ATLAS ITk Grounding - v2.3

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ITk Grounding & Shielding requirements

ATLAS Project Document. No. Institute Document No. Created: 20 Mar. 2017 Page 1 of 38
AT2-I-EP-0001 Modified: 2 Jul 2019 Rev.No. 2.3

ITk Grounding & Shielding Requirements

This document details the Grounding & Shielding requirements to be followed during the conception, design
and construction of the full ITk Detector. An appendix has been added to detail adaptations and possible
exceptions allowed.
This Appendix may need items added or modified as the designs continue to evolve.
Original Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
H. Grabas (UCSC) D.A. Feito (CERN) R. Bates (Glasgow) F. Lanni (CERN)
E. Spencer (UCSC) M. Capeans (CERN) A. Catinaccio (CERN) L. Pontecorvo (CERN)
M. Dawson (Oxford) H. Chen (BNL) S. Diez Cornell (DESY)
Version 2 Prepared by K. Einsweiler (LBL) P. Farthouat (CERN)
A.A. Grillo (UCSC) T. Flick (Wuppertal) D. Giugni (Milano ) [tbc]
E. Spencer (UCSC) P. Göttlicher (DESY) M. Hamer (Bonn)
N. Starinski (Montreal) C. Sawyer (RAL) E. Stanecka (Krakow)
R. Teuscher (Toronto) E. Vigeolas (CPPM) [tbc]
M. Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) T. Weidberg (Oxford)
T. Affolder (UCSC) M. Aleksa (CERN)
M. Citterio (Milano) D. Ferrere (Geneva)
C. Gemme (Genova) P. Morettini (Genova)
For information A.A. Grillo Tel. e-mail
+1 831 459 2694
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the ITk Grounding and Shielding strategy…………………………………………………………………4
1.1. Reasons for ITk grounding and shielding requirements ................................................................................................................. 4
1.2. ITk detector system................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3. ITk grounding and shielding boundary .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.4. ITk Reference Potential......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Important concepts about ground ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1. Definition of ground and grounding for purposes of this document ........................................................................................... 5
2.2. Grounding — important parameters .................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3. Connections or joints between conducting material in the detector volume .............................................................................. 5
3. The ITk Faraday Cage ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Faraday Cage definition ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2. Faraday Cage role ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3. Faraday Cage components .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.4. Faraday Cage construction for grounding and shielding ................................................................................................................. 6
3.5. ITk Faraday Cage non-idealities........................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.6. Faraday Cage materials – required equivalent conductivity thicknesses ....................................................................................... 7
3.6.1. Conductivity of carbon fibre structures .................................................................................................................................... 7
3.6.2. Faraday Cage construction........................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.7. Ideal Faraday Cage joints fabrication .................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.7.1. Aluminum metal joints ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.7.2. Carbon fibre joints ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.7.3. Faraday EMI Gaskets ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.7.4. Galvanic compatibility .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
3.8. Treatment of Faraday Cage apertures ............................................................................................................................................... 10
3.8.1. Single apertures ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.8.2. Multiple apertures........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
3.8.3. Aperture thickness....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.8.4. Aperture summary....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.8.5. Aperture specifications ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.9. The extended Faraday Cage ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.10. Opto Boxes ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.11. Floating power supplies – referencing at the detector .............................................................................................................. 12
3.11.1. Idealized power supply to Faraday Cage cable connection ................................................................................................. 12
3.11.2. Cable shield construction ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.11.3. Connection to the Faraday Cage .............................................................................................................................................. 14
3.12. Patch Panels ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

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3.12.1. PP0 or EOS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14

3.12.2. PP1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.12.3. PP2 & PP3 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.12.4. PP4 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.13. Entry filters ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.13.1. Entry filter requirements ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
3.13.2. Entry filter construction ............................................................................................................................................................. 17
3.13.3. ITk strip connectors and entry filter construction ................................................................................................................ 17
3.14. Unused connector pins and unused wires in cables................................................................................................................... 17
4. ITk inner conductive structures .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
4.1. ITk inner conductive “Influential” Support Structures ................................................................................................................. 19
4.1.1. Influential Support Structure geometry ................................................................................................................................... 19
4.1.2. Influential Support Structure referencing ............................................................................................................................... 19
4.2. Cooling Pipe Referencing.................................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.3. The PST and IST referencing............................................................................................................................................................. 20
4.4. Ancillary support structure referencing ............................................................................................................................................ 20
4.5. Tie Points for carbon fibre structures............................................................................................................................................... 21
5. Detector reference path ................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
5.1. The Internal detector reference Points: PP0s or EOSs................................................................................................................ 21
5.2. Type I Cables connecting PP1 to PP0 or EOS............................................................................................................................... 22
5.2.1. Example of a detector reference path...................................................................................................................................... 22
5.3. Care against cross coupling cable connections and loop creation ............................................................................................... 25
5.4. Extensions of the Primary Faraday Cage ......................................................................................................................................... 26
6. Electrical safety and earth tie ....................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Appendix: Adaptations and Exceptions ............................................................................................................................................................ 28
A&E 1. Shields on Type I cables between PP1 and PP0 (or EOS) .................................................................................................. 28
A&E 2. Multiple Serial Power Chains running off the same Pixel PP0 ........................................................................................... 29
A&E 3. Reference tie for high voltage power lines to the Pixel Layer 0.......................................................................................... 30
A&E 4. Referencing the modules & structures of the Pixel Outer Barrel ....................................................................................... 30
A&E 5. Referencing the modules & structures of the Pixel Outer End-caps................................................................................. 32
A&E 6. Referencing the modules & structures of the Pixel Inner System ...................................................................................... 33
A&E 7. Use of the Pixel DCS Controller Chip .................................................................................................................................... 34
A&E 8. Referencing of the Strips End-cap Global Supports ............................................................................................................ 34
A&E 9. Referencing the Strips Barrel Global Supports ...................................................................................................................... 35
A&E 10. Validation of the Grounding and Shielding Requirements.................................................................................................. 35
Appendix: Power Supply Standards..................................................................................................................................................................... 37
7. Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38

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This strategy is designed to protect the small signals present in the ITk sensors and readout electronics as well as the transmission
signals from EMI picked up from outside sources or created internally by unwanted coupling between signal sources inside. Much
of the ITk structures will be made of material that happens to be electrically conductive. This can be a boon in that careful use of
this material can achieve electromagnetic shielding as a by-product of the structure, possibly without the need of extra shielding
material; however, this can also create many problems by creating unwanted couplings between active elements of the detector
system causing unwanted interference. For this reason, the ITk Grounding and Shielding Strategy involves the structural elements
of the ITk as well as the active or electrical elements of the system.
The basics of the ITk G&S Strategy is that the entire ITk System will have one and only one reference to earth, which will be
established at the Faraday Cage by a single point electrical tie to earth. All other components will tie to this single reference and
otherwise float with respect to any other earth connections. This strategy is consistent with the ATLAS requirement that each
detector be electrically isolated from all other detectors and is a strategy that has been very successful for the ATLAS Liquid Argon
Calorimeter, the ATLAS TRT and the ATLAS SCT and Pixel detectors. The following sub-sections of this introduction will give
more specific examples of the rationale for the strategy and the components involved.


The raw signals of the Strips sensors are of order a few femto-coulombs, which become a few millivolts after the first stage
amplification. The silicon microstrip sensors that generate these signals are very sensitive to Electromagnetic Interference (EMI),
which can be readily picked up by the silicon strips themselves or the powering of the amplification and readout electronics. The
Pixel sensors are somewhat less sensitive due to the much smaller size of the sensor elements, e.g. their potential for capacitive
coupling, but not at all devoid of such sensitivities, especially in the readout electronics.
The optical transducers receiving high-speed transmission data are running with limited headroom due to high losses occurring
during transmission. The electrical transmission is very sensitive to EMI because the transmission lines are long with a wide
bandwidth and because the SNR (signal to noise ratio) at the receiver end is small. A significant increase in the bit error rate close
to the inherent noise level of the sensing elements will change the physics data logging rate.


The components of the ITk detector system include:
• The ITk Faraday Cage.
• The Strip Barrel and two End-cap detector sections.
• The Pixel Outer Barrel detector sections.
• The two Pixel Outer End-cap sections.
• The Pixel Inner System sections.
• The Pixel Opto Boxes.
• The Strip and Pixel Low Voltage and High Voltage power supplies.
• The DCS monitoring system.
• A safety interlock system.
• Any service and power cables running between the aforementioned systems.
• The plumbing associated with the cooling system inside the Faraday Cage. (The cooling system and its associated plumbing
outside of the Faraday Cage will be electrically isolated at the entrance to the Faraday Cage and therefore not included.)
• All structural elements of the components in this list which are made of electrically conductive material.


The Faraday Cage is the boundary that envelops the elements that must meet the ITk Grounding and Shielding Requirements. It
is described in Section 3 to include the shield that surrounds the ITk detection and on-detector electronics components and extends
to envelop the Opto Boxes, the patch panels and the service cables wrapped in their cable shields. These requirements include
prescriptions for the low voltage and high voltage power supplies for the ITk Detector System; however, most of them do not
reside strictly inside the Faraday Cage envelope as is discussed in Section 3.11.

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The entire ITk Detector shares a unique and therefore common electrical reference potential. This reference potential is that of
the Faraday Cage, which has a single connection to a single point tie to earth. This will be referred to has the ITk Reference Potential
or ITk Reference for the sake of brevity.
The power supplies servicing the silicon sensors and their associated sensitive front-end read-out ASICs are located in service
caverns roughly 100 meters away from the detector itself in two opposite directions. The Opto Boxes are several meters away from
the Faraday Cage enclosing the detector elements. It is very questionable if a stable earth potential can be maintained over such a
dispersed system. Indeed, potential variations on the order of 100 mV have been measured between grounding points at the
detector and only 30 m away [14]. This makes the single point earthed strategy necessary and everything, including all power
supplies, must be referenced to it. Long cables are very susceptible to EMI. A proper shielding, referencing and filtering strategy
is required to prevent or filter noise pickup on the cables.


To make this document more precise we define some of the terms specific to grounding and shielding.


• A ground is a low impedance path for current to return to its source.
• Grounding is returning the current to its source.
• Proper EMC grounding involves returning the current to the source through the smallest loop possible.


The important parameters of a ground are the following:
• the magnitude of the return current,
• the frequency of the return current,
• the impedance of the ground path, paying special attention to the inductance of the path.
When calculating the inductance of a conductive path above a ground plane, consider the following [1]:
• It is proportional to the length of the conductor.
• It is inversely proportional to the log of the width of the conductor.
• It is proportional to the log of the height between the conductor and the ground plane.
• It is inversely proportional to the number of parallel paths (neglecting mutual inductance).
To summarize, when considering proper grounding one must think about the magnitude of the return current and provide the
shortest and lowest impedance path.


All material in the detector volume which conducts electricity must be connected to some path to earth so that charge deposited by
the exposure to charged particle radiation can drain away. The only earth connection must be through the Faraday Cage itself.
Furthermore, structures made of conducting material that are in close proximity to the sensors or electronics associated with
detector operation can affect the performance of the detector by AC coupling to them. Care must be taken in how and where
connections are made.
Three different types of electrical connections will be defined in Sections 3.7 and 4 along with explanations of where each type is
required. They are:
• RF Joint: A tight RF seal as specified in Section 3.7 which describes mating surfaces and EMI gaskets for shielding purposes.
• Low Impedance Tie: A tie with full AC impedance < 10 W for DC up to 100 MHz and for extended structures, whose edge
where the tie is being made (e.g. the end a cylinder or the end of a ring) is longer than ~500 mm, there must be one of the
ties every <= 400 mm.
• Low Resistance Tie: A tie or ties such that all points on the structure have a DC resistance to the Faraday Cage < 20 Ohms.
This will be used for conducting structures that are not likely to influence the operation of active parts of the detector.

