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Laura Gil
Student Name:
12/02/2021 Course: 11° Grade:


Title Soul
Director Peter Hans Docter
Film Screening: Is about a jazz pianist who has a near-death experience and gets stuck in the afterlife,
contemplating his choices and regretting the existence that he mostly took for granted.

Nationality North American (USA)

Year 2020
Gender Adventure, drama and comedy
Duration 1h 47m
Script Pete Docter
Kemp Powers
Mike Jones
Photography Matt Aspbury
Ian Megibben
Music Trent Reznor
Atticus Ross
Source Cuevana 2
Link web source
Characters: -Joe Gardner
-Moon Wind
-Libba Gardner (joe’s mom)
-Dorothea Williams
Historical Time Chronological Time Environmental Time
present present present

Summary: Joe Gardner, is a middle school music teacher from New York City, he dreams of a
career in jazz, even though his mother Libba doesn’t approve it because she thinks
that being a musician means not having a financial security. One day, a friend of Joe
tells him about an audition in the band of the jazz legend Dorothea Williams, so he
tells Joe he should give it a try. Joe sees the opportunity and auditions for it.
Dorothea offers him a chance to perform later that night. As Joe happily heads off
to prepare for the show, he falls into a drain in the middle of the street. After
waking up, Joe finds himself as a soul heading into the "Great Beyond". But he
refuses to go, so he tries to escape but ends up in the "Great Before", where soul
counselors prepare unborn souls for life. There, in the Great Before, Joe is assigned
to help a very difficult soul, her name is 22 and she is very stubborn because she
thinks that there isn’t a purpose for living. Joe desperate tries to get back to earth
but it is impossible, so he made a deal with Moon Wind, a friend of 22 that is
always in “the zone”, were the lost souls live. After doing a ritual, Joe gets back to
earth but accidently brings 22 with him. After waking up, Joe finds himself in a cat’s
body and 22 was insides Joe’s body. So Joe decide to help 22 by teaching her how
to act like a normal human so he could play later that night with Dorothea
Williams. He teaches 22 typical tasks of the daily life, and she starts loving being in
the earth. At the end of the day, 22 and Joe have a discussion because she wants to
experience more things as a human and Joe doesn’t let her, because he has to
perform with the band. After that, 22 starts to run away. Joe keeps chasing her but
then, both of them are caught by Terry and he takes them back to the Great
Before. There, the counselors notice that 22 is ready to go into earth, but Joe
furiously tells them that it is because she was in his body and not because she
found her “spark”. 22 feels really bad and starts to feel anxious because she thinks
that she isn’t special, so she runs away where the lost souls are found. But before
running, she gives her “earth pass” to Joe. Back in earth, Joe performs with
Dorothea Williams, but it wasn’t like he expected, so he feels lost. He then heads
home and starts playing the piano, while he is playing it, Joe goes back to the Great
Before and starts searching for 22, so he can apologize to her and give her the
opportunity to go back and live a life. But he just finds a lost soul, and after fighting
with it, he gets inside and talks to 22 and helps her remind the real meaning of life.
Finally 22 goes to earth and the counselors in gratitude, give Joe another chance of
living his life.

Conclusions: Soul was a really meaningful movie for me. It made me realize that you don´t
need a specific talent to enjoy life. You just need to let things flow and appreciate
every moment, even if things don’t go as planned.


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