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Papers Are Prepared to Fulfill the Assignments Of
Supporting Lecturer : Ismail Rahmad, M. Pd

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Praise the presence of Allah SWT who has given His grace and guidance so that
I can complete the paper assignment entitled treating guests in an Islamic way.
The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the duties of Pak Ismail Rahmad, M.
Pd, as an English language lecturer for the Sharia Economics study program. In
addition, this paper also aims to add insight into the meaning of treating guests in an
Islamic way for readers as well as for writers.
We would like to thank Mr. Ismail Rahmad, M. Pd, as an English language lecturer,
Islamic Economics who gave this assignment so that he could add knowledge and
insight in accordance with the field of study that I was pursuing. I also thank all
those who have shared some of their knowledge so that I can complete this paper.
I realized that the paper I wrote was far from perfect. Therefore, I will wait for
constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper.

Sangatta utara,1 April 2021





A. Background
B. Problem Formulation
C. Purpose


A. Visiting Medieval Adab According to Islam

B. Century Adab Receiving Guests According to Islam


A. Conclusion
B. Suggestions


A. Baclground
Visiting is a community tradition that has always been preserved. By
visiting, a person can build brotherhood and can even work together to alleviate
various problems in life. Sometimes a person visits because of a serious business,
for example to find a solution to the real problem of society, just to visit, because
it has been a long time since we have not met (met) or just to stop by oran. By
going to the house of a relative or friend, the longing for relatives or friends can
be channeled, so that the friendship becomes strong. Guests in Arabic are called
() "Ataa liziyaroti, or (-) Iatadloofa-Yastadliifu". According to the Indonesian
dictionary, visiting means; "Dating a friend or relative's house for some purpose
or purpose (visiting and so on)". The term visiting is an activity of visiting the
house of friends, relatives or [for other people, in order to create togetherness
and mutual misfortune.
The purpose of visiting is of course, to build brotherhood or friendship.
Meanwhile, visiting unknown people has the aim of introducing themselves or
giving priority to others that are known to both parties.
Visiting is a positive habit in social life from traditional to modern times.
By preserving the habit of visiting, all problems are easily preserved, all matters
are easy to clean up and all problems are easily resolved.

B. Problem Formulation
1. How do our customs meet according to Islam ?
2. How is the Adab of our century Receiving a guest according to Islam ?

C. Purpose
1. To see about Adab Meeting According to Islam ?
2. To know ABOUT ADAB ACCEPTING Guests According to Islam ?

A. Visiting Mediavel Adab According to Islamc

a. Hospitality Manners in Islam
1. Definition of visiting
Visiting is one of the ways to connect the bonds of friendship that is
preferred by Islam. Islam provides freedom for its people to visit. Manners in
visiting must be maintained so that the purpose of visiting can be achieved. If
these manners are violated, the purpose of visiting will actually be damaged,
namely the breakdown of brotherly relations. Islam has provided guidance in
visiting, that is, don't be at the three times of aurat.
What is meant by three times aurat, namely after zuhur, after isha ', and
before dawn. Allah SWT said:

‫يا أيها الذين آمنوا ليستأذنكم الذين ملكت أيمانكم و الذين لم يبلغوا الحلم منكم ثالث مرات من قبل‬
‫صالة الفجر و حين تضعون ثيابكم من الظهيرة و من بعد صالة العشاء ثالث عورات لكم ليس عليكم وال‬
ِ ‫عليهم جناح بعدهن طوافون عليكم بعضكم على بعض كذلك يبين هللا لكم اآْل يا‬
‫ت َو هللاُ عَلي ٌم َحكي ٌم‬
Meaning: "O you who believe, can the slaves (men and women) that you
have, and those who have not reached maturity among you, ask permission from
you three times (in one day), namely: before the dawn prayer. , when you take
off your (outer) clothes in the middle of the day and after the prayer of Isha '.
(That is) the three 'genitals for you. There is no sin against you and not (nor)
against them apart from those (three times). They serve you, part of you (there is
a need) to part of (others). This is how Allah explains the verses for you. And
Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise. (Surah An Nur: 58)
These three times are said to be awrah times because they are usually used.
Usually, people who rest only wait for simple clothes (because of the heat, for
example) so that part of their genitals is exposed. If slaves and small children
were required to ask permission to enter the room of the father and mother, let
alone other people who were visiting. Visiting at that inappropriate time will
only make it difficult for the host who stops, because he is already dressed neatly
again to receive his arrival.

