Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, March 12, 2011 Washington, DC

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Remarks of President Barack Obama

Weekly Address
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Washington, DC

March is Women’s History Month, a time not only to celebrate the progress that women have made, but
also the women throughout our history who have made that progress possible.  
One inspiring American who comes to mind is Eleanor Roosevelt.  In 1961, the former First Lady was
unhappy about the lack of women in government, so she marched up to President Kennedy and handed
him a three-page list of women who were qualified for top posts in his administration.  This led the
President to select Mrs. Roosevelt as the head of a new commission to look at the status of women in
America, and the unfairness they routinely faced in their lives.  
Though she passed away before the commission could finish its work, the report they released spurred
action across the country.  It helped galvanize a movement led by women that would help make our
society a more equal place.  
It’s been almost fifty years since the Roosevelt commission published its findings – and there have been
few similar efforts by the government in the decades that followed. That’s why, last week, here at the
White House, we released a new comprehensive report on the status of women in the spirit on the one
that was released half a century ago.
There was a lot of positive news about the strides we’ve made, even in recent years.  For example,
women have caught up with men in seeking higher education.  In fact, women today are more likely
than men to attend and graduate from college.  
Yet, there are also reminders of how much work remains to be done.  Women are still more likely to live
in poverty in this country.  In education, there are areas like math and engineering where women are
vastly outnumbered by their male counterparts.  This is especially troubling, for we know that to
compete with nations around the world, these are the fields in which we need to harness the talents of
all our people. That’s how we’ll win the future.
And, today, women still earn on average only about 75 cents for every dollar a man earns.  That’s a huge
discrepancy.  And at a time when folks across this country are struggling to make ends meet – and many
families are just trying to get by on one paycheck after a job loss – it’s a reminder that achieving equal
pay for equal work isn’t just a women’s issue.  It’s a family issue.  
In one of my first acts as President, I signed a law so that women who’ve been discriminated against in
their salaries could have their day in court to make it right.  But there are steps we should take to
prevent that from happening in the first place.  That’s why I was so disappointed when an important bill
to give women more power to stop pay disparities – the Paycheck Fairness Act – was blocked by just two
votes in the Senate.  And that’s why I’m going to keep up the fight to pass the reforms in that bill.  
Achieving equality and opportunity for women isn’t just important to me as President.  It’s something I
care about deeply as the father of two daughters who wants to see his girls grow up in a world where
there are no limits to what they can achieve.  
As I’ve traveled across the country, visiting schools and meeting young people, I’ve seen so many girls
passionate about science and other subjects that were traditionally not as open to them.  We even held
a science fair at the White House, where I met a young woman named Amy Chyao. She was only 16
years old, but she was actually working on a treatment for cancer.  She never thought, “Science isn’t for
me.”  She never thought, “Girls can’t do that.”  She was just interested in solving a problem.  And
because someone was interested in giving her a chance, she has the potential to improve lives.
That tells me how far we’ve come.  But it also tells me we have to work even harder to close the gaps
that still exist, and to uphold that simple American ideal: we are all equal and deserving of the chance to
pursue our own version of happiness.  That’s what Eleanor Roosevelt was striving toward half a century
ago.  That’s why this report matters today.  And that’s why, on behalf of all our daughters and our sons,
we’ve got to keep making progress in the years ahead.  
Thanks for listening.


[< Anglo-Norman < Latin Martius (mensis) "(month) of Mars"]

[15th century. Via Latin < Greek historia "history,

knowledge, narrative" < histōr "learned man"]

[ Old English tīma "period of time" <

Germanic, "extend"]

March is Women’s History Month, a time not only to celebrate the progress that women have made,
but also the women throughout our history who have made that progress possible.  

[ Old English hwā < Indo-European, "who, what"]

[ Old English þurh < Indo-European,
"pass through"]
[ Old English ic < Indo-European]

 happen: to happen or exist at a particular point or

 I never thought this day would come

One inspiring American who comes to mind is Eleanor Roosevelt. 

