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Type of building No of Water demand Water Population Equivalent

building/unit (lpd) demand (PE)
1 Storey Houses 214 1360 per unit 291040 5 per house 1070
2 Storey Houses 274 1590 per unit 435660 5 per house 1370
2 Storey Shop Houses 59 2730 per unit 161070 5 per house 295
3 Storey Shop Houses 16 4090 per unit 65440 5 per house 80
Primary School Assume : 800 55 per head 44000 0.2 per 160
students student
Secondary School Assume : 800 55 per head 44000 0.2 per 160
students student
Nursery/Preschool Assume : 55 per head 2750 0.2 per 10
50 students person
2 Storey Mosque Assume : 1500 135 per head 202500 0.2 per 300
people person
2 Storey Community Assume : 2000 1100 per bed 2200000 4 per bed 2000
Centre (Hospital) people
3 Storey Commercial 3 blocks (225m 1200 per 100 742500 3 per 100m2 1856
Centre x 275m) m2 gross area
Petrol Station 2 nos 5000 per 10000 15 per toilet 75000
Assume : service
2 toilet per bay
petrol station

Market Place 1 nos 820 per store 41000 3 per stall 2460
Assume :
50 stalls
Total water 4239960 85001
demand (lpd)

 lpd = liter per day

(I) Overall Development Details

The scopes of work in water reticulation system are:-
i. Determination the location of elevated water tank and suction tank
ii. Propose type of pipe for water reticulation and fire hydrant
iii. Propose the connection to existing pipe

In Malaysia, the design guidelines and standards is outlined by individual state water
authority. The general design guidelines and standards is outlined by Malaysian Water
Association (MWA) which is “Design Guidelines for Water Supply Systems” replacing the
design standards by Cawangan Bekalan Air, JKR Head Quarters.
There are different demand of water based on the type and purpose of buildings. The
values of daily water demand for varied premises are based on Syarikat Air Johor Sdn Bhd
(SAJSB). It has various types of pipe in the market but the mild steel pipes (MS) is chosen for
water supply and fire fighting pipes with both proposed diameter of pipes are 150mm.
Mainly it has two types of pipe network system, the close loop pipe and dead end pipe
network. The dead end pipe network is more suitable for small scale of project such as school,
hotel and so on. Close loop system usually use in large area of project such as housing area and
this system allows maintenance operation can be done without distributing water distribution to
the consumer. Because of development area are considered as big residential area, so our
company proposed that the most suitable network system are the close loop network system.

(II) Earthwork

The scopes of work involve in earthwork are:-

i. Determination of proposed ground level as well as cut and fill process within the site
ii. Cross section of the site plan after the cut and fill works.
iii. Slope stability analysis on the most critical slope.
iv. Typical temporary earth drain and sedimentation basin design for surface runoff.
v. Typical retaining structures necessary.

Cut and Fill

This is the process of constructing an area whereby the amount of material from cuts roughly
matches the amount of fill needed to make nearby embankments, so minimizing the amount of
construction labour. Cut slopes are rarely created greater than a slope of two to one (horizontal to
vertical dimensions). Cut sections of roadway are characterized by the roadway being lower in
elevation than the surrounding terrain. Fill sections manifest as elevated sections of a roadway.
Fills can be used to cover unstable soil, in which case material with a higher bearing capacity is
placed on top of the obstacle in order to carry the weight of the roadway or railway and reduce
differential settlement.

