Bio - Unit - 10 - Animal - Notes - 2020 - SC RIGHT ONE

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Unit 10 page 9


I. Characteristics of Kingdom Animalia

a. Are _________________________________.

cell walls
b. Have cells lacking _____________________.
c. Can reproduce ________________________.
d. Are _________________________________.
e. Are ____________________ (can move) at some
stage in their life.
f. Make _____________________________ to external stimuli.

II. Evolution of Animals

a. Primitive _____________________
invertebrates (sponges) probably evolved from colonial heterotrophic
b. As animals evolved the trend has been towards increasing __________________ and
____________________ to diverse habitats and lifestyles.
c. With the ______________________, the trend has been towards increasing the size and
sophistication of the ______________________.

III. Major Categories of Animals

a. _______________________________:
Invertebrates lack backbones
b. _______________________________: have vertebral columns
(backbones) and a ________________________

IV. Trends in Body Symmetry

a. _______________________________:
Asymmetrical irregular, variable shape; found in many sponges
Radial symmetry
b. _______________________________: can be cut into equal pie pieces
Bilateral Symmetry
c. _______________________________:
1. has roughly mirror-image right and left halves
2. has upper (dorsal) and lower (ventral) surfaces
3. has anterior (head) and posterior (tail) regions.
4. Characteristic of flatworms and more complex animals, including larval echinoderms (starfish)

V. Trends in Cephalization = ________________________________________________________________

formation of a nervous system/ brain is concentrated towards one end of an organism
a. Accompanies bilateral symmetry
b. Creates _____________________ posterior
head and ____________________ tail ends.
c. _______________ neurons
organs, aggregation of _____________________ (nerve cells), and organs for
ingesting food are concentrated in the head end.
d. First seen in ____________________________ (though food ingestion occurs elsewhere).

Notes created by J. and K. Yam

Henrico County Public Schools 2020
Unit 10 page 10
VI. Trends in Segmentation
a. Segmentation is the presence of _________________ repeated units in the body.
b. First seen in _______________________ worms (ex.- earthworm).
c. ______________________ body size with a minimum of new genetic information.
d. In more complex animals, repeated segments have become specialized to perform specific functions.
e. Segmentation may be obvious only in certain body parts (e.g., the vertebrates.)

VII. Trends in Cellular/ Tissue Organization

a. Evolution of complexity: Cells  tissues  organs  organ systems
b. Types of Tissue Organization in the Animal Kingdom
have specialized cells but no tissue
a. Parazoa = ____________________________________________________________________
i. Examples = _____________________________________________________________

Have true tissues (cells form tissue/germ layers)

b. Eumetazoa = __________________________________________________________________
Cnidarians (jellyfish, sea anemones)
i. Examples with TWO germ layers = __________________________________________
Flatworms, Chordates
ii. Examples with THREE germ layers = _________________________________________

TRUE Tissue and __________________

c. Types of Body Cavities in Animals with ________ Bilateral Symmetry!
Type of Body Acoelomate Pseudocoelomate Coelomate
Have _________________
a false
Do NOT have a a true
Have ______________________
What does body cavity that is partially
this mean? Body Cavity
___________________ body cavity that is completely lined.
All of these Endoderm
• Inner Tissue Layer = _________________: forms most internal organs
have Mesoderm
• Middle Tissue Layer = __________________: forms muscles, circulatory, and skeletal
3 layers of
tissues! What
do these tissue Ectoderm
• Outer Tissue Layer = __________________: forms epithelial (skin) and nervous systems
layers form?
Acoelomate= Pseudocoelomate = Coelomate = Human
Tapeworm Roundworm (leech)


Notes created by J. and K. Yam

Henrico County Public Schools 2020
Unit 10 page 11
VIII. What is the Evolutionary Significance of a Body Cavity?
a. ___________________
Acoelomate animals (cnidarians and flatworms) lack any internal space between the
body wall and the gut.
Pseudocoelomates have a space (pseudocoelom) between the body wall and the gut.
b. ___________________
c. In ________________________ all
and nearly __________ other complex animals, a true body cavity
called a _______________ is present, serving several functions:
1. In earthworms, the fluid-filled coelom acts as a hydrostatic skeleton.
2. It generally serves as a ____________________ barrier between internal organs and the outer
body wall.
3. It allows _________________ organs to move independently of the body wall.

IX. Protostomes and Deuterostomes

a. _________________________
Coelomates are divided into protostomes and deuterostomes.
b. Protostomes
i. blastoporeblastopore
First develops the mouth from the ______________________.
ii. Examples = earthworms, clams, squid, and insects.
c. Deuterostomes
i. anus
The ___________ mouth
develops first, then the ________________.
ii. Examples = echinoderms, chordates

Notes created by J. and K. Yam

Henrico County Public Schools 2020

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