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This is a long section that describes the central role of the Faraday Cage in the entire Ground and Shielding Strategy. Given that
the full extended Faraday Cage encompasses not just the sensor and on-detector electronics contained in what is defined as the
Primary Faraday Cage, but also the other parts like cables and patch panels which must share the common shield, many parts of the
ITk system will be included in this section.


A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure used to block electromagnetic fields. It is formed by conductive material or by a mesh of such materials.
Faraday cages are named after the English scientist Michael Faraday, who invented them in 1836.


In the case of ITk detectors, the goal of the Faraday Cage is twofold:
• Connect all the shielding elements together providing a single common reference point to all ITk detector elements –
• Protect the ITk detectors from impinging electromagnetic fields – shielding.


Given the definition of the shielding boundary of the extended Faraday Cage stated in 1.3 above, it must include a complex envelope
that encompasses all the ITk detectors, cables and many services. These include:
• Primary Faraday Cage which encloses the detector components of the ITk inside the ATLAS cryostat.
• Cable shields.
• Connector shells.
• Casing of the interconnects at PP2, PP3 and PP4.
• Enclosure of the Opto Boxes.
All parts constituting the Faraday Cage should be assembled in such a way that they tightly connect with RF contacts.


The Faraday Cage for the ITk is constructed to provide both grounding and shielding to the ITk detectors.
Grounding is provided by constructing the Faraday Cage with low impedance between any two points, following the Important
Parameters specified in Section 2.
EMI Shielding is provided by constructing a complete single layer low impedance enclosure around the ITk detector elements.
The conductivity, or inversely the impedance, of the Faraday Cage enclosure, directly affects its shielding performance. This is
especially true for EMI frequencies below 30 MHz where enclosure thickness and impedance are strongly interrelated. Apertures
in the Faraday Cage will degrade its performance.
Both grounding and shielding of high quality for the ITk Detector System can generally be achieved by minimizing the Faraday
Cage impedance between any two points. Any deviation in construction from a complete RF enclosure will diminish the grounding
and shielding performance of the Faraday Cage.


Two observations can be made in the specific case of the ITk Faraday Cage:
• The construction of a single low impedance sheet metal enclosure is not possible around the entire ITk detector. Joints
and seams could degrade the overall impedance and thereby performance of the Faraday Cage. Shielding joints and seams
of the Faraday Cage enclosure must follow the requirements established in this document.
• Bundles of optical fibres exiting the Faraday Cage will compromise the Cage integrity. Creating numerous uncontrolled
apertures could degrade the Faraday Cage overall performance. Apertures in the Faraday Cage must follow the
requirements established in this document.

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The necessity for a low impedance enclosure requires that the enclosure be made of conducting material and of sufficient
conductivity. Based upon shielding tests performed by SCIPP/UCSC [12], enclosures of a minimum of either 18 µm thick copper,
25 µm thick aluminum, 3.6 mm thick carbon fiber laminate or a combination of any of these three materials adding to the same
equivalent conductivity are sufficient for enclosures such as the Primary Faraday Cage, the Opto Boxes, Patch Panels and the
necessary shield tubes providing conduits between the Primary Faraday Cage and the Opto Boxes. (See Section 3.10.) Cable and
connector shields will be treated separately in Section 3.11.2.
With some variation with respect to the fabrication process, polymer-matrix with continuous carbon-fibres has been found to be
an excellent electromagnetic shielding material with shielding effectiveness as high as 114 dB*[7]. This excellent performance
extends all the way to DC, provided that special care is given to fabricate low impedance DC bonds between carbon fibre elements.
Given the critical importance to minimize the material, in particular the radiation lengths and interaction lengths that particles must
traverse through tracking detectors like the ITk, such carbon fibre material is a popular material with which to construct support
structures for tracking detectors. Its added feature of having reasonably good electrical conductivity makes it also a good choice
for EMI shields around such detectors. Carbon fibre-based mechanical structures will be at the core of the grounding and shielding
enclosure of the ITk detector and its support structures. Therefore, it is especially important to have all pieces rigorously bonded
together with low impedance joints to guarantee grounding and shielding for the entire detector. This will be covered in detail in
the following sub-sections of this section and in Section 4.
The Primary Faraday Cage, which encloses the sensors and on-detector electronics, must form a complete closed envelope around
all these ITk elements. This will include an outer cylinder and bulkheads closing off both ends of the cylinder. Since the beam pipe
must pass through the center of the ITk with an opening for it in both bulkheads, there must also be an inner cylindrical shield.
The IPT (Inner Positioning Tube), which is inside the inner most Pixel layer and, therefore, is the inner most ITk surface, could
provide this or there could be a separate shield wrapped around the beam pipe. All these components of the Faraday Cage including
the inner shield surface must meet the shielding efficiency specified in Section 3.6 above and joint construction specified in 3.7
below. The integrity of the Faraday Cage relies upon the low impedance bonds between all pieces and parts that make up its entire
envelope resulting in one continuous low-impedance construction. The carbon fibre-to-carbon fibre joints must follow the
requirements described in Section 3.7.2, including strips of copper co-cured with the carbon fibre along each joint location to make
good electrical contact with the RF gasket. This is illustrated in Figure 1. If the material used for the inner surface will require a
joint itself, that joint must run parallel to the beam pipe forming a “cigarette wrap” type joint with good conductivity across the



Note that Ott’s convention is followed such that shielding effectiveness is a positive number [3].

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For the Faraday Cage to provide proper shielding, it is critical that all joints between segments of the Cage walls provide RF seals
against EMI leaking through. The preferred method to accomplish this is with a single, low impedance continuous connection
made by welding, brazing or soldering the pieces together. This is not possible for such a complex structure as the ITk and welding
or soldering of carbon fibre pieces are not practical; therefore, different types of joints as well as apertures must be considered.
Any cable shield to Faraday Cage connection is a special type of joint and is treated in the Section 3.11.3 of this document.
Any aluminum sheet used as part of the Faraday Cage must have at least its edges, which are making the joint contact to another
segment, chromate converted to provide low impedance contact at its joint. Without this chromate conversion, the surface of the
aluminum will immediately oxidize creating an insulating surface at the joint.
Carbon fibre pieces are impractical to weld or solder together. In addition, it is very difficult to make any useful electrical contact
to a carbon fibre surface. Therefore, joints formed by pressure contact of carbon fibre panels do not provide a reliable low
impedance RF nor DC connection. It has been found, however, that co-curing a copper surface layer with a minimum of 5 µm
thickness provides an excellent bond, both DC and RF.
Hence it is expected that co-curing an equivalent of a 5µm copper connection will be provided on all carbon fiber joint locations
of the Faraday Cage structure along with the EMI gasket discussed below. Such a joint should be provisioned during the design
phase of the Faraday Cage structures such that all joints are sealed well. If alternative techniques are found, they must provide a
continuous seal in the same way with comparable impedance across the joint seal.
When assembling two pieces of carbon fibre elements, in addition to co-curing copper at the seams, RF gaskets should be used.
The assembly process is illustrated in Figure 2.
In conclusion, carbon fibre can be the principal conductive material providing the grounding and shielding structures constituting
the ITk Faraday Cage. As such, excellent DC and RF contact should be provided for all its joints and seams.
Where soldering or welding is not practical for a low impedance bonding, pressure assembly with usage of a fastener and EMI
gasket seals shall be used. This assembly is illustrated on Figure 2 in the case of a carbon fibre to carbon fibre flange assembly.
Most parts of the ITk detector will be subject to high doses of radiation hence the recommended gasket type is finger stock which
won’t be subject to radiation damage. Figure 3 shows several types of finger stock gaskets.



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The mating surfaces should be tin plated. In the case of carbon fibre structures, they must be constructed with co-cured copper
layers in the areas to mate with the gaskets. Mating surfaces should be rigid enough to carry even pressure along the gasket and
provide a reliable low impedance contact.
When joining dissimilar metal, a galvanic couple is formed. They should be galvanically compatible with each other to minimize
corrosion. Table 1 shows the galvanic series for various metals. Typically, two metals may be placed in contact if their EMF
difference is less than 0.3 V.



Galvanic Series Metallurgical Group EMF

Magnesium and magnesium-base alloys, cast or wrought -1.60
Zinc, wrought; zinc-base die-casting alloys; zinc, plated -1.10
Hot-dip-zinc plate; galvanized steel -1.05
Aluminum, cast alloys other than silicon type, cadmium, plated and chromated -0.80
Aluminum, wrought alloys other than duralumin type, aluminum, cast alloys of -0.75
the silicon type
Iron, wrought, gray, or malleable; plain carbon; and low alloy steels, armco iron -0.70
Aluminum, wrought alloys of the duralumin type -0.60
Lead, solid or plated; high lead alloys -0.55
Tin-plate; terneplate, tin-lead solder -0.50
Chromium, plated; tin, plated; 12% chromium type; corrosion-resistant steels -0.45
18% chromium type corrosion-resistant steels -0.35
High brasses and bronzes; naval brass; Muntz Metal -0.30
Commercial yellow brasses and bronzes -0.25
Copper, solid or plated; low brass or bronz; Silver solder; German silver; high -0.20
copper-nickel alloys; nickel-chromium alloys; austenitic corrosion resistant steels;
Nickel, solid or plated; monel metal, high nickel-copper alloys, titanium -0.15
Silver, solid or plated; high silver alloys 0
Rhodium plated on silver-plated copper, graphite +0.05
Gold, solid and plated; gold platinum alloys; wrought platinum +0.15

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Optimal Faraday Cage performances are obtained for a continuous shield. But optical fibre and other service entries through the
Faraday Cage make impossible a complete solid shield. Apertures in the shield will considerably reduce the effectiveness of the
shield if not properly constructed.
Apertures in a Faraday Cage disrupt the current paths and can significantly degrade its performance. When considering the amount
of leakage from an aperture one must consider the following three items:
• the maximum linear dimension 𝑙, not area of the aperture, as illustrated in Figure 4,
• the wave impedance of the electromagnetic field,
• the frequency of the impinging field.
For an aperture with a maximum linear dimension l (in meters) equal to or less than ½ wavelength (the frequency expressed in
MHz), the shielding effectiveness in dB is given by:
𝑆 = 20 log dB
𝑓,-. 𝑙
The shield effectiveness is directly affected by its aperture sizes. A long open joint in the Faraday Cage will completely negate all
design efforts to reach specified performance.
The maximum aperture length for 20 dB of shield effectiveness considering various impinging electromagnetic field frequencies is
shown in Table 2.