[ Old English wimman, variant of wīfman, < [14th century. < hap1]
wīf "woman, wife" + man "person"]

In 1961, the former First Lady was unhappy about the lack of women in government, so she marched up
to President Kennedy and handed him a three-page list of women who were qualified for top posts in
his administration. 

[Late 16th century. < French liste < Germanic]

[ Old English hēafod < Indo-European]

[14th century. Via French < Latin praesident- <

present participle of praesidere (see preside)]

This led the President to select Mrs. Roosevelt as the head of a new commission to look at the status of
women in America, and the unfairness they routinely faced in their lives.  

[12th century. < Old Norse þeir]

[Late 17th century. < French < route (see route)]
 [ Old English aweg < on weg "on (your)

Though she passed away before the commission could finish its work, the report they released spurred
action across the country.  It helped galvanize a movement led by women that would help make our
society a more equal place.  

[14th century. Directly or via French < Latin [13th century. Via Anglo-Norman mover < Latin
commission- < commiss- (see commissar)] movere]

most for almost?

It’s been almost fifty years since the Roosevelt commission published its findings – and there have been
few similar efforts by the government in the decades that followed.

[ Old English hūs < Germanic]

 [ Old English hwȳ, instrumental
case form of hwæt "what"]

That’s why, last week, here at the White House, we released a new comprehensive report on the status
of women in the spirit on the one that was released half a century ago.

[ Old English healf < Germanic]

[14th century. < Latin centuria "group of a
hundred" < centum "hundred"]
used to express feelings: used to express strong feelings
such as anger, satisfaction, relief, finality, or reassurance
[ Old English nēowe < Indo-  There! I told you she would make it.
[ Old English þe, earlier se < Indo-European]

There was a lot of positive news about the strides we’ve made, even in recent years.  For example,
women have caught up with men in seeking higher education. 

 [ Old English māra < Germanic] [14th century. < Old French <
Latin exemplum < eximere
"take out" < emere "take"]

[14th century. Directly or via

[ Old English wimman, variant of wīfman, < wīf
French < Latin collegium
"woman, wife" + man "person"]
"association, corporation" <
collega (see colleague)]

[15th century. < medieval Latin graduat-, past

participle of graduare "confer a degree on" <
Latin gradus "step, stage"]

In fact, women today are more likely than men to attend and graduate from college.  

[14th century. Via Old French

[ Old English hū < Indo-European]
atendre < Latin attendere "reach
toward" < tendere "to stretch"]

[ Old English ealswā, allswā (see all, so1)]

  [14th century. < Old French remaindre,

remanoir < Latin remanere < manere "to

Yet, there are also reminders of how much work remains to be done.  Women are still more likely to live
in poverty in this country.  In education, there are areas like math and engineering where women are

[Mid-16th century. < Latin, "flat [ Old English hwær, hwar < Indo-European]
piece of unoccupied land"]
[Late 16th century. < Latin vastus "immense, empty"]

[14th century. < Old French < Latin masculus < mas
"male person"]

vastly outnumbered by their male counterparts.  This is especially troubling, for we know that to
compete with nations around the world, these are the fields in which we need to harness the talents of
all our people. That’s how we’ll win the future.
[ Old English nē(o)d <
[ Old English winnan < Indo-European, "to

female adult: an adult female human being

[Mid-16th century. Via early
Flemish daler or Low German <
German Taler, shortening of
Joachimst(h)aler, after the silver
mine of Joachimsthal, now
Jáchymov, Czech Republic]

And, today, women still earn on average only about 75 cents for every dollar a man earns.  That’s a huge
[ Old English folc < Indo-European,"fill"]
[ Old English macian < Indo-
European, "kneading"]
[ Old English manig < Indo-European,
"many, often"]

And at a time when folks across this country are struggling to make ends meet – and many families are
just trying to get by on one paycheck after a job loss – it’s a reminder that achieving equal pay for equal
work isn’t just a women’s issue.  It’s a family issue.  