Temporary Drainage System

The amount of silt can ideally be minimized by making sure that the only water that runs
across exposed ground is what actually falls on it. Any other water will be diverted away from
the earthworks onto stable ground by means of temporary drainage, built before open up the
ground. Design of temporary drainage system will be based on MASMA (Manual Saliran Mesra
Alam) requirement and specification which been published by ‘Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran
Malaysia’ on 2000. For this project, the temporary drainage will be constructed along the road
within the construction area. This temporary drainage is connected to the silt traps which will be
located on the right and left of the area to improve the water flow from surface runoff.
Silt Trap
Besides of taking prevention of soil erosion by keeping excessive water away from the
exposed ground, the rain that falls on the actual ground will inevitably erode away some of the
soil. A lot of this soil needs to be trapped before it leaves the construction site and heads for the
nearest stream. It is also important to protect the surrounding environment from being polluted. It
also needs to be trapped until the site is permanently protected against erosion.
Proposed Level
Suitable level needs to be proposed according to the function of the construction project.
Most of the area for this project area is for residential purpose. Therefore, the connecting
building should be in the same level in order to make it conveniences for the user. The
topography of the construction site had shown that is a gradually decreasing slope from left to
right. Different level needs to be proposed in order to fulfill the slope condition and to minimize
the cut and fill volume.
Slope Stability (Bishop’s Simplified Method of Slices)
Slope stability is the analysis of soil covered slopes and its potential to undergo movement.
Stability is determined by the balance of shear stress and shear strength. Triggering factors of a
slope failure can be climatic events can then make a slope actively unstable, leading to mass
movements. Mass movements can be caused by increases in shear stress. The method of slices is
when the sliding mass above the failure surface is divided into a number of slices. Bishop’s the
Method of Slices shows all forces acting on the slice (i.e., horizontal compressive force, Hl and
Hr, its weight W, shear forces T, normal forces H (on the sides), and a set of forces on its base
which consist of shear force S and normal force N).
Retaining Wall
Retaining structures are built for the purpose of holding back a soil mass. Our company has
chosen Gabion wall as retaining walls. Gabion walls are compartmented units filled with stones
that are 100mm to 175mm size. Each unit is a rectangular basket made of galvanized steel,
geosynthetic grid or polyvynilchloride (PVC) coated wire.

(III) Road Cross Sections

Road are important in our life because every day we will use the road to travel from one
place to another place. Design of road need to standardize and ensure the road networks are
functions efficiently and safely for all road users such as the community, cyclists, pedestrians,
and etc. Our company priority is to provide uniformity design of the roads according to their
performance requirements and provide consistent, safe and reliable road facilities for movement
of traffic.


1. To provides a design of road works for new development comprising housing and
commercial buildings area.
2. To build and design an economical, efficient, safe, and environment and user-friendly road

Scope of Work

Design of road should follow this scope below:

a. Alignment selection: Mainly selected based on cut and fill volume of soil.
b. Estimation of Average Daily Traffic, ADT: ADT represents the total traffic for the year
divided by 365 or average volume per day. From ADT, the road can be classified. The value
of ADT can obtain from Road Traffic Volume Malaysia 2009 (RTVM 2009) provided by
Ministry of Works Malaysia (Highway Planning Unit).
c. Structural Design of Pavement: A flexible pavement is designed for particular road
especially the details for thickness design and its material.
d. Horizontal Alignment design: The horizontal curve alignment is needed to be designed in
order to establish the proper relation between the design speed and curvature and also their
joint relations with super-elevation and side friction.
e. Vertical Curve design: Vertical curve profile is important as it shows the maximum grades
based on design speed.
f. Grade Junction design: The objective of intersection design is to reduce the severity of
potential conflicts between vehicle while providing maximum convenience and ease of
movement to vehicles.

Design Standard

1. Design of Horizontal alignment, Vertical Curve and Grade Junction is following the Arahan
Teknik Jalan 11/87 (Manual Design of At-Grade Intersections).
2. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 2A/85 – Manual on Traffic Control Devices and Standard Traffic
3. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 5/85 – Manual on Pavement Design.
4. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 8/86 – A Guide on Geomectric Design of Roads.
5. REAM (Road Engineering Association Malaysia) A Guide on Geometric Design of Roads.

Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) at entraining junction

The increasing of housing area and commercial buildings at this area make the existed
road cannot support the traffic capacity for now and for the next few years. Due to that it can
caused some traffic problem at main entrance. TIA is a solution to solve this problem by
upgrading the road to provide safer condition and more reliable transport system to users. A new
traffic system needs to apply at that area to improve the existing junction.

For the main intersection, there will be a signalized system between the existing main
road and access road of proposed development due to the increasing traffic volume in that area.
The function of traffic light is to ensure all the vehicle can pass through from all direction so that
it will increase the capacity, decreasing the delay time and also to avoid much conflict point. To
ensure the pavement from damaged due to water, subsoil drainage will be provided. Subsurface
drainage also will provide to carry water surface from the road.

There are two ways of method that has been conducted to get the traffic volume at main
intersection which are by doing a traffic count manually at main intersection or by using Road
Traffic Volume Malaysia 2009 (RTVM 2009) to get the Average Daily Traffic (ADT).
According to RTVM 2009, ADT for main existing road is 218035 which is exceeding 10 000
vehicles/hour. So, type of this road is categorized in R5.