Frequency ½ wavelength Maximum aperture length for 20dB of attenuation

40 MHz 3.8 m 38 cm
100 MHz 1.5 m 15 cm
200 MHz 75 cm 7.5 cm
500 MHz 30 cm 3 cm
1 GHz 15 cm 1.5 cm
2 GHz 7.5 cm 0.75 cm

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In addition to the single aperture shielding effectiveness, Faraday Cage performance will further decrease in the case of multiple
apertures. The amount of reduction depends on the number of apertures, the field frequency and the frequency and the spacing
between apertures.
The reduction in shielding effectiveness for 𝑛 equal size, closely spaced apertures is given by:
𝑆 = − 20 log √𝑛 dB.
where this negative number decreases the positive value of the shielding effectiveness. Apertures located on different surfaces do
not decrease the overall shielding effectiveness. Therefore, it is advantageous to distribute apertures around the surfaces of a shield
enclosure to mitigate this effect.
The thickness 𝑡 of the aperture also influences the shielding effectiveness of the aperture. (See Figure 5.) Thicker apertures provide
an increase in shielding compared to thin ones. It should be noted that apertures can be made arbitrarily thick by extending the
shield where the hole or slot is made.


The formulae for the increase in shield effectiveness provided by thick apertures are the following:
6 6
𝑆 = 32 d dB or 𝑆 = 27.2 8 dB
The formula on the left is for a round aperture of diameter d and full thickness t and the one on the right is for rectangular apertures
where l is the longest dimension as demonstrated in Figure 5. This method of creating tubes around each aperture can be very
effective in preserving shielding effectiveness.
When considering apertures in the Faraday Cage shield three parameters must be considered to reach the specifications:
• Aperture largest dimension 𝑙.
• Number of closely spaced apertures 𝑛 (for a two-dimensional array of apertures, n is the number of apertures in a single
line in the dimension with the most apertures).
• Thickness of the apertures 𝑡.
A minimum shield effectiveness of 40 dB up 100 MHz is required for the ITk Faraday Cage. While consideration was given to a
higher frequency limit of 2 GHz in order to shield against the main communication bands (FM, LTE, Wifi, …) that might be
operating during the lifespan of the detectors (>10 years), this was deemed too conservative given the limited sensitive bandpass of
the detector system.
Combining the previous equations, the shielding effectiveness 𝑆 given 𝑙, 𝑛, d and 𝑡 is given by:

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150 𝑡
𝑆 = 20 log − 20 log √𝑛 + 32 dB
𝑓,-. 𝑙 𝑑
Table 3 gives an example of the computed minimum required thicknesses 𝑡 for various numbers of apertures of different sizes. (l
is taken to be equal to d which is equal to the hole diameter in the equation for S above.)



Hole Diameter 3x4 Aperture Array 5x9 Aperture Array 10x25 Aperture Array
1 cm t = 0.89 cm t = 1.00 cm t = 1.14 cm
2 cm t = 2.16 cm t = 2.38 cm t = 2.66 cm
5 cm t = 6.64 cm t = 7.19 cm t = 7.88 cm


As already noted, the Faraday Cage for the ITk extends beyond the Primary Faraday Cage surrounding the detector and on-detector
electronics components and includes extended objects such as the Opto Boxes, patch panels and cables stretching back to the
power supplies in the two service caverns. Each of these extensions of the Faraday Cage must follow all the shielding and
referencing required of the Primary Faraday Cage and the components it houses. All these extensions of the Faraday Cage are
interconnected by cables which extend the Faraday Cage enclosing shield by their cable shields.


Because of space constraints and very high radiation levels, the Pixel part of the ITk must locate some parts of its optical data
transmission system outside the Primary Faraday Cage several meters away at a larger radius. These components will be located in
a few enclosures called Opto Boxes. The components in these Opto Boxes will be electrically tied to components inside the Primary
Faraday Cage. Therefore, these Opto Boxes must be treated as full extensions of the Primary Faraday Cage. Each Opto Box
enclosure then must include a fully enclosing EMI shield as does the Primary with equivalent electrical conductivity as specified in
Section 3.6 and joints as specified in Section 3.7. This enclosure must be isolated from any local ground so as not to violate the
single point ground strategy. Electrical connections between the Opto Boxes and the Primary Faraday Cage must be enclosed in a
conductive tube which also provides the same shielding effectiveness as the Primary Faraday Cage shielding and provides a DC tie
of the ITk Reference Potential of the Primary Faraday Cage to the shielding of the Opto Boxes. All cabling to the Opto Boxes
from power supplies or other external electrical components must follow the same requirements of such units connected to the
Primary Faraday Cage. These are detailed in Section 3.11.3.
Care must also be taken that supplies powering components in a specific Opto Box must be located in the same service cavern as
supplies powering readout circuitry inside the Primary Faraday Cage and the cabling for both should follow a similar run as much
as possible. This is discussed further in Section 5.3.


Due to the high radiation levels existing near the ITk detectors all power supplies servicing them are located up to 100 m away in
two opposite directions in the service caverns USA15 and US15. As was pointed out in Section 1.4, the basis of the ITk Grounding
and Shielding Strategy requires that these power supplies be floating with respect to any local grounds and referenced only at the
detector itself, that is at the single point ground tied to the primary Faraday Cage. The long lengths of the cables render them very
susceptible to EMI pickup over the distance covered. Due to the limited EMI filtering possible upon entry at the ITk Faraday Cage
boundary, every cable entering the Faraday Cage must be shielded and that shield must be RF and DC bonded to the Faraday Cage.
Power supply standards required by CERN are listed in the Appendix: Power Supply Standards.
An idealized scheme for power supply to Faraday Cage connection is illustrated in Figure 6. The secondary, floating part of the
power supply is shielded. This power supply shield is tied to the service cable shield. No connections are allowed between the
locally earthed chassis of the power supply and the floating elements of the supply.

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To reduce emission in the service cable, a filtering capacitor is added between the power return and the shield. Typical values
should be around 10 nF. Trace inductance in connection of this capacitor should be minimized.


To summarize, the ITk shield extends to the ITk power supplies shields located in the service caverns through the service cable
shields. The power supply cabinets or chassis are locally Earthed and not part of the ITk grounding and shielding system. The
power supply output and shield should be floating with respect to its housing.
While this idealized power supply and cable shield arrangement was realized in the ATLAS SCT tracker that has been running
successfully for over 10 years, this was only possible because the power supplies were custom designed and built. The plan for ITk
is to use commercial power supplies. Such supplies can be floating as required, but they will likely have the shields of their output
cables tied to their chassis, which are in turn grounded to the racks holding them. Allowing these cable shields to continue tied to
the long cable runs to the Faraday Cage will create multiple ground ties in both service caverns as well as at the Faraday cage violating
the single ground concept. Instead the shields of the cables running to the detector must not be connected to the power supply
output cables.
It is likely that the cables leaving the two service caverns where the power supplies are located, will not be single channel cables
with one twisted pair but multi-channel cables containing several twisted pairs, possibly both high and low voltage channels. Patch
Panel 4 located at the power supply racks can be used to provide the interconnects between power supply output cables (also likely
multi-channel) and multi-conductor cables running to the detector. PP4 then can be used to provide the break in cable shields from
the power supplies and those going to the detector. The shields of cables going to the detector can be AC coupled to local ground
at PP4 during detector operation but it is preferred to have them floating. See Section 3.12.4 for a more complete discussion of
this and a safety feature that must also be built into PP4. Figure 8 demonstrates this and of how the cable shields must be handled.
All conductive cables attaching to or penetrating through the Primary Faraday Cage must be shielded with a combination of:
• Foil wrap of minimum equivalent conductivity of 15 µm thick aluminum, and
• Tinned copper or aluminum Braid with minimum 80% coverage - the Al side of foil facing out and braid outside of foil.
It is assumed that the foil will be spiral wrapped as that appears to be the default deliverable. Our tests [12] and others have
shown that spiral wrapped foil by itself provides very poor shielding above 100 kHz compared to a wrap with a single seam
down the length of the cable; however, such wrapping will make the cable much less flexible. We have no test data for spiral
wrap with braid but the braid should greatly improve the conductivity at the higher frequencies resulting in acceptable shielding
effectiveness. The spiral wrap should specify at least 50% overlap.
This combination of foil and braid makes a drain wire superfluous.
The shield transfer impedance should be no higher than 50 mOhm/𝑚
Any cable geometry or assembly that does not meet these minimum requirements will need to be reviewed by the Grounding &
Shielding coordinator.

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All shielded cables entering the Faraday Cage must have their shield electrically bonded with a 360-degree connection to the Faraday
Cage. Figure 7 illustrates this requirement. The details of this requirement are the following:
• The cable shield mates to the male connector back-shell with complete 360-degree clamping.
• The male and female connector joint is tight with many contact points.
• The female connector mates to the Faraday Cage with a 360-degree contact.
• EMI gaskets or soldered joints are required for every connector joint with the Faraday Cage.

To summarize, all shielded cables entering the Faraday Cage must do so via a connector having a 360-degree RF connection from
the cable shield to the connector shell and a 360-degree connection from the connector shell to the Faraday Cage.



Between the power supplies located in the Service Caverns USA15 and US15 and the actual detectors, there are as many as five
patch panels in the power chain but not all of them are used by every system. The names applied to these patch panels are as
• PP0 (or in some cases called EOS): patch panels right at the detector, installed inside the Primary Faraday Cage.
• PP1 at the A and C sides of the Primary Faraday Cage wall.
• PP2: at several locations inside the Muon Spectrometer
• PP3: at several locations inside the collider hall but outside the ATLAS Detector, on the catwalks outside the ATLAS
• PP4: in USA15 and US15 in the power supply racks.
3.12.1. PP0 OR EOS
PP0s or EOSs are located inside the ITk Primary Faraday Cage and are more directly associated with the detectors, therefore, they
will be discussed in Section 5.
3.12.2. PP1
PP1 is located at the entrance to the Primary Faraday Cage. All cables plugging into PP1 must have their cable shields fully RF
bonded to their connector shells which are in turn tied 360o to the patch panel connector as discussed in Section 3.11.3.
In order to save space in the PP1 area, most connectors will carry wires that service more than one detector unit (normally a PP0
or EOS) requiring the Type I cables exiting PP1 inside the Faraday Cage to split off in different directions. Wires going to different
locations must be bundled together. Also, although it is highly preferred for all wires needed to service one detector unit to be
carried in the same Type II cable and penetrate into the Faraday Cage through the same PP1 connector, if this is not at all possible,
the two PP1 connectors involved should be placed close together and the same detector units should be serviced by the same two