[ Old English gemynd < Indo-

[14th century. < Latin aequalis < aequus European "think"]
"equal, even"]
[ Old English fyr(e)st < Indo-European]
[13th century. Via French <
Latin signum "mark, sign"]
[14th century. Directly or via French acte <
Latin actus, actum "public transaction" <
past participle of agere "do"]
women: women collectively, or a
particular group of women,
especially those belonging to the [Early 17th century. < Latin
same family or society (dated) discriminat-, past participle of
discriminare "to divide" < discrimin-
"division" < discernere (see discern)]

In one of my first acts as President, I signed a law so that women who’ve been discriminated against in
their salaries could have their day in court to make it right.  But there are steps we should take to
prevent that from happening in the first place. 

 expressing desirability: expresses

[ Old English riht < Indo-European, "go straight"]
desirability or rightness
 You should work less.

[ Old English hwonne, hwænne < Indo- Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008
European] [15th century. < medieval Latin
important-, present participle of
importare (see import)]

That’s why I was so disappointed when an important bill to give women more power to stop pay
disparities – the Paycheck Fairness Act – was blocked by just two votes in the Senate. 

[14th century. Via Old French bloc < [ Old English cēpan "take, observe,"
Middle Dutch blok "tree trunk"] origin ?]

And that’s why I’m going to keep up the fight to pass the reforms in that bill.  

[ Old English feohtan "to fight" < W

Germanic] [13th century. < French passer < Latin
passus "step"]
[14th century. < Latin aequalis < aequus "equal,

Achieving equality and opportunity for women isn’t just important to me as President. 


[14th century. Via Anglo-Norman egle < Latin aquila]

[ Old English caru "sorrow" < Indo-European]

[ Old English dēop < Indo-European, "deep, hollow"]

It’s something I care about deeply as the father of two daughters who wants to see his girls grow up in a
world where there are no limits to what they can achieve.  
[13th century. Origin ?]

 [13th century. < Old French à croix or en

croix "transversely" < Latin crux "cross"]

As I’ve traveled across the country, visiting schools and meeting young people, I’ve seen so many girls
passionate about science and other subjects that were traditionally not as open to them. 

[ Old English waru]

[ Old English efen < Germanic]
[ Old English hwær, hwar < Indo-European]

We even held a science fair at the White House, where I met a young woman named Amy Chyao. She
was only 16 years old, but she was actually working on a treatment for cancer. 
[Pre-12th century. < Latin, literally "crab"]
[Pre-12th century. < ne "not" + ever]
[14th century. Via French <
Latin scientia < scient-,
present participle of scire
"know, discern" < Indo-
European, "cut"]
[12th century. Probably alteration of Old
English hēo, feminine form of he1]

She never thought, “Science isn’t for me.”  She never thought, “Girls can’t do that.”  She was just
interested in solving a problem.  And because someone was interested in giving her a chance, she has
the potential to improve lives.

[ Old English tellan < Germanic, "put in [13th century. Via Anglo-Norman <
order"] late Latin cadentia "falling" <
present participle of Latin cadere "to
[ Old English weorc < Indo-European]
  [ Old English mē, me < Indo-European]

That tells me how far we’ve come.  But it also tells me we have to work even harder to close the gaps
that still exist, and to uphold that simple American ideal: we are all equal and deserving of the chance to
pursue our own version of happiness. 

[13th century. Via Old French deservir <

Latin deservire "serve well" < servire (see

 [ Old English hwæt < Indo-European]

That’s what Eleanor Roosevelt was striving toward half a century ago. 

