cards of various subjects. Every problem that has

been solved can be solved in better ways. Creative thinkers do not subscribe to the idea

that once a problem has been solved, it can be forgotten, or to the notion that “if it didn’t

broke, don’t fix it.” A creative thinker’s philosophy is that “there is no such thing as an

insignificant improvement.”
Furthermore, synthesis is also an important one because with this method two or

more idea is combined into a third, new idea. For example combining the ideas of a

book and music; this creates a simple, comfortable and easy learning for students. This

way adequate them with education and also music, as we all know music is also a

creative thought, an inspiration for studies, and also leads to their better and effective


Next is the, revolution way. Sometimes the best new idea is a completely

different one, and market change from the previous one. While an evolutionary

improvement philosophy might cause a professor to ask,” how can I make my lectures

better and better?” A revolutionary idea might be, “why not stop lecturing and have

students teach each other, working as teams or presenting reports?

Moreover, there is also another method known as reapplications. It is looking at

something old in a new way; going beyond labels, unfix ate, remove prejudices,

expectations, and assumptions and discover how be reapplied. A creative thinker will

use and modify an old piece of cloth and materials to make a new collage, project work

or design sheet to be presented in the class. This will stimulate the creative thinking of

students in promoting learning using such ways besides, textbooks. The key is to see

beyond the previous or stated applications for some idea, solution or thing and to see

what other application is possible.

Furthermore, there is also changing direction. Many creative breakthroughs

occur when attention is shifted from an angle of problem to another; this is sometimes

called creative insight.

Elements of creative thinking skills.

The first element is being curious. Curiosity builds upon that natural

impulse the desire to learn more. Everyone has got this; the challenge is to use it

effectively and to develop it for our benefits. Our mind is on a continuous quest for

discovering new things and to explore new ideas. This is very much possible, especially

students’ community, which has fresh mind; always keep on discovering newer stuffs

and keep on asking questions after questions. During my school time, I frequently do

this thing. Whenever, my teachers had finished teach us, I am the first one to raise my

hand and ask questions. I will ask many questions regarding that specific topic. When I

do that, I get clear and proper answers or explanations from him. Most of the time, I will

even get a good idea on the question that I am about to ask to him. This awareness

ensures me to answer well without getting confused in my exams.

Therefore, it was really beneficial for me when I asked lots of questions to my

sir. Besides, helping me to solve my problem, being curious also aid me in gaining more

confident to face my sir and dare to ask questions. Usually, when I do ask questions it

means that I have given my mind a chance to think on how to arise questions in a

creative manner. Consequently, creative questions will attract my sir’s attention and he

would be very glad to answer it because, he will find it as provocative and interesting.

Great minds ask great questions. The questions we ask, the ideas we ponder

about, greatly influence the quality of our education. By developing a curious mind, we

can broaden our horizons on thinking creatively. ‘The important thing is not to stop

questioning’, said Einstein. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. We cannot help but
be in awe when we contemplate the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous

structure of reality. It is enough if we try merely to comprehend a little of this mystery

every day. Never lose a sacred curiosity.

To add, the next element is we need to connect the unconnected. Many creative

thinking experts rate this as the essential element, almost as the definition of creative

thinking. In this, we need to read widely. Normally, when I do my homework, I do not

depend only on the reference books, but I do surf the web to see where I end up. As I

am online, somehow at a point I will knew the connection between my search and what

I have got. I will go through it, and at the end I am able to connect both and have a vivid

thought on my search. Moreover, I also try something different especially when doing

my additional mathematics questions. There will be a specific method on solving it. But

in the event of doing so, I will try to find other easy way.

The impressive moment was, when I happened to discover the new method and

showed it to my teacher and explained it to her and my friends. Then she told me that, it

was also an alternate method to solve the question and she was about to show that to

us later. Hence, that time I understood that, the method I found actually connected with

the old one. Furthermore, I had also solved problems by stepping sideways; means

seeing the problem from another angle. By looking at a given situation, I will think if I

were a fish or a small kid, how I would handle this thing. From there, I will get new ideas

and solutions because by imaging myself as a fish and kid; both are two different

species of living, thus, I can think creatively and get mind blowing ideas.
The third part is ideas should be cultivated. New ideas are like seedlings; they

need to be cared for, protected from enemies and kept out of the harsh light of day for a

while. I have learned to champion my ideas until they are robust enough to sink or swim

in the real world. When I have thought of an idea which is really a tremendous one, then

I will protect it from critics, from people wielding it by budgets, from friends who will pour

cold water on it and even from my own dark side. Sometimes, I will have my own

daydream about my idea; imagine how I can develop it, and how it might play out. For

this to happen, I will refer to the experienced experts and consult with my teacher to

obtain guidelines. I also take plenty time to think of it, because creative thinking does

not always run to schedule and idea may need to develop in its own time, to simmer on

the back burner for a while before they are cooked enough to be served to my friends

and others.

Eventually, the last element in creative thinking is, we always need to challenge

ourselves when we are doing something. I will take risks and accept the failure if there

is any. One out of about ten or twenty ideas will succeed for me if I am lucky enough

and it does not get higher without taking risks. The most significant thing is dare to

challenge in order to get success even it is just a drop from the ocean. But if it wins then

the small drop will be a grand achievement. Foremost, I trust myself so that I know how

to follow a hunch I had felt in my heart and mind. When I am doing my assignments I

am dare to pen down my thoughts because if my opinion is incorrect my teacher will

correct me and I will become close to my edge. There is no way around this one,

because thinking creatively means I need to step outside my comfort zone and have a

bit of courage.
Practicing creative thinking skills in classroom.