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PP1 connectors. There cannot be random mixes of wires for several different detector units spread over many different PP1
connectors. This would make matching of shield connections impossible to manage in the external cabling. Then all wires for each
detector unit from hopefully one but possibly two PP1 connectors should be bundled together.
With this split of cable bundles at PP1, it may be necessary that a box be fashioned around the PP1 connector(s) in place of a
normal hood in order that each Type I cable bundle can exit PP1 with its braided shield tied to the ITk Reference Potential at PP1.
This braided shield then is essential to couple the ITk Reference Potential to the PP0 or EOS at the other end of the Type I cable
bundle. The braided shield must be prevented from making electrical contact with other conducting objects not associated with its
PP0 or EOS. This normally will require that it be covered with an insulating jacket. Lastly, capacitive filters are required on each
wire in each PP1 connector as detailed in Section 3.13 below.
3.12.3. PP2 & PP3
Not all cables will pass through a PP2 or PP3 but for those that do, the requirements regarding grounding and shielding are listed
here. For the purposes of PP2 & PP3, a term Cable-Unit is defined to be all the wires which will be bundled together in one or at
most two Type II cables sharing a common shield. The key is “sharing a common shield”, which also implies a common PP1
connector or at most two PP1 connectors. See the restrictions on PP1 connectors above. There can be wires that individually
service more than one detector unit but they must come from the same service cavern and follow the same route from there to
these patch panels to prevent their common shielding at their Type II cable from creating reference loops.
• Each patch panel servicing one Cable-Unit must be enclosed in its own Faraday Cage enclosure and that enclosure must
be electrically isolated from all other Cable-Unit and electrically isolated from any local ground. This is essentially an
extension of the cable shield from input to output.
• As stated just below, and especially for Type II cables, if one Cable-Unit is bundled into two cables, those two cables must
run next to each other all the way between PP2 and PP1.
• The cables input to the patch panel and those output from the patch panel must have their cable shields fully RF bonded
to their connector shells which are in turn tied 360o to the patch panel connector.
• A Cable-Unit can have more than one input cable and at most two output cables, but if there is more than one output cable,
all of them will be sharing the same shield reference potential. Therefore, they must travel together to the next patch panel
and share the same Cable-Unit reference there. If there is more than one input cable to a Cable-Unit , those input cables
ideally will come from the same previous patch panel. If not, a review of the source of those different locations must be
made to understand the potential risks of different cable runs cross coupling and forming loops. See Section 5.3 for a
discussion of the risks of cross coupling of cables.
3.12.4. PP4
The Patch Panel 4s will be located at the power supply racks in USA15 and US15. They serve two purposes. First, they provide
any necessary interconnection of wires from multi-channel power supplies to multi-channel cables leaving the service caverns, which
may include mixing wires from more than one type of power supply into the same multi-channel cable, for example high voltage
and low voltage channels.
Second, the PP4s handle the cable shields properly to meet the grounding and shielding requirements. As stated in Section 3.11.1,
the shields of cables leaving the power supply racks must not be DC connected to the local rack ground as they are to be referenced
only at the Faraday Cage. The cables from the individual power supplies to PP4 could have their shields tied to the chassis ground
of the power supplies. PP4 provides the interconnection of power leads but maintains the isolation of the cable shields.

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There is one added safety feature that must also be provided. If the cables are to be tested with the power supplies prior to the full
cable run completed to PP1, the normally disconnected cable shields at PP4 will leave the cable shields floating since their normal
reference is at PP1. In this case, a temporary ground must be tied to the cable shields at PP4, a temporary tie that will be removed
once the connection to PP1 is complete. This can be a jumper but the state of this tie should be very visible from the outside of
the power supply racks such that easy inspection can determine if the connection is in place or not. Figure 8 demonstrates
schematically this feature of PP4.

PP4 can serve the dual purpose to re-mix multi-channel cables from commercial power supplies to the desired mix of multi-channel cables run to the
detector plus the temporary safety ground for testing. The State of Safety Ground connections must be visible from the PP4 chassis or rack.


As a final defense against unwanted EMI entering the primary Faraday Cage and interfering with the proper operation of the ITk,
filters are required at the Patch Panel 1 entrance to the Faraday Cage. The proper attachment of the cable shield to the Faraday
cage wall is covered in Section 3.11.3.
The use of traditional ferrite beads and common mode choke filters are rendered useless due to the high DC magnetic field present
at the Faraday Cage entry. Only capacitive filters are implemented. It is required for each metal conductor going through the
Faraday Cage to be capacitively decoupled to its shield at the Faraday Cage interface. This is illustrated in Figure 9. The value of
the decoupling capacitor must be in the range 100pF to 10,000pF.
Cables carrying DC signals as in power supply cables, should use capacitors at the high end of that capacitance range to best short
out high frequency disturbances. Cables carrying low frequency AC signals up to a couple hundred kilohertz should be able to
operate successfully with capacitors in the range of a few hundred pF, presenting a filter impedance to ground of several kilo-Ohms
so as not to kill the signals.

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Several vendors such as Glenair [4] (contracted for the Strips service module), Amphenol-Aerospace [5] or Syfer (brand of Knowles
Capacitors) [6] offer multilayer discoidal ceramic capacitors that can be fitted into bulkhead connectors. These capacitors are
designed to fit on connector pins and provide decoupling to the connector shield via their grounding ring.
The construction of such capacitor is illustrated in Figures 10, 11 and 12.


Special discoidal capacitors can be assembled in what are called a planar array and illustrated in Figure 11 to provide simple compact
decoupling for multi-pin connectors. The final assembly of these planar arrays into bulkhead connectors and their pins is shown
in Figure 12.
This section describes the construction of the ITk Strips service module connector. This connector is designed to meet all the
requirements for grounding and shielding. By design this connector provides a full 360-degree connection to the Faraday Cage and
embeds decoupling capacitors to the shield for all the relevant pins. Figure 13 illustrates the connector construction. There is an
NDA in place with Glenair on this connector.


With the multi-pin connectors often employed, there may be extra pins beyond the number of wires in the associated cable. These
unused connector pins must either be removed from the connector or tied to a fixed potential present on another pin of the
connector, such as a ground. Such a tie to a fixed potential can be established through the mating pin of the connector once the
connection is made for operation. In like fashion, any unused conductors in a cable must not be allowed to float but rather must
be tied to some fixed potential once the cable is connected for operation.

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Inside the Faraday Cage volumes, in addition to the electrically active components, there are many other structures which are
electrically conductive – some made of metal but most made of carbon fibre. All such components must be electrically referenced
to the ITk Reference potential to provide a path to ground so that they will not charge up given the large flux of charged particles
to which they will be exposed. In addition, however, large such objects, especially those in close proximity to the active detector
components, must have a stable, low impedance connection to the ITk Reference Potential such that the electrical potential at their
surface will not fluctuate at frequencies to which the ITk sensors or electronics are sensitive. Two types of structures then must be
considered: those which can influence the operation of active components because of their size or proximity to active components
and those which should not. The first type will be referred to as “influential support structures” and the second as “ancillary support
structures”. In some cases, the influential support structures will be extensive enough to create a link between the A and C ends of
the Faraday Cage”.


Structures included in what are considered influential are:
• Longerons and Semi-circular support structures and inclined ring structures of the Pixel Outer Barrel.
• Half-rings of the Pixel Outer Endcaps.
• Barrel Support Cylinders of the Strip barrel
A special case for this type of structure would be the PST (Pixel Support Tube), the IST (Inner Support Tube) and the IPT (Inner
Positioning Tube), which will be covered secondarily. Cooling pipes are again structures that must be considered separately.
Some of these support structures are shown on Figure 14. They consist of several carbon fibre cylinders that are axially symmetric.
These carbon fibre cylinders surround the detectors and are good RF and DC conductors, which make them the natural medium
to supplement the Faraday Cage.



It is critical that these structures maintain a stable constant potential because, due to their large area and their proximity to active
detector elements, fluctuations in electrical potential on their surfaces in the frequencies within the bandpass of the detectors can
create noise problems for the detectors. It would be insufficient to simply provide a discharge path for them. For this reason, low
impedance ties must be provided between them and the Primary Faraday Cage.

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For these purposes, a Low Impedance Tie is specified, as it was in Section 2.3, to be an electrical tie with an AC impedance < 10 W up
to a frequency of 100 MHz. Furthermore, the spacing of these ties should be no greater than every 40 cm. Unlike the RF joints
forming the Faraday Cage enclosure, which have the goal of preventing EMI leaking into the detector enclosure, these ties are not
concerned with holes compromising the shielding, but rather with electrical potential stability of the support structure’s surface.
The location of these Low Impedance Ties is also important. For cylindrical objects, the obvious requirement is around the perimeter
of the cylinder at the end closest to the PP1 entry points to the Faraday Cage, again around the perimeter spaced no further than
20 cm. Cable trays should be so referenced where their cables enter the Faraday Cage volume at PP1.
In some cases, the structures span the center point of the ATLAS detector where the coordinate Z = 0. These structures then
possibly carry influence from either or both ends of the detector. The proper solution then is to tie both ends of the structure to
both ends of the Faraday Cage. A good example is the Pixel Outer Barrel in which longerons and their cooling pipes span the Z=0
point. Their prescription then is for longerons to tie at both ends to their semicircular support structures which in turn must tie at
their ends to the Outer Barrel service support shells, which all tie to the Faraday Cage in the PP1 service area. The support cylinders
of the Pixel Outer End-caps, however, do not span the full length of the detector crossing the Z=0 point and it is sufficient for
each of those cylinders to have these Low Impedance Ties around one end, the end closest to its PP1 area.


Cooling pipes are highly conductive and form a spider web like structure throughout the entire Primary Faraday Cage volume. They
also enter and exit through PP1 potentially carrying electrical noise from outside the protected volume. The metal cooling tube
shall bond to the Faraday Cage as it enters the cage wall. The tube on the outside will have an isolator to preserve isolation of the
Faraday Cage.
As the cooling pipes enter other structures to provide cooling to them, their referencing must be considered on a case by case basis,
but the general concept is that the cooling pipes must each be referenced in the same way as the structure with which they are in
contact. This likely means that there will need to be electrical isolation fittings at each point where a pipe enters or exits a structure
which is referenced with a different connection to the Faraday Cage. At the same time, the number of these isolation fittings should
be minimized wherever possible by careful grouping of electrical ties of internal structures. Special care must be taken when
determining the ties for pipes that will be directly cooling active detector components. Sometimes those components are in electrical
contact with their immediate support structure and sometimes they are not. This differentiation must be maintained by the pipes
as well.
The isolators must have a DC resistance > 10 MW and a capacitance < 1 pF, which will yield an impedance at 100 MHz of > 1 kW.


The PST (Pixel Support Tube), the IST (Inner Support Tube) and the IPT (Inner Positioning Tube) are special cases because they
span the complete length of the ITk tying to both end walls of the Faraday Cage with no breaks and no apertures. In that regard,
they appear just as secondary walls of the Faraday Cage itself. (This discussion does not apply to the IPT if it is actually used as the
inner surface of the Faraday Cage as discussed in Section 3.6.2.) Even though their thickness is not sufficient to act as a complete
EMI shield across all relevant frequencies, there will be significant benefit in treating these two tubes as part of the Faraday Cage
shielding structure. They will help to isolate three parts of the ITk: the Strips, the Outer Pixels and the Inner Pixels. They will be
especially useful at shielding very high frequencies, those above 50 MHz. To this end, the ties of these two structures to the Faraday
Cage walls should follow the requirements of joints of the Faraday Cage structure itself, that is with full RF Joints. These through-
conductors serve to reduce AC offsets between the A and C End Plates.


While these “ancillary” structures may be relatively small or at some distance from active detector components, they may be
electrically connected to “influential” support structures. In such cases, their referencing must be compatible with the referencing
of the “influential” structures to which they are tied. Usually this will mean ensuring that their tie to these other structures is
sufficiently good to provide their reference. An example is shown in Figure 15 where spacers used to fix the relative radii of
concentric cylindrical support structures are also made of conductive material and are referenced to the same cylinders. This is
acceptable and encouraged because all the cylinders are tied in a similar way to the same place on the Faraday Cage, i.e. they share
a common reference to the Faraday Cage.
If an “ancillary” support structure was not tied to other electrically conductive structures or was tied to more than one electrically
conductive structure which each had independent referencing, such as referencing through separate powering lines, such an ancillary

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structure must be kept electrically isolated from these other structures and have its own reference tie to the ITk Reference Potential.
In this case, since the ancillary structure should not be influential to any active component, the referencing tie need not be a Low
Impedance Tie but merely a Low Resistance Tie with a DC resistance < 20 W.