[ Old English tōweardes]

[14th century. < the past
participle of Old English āgān
"go away, pass by" < gān
[ Old English þis, þes < Indo-European]

[ Old English hwȳ, instrumental case form

of hwæt "what"]

That’s why this report matters today.  And that’s why, on behalf of all our daughters and our sons,
we’ve got to keep making progress in the years ahead.  
   whole of: used to indicate that the
Thanks for listening. whole of an amount, area, quantity, or
thing is involved or affected
[PRESIDENTIAL WEEKLY ADDRESS PHASE A END OF]  All Europe was in the grip of freezing


Sing, O goddess, the anger of Achilles son of Peleus, that

brought countless ills upon the Achaeans. Many a brave soul
did it send hurrying down to Hades, and many a hero did it
yield a prey to dogs and vultures, for so were the counsels of
Jove fulfilled from the day on which the son of Atreus, king of
men, and great Achilles, first fell out with one another.

March is Women’s History Month, a time not only to celebrate the progress that women have made,
but also the women throughout our history who have made that progress possible.  

Shahnameh - 1360.3gp

One inspiring American who comes to mind is Eleanor Roosevelt. 

1. Sun Tzu said: Whoever is first in the field

and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be
fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the
field and has to hasten to battle will arrive
In 1961, the former First Lady was unhappy about the lack of women in government, so she marched up
to President Kennedy and handed him a three-page list of women who were qualified for top posts in
his administration. 

3. By holding out advantages to him,

he can cause the enemy to
approach of his own accord; or, by
inflicting damage, he can make it
impossible for the enemy to draw

This led the President to select Mrs. Roosevelt as the head of a new commission to look at the status of
women in America, and the unfairness they routinely faced in their lives.  

Having studied the amazingly complex

subject of world mythology and legend for
more than twenty years, I have found few
stories more stirring than those of ancient
Regrettably for us, at the end of the twentieth
century very few Russian pre-Christian
(pagan) beliefs remain. Those that have
survived have been Christianized, their pagan
roots now long forgotten.

Though she passed away before the commission could finish its work, the report they released spurred
action across the country.  It helped galvanize a movement led by women that would help make our
society a more equal place.  

It may alter history for better or for worse. Leaders have been responsible for the most
extravagant follies and most monstrous crimes that have beset suffering humanity. They
have also been vital in such gains as humanity has made in individual freedom, religious
and racial tolerance, social justice, and respect for human rights. There is no sure way to
tell in advance who is going to lead for good and who for evil. But a glance at the gallery
of men and women in Ancient World Leaders suggests some useful tests.
One test is this: Do leaders lead by force or by persuasion? By command or by consent?
Through most of history leadership was exercised by the divine right of authority. The
duty of followers was to defer and to obey. “Theirs not to reason why/Theirs but to do
and die.”

CONNECTION TO POETRY. Ancient Greek music was

primarily monophonic—melody without harmony
or counterpoint. By the seventh century B.C.E., The question will naturally be asked by the reader--what
composers such as Archilochus were employing reason can be offered for Ireland's comparative freedom
heterophony (instrumental or singer embellishment), from the scourge, when the whole of Europe
modulation, mixed rhythms, and combining text with was so sorely lashed for centuries? It is difficult fully to
music. It is probable that music was improvised, not account for it, but the consideration of the following points
thoroughly composed. The Greeks used the word melos affords a partial explanation.
for a simple “song,” either vocal or instrumental, while In the first place Ireland's aloofness may
the Romans used carmina; in its “perfect form,” the
teleion melos, ancient Greek and Roman music was be alleged as a reason. The "Emerald Gem of the Western
always associated with poetry and dancing. The melody World" lies far away on the verge of Ocean, remote from
and rhythm of the music was intimately connected with those influences which so profoundly
the rhythm of the poetic meter. affected popular thought in other countries.