In class, teachers should ask as many questions as can to students. This would

not make the class bored but will influence their mind to think and think ways to improve

a certain matter of subject, and have chances to come up with new ideas. They will also

able to learn from question which can lead to another question and enlarge their

parameters of vision about that specific topic.

Certainly, teachers also can conduct the arts or drawing class session in an open

area such as a lake garden. This place has the most of nature’s gifts such as tree,

grass, lake, flowers and creepers. This method will promote creative thinking in students

to figure out their drawing well because they are exposed to real looks of the greenish

nature. Teachers also should encourage them to use recycled items to invent a tower or

a new idea to be presented upon an exhibition. At this point, students will be able to

practice their creative thinking to make a modification on the used materials and

overcome barriers or blocks to have new ideas.

Class will be boring and less interesting when students just listen to teacher’s

voice as well as going through with past years’ questions. So for a change, students

should come up with the idea of what they are going to learn on that day. They can

prepare PowerPoint slides as the learning materials other than just using text books or

simple hand outs. To add they will go online, search for points and then make their own

sentence creatively. Thus, they can have combination of two or more ideas to be
presented in graphical organizers. By doing this, they will also learn to handle the latest

technologies and software programs.

Meanwhile, a solution to a question can be solved in the note making method.

Each one in the class should contribute an idea, pass it over and the others will have

the opportunity to collect their friends’ notes, have a look, jot them down and think of the

ideas. So, at last each of them will have their friend’s mind thoughts. For primary school

students, songs or music can be used to carry out teaching process. For instance, the

magic box which has filled with questions will be passed on as the music is played on.

The music will be stopped at intervals of twenty seconds and each of them will have the

chance to pick a question and answer it. Hence, it will make them to stay alert and they

will be wondering when their turn would come. This is a part of learning and it is

interesting as well as exciting.

An effective mechanism of creative thinking is mind maps. It is the ‘whole- brain

thinking and reaches out in all directions and catches thoughts from any angle’ by

( Michael Michalko, cracking creativity). Teachers can use this to teach. Mind map is the

ultimate organizational study tool in class. It is very effective, because by doing mind

map, it is easy to put information into students’ brain which maps out their thoughts. It is

very simple too. Mind map gives an overview of a huge subject to them, besides enable

them to gather together large amounts of data in one place. Moreover, it boosts problem

solving by allowing them to see new creative pathways. Foremost, it is enjoyable to be

seen, read, muse over and remember. Mind map will help them a lot in their studies to

learn faster and more efficiently, see the whole picture of the problem and also to
remember better. These are because, mind maps use colours, curved lines, symbol,

words and images according to a set of simple, basic , natural and brain- friendly rules.

Colour is the leading feature in a mind map. They can start it by putting in their

favorite colours and make it to appear more interesting; as it also triggers their creative

thinking processes. To add more, mind map includes each aspect of the left and right

brains and is therefore a superb whole- brained creative thinking tool. This is because

when they do mind maps, they do use words, logics, numbers, lists, images,

dimensions, and colours too; mean it has occupied fully their brain and assists to come

up with new ideas and problem solving methods.

When they are doing those mind maps they should take into account some

information to ensure the effectiveness of their mind map. They can have a break of

thirty minutes to think of it. Next, return to the mind map and add any new thoughts.

After that, they should look closely again to find any new connection between the

branches. If there is any, then connect those using codes, colours and arrows; giving

again a break, return to mark and lastly decide on their solution! Teachers must assist

students by giving new ideas and ways to show them in the mind maps.

Likewise, storybooks and newspapers can be used as alternative in learning

where teachers give situations and answers. But here, students need to give their own

answers. Those ideas cannot be the same as given by the teachers. So, this method

will promote creative thinking in students to provide answers which are new, different

and unique. To solve the condition, given by the teachers students will seek for

solutions in the storybooks and newspapers which they have brought from home!
In this case, another creative idea is being evolved; that is storybooks do not only

entertain them and give interesting story lines. In contrast, they also function as

information provider. The sentences contain much grammatical knowledge, which help

students to improve their languages besides aid in their essays. While, in newspapers,

the headlines, latest issues and updates assist them to widen their vocabulary with new

words and extraordinary phrases. As they pass by this beneficial and valuable info, they

can use them in their assignments too.


In brief, students should always practice a positive attitude towards critical and

creative thinking skills. They should not be influenced by negative attitudes that could

block their thinking creatively and critically. They must be happy, welcome, even seek

out problems and meet them as challenges. Seeking problems aggressively, will build

confidence, increase joy, and give a better sense of control over their life.

They must believe that, it can be done and made better before the battle starts

itself. But if they give up of course it is self fulfilling. However, if we look at the history of

solutions; man will never fly, diseases will never be cured, rockets will never leave the

atmosphere, and even scientist will not be formed if they had such attitude. Interest and

commitment to the problem are the keys. Motivation; a willingness to expand the effort

is more significant.

Every student has superb critical and creative thinking. So, it is crucial to

understand these thinking skills and appreciate their relationship given in educational

models which are designed to improve higher order thinking and to express themselves

as great achievers!

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