As was pointed out in Section 3.7.2 above, while carbon fibre structures provide reasonably good conductivity, it is very difficult to
make direct electrical contact with these structures. Co-curing a 5 µm thick layer of copper with the carbon fibre does provide an
excellent electrical contact. This is the one method which has proven successful by several groups. Therefore, at each point where
a Low Impedance Tie or a Low Resistance Tie is to be made to a carbon fibre structure, it is highly recommended that such a copper
layer be co-cured. This could cover just the immediate area of the contact (at least 4 mm2) or a larger area encompassing several
contact points, for example possibly a narrow strip running along the edge of the perimeter of a cylinder. However, if other
techniques are found which reliably meet the impedance or resistance requirements and will maintain them for the life of the
detector, and also meet the necessary mechanical requirements, they can be allowed.



This section describes the strategy to follow for referencing the ITk detectors to the Faraday Cage, that is referencing them to the
ITk Reference Potential. General guidelines for cabling inside the Primary Faraday Cage are also covered.


PP0s or EOSs are located inside the ITk Primary Faraday Cage. For the sake of brevity, the term PP0 will be used here to apply to
both as they both serve the same function. They provide the referencing point for a group of detector modules interconnected to
each PP0. That is, they provide the point where all the various floating power supplies are referenced to the single point ground
reference, which has been established at the Faraday Cage outer shield. The ITk Reference Potential must be brought to each PP0
via the shield of the Type I cable servicing it as discussed in Section 5.2. All power wire pairs then will have their return lines DC
tied to the reference plane of their respective PP0. If there are any other wire pairs connecting to a PP0, they must also have their
return lines DC tied to the PP0 reference plane. This, of course, requires that whatever circuitry exists at the other end of that wire

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pair is floating as are the power supplies. If that were not the case, then the wire pair would have to float at PP0 and this would
present a serious risk to introduce noise into the heart of the detector system.
Each PP0 and the detector modules it services will sit on or be supported by some structure, which in most cases will be made of
electrically conductive carbon fibre. Then it must be resolved whether the PP0 and its associated detector modules are electrically
tied to or isolated from their support structure. In many cases, they must be isolated from the support structures, but that is not
always the case and it depends upon how those support structures are tied into the other nearby structures and if more than one
PP0 and its detector modules will be supported by the same structure. It is possible for PP0s along with their detector modules to
be electrically tied together on a support structure but only if they are referenced by the same Type I cable in which case from the
referencing perspective they can be treated as one PP0 set. It is generally better for the PP0 and its associated detector modules to
be electrically tied to their support structure since this provides a cleaner reference for the modules. In this case, the support
structure is actually referenced via the PP0, which is referenced via its Type I cable shield. If, however, the support structure is part
of a larger structure or group of structures that has its own tie to the ITk Potential Reference of the Faraday Cage, then that PP0
and its detector modules must be electrically isolated from its support structure. Likewise, if the support structure must include
more than one PP0 with its associated detector modules which cannot be referenced from the same Type I cable shield, then each
PP0 set must be electrically isolated from its support structure and that support structure must have its own Low Impedance Tie to
the ITk Potential Reference. When the situation is not clear, this matter should be reviewed by the Grounding and Shielding


Power and other electrical services are provided to the PP0s via Type I cables that run from a PP1 connector to each PP0. All these
connections should be made from a single PP1 connector to a single PP0 connector such that the cable shield can be properly tied
to the respective connector at PP1 and PP0 as described in Section 3.11.3. All the conductors will then share a common shield and
that shield, a braided shield with 80% coverage, will provide the low impedance reference connection to PP0. This also assumes
and ensures that the external Type II cables have a common shield for all conductors servicing a particular PP0. That will be the
cleanest shielding strategy.
If all the wires belonging to a Type I cable cannot pass through the same single PP1 connector, they must pass through no more
than two which are located next to each other. This is required in order not to violate the requirement that all these wires going to
the same detector unit share the same shield or two shields placed next to each other in their Type II cable and that they are bundled
together with the same Type I braided shield.
Most likely, each PP1 connector will have wires to service more than one PP0, separate conductors for each PP0 but all bundled in
the same connector and therefore the same Type II cable. Separating out several small bundles from one large bundle at PP1 and
providing a continuous shield around each Type I cable bundle may make for a complex harness. Another possible solution would
be to design a box to surround the PP1 connector inside the Faraday Cage such that each Type I cable can attach its connector
hood to the box and have the box RF tied to the PP1 bulkhead.
Here is an example taken from the methodology used for the Strips barrel staves. The referencing to the Faraday Cage is done with
a single low impedance path from the End of Stave to the Faraday Cage through the service cable shields. The reference point is
at the End of Structure (EOS) where are tied:
• The low voltage return,
• The high voltage return, and
• The service cable shields.
The cable shields are also tied at the Faraday Cage entry and therefore constitute the low impedance referencing path for a stave.
Figure 16 illustrates this concept of the referencing for the barrel strips. The barrel strips are supported by staves running half-way
through the barrel. They are serviced by an array of LV and HV cables as well as monitoring lines running around the strip endcaps
on trays. The cables enter the Faraday through the service module connector shown in Figure 17.

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The cables are carried from the service module connector at the Faraday Cage entry to their corresponding stave being supported
by the service tray. Except for the entry area, the service cables are isolated from the service tray. The service tray is required to
have a Low Impedance Tie to the Faraday Cage. The service tray is electrically conductive and thus has a Low Impedance Tie to the
service module connector, which in turn has an RF bond to the Faraday Cage. Given the importance of the service trays in
establishing the ITk Potential Reference at the Barrel Section support cylinders, a full RF bond of the trays to the service module
connector is preferred. The service tray is shown in Figure 18.

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The cable shields from the service module connector are isolated from the service tray to the End of Structure (EOS) connector.
The end of the service tray is held by a sliding mechanical support. If this mechanical support structure is electrically conductive
and attached to the carbon fibre support tube it is required to have a Low Impedance Tie to the support tube. (See Section 4.1.2.)
All service cables enter the stave through a single shielded connector at the End of Stave. The cable shield is RF bonded to the
connector shell which is in turn tied 360 to the EOS common referencing point for all power returns and shields. Therefore, the
referencing path from the EOS to the Faraday Cage is through the cable shields, as illustrated in Figure 19.
A similar referencing methodology shall be followed for all detectors:
• Each shielded cable serving the ITk detector will have its braided shield RF tied to the Faraday Cage and its conductors
capacitively filtered. High bandwidth data transmission cables will be treated in a special way as described in Section 5.4.
• There will be a single reference path (single cable or bundled cables) from each detector module array (normally a PP0 or
EOS) back to the Faraday Cage.
• The braided shield will provide the Low Impedance Tie to couple the PP0 or EOS to the ITk Reference Potential at PP1.
• The braided shield must be prevented from making electrical contact with other conducting objects not associated with
its PP0 or EOS. This normally will require that it be covered with an insulating jacket.
In summary, all sub-detectors will have a single low impedance path to the Faraday Cage.


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Figure 20 is a rough schematic of the cable layout between the ITk Detector and the two service caverns. The detector elements
inside the ITk receive power from both the A and the C ends of ATLAS. The external power to both ends of the ITk is supplied
from both service caverns through multiple and circuitous paths. The figure shows only an approximate simple cross-section;
cables and services actually enter on the entire perimeter of the End Plate and at multiple radii and phi. Supplies which are driven
from the same Mains in either USA15 or US15 provide power to both the A and C ends of the ITk. The shields of the cables
exiting the service caverns are purposely not tied to local grounds there, but there are still possible AC couplings to EMI sources.
Cables traveling from the service caverns to PP3, or directly to PP2 in some cases, may travel in the same tunnels increasing the
likelihood of AC coupling. When these electrical connections reach the detector inside the ITk Faraday Cage, some nearly meet at
the Z=0 position in ATLAS. Some coupling there is inevitable because carbon fibre structures cross Z=0. Some cooling pipes
also cross Z=0. Every effort is made to decouple the actual detectors from those structures that cross from one side to the other.
Any mixing of power or of external cable shield references from the A and the C sides of the ITk must be avoided. Another
potential mixing problem is through the Pixels Opto Boxes. As Figure 20 indicates, there are electrical connections from the Opto
Boxes back into the detector elements through the PP0s. Care must be taken to not only prevent power mixing between the A and
C ends but also that power does not mix from the USA15 cavern and the US15 cavern, which can easily happen by chance or by

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The ITk pixel detector is foreseen to have a large array of 1.28 Gbit or ~5Gbit copper data transmission lines running from the
detectors to the Opto Boxes where data will be converted to an optical signal. The high frequency of these transmission lines makes
it impossible to have them exit the Primary Faraday Cage following the requirements for connectors and decoupling without
degrading the quality of the transmissions. The large number of these very high bandwidth cables makes it difficult or impossible
to have them pass through apertures that meet the requirements of Section 3.8. Therefore, the Faraday Cage must be extended to
the Opto Boxes with its shield wrapped around the transmission cables. Basically, the high bandwidth cables must run through a
shielded conduit from the Primary Faraday Cage to each Opto Box. These conduits must also provide a DC tie of the Opto Box
shield from the ITk Reference Potential of the Primary Faraday Cage. This is illustrated in Figure 21.

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Inside the Opto Box a large number of optical fibres will exit through slots inside the Faraday Cage wall. The size of these slots
must follow the ITk grounding and shielding requirements stated in Section 3.8.


This section puts in perspective the safety aspect of the ITk electrical system with the grounding and shielding requirements [8].
The ITk Faraday Cage shield will be the only path to earth for fault currents; therefore, the single earth tie is essential for electrical
safety. The Faraday Cage shall have a single point tie to earth. The tie shall be made using a low impedance bond from a convenient
point as central as possible on the Faraday Cage and the bond shall be robust enough to handle any anticipated ground fault of
power supplies. Ideally, this tie should be made as central as possible on the Faraday Cage skin between the A and C bulkheads to
assure a symmetric reference for both bulkheads, however, the conductivity of the Faraday Cage skin prescribed in Section 3.6 is
such that there should be no significant potential difference anywhere on the cage surface. Therefore, a connection where ever is
convenient will suffice. With this in mind plus the requirements of Section 3.6, a check should be made of the conductivity between
several points on one bulkhead and other points on the opposite bulkhead immediately before and if possible immediately after
installation. The resistance should be well below one Ohm.
See Section 3.12.4 for special requirements at PP4 during testing of the power supplies and cables before the complete cable plant
is connected to the Faraday Cage. Safety officers should review and inspect the return path to earth for all conductive elements
prior having the system powered to ensure safe operation. In order to safely transmit line fault currents, cable shield connections
shall be robust and DC current capable.
The Faraday Cage will be used as the path to earth for fault currents. A single low impedance earth tie is required for the ITk

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The ITk presents some complex issues to implementing a design that meets the ideal employment of the Grounding and Shielding
strategy described in this document. Some of these are necessitated by the inherent level of performance the ITk is expected to
meet, for example, the need for serial powering the Pixel modules in order to meet total power and cabling constraints given the
number of channels planned to meet the physics goals. Others are caused by some design decisions already made that might have
been avoided but would represent a major redesign effort at this time. In the process of working with those designing the Pixel
and the Strip detectors to find ways to meet the ITk Grounding and Shielding Requirements, the goal has been to find solutions
that can be implemented within the already existing design constraints without compromising the performance of the whole ITk.
All work-arounds or exceptions to the full ITk Grounding and Shielding Requirements will be listed here as well as specific
agreements as to how the G&S Requirements will be met.