Material for pavement

1. Surfacing = Asphaltic Concrete

2. Road Base = Mechanically stabilized crushed aggregate
3. Sub-Base = Sand, laterite, etc

Product Specifications

1. Aggregates
 Course aggregates shall be screened crushed hard rock, angular in shape and free from
dust, clay, vegetative and other organic matter, and other deleterious substances.
 Fine aggregates shall be clean natural sands, screened quarry fines, or mining sand.
Mining sand shall be thoroughly washed before use. Fine aggregates shall be non-plastic
and free from clay, loam, other organic matter, and other deleterious substances.

2. Bituminous material
 Types of wearing course are ACW 14 and ACW 20.
 Types of binder course are ACB 14 and ACB 28.

Road Cross Section

24 m Width Road

12 m Width Road

9 m Width Road

IV) Drainage, Sewerage and Water Supply
Drainage System

Conventional drainage systems are designed to achieve an objective which for flood
control during large, infrequent storms. It is met by conveying and/or detaining peak runoff from
large, infrequent storms. Drainage systems designed to meet a single flood control objective fail
to address the environmental effects of increases in runoff volume and velocity caused by
development, as well as flow peaks.

We refer MASMA as a guideline to design the drainage system which follows the
spectacular in Malaysia. Besides that in order to maintain sustainable development during
designing the drainage system, we choose the precast exposed drainage. For this project,
drainage design is “Proposed Development of approximately 42 acres bounded by an existing
main artery road 75m wide (ROW) in the South direction and another existing main artery road
45 wide (ROW) in the North direction. We have 5 catchments around housing areas which are
one-storey building, two-storey building, third story building, nursery/preschool housing and
others. There are certain catchment area can flow to the main drain which is located at two main
artery road. The others catchment area can flow to the farm or forest. On the other hand, run-off
from the detention pond can flow to the river.

Objectives of Drainage System Design

The objective of this design report is to present the engineering design of the drainage
scheme for the project area. The objectives are:
 Understand the basic concepts in drainage system design using the manual (MASMA)
 To measure the runoff volume for each catchments area and size of drainage
 Presenting a detail and complete design calculation catchments area for drainage and
culvert system.

Drainage System
Drainage systems consist of surface and subsurface drainage systems:
i. Surface drainage systems
Surface drainage system is a system of drainage measures, such as open drains and
land forming, to prevent ponding by diverting excess surface water to a collector
ii. Subsurface drainage systems
A subsurface drainage system is a man-made system that induces excess water and
dissolved salts to flow through the soil to pipes or open drains, from where it can be
Types of Drainage
There are two types of drainage system in this project which are main drain and minor drain.

i. Main Drain
The main drain can function as major drain to carry large capacity of flow from road
drain and storm water to transfers the flow to retention pond.
ii. Minor Drain
The minor drain can collect the rainfall capacity and domestic usage from the
building and runoff from the road into.

Storm Water Drainage

Storm water systems are engineered to handle specific runoff volumes and flow rates. For flood
protection, systems are designed with capacity for the expected peak runoff volumes and flow
rates of a given design storm size.

Detention Ponds
Detention systems store runoff for one to two days after a storm and are dry until the next storm.
From the contour that has been constructed, the location of detention pond for this project is at
the lowest level so the run-off from upstream can flow easily to the downstream.

Discharge Points
The outlet in this project is obtained from terminal point of the entire drainage system, where the
drainage water is discharged into main drain, river or forest.

Sewerage System
The scopes of work in sewerage system are:-
i. Identification the location of sewerage treatment plant, STP
ii. Propose the location of the manholes
iii. Determination of type of pipe used
iv. Determination of type of STP

. In this conceptual infrastructure development plan, the suitable location was monitored
to install sewerage delivery system at the development area. Generally, influent from this
development will be the discharge into the manhole and then to the sewage treatment plant for
treatment, thus the effluent will be discharge into the drainage system nearby. Direction and level
of waste water are designed to avoid interruption of water flow the phenomenon of 'backflow'
from happening.
The type of pipe that will be used is Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP) at the size between 225
mm to 375 mm in diameter depending on the slope in order to control the velocity based on the
standard BS 65: 1981 manholes precast concrete and the size of 1200mm diameter.
According to the Manning values provided by Chow (1959), sewer which made of VCP
will have value of Manning’s roughness coefficient is between 0.011 and 0.015. In this case,
Manning’s Roughness coefficient of 0.014 is chosen. All calculations of 'Population Equivalent'

