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1. NAFTA seeks to phase out all trade and tariff barriers among Canada, Mexico, and the
United States. True

2. The World Trade Organization has helped to significantly reduce tariffs around the world.

3. Production processes are being dispersed to take advantage of national differences in labor
costs. True

4. NAFTA seeks to phase out all trade and tariff barriers between the United States and Asia.

5. One reason for global operations is to gain improvements in the supply chain. True

6. One reason to globalize is to learn to improve operations. True

7. To attract and retain global talent, and to expand a product's life cycle, are both reasons to
globalize. True

8. A product will always be in the same stage of its product life cycle regardless of the
country. False

9. The World Trade Organization helps provide governments and industries around the world
with protection from firms that engage in unethical conduct. True

10. Boeing’s development of the 787 Dreamliner is an example of a company obtaining a

competitive advantage via product differentiation/innovation. True

11. An organization's strategy is its purpose or rationale for an organization's existence. False

12. Operations strategies are implemented in the same way in all types of organizations. False

13. Between 1980 and 2005, the amount of money (bank deposits, government and corporate
debt securities, and equity securities) invested in global capital markets more than tripled.

14. Experience differentiation is an extension of product differentiation, accomplished by

using people's five senses to create an experience rather than simply providing a service.

15. An organization's ability to generate unique advantages over competitors is central to a

successful strategy implementation. True

16. Low-cost leadership is the ability to distinguish the offerings of the organization in any
way that the customer perceives as adding value. False

17. Most services are tangible; this factor determines how the ten decisions of operations
management are handled differently for goods than for services. False

18. The relative importance of each of the ten operations decisions depends on the ratio of
goods and services in an organization. True
19. Decisions that involve what is to be made and what is to be purchased fall under the
heading of supply chain management. True

20. Manufacturing organizations have ten strategic OM decisions, while service organizations
have only eight. False

21. Errors made within the location decision area may overwhelm efficiencies in other areas.

22. The PIMS study indicated that high ROI firms tend to have high product quality. True

23. Southwest Airlines’ core competence is operations. True

24. Critical success factors and core competencies are synonyms. False

25. SWOT analysis identifies those activities that make a difference between having and not
having a competitive advantage. False

26. For the greatest chance of success, an organization's operations management strategy must
support the company's strategy. True

27. Critical Success Factors are those activities that are key to achieving competitive
advantage. False

28. A multinational corporation has extensive international business involvements. True

29. The multidomestic OM strategy maximizes local responsiveness while achieving a

significant cost advantage. False

30. Firms using the global strategy can be thought of as "world companies." False

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