The request has been made to not include shields on the Pixel cables internal to the Faraday Cage because it would add considerable
extra material inside the tracking volume. The risk of DC power cables bringing EMI noise into the Faraday Cage should be
minimal especially with the required cable shielding external to the Faraday Cage and capacitor filters at PP1 and provided that the
loads on these DC lines drive only balanced transmission lines such that the load circuitry itself doesn’t create unbalanced currents
on the supply lines. The risk for the cables carrying AC signals such as clock, data or control signals emitting unwanted noise is
much higher.
There is another essential purpose for the shield on the Type I service cables, that is to provide the reference potential to the PP0
or EOS for each detector unit as described in Sections 3.12.2 and 5.2. It is very important that the tie to the PP1 providing this
reference potential be a Low Impedance Tie in order for the PP0/EOS reference to be held stable. The power wires will be referenced
there at PP0 or EOS. A single wire will have too much inductance to provide such a tie. The power cables could be referenced to
ITk Reference at PP1 but there are other reasons to insist on an ITk Reference at PP0/EOS. For example, Pixels want to run more
than one power return (e.g. LV and HV) through the serial power chain and then separate those return lines to twist with their
respective power line at PP0 to run back through PP1 and onto their power supplies. If these are all referenced at PP1, then there
will be multiple wires tied to one pin at PP1, much more cumbersome than doing that on the PP0/EOS PCB.
The CANbus I/O lines (two wires), which Pixels will run from PP1 to PP0/EOS, will need to be shielded because they are not DC
lines. Pixels have proposed to put only these two wires inside the shield from PP1 to PP0. While such a small braided shield will
be better than a single wire to provide the reference, it is still not optimal. Running power pairs through the braided shield with
one wire of the pair referenced to the potential of the shield will create a transmission line providing low impedance independent
of length. The two CANbus I/O wires, with neither being referenced directly to the reference potential of the braided shield, are
unlikely to form such a transmission line. The impedance of such a cable bundle is not understood now and will have to be
measured once the pieces are available.
Another possibility, however, exists to provide the reference potential to PP0 or EOS. There are large numbers of twin-ax cables
planned to be run from each module or PP0/EOS to opto-boxes. These opto-boxes will be an extension of the Faraday Cage and
therefore must have a strong tie to the Faraday Cage. Depending upon the quality of the twin-ax shields, they represent, by far, the
most metal linking the Pixel detector units to the ITk Reference Potential through the Opto Boxes. If the twin-ax shields can be
DC tied at both their ends to the ITk Reference potential, this should provide adequate reference for the PP0s or EOSs. The fact
that some will need to be AC tied at one end because they will run directly from detector modules that sit at an offset potential,
means that not all can provide a full DC reference.
This creates a difficult situation. There are many, many twin-ax cables creating a good AC reference for each PP0/EOS with its
serial power chain of modules but a strong need to not provide a good DC & AC reference via the Type I service cables by enclosing
the power as well as the CANbus cables in a braided shield because it will add a lot of extra material. The twin-ax cables with their
shields must be present and at least a small braid around the CANbus wires must also be present. Since both must be present and
the main desire for a robust low impedance tie through the Type I cable was for AC stability, a solution can be to provide AC
reference through the twin-ax cables and DC reference through the Type I cable shield. Since no current is expected to flow
through that latter shield, it can be small, just enough to shield the CANbus wires.
This does set up a possible loop condition from PP1 through Type I cable shield to PP0/EOS, then through twin-ax shields to
Opto Box then through the shield conduit that couples each Opto Box to the Primary Faraday Cage. But this cannot be avoided
given the full readout architecture. The best that can be done is to attempt to keep the run of the Type I cable and the high speed
twin-ax cables close together for the same serial power chain modules.

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This unusual “hybrid” solution for shielding and referencing does present several possible risks. The unshielded DC pairs should
be a low risk. Remaining shields to supply the reference to PP0 or EOS will be all shielding AC signals, low frequency CANbus
and very high frequency data transmission signals. If those shields actually pickup and carry those AC signals, they could introduce
that noise onto PP0/EOS. This could cause considerable problems and would only be remedied at the expense of more material.
It is critical that a realistic prototype of this be tested before the entire system is built. In separate discussions, testing of the data
transmission cables for cross-talk has been agreed to be necessary; this is a more complex, but possibly more important set of tests.
a. A low impedance connection between the Faraday Cage reference potential at PP1 and each PP0 or EOS must be established
as discussed in Section 5.1. Ideally, this low impedance tie would be provided by a single braided shield around the entire Type
I cable bundle as discussed in Section 5.2. A single wire will have too large an inductance to provide a low impedance
connection. The braided shield around the entire Type I cable bundle will not only provide a shield for all DC and AC lines
in the bundle but it will create a transmission line type connection with low impedance. For Pixels, such a multi-conductor
shielded bundle will add a significant amount of material in the tracking volume while there will also be many shielded cables
carrying high-speed data between the detector modules and the Opto Boxes some of which must have their shields AC coupled
to the local module reference potential which are offset from the ITk Reference potential. The shields of these high-speed
data transmission cables can provide a good AC reference potential for the Pixel modules and PP0/EOS. The DC reference
potential can be provided by a small shield around just the CANbus wires between PP1 and PP0/EOS, which are DC coupled
at both ends. All the twisted pairs, both those unshielded carrying DC power and those shielded carrying the CANbus signals,
should be bundled together following the same course between PP1 and PP0. As much as possible, the cable run for both the
high-speed data cables and the Type I cable for each PP0/EOS and its serial power chain of modules should follow the same
course to prevent a loop that encloses any other cable runs.
b. Pixel cables that that are not part of a Type I power bundle covered by (a) above, and only contain balanced DC currents can
run inside the Faraday Cage without a shield, but they must be twisted pair cables with their drive and return lines twisted
together. All cables with AC signals such as clock, data or control signals must continue to be shielded twisted pairs.
c. All the braided shields discussed in (a) and (b) above must be prevented from making electrical contact with other conducting
objects not associated with their tie points at both ends. This normally will require that they be covered with an insulating
d. A system test should be run with at least four, but preferably more, modules, fully populated with readout ASICs, high speed
data transmission cables, a realistic data transmission receivers, and referencing path that includes the shielded CANbus wires
and the data transmission twin-ax cables.

Pixels plan to run multiple serial power chains from the some PP0s. This could be understood to violate the Grounding & Shielding
requirement of a star arrangement of power supplies’ domains from the ITk ground.
a. It is allowed to run more than one serial power chain from the same PP0, but each serial power chain must have its own
constant current power supply. All of these power supplies to service one PP0 must be located together in one service cavern
and their cable runs from power supplies to the same PP1 must run together. In order to assure that they run together, it is
best that they are bundled together, if not in the same shield, then separately shielded but kept (e.g. cable-tied) together, and if
they are bundled with wires that service another PP0, then that bundling or grouping should follow all the way back to the
power supplies.
b. There should be one and only one Low Impedance Tie between each PP0 and the Faraday Cage at PP1, except as noted in
Section A&E 1 above where an exception must be made for the Pixels given their multi-cable, high-speed transmission system,
their wish to not add extra material for cable shields around DC power wire pairs and their DCS system designed to use a
CANbus readout. Therefore, Pixels will have multiple AC ties through their high-speed data cables and must have one, but
only one, DC tie through a shield around their CANbus I/O wires. The DC power pairs and the single shielded CANbus
wires should create one bundle running from PP1 to PP0/EOS with the shield DC tied to both PP1 and PP0/EOS. If the
high voltage wires must come through a separate PP1 connector, the HV pairs would still run in the same bundle with the LV
and CAN/bus wires. Furthermore, in this case, all the HV pairs going to one PP0 must come from the same HV-PP1 connector
and this connector next to its LV PP1 connector.

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c. Since the DC references for the serial power chains are made by a DC tie to ITk Reference at PP0 and there is only one DC
reference tie between PP0 and the Faraday Cage at PP1, then this adaptation does not actually violate the G&S Requirements
and a “star” arrangement is still effected.
d. While serial powering results in each detector module having an offset voltage reference relative to the ITk Reference Potential
of the power supply at PP0/EOS, each module’s reference must be AC coupled to its PP0 reference potential.

The inner most pixel barrel modules will have separate high voltage power supplies for each module. One design option being
considered is to run separate HV and HVreturn lines to each module with the HVreturn referenced with a DC tie to the LVreturn
line at its respective module. This should provide the best sensor bias relative to the reference voltage of the modules’ readout
ASICs which are that same LVreturn potential; however, it results in the reference for each high voltage channel being this non-
fixed potential of the reference voltage of the module that rides on the serial voltage drops of each module in the chain. It is then
not possible to DC tie these HV-return lines to the ITk Reference directly at PP0.
Given the necessity to power the pixel modules by serial powering, this strategy appears to provide the best bias voltage for each
sensor; however, any change in the voltage drop across the readout circuitry of any module in the chain will cause the reference
voltage for all the HVreturn lines in the chain to move with the HV supplies then readjusting. This can cause ripples in the sensor
bias voltage. It will be the responsibility of the designers of the Pixel readout circuitry and the powering circuitry to minimize these
variations and assure that the filtering of the HV power at the module is stiff enough to maintain a sufficiently constant bias voltage.
We have looked at the failure sequences that we have thought possible and none appear to cause safety issues.
a. It should be acceptable for Pixels to run separate HV and HVreturn lines to each module with the HVreturn referenced with
a DC tie to the LVreturn line at its respective module; however, the bias filtering at the modules should be analyzed carefully
to understand if the filter is stiff enough to hold the correct voltage when the module reference voltage moves due to changes
in the voltage drop across its readout ASICs or others in its chain
b. Note A&E 1 above. The HVreturn lines cannot be directly DC tied to ITk Reference at PP0 but the DC tie for the end of the
LVreturn line to ITk Reference will also provide the ultimate reference for all the HVreturn lines if the power to the serial power
chain should be off.
c. The Capacitive filters at PP1 on each HV and HVreturn line will work well in this configuration and are still required.
d. It is highly recommended that a serial chain of a few modules be tested with full length cables going back to the power supply,
that is full length cables from power supply to PP0. The stability of this complex system should be tested to assure that a stable
operating condition can be established.