(PE) need to be determine the size of the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) as reference for the
local authorities.
The sewerage delivery system position will give concerned on respective residential
places and commercial buildings that will consist of thousands of population equivalent.
Therefore, we have to standardize the population equivalent for all buildings at the development
area. Effective distances of 80m were provided between manholes for future maintenance.
Besides, we will use a gradient of 1:225 on the pipeline and will provide the invert level
calculation for every manhole installed.
The flow of sewage will flow from manhole to manhole through the sewer pipes line
‘vitrified clay pipe' (VCP), finally to the pumping station if necessary and sewage treatment

V) Geotechnical Parameters
Decision has been made to conduct bored holes at 18 different locations of the
development site which are shown in the drawing plan. Distance between 2 bored holes is around
100 meters. All 18 boreholes will be conducted on the proposed area which is on firm ground.
Rotary wash boring is used in this project. Rotary drilling uses rotation of the drill bit with the
simultaneous application of pressure to advance the hole. Therefore, this is the most rapid
method of advancing a hole in soil and rock. Sample obtained from drilling by this method is
relatively less disturbed.
At first we will be launch a feasibility study of the proposed project. Begin with the
preliminary investigation then follow by fieldwork and laboratory testing. Standard Penetration
test (SPT) is used as it is relatively simple and inexpensive to perform. Besides, it is useful in
determining certain properties of soils, particularly of cohesionless soils, for which undisturbed
samples are not easily obtained. Soil permeability test
For laboratory test, Classification test will be conducted. This test will help to classify soil
in broad groups having similar mechanical properties and strength characteristics. The Atterberg
limits are tested to define the boundaries of several states of consistency for plastic soils. The
boundaries are defined by the amount of water a soil needs to be at one of those boundaries. The
boundaries are called the plastic limit and the liquid limit, and the difference between them is
called the plasticity index. The shrinkage limit is also a part of the Atterberg limits. The results
of this test can be used to help predict other engineering properties. CIU test used the shear
strength is measured in terms of effective stress. Specimens are saturated, allowed to consolidate
at different level of confining pressure before failure. During the failure stage the specimen is not
allowed to drain and pore pressure is measured, so that the effective stresses are calculated as the
difference between the total stress and the pore pressure. Particle-size analysis is done to
determine the soil gradation. Coarser particles are separated in the sieve analysis portion, and the
finer particles are analyzed with a hydrometer.

The sample from the real site is used to get the soil profile on the different position of
bored holes. Then with the detail from the soil profile, pile foundation design can be carried out.

VI) Overall Design and Material Specifications
Sewerage System : Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP)
Water Reticulation System : High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe,
Mild Steel Fire Hydrant, Stainless Steel Main Water
Tank, Plastic Suction Tank
Drainage System : U-drain, Box culvert
Structural Building : Concrete Grade 30
Road Work : Aggregate, Bitumen and Filler

VII) Sustainable Development/Design Considerations

Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while
preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for
future generations. The followings are the methods that will be used in our project:
Alternative Energy Resources
Solar energy can be used for heating water, generating electricity and concentrating solar
energy to create fuel for vehicles. Solar energy may also be used in a water stabilisation pond to
treat waste water without chemicals or electricity.
Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater harvesting is effective in reducing the water usage from citizens and
consumers. Rainwater harvesting is installed so as to accumulate and store the rainwater. It is
able to provide drinking water, water for irrigation, household usage, or to refill aquifers in a
process called groundwater recharge. This service will be installed at severe types of buildings
such as storey houses, storey shops, market place, community centre and schools.
Runoff diversion channels for temporary drainage
Channels are used to protect work areas from run-off higher up. The water are guided away
into vegetation or into sediment control structures. The gradients down the channel gentle (1 in
100) is made to prevent scouring. The channel needs to be stabilized against erosion by
regrassing or lining with a geotextile fabric where grades exceed 1 in 100.

Silt fences
Silt fences with geo-textile fabric are used for relatively small disturbed areas. More silt
fences which are arranged closer together is needed for steeper slopes. Place posts for the fence
are installed no more than 2 meters apart. Trenches need to be digged on the uphill side and run
filter fabric between the posts, burying the base of it in the trench.

Sustainable Urban Drainage System

In order to make sure there are sustainable development, Sustainable Urban Drainage
System are use to, that will try to replicate natural systems that use cost effective solutions with
low environmental impact to drain away dirty and surface water run-off through collection,
storage, and cleaning before allowing it to be released slowly back into the environment, such as
into water courses.


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