2. Examples of Visiting
a) Dress neatly and properly
Visiting in proper clothes means respecting his home and himself. Guests
who dress neatly and properly will be more respected by the host, and vice versa.
Allah SWT said:

‫إن أحسنتم أحسنتم ألنفسكم وإن أسأتم فلها فإذا جاء وعد اآلخرة ليسوءوا وجوهكم وليدخلوا المسجد وعد اآلخرة‬
‫ليسوءوا وجوهكم وليدخلوا المسجد ورما‬

Meaning: "If you are a good soul (meaning) you are mentally ill for yourself
and if you are evil then (evil) is for yourself ..." (Surah Al Isra: 7)

b) Give signals and greetings when they come

Allah SWT said:

‫يا أيها الذين آمنوا ال تدخلوا بيوتا غير بيوتكم حتى تستأنسوا و تسلموا على أهلها ذلكم نتذر لكم لعلكم نتذر لكم‬
‫لعلكم نتذر لعكم‬

Meaning: "O you who believe, do not enter a house that is not yours before
asking permission and greeting the occupants. This is better for you, so that you
(always) remember. "(Surah An Nur: 27)

It is reported that:

‫ اخرج الى هذا فعلمه‬:‫ "الج" فقال النبي ص م لجادمه‬:‫ان رجال استأذن على النبي ص م و هو فى بيت فقال‬
‫ قل "السالم عليكم ا ادخل" فسمعه الرجل فقل "السالم عليكم ا ادخل" فاذن النبي ص م قَ ْد َدخَ َل‬:‫االستأذان فقل له‬
)‫(رواه ابو داود‬
Meaning: "That a man asked permission to the house of the Prophet
Muhammad SAW while he was in the house. He said: May I come in? The
Prophet SAW said to his assistant: meet that person and teach him to ask
permission and tell him to say "Assalmualikum, may I come in" The man heard
what the prophet said, then said "Assalmu alaikum, may I enter?" Prophet SAW
gave permission to him so he entered. (Narrated by Abu Daud)

c) Don't peek inside the house

Rasulullah SAW said which means: "From Sahal bin Saad he said: There
was a man peeking out of a hole in the door of Rasullulah SAW's house and at
that time he was combing his hair. So Rasullulah SAW said: "If I knew you
were peeking, I would undoubtedly plug your eyes. Indeed, Allah commanded
to ask for permission because of eye supervision. (HR Bukhari)

d) Ask to enter a maximum of three times

If it has been three times but there has been no answer from the host, come
first and come on another opportunity.

e) Introduce yourself before entering

If the host doesn't know / doesn't know yet, be prepared to have guests
introduce themselves clearly, especially if they're visiting at night. It is narrated
in a hadith which means: "From Jabir ra. He said: I once came to Rasulullah
SAW and then I was the door of his house. The Prophet SAW asked: "Who is
that?" I replied: "I" he said: "I, I ...!" as if he was angry. (HR Bukhari)

f) Male guests are prohibited from entering the host's house, only a woman
In this case, women who were at home alone also did not give permission to
enter. Invites male guests into the house while he is only alone who invites
danger to himself. Therefore, it is enough just to meet guests outside.

g) Go in and sit down politely

After the host invites you to enter, the guest will enter and sit politely in the
seat that has been provided. His guests limit themselves, not looking anywhere
freely. An unsubstantiated view (especially for guests) can raise the host's

h) Receive the host's banquet with pleasure

If the host gives a meal, he begs the guest to accept the meal with pleasure,
not showing an unhappy attitude towards the meal. If you do not like the meal, it
is better to be honest that he is not used to enjoying food or drinks like that. If
the host has invited you to enjoy, guests who should immediately enjoy it, do not
have to wait until the host has invited him many times.