The connectivity of both the Pixel modules and the other electrically conducting objects in the Pixel Outer Barrel are very complex.
In the so-called “straight section”, there are strings of 8 and 10 modules on the serial powering chains which are cooled by a
common cooling pipe and supported on a common carbon fibre (CF) structure both of which are made of conducting material.
The modules must be electrically isolated from the pipes and CF structures because each module has a separate reference potential.
Furthermore, the pipes and CF longeron structures span the Z=0 point, with the cooling pipes for every other longeron section fed
from opposite ends of the ITk and running the full plus and minus Z run of the longeron, while the modules on each longeron are
split into two groups sitting on opposite sides of the Z=0 point and serviced electrically from their side of Z=0. Electrically the
modules appear as two separate groups, one connected to the ITk A side and the other to the ITk C side, but for mechanical and
cooling purposes, the modules are separated into separate longerons as staves spanning the full length of a barrel with every other
stave referenced to the opposite end of the ITk. This means that even any AC electrical tie of modules to cooling pipes or longerons
may induce coupling to the services on opposite ends of the ITk which are fed through opposite ends of the full ATLAS detector.
This is the possible risk raised in Section 5.3.
Note that the ITk Strips detector was very carefully designed such that their barrel staves do not cross Z=0 and thereby minimize
any coupling of services coming from both ends of the ATLAS detector.
The so-called “inclined section” consists of several rings, the face of each is tilted or inclined toward the interaction point, with all
the rings of one radius supported by a semicircular support structure, sort of half a cylinder. Both rings and support structures are
made of conductive carbon fibre. There are modules on both faces of each ring staggered such that the modules on one face cover

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the gap between modules on the other face. The cooling pipes run circumferentially along each ring but the tapes to power each
serial power chain run in Z along the support structure at a fixed phi. Therefore, the Inclined Section doesn’t itself create an issue
of coupling the A and C sides together but instead potentially couples all the modules of a serial power chain with all the other SP
chains of a support structure through the cooling pipes and CF ring structures.
All this leads to a conclusion that the modules, their power tapes and their PP0s must be kept isolated from the various carbon fibre
elements of the support structures in both the straight section and in the inclined sections. With that in mind and because the
straight section effectively ties both ends of the ITk together, the best arrangement will be to accept that both sides of the structures
are tied together and make the tie sound. That is, the cooling pipes should be guaranteed to make good connection to the longerons
along their full length; the longerons should make low impedance connections to the semicircular support structure of the inclined
section; each incline ring structure must tie in several places to its semicircular support structure and to its cooling pipe. Then there
must be some further connection of each semicircular support structure ultimately to both ends of the Faraday Cage. This will
likely best be done via the OB service support shells.
The conceptual design of the module connection to the cooling
pipe and longeron or ring is shown in the adjacent sketch. All the
materials are electrically conductive with the exception of the
thermal glue layer and an oxide layer on the back of the readout
ASICs which is on the ASIC surface in contact with the thermal
glue layer. The thermal glue layer plus ASIC oxide layer should
provide a DC resistance of about 1 MW, however, after handling
of the ASICs during testing and assembly, the condition of the
oxide layer will be less predictable and so its contribution to this
resistance. Therefore, a glue thickness spec will need to be
established based upon the minimum contribution expected from
the oxide and then a tight tolerance established on that thickness
to maintain such a resistance.
The 1 MW resistance should be sufficient for the DC isolation of
the powering chain. AC coupling across the Thermal Glue needs
to be minimized. This is aided by the fact that the stack up places the back of the ASICs against the cooling and support structure
and the sensor further away on the opposite side of the ASICs. We believe that this will provide sufficient AC isolation, but this
should be confirmed as stated in conclusion (g) below.
a. The cooling pipes should have low impedance fixed connections to the longerons and the inclined rings at several points
along their common runs to assure that they sit at the same potential. The cooling blocks may provide these ties but the
use of conductive glue may be necessary in other areas.
b. The longerons and the inclined rings must have a good Low Impedance Tie to the Semicircular Support Structures. This
would be at each end of each longeron and around each ring. For the inclined rings, the connections must be close enough
together to ensure that all points on the ring remain at constant potential. The 100 mm limit for a Low Impedance Tie should
c. The cooling pipes of the Longerons and of the Inclined Section should not be isolated from each other but instead be
electrically connected to each other. They must be referenced at PP1 but isolated there from the pipes outside the Faraday
Cage with an isolator as specified in section 4.2 positioned just outside of the Faraday Cage.
d. There must be a Low Impedance Tie between each Semicircular Support Structure and their OB Service Support Shell and
between each OB Service Support Shell and their end of the Faraday Cage thereby providing a continuous low impedance
surface across the entire OB structures from one end of the Faraday Cage to the other.
e. The combined assembly of OB Service Support Shells, Semicircular Support Structures, and Longerons must be electrically
isolated from all other conducting elements except the where they tie to the Faraday Cage walls at both ends.
f. The module assembly process must be designed to assure that a minimum 1 MW DC isolation is maintained between the
readout ASICs and cooling pipe or the associated carbon fibre structure, longeron or inclined ring.
g. A system test should be run with at least four modules built according to the proposed production assembly process, for
example maintaining the specified stack up with DC resistance and non-conductive glue thickness, powered by a single
serial powering chain and tied to a common cooling pipe with some carbon fibre mimicking a longeron and inclined ring.
AC signals at least over the range of 1 MHz to 10 MHz should be driven on the cooling pipe with a coil during the testing
to confirm that there is sufficient AC isolation.

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The two Pixel Outer End-cap sections at both ends of the full Pixel package consist of a series of pairs of half-rings in Z at three
separate radii. In this case, the rings are not inclined but their faces are perpendicular to the Z coordinate. All the rings at one
radius are supported by an outer cylinder with only 4, 5, or 6 contact points between the half-ring and its support cylinder depending
upon the radius. The gap between the half-ring and its support cylinder is 7-8 mm filled with services for not all but many of the
Each half-ring consists of a carbon foam core through which one cooling pipe runs, a carbon fibre facing on both sides, power
tapes running around circumferentially on both faces along with modules on both faces staggered as they are in the inclined rings.
The cooling pipes are fed and exhausted by pipes running along in Z from the single closest end of the Faraday Cage.
It is obvious that each support cylinder should be referenced to its closest end of the Faraday Cage. This must be done with several
Low Impedance Ties around the circumference of each cylinder in order to maintain even potential matching that of the Faraday Cage.
The inner end of each support cylinder could be tied to the other two support cylinders but that is not required. If, however, a
support flange at this inner end of the cylinders is made of conductive material, then it must be referenced to the support cylinders
with Low Impedance Ties as they are defined.
Given that the half-rings, its cooling pipe and its power tapes trace
the same path, and since there are now envisioned very few contact
points between the half-rings and the support cylinders, each half-
ring can be referenced to its pair of PP0s and isolated from its
support cylinder. This means that there must be one multi-
conductor power cable from PP1 to the pair of PP0s on opposite
sides of the half-ring with one cable shield to establish the common
reference potential. As the power tapes run along the half-ring they
can make periodic contact to the carbon fibre facings. Then the
cooling pipe for each half-ring should be electrically isolated from
its feed and exhaust lines and from its other half-ring. Each half-
ring will then be treated as a separate electrical entity with a single
Stack Up of Pixel Modules on Outer End-Cap
reference tie back to the ITk Reference at PP1.
Each module must be electrically isolated from its cooling pipe and carbon fibre half-ring facing because of the serial powering
a. Each support cylinder must have Low Impedance Ties around its circumference to the End Plate closest to it. The inside
end of all three support cylinders can be tied together with Low Impedance Ties but need not be; however, any structure
connecting the three cylinders which is conductive must also be referenced to the cylinders with Low Impedance Ties.
b. Other than the End Plate tie, the Support Cylinders must be isolated from everything else which is conductive.
c. Each half ring along with its cooling pipe must remain electrically isolated from its support cylinder and cooling feed and
exhaust pipes and the other half of its full ring.
d. The PP0s on each side of each half ring must be positioned opposite to each other sharing a common multi-conductor
power cable bundle, separate power wires for each side, with a single shield supplying the reference potential to the Faraday
Cage. These two PP0s sharing the same reference potential will be the commoning place for all power cables including
the HV cables.
e. The power tapes will carry the reference potential along their full length with multiple contacts to the ring carbon fibre.
One possible way to accomplish this would be to have a reference trace run the full length of the tape on its bottom side
and then co-cure the tape with the carbon fibre face.
f. There must be ties between both the carbon fibre facings and the cooling pipe, at least at both ends, possibly more
depending if the carbon foam is conducting or not.
g. The modules must be isolated from the cooling pipe and from the carbon fibre facings with a minimum 1 MW DC isolation.
The AC isolation should be tested as recommended for the OB modules.

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The Pixel Inner System is made up of a central Inner Barrel Section and an Inner Ring Section on either side. There are two layers
at two different radii in all three sections.
Since the Inner Barrel Section has cooling pipes running the full length of the barrel and referenced to both sides of the Faraday
Cage, all these cooling pipes and the barrel support structures will be referenced to both sides of the Faraday Cage with Low Impedance
The Serial Power Chains will be split in half with each half occupying only the positive or the negative Z region and powered from
only its respective side. Then each stave will have a PP0 at its positive or negative Z extent. Likewise, the data transmission will be
driven from each end of the stave with data from its half of the stave. This will maintain separation between the electrical services
on the A side of ATLAS and services on the C side of ATLAS, a very important concept to avoid unwanted surprises at startup.
Like the modules in the Outer Barrel Longerons, the modules on the Inner System staves must be both DC isolated because of the
serial powering and sufficiently AC isolated from the stave structure and cooling pipes such that their attachments to them do not
result in any pickup of noise on the cooling pipes or the longeron structures.
The Inner Ring Section is apparently very similar to the Outer End-cap Section with two layers of rings each supported by a support
cylinder outside the ring radius. One strategy would be to treat this as we do the Outer End-cap, with the rings including their ring
structure and cooling pipe, electrically isolated from the support cylinder and referenced to ITk Reference via their Type I cables,
while the support cylinders are referenced to the Faraday Cage via Low Impedance Ties around the cylinder’s circumference. This will
provide the best isolation for the modules on the ring and best immunity from EMI with the extra shielding provided by the support
cylinder. The question has been raised, however, that maintaining electrical isolation between the ring structures and their support
cylinder will be difficult with a significant risk that one or more of the rings might make an accidental, or even worse, intermittent
electrical contact with its support cylinder. A ground fault monitor will be provided to help identify and correct such accidental
shorts during integration as mentioned in Section A&E 10 below. The alternative strategy would be to follow that for the Inner
Barrel and tie all the ring structures and cooling pipes to their support cylinder while maintaining complete DC and AC isolation of
the PP0s, serial power chains and modules from their ring structure and cooling pipes.
Neither of these scenarios is very attractive. Tying the ring structure and cooling pipes to their outer cylinder while keeping the
active detector elements isolated, negates some of the shielding advantage of keeping the support cylinder isolated outside of the
rings and brings the connected cooling pipes into closer contact with the modules. However, the possibility of an intermittent
contact between a ring structure and it support cylinder could lead to intermittent noise fluctuations. If that is truly a possibility,
then it is likely better to opt for the alternative, less attractive solution.
a. The Pixel Inner Barrel staves will have cooling pipes running their full length from +Z to -Z or vice versa. All the Inner
Barrel supports will have a Low Impedance Tie to both the A and C ends and the cooling pipes will also be tied to these
supports to PP1 and both ends after their isolators from pipes on the outside of the Faraday Cage.
b. The serial power chains for the Inner Barrel will have their PP0s on either the A or C end, serviced by Type I cables and
twin-ax cables coming from that same end and the serial power chains will not cross Z=0. The modules and PP0 for
these serial power chains must be electrically isolated from their support structures and cooling pipes with a minimum
1 MW DC isolation, and as for the Outer Barrel, a system test should be run with at least four modules built according to
the proposed production assembly process, for example maintaining the specified stack up with DC resistance and non-
conductive glue thickness, powered by a single serial powering chain and tied to a common cooling pipe with some carbon
fibre mimicking a stave. AC signals at least over the range of 1 MHz to 10 MHz should be driven on the cooling pipe
with a coil during the testing to confirm that there is sufficient AC isolation.
c. Two possible configurations for the Inner Rings are:
i. The Inner Ring assemblies will have their ring structure and ring cooling pipe isolated from their outer support
structure such that each ring assembly can be treated as one referencing potential unit. The outer supports for
the Inner Rings must have Low Impedance Ties to their respective PP1 end. These supports could be isolated from
the Inner Barrel supports and the opposite end of the ITk if that is most convenient, however, unless this creates
other problems, it should be preferable for the outer supports of the Inner Rings to also provide Low Impedance
Ties to the support structure of the Inner Barrel, thus creating a unified low impedance connection for Inner Ring
outer supports and Inner Barrel supports to both ends of the Inner System’s part of the Faraday Cage.
ii. The Inner Ring structures and ring cooling pipes will be electrically connected to their outer support structure
with their PP0s, serial power chains and modules AC and DC isolated from the ring structure and cooling pipes
not sharing a common reference with them. The outer supports for the Inner Rings must have Low Impedance

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Ties to their respective PP1 end but isolated from the Inner Barrel supports and from the opposite end of the
Configuration (i) is the most robust and should be implemented provided that the prescribed isolation between ring
structure and support cylinder can be achieved. If not, then configuration (ii) will likely be the safer choice.
d. For either ring configuration, the ring structures are such that as many as three serial power chains can be maintained in
one coupled ring structure with all serial power chains sharing the same reference potential. The modules for these serial
power chains must be electrically isolated from their support structures and cooling pipes with a minimum 1 MW DC
isolation because of the serial powering scheme.


The Pixel System will employ fully electrical readout of their Detector Control System monitoring data rather than converting to
optical before leaving the Faraday Cage. This then requires considerations in order not to violate the general Grounding and
Shielding Requirements. A DCS Controller chip will be attached to each Serial Power Chain to monitor temperatures and voltages
of modules in the chain. The DCS Controller chip must then share the same reference potential of the PP0 or EOS to which it is
attached. This chip cannot be easily powered by the same supply powering the serial chain due to the current source rather than
voltage source nature of that supply. The DCS Controller chip will need a separate supply which is floating and referenced only at
the PP0 or EOS to which the chip is attached and independent of all other supplies for chips attached to other PP0s or EOSs. The
I/O lines for this DCS controller chip must likewise be referenced to that of its PP0 or EOS and not to the off-detector circuitry
reading out the chip. Therefore, opto-isolators must be employed for all I/O lines. Lastly, both the power lines and the I/O lines
must have capacitor filters as do all other electrical lines exiting the Faraday Cage. Wherever more than one DCS controller chip is
attached to the same PP0 or EOS because more than one Serial Power Chain is referenced there, those DCS Controller chips can
share the same power supply and the same I/O lines operating as a bus.
The conclusions:
a. Each Pixel DCS Controller chip or chips attached to a single PP0 or EOS must have a unique floating power supply
referenced only at its PP0 or EOS. This supply can be a DC/DC converter provided that its output is truly floating and
not referenced to its primary supply.
b. All I/O lines must be opto-isolated from any external readout circuitry such that these I/O lines are also referenced to
the DCS Controller chip’s PP0 or EOS.
c. Power and I/O lines for DCS Controller chips that share the same PP0 or EOS should share the same power supply and
I/O lines.
d. All power and I/O lines for these chips must employ the required filter capacitors at PP1.


The Global Supports for the Strips two End-cap sections consist primarily of a Stiffener-disk nearest the PP1 bulkhead connected
to a Center Cylinder at minimum radius extending to minimum Z, Inner Rings supported by the Center Cylinder spread out in Z,
matched with Outer Rings at the maximum radius, and an array of Blades providing support between each Inner and Outer Ring
and various other stabilizing supports. All of these support pieces will be made of carbon fiber and planned to be glued together.
Providing adequate electrical connections between all of these electrically conducting pieces is proving to be quite challenging.
Ideally, to simplify the task of establishing referencing for this structure that will not compromise electrical performance, all these
structural components will have Low Impedance Ties to their PP1. This would minimize if not eliminate any risk of EMI on the
structures causing a problem. Given the number of structural components and the plan to glue them together, this is not likely
without adding much unwanted material and add design time. Therefore, a second level of analysis is necessary to determine which
components can be treated as Ancillary Support Structures rather than as Influential Support Structures. That is which can require
only Low Resistance Ties rather than Low Impedance Ties to the Faraday Cage. In principle, the Petal unit provides a self-contained
detector unit which is designed to provide the necessary isolation from other interference. If the other support structures do not
present a large enough area, close enough to the Petals, it may be safe to treat them as this more relaxed case.
The Blades and the various stabilizing supports likely meet these criteria both because of their limited area and distance for Petal
detector surfaces (> 9 mm). The supporting connections between Petals and Rings do not create any overlapping areas in that the
connection is through a short plastic non-conducting part that extends from the petal to tie to the Ring. Therefore, the AC as well
as the DC coupling should be negligible. The Stiffener-disk and the Center Cylinder represent much larger areas but the area of the
Center Cylinder is orthogonal to the areas of all the Petals and some distance away and even the Stiffener-disk is some 40 mm away
from the sensitive part of the nearest detector unit. The goal is to treat all the support structures as Ancillary requiring only Low

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Resistance Ties to PP1, but with some special attention that the Stiffener-disk have ties to all 24 cooling pipes around its circumference
with as low resistance as possible between 10 W and 20 W.
a. The cable trays and cooling pipes that run along the outside of the Stiffener-disk and Outer Rings, will be electrically tied
together with the cooling pipes tied with Low Resistance Ties to their respective PP1 bulkhead.
b. The Stiffener-disk will have short Low Resistance Ties to the 24 cooling pipes passing by their outer circumference with ties
as close to 10 W as possible.
c. The Center Cylinder shall have multiple Low Resistance Ties to its Stiffener-disk.
d. The Outer Rings will have Low Resistance Ties to their four cooling pipes. Likewise, the Inner Rings will have Low Resistance
Ties to the Center Cylinder.
e. The Blades and ancillary stabilizing supports will have Low Resistance Ties to both their Outer and Inner Rings.
f. The attachment of each Petal to the support structure (the Rings) must be through an electrically isolated connection.
g. Except for the ties to the PP1 bulkhead listed above, the Strip End-cap structure should remain electrically isolated from
the outer Faraday Cage enclosure, therefore, the supports that suspend the End-cap inside the Faraday Cage should
provide electrical insulation between the End-cap and the Faraday Cage.


The Global supports for the Strips Barrel consist primarily of four support cylinders, one for each barrel, along with many interlinks
which support the separation of each cylinder and various stabilizing supports. All are made of carbon fibre. The interlinks are
planned to be connected to flanges on the cylinders by bolts.
The individual Staves like the Petals provide a self-contained detector unit which are designed to provide the necessary isolation
from other interference. However, the cylinders represent a very large area that shadows the entire area of all the staves of one or
two barrels of Staves. The separation between the cylinders and Staves is critical to determine any possible coupling. Equally if not
more important is the fact that the cylinders span the entire barrel distance from +Z to -Z. While the Staves have been wisely
designed to be serviced only from the A or C end and not to cross Z=0, the cylinders represent a possible coupling of Staves on
opposite sides of that divide. It is important to minimize such coupling and to minimize any EMI on these cylinders which could
be carried from one side to the other. For this reason, it is more important to short the cylinders across to both ends of the Faraday
For this reason, each cylinder should have Low Impedance Ties to the PP1 bulkheads at the A and C ends. For the outer cylinder, the
cable trays and cooling pipes provide a convenient tie since they must be tied their bulkhead and represent a good conduction path.
They don’t, however, reach down to the inner cylinders. Therefore, the interlinks provide the most convenient path for a connection
to the inner cylinders. Ideally, these interlink connections should also be of the low impedance type; however, the number of
interlinks around the circumference of each cylinder is large enough that relaxing the impedance specification somewhat should still
result in a low impedance tie for the cylinders as a whole and also locally around each circumference.
a. Low Impedance Ties must be provided to both ends of the outer support cylinder to each PP1 bulkhead via the cable trays.
b. While a Low Impedance Tie for each interlink between its two cylinders would be desirable, given the number of interlinks
per cylinder, it will be acceptable for each interlink to make a low resistance tie to each of its two cylinders. Meeting this
resistance specification will result in an acceptable impedance given the number and design of the interlinks.
c. The attachment of each Stave to the support structure must be through an electrically isolating connection.
d. Except for the ties to the PP1 bulkhead listed above, the Strip Barrel structure should remain electrically isolated from the
outer Faraday Cage enclosure; therefore, the supports that suspend the Barrel inside the Faraday Cage should provide
electrical insulation between the Barrel and the Faraday Cage


The first step in meeting the Grounding and Shielding Requirements is to assure that designs are consistent with the requirements.
Innumerable discussions have been held with designers to make this so. Design reviews will provide further checks of the designs.
During fabrication and integration, the DC resistance of the various ties should be checked and those items that must be floating
relative to others must be checked. It is not practical to check AC impedance in a similar way, therefore, that validation will rely on
the design checks. Likewise, the RF joints can only be validated by design checks for proper RF gaskets and seals.

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A further check will be provided during integration. A ground fault monitor will be provided at each integration site to monitor if
any extra, unwanted ground connections are made during the integration process, especially when each subsystem is integrated into
the ITk at SR1.

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This document is not directly about power supplies, however, there is much discussion about how the power supplies must be
configured in order to meet the Grounding and Shielding Requirements. In fact, some standards required by CERN for power
supplies pertain to emission of electromagnetic radiation directly impacting EMI performance. In the interests of completeness,
those standards required by CERN are listed here, many of which extend beyond G&S issues, for example to safety.

• Safety standards:
o IEC 62477-1, part 1;
o IEC 61204-7, part 7;
o CERN IS-23 and IS-41;
• Fast transient and surge immunity:
o EN61000-4-4 and EN61000-4-5;
• EMC compliance:
o EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-6, EN61000-4-8, EN61000-4-11 ;
o CISPR22 (EN55022) Class B and CISPR24 (EN55024);
o EN 55022:2010 Class A (Ideally Class B).
• CE European marking and related regulations.

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[1] H. W. Ott, "Electromagnetic compatibility engineering," Wiley, pp. 208, 209, 2009.
[2] E. Spencer, "ATLAS SCT/Pixel Grounding and Shielding Note",
doc/SCT_GND_SHIELD.pdf, 1999.
[3] H. W. Ott, "Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering," Wiley, pp. 267 - 282, 2009.

[4] Glenair. [Online]. Available:

[5] Amphenol-Aerospace. [Online]. Available:

[6] K. Capacitors. [Online]. Available:

[7] D. C. Xiangcheng Luo, "Electromagnetic interference shielding using continuous carbon-fibre carbon-matrix and
matrix composites," Composites: Part B, p. 227–231, 1999.
[8] H. Williams, "ATLAS Policy on Grounding and Power Distribution", ATL-ELEC-98-004.

[9] G. Blanchot, "ATLAS EMC Policy," EDMS ATC-TE-IP-0001.

[10] Chomerics, EMI Shileding Theory & Gasket Design Guide,

[11] G. V. S. R. Z. M. Bluhm E. Peroglio, "Measurements of Transfer Impedance with the Line Injection Method on Cables
and Connectors", IEEE International Symposium of Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2000, vol. 2, pp. 599-604, 2000.
[12] E. Spencer, A.A. Grillo, M. Wilder, "Evaluation of EMI Shielding for Particle Physics Detectors", ATL-COM-ITK-
2019-023, to be published, 2019.

[13] IEC 62153-4-6, Edition 2.0 2017-08, International Standard, “Metallic cables and other passive components test
methods – Part 4-6: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Surface transfer impedance – Line injection method”

[14] Private correspondence from R. VanBerg to A.A. Grillo, 2018.


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