i) Start the meal by reading the basmalah and end by reading the hamdalah
Rasulullah said in a hadith: "If someone among you eats then say the name
of Allah, if you forget to mention the name of Allah at first, look at reading:
Bismillahi awwaluhu waakhiruhu." (Narrated by Abu Daud and Turmudzi)

j) Eat with your right hand, take the closest and do not choose
Islam has provided guidance that eating and drinking should be done with
the right hand, it is impolite with the left hand (unless the right hand is unable to
do so). This method is not only done when visiting. But in various situations,
both at home and in other people's homes.

k) Clean the dishes, don't let the rest of the food scatter
While there were people who were embarrassed and plates that had been
used for eating looked clean, there was no food left on them. They worry that
they worry too much. Islam provides better guidance, not only following human
feelings which are sometimes wrong.

l) Go home immediately after finishing business

The opportunity to visit can talk to talk about various life problems.
However, talking about the root words about the issues that are important,
according to purpose. Talking that has no end should be avoided, first talking
about other people. The discreet guest does not like to extend the time of his
visit, he is responsive to the attitude of the host.
3. Wisdom and Purpose of Visiting
Wisdom and the Purpose of Visiting is to strengthen the ties of friendship
and the spirit of togetherness among humans.

B. Century Adab Receiving Guests According to Islamic

a. Adab Receiving Guests in Islam
1. Obligation to receive guests
As a perfect religion, Islam also provides guidance for its followers in
receiving guests. Such is the importance of this issue (receiving guests) so that
Rasulullah SAW is considered a measure of the perfection of faith. This means
that one of the benchmarks for the perfection of one's faith is the attitude in
receiving guests. The words of the Prophet Muhammad:

َ ‫َم ْن َكاَنَ ي ُْؤ ِمنُ بِا هللاِ َو ْاليَوْ ِم االَ ِخ ِر فَ ْاليُ ْك ِر ْم‬
)‫ض ْيفَهُ (رواه البخارى‬

Meaning: "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, after that he will
glorify." (Narrated by Bukhari)

2. Sample Receiving Guests

a) Dress properly
Like a visitor, his host must dress him properly in receiving his arrival.
Dress properly in receiving guests means respecting the guest and himself. Islam
respects someone who is neatly dressed, clean and polite. Rasulullah SAW said
which means: "Eat and drink you, give charity to you and dress you, but not
arrogantly and excessively. Indeed, Allah is very happy to see the traces of his
pleasure in his servant. (HR Baihaqi)

b) Receive guests with a good attitude

The host easily accepts guests with a good attitude, for example, with a
bright face, smiling face and so on. Never mind, let alone look away and do not
want to look at him naturally. Looking away or not looking at the guest is an
arrogant attitude that should be avoided as far as possible.
c) Entertaining guests according to ability
Including one way of respecting guests to provide a meal to him.

d) No need to make it up
The obligation to entertain guests is prescribed by Islam only to the extent of
the ability of the host. Therefore, the host does not need to be too bothered in
entertaining. For the host who is able to provide a proper meal, for those who
are less able to adjust his abilities. If only able to provide white air, then white
air is served. If there is no white air, it is enough that the entertainer receives it
with a smile and a friendly attitude.

e) Duration
In accordance with guest rights, the obligation to honor guests is three days,
including special days. The rest of that time is limitation alms. The words of the
Prophet Muhammad:

)‫ا لضيافة ثالثة ايام فما كان وراء ذالك فهو صدقة عليه (متفق عليه‬

Meaning: "Honoring the guest for up to three days. The rest is a limitation
charity. "(Reported by Muttafaqu Alaihi)

f) Deliver it to the courtyard door when the guest comes home

One laudable way to please guests is to have a friendly host take orders right
to the courtyard door. Guests will feel more enthusiastic because they feel
respected by the host and received well.

3. Wisdom and Purpose of Receiving Guests

Wisdom and the Purpose of Visiting is to strengthen the ties of friendship
and the spirit of togetherness among humans.

A. Conclusion
Every human being must have received guests, whether we like it or what
we don't like. This is only natural, because every human being has different
characteristics. but no matter what, we should honor our guests ... Like in a
"And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, wait for him to glorify the
information" (Bukhari and Muslim)
From the hadiths we can conclude that we must welcome tam .. (even
though we don't like it).

B. Suggestions
We realize that in the preparation of this paper there are still many mistakes
and shortcomings, therefore criticism and suggestions from readers are very
important for us to improve our next paper.


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