It’s been almost fifty years since the Roosevelt commission published its findings – and there have been
few similar efforts by the government in the decades that followed. That’s why, last week, here at the
White House, we released a new comprehensive report on the status of women in the spirit on the one
that was released half a century ago.
therefore include in the term Germans the ancestors of both the Scandinavian and Gothic
and German (tyske) peoples. Science needs a sharply-defined collective noun for all
these kindred branches sprung from one and the same root, and the name by which they
make their first appearance in history would doubtless long since have been selected for
this purpose had not some of the German writers applied the terms German and Deutsch
  as synonymous. This is doubtless the reason why Danish authors have adopted the word
“Goths” to describe the Germanic nations. But there is an important objection to this in
the fact that the name Goths historically is claimed by a particular branch of the family
— that branch, namely, to which the East and West Goths belonged, and in order to
avoid ambiguity, the term should be applied solely to them. It is therefore necessary to
re-adopt the old collective name, even though it is not of Germanic origin, the more so
as there is a prospect that a more correct use of the words German and Germanic is about
to prevail in Germany itself, for the German scholars also feel the weight of the
demand which science
makes on a precise and rational terminology.
There was a lot of positive news about the strides we’ve made, even in recent years.  For example,
women have caught up with men in seeking higher education.  In fact, women today are more likely
than men to attend and graduate from college.  
She leapt on the straight fl at back And was carried when the tide was full Out,
  far out, by the Thunderer To sea on a great white bull. The poem can be read
in two different ways: as the surrender of a woman to a man who is
metaphorically like a bull; or as the explanation in modern
psychological terms of the mythological tale. In either case no political
implications intrude into the pure sexuality of the scene. That same year
the cover of the journal Jugend (No. 47, 1928) carried an explicit
critical comment on the decadent society of the 1920s: Werner Peiner’s
striking painting of a blasé, nude, mascaraed flapper-Europa with a
feathered hat and necklace astride her bleeding and exhausted bull on a
busy city street with skyscrapers (fi gure 2.4).

Men1 Greek
a Phrygian moon-god adopted by
the Greeks
Men2 Central American
the fifteenth of the 20 ages of man, in
Mayan lore, the age when perfection
is reached

Yet, there are also reminders of how much work remains to be done.  Women are still more likely to live
in poverty in this country. 
Having studied the amazingly complex subject of world
It is universally known that the Teutonic dialects are related
to the Latin, the Greek, the Slavic, and Celtic languages, and mythology and legend for more than twenty years, I have found
that the kinship extends even beyond few stories more stirring than those of ancient Russia.
Europe to the tongues of Armenia, Irania, and India. The holy Regrettably for us, at the end of the twentieth century very few
books ascribed to Zoroaster, which to the priests of Cyrus
and Darius were what the Bible is to us; Russian pre-Christian (pagan) beliefs remain. Those that have
Rigveda’s hymns, which to the people dwelling on the banks survived have been Christianized, their pagan roots now long
of the Ganges are God’s revealed word, are written in a
language which points to a common origin with our own.
However unlike all these kindred tongues may have grown
with the lapse of thousands of years, still they remain as a
sharply-defined group of older and younger sisters as
compared with all other language groups of the world.

In education, there are areas like math and engineering where women are vastly outnumbered by their
male counterparts. 

Today China claims that its 1979 incursion into Vietnam was a small defensive operation
conducted by a few thousand border guards who quickly seized their objectives and withdrew.1
This is untrue. The 1979 campaign was a massive military operation involving eleven Chinese
armies ( jun, the equivalent of a U.S. corps) of regular ground forces, militia, and naval and air
force units, totaling at least 450,000 troops. Far from being a minor cross-border incursion, it
was similar in scale to the assault with which China made such an impact on its entry into the
Korean War in November 1950.2 Furthermore, the unconventional warfare operations that
occurred in conjunction with the 1979 campaign extended into areas far beyond the Sino-
Vietnamese border. The Chinese incursion of 1979 was in reality a major campaign of a war
that ran for more than a decade, from the late 1970s until the level of violence in the Sino-
Vietnamese and Vietnamese–Cambodian theaters at last subsided in the late 1980s and the
protagonists took the first steps toward normalizing relations.
This chapter deals with the Chinese incursion at the operational level, within the
context of the Third Indochina War.3

This is especially troubling, for we know that to compete with nations around the world, these are the
fields in which we need to harness the talents of all our people. That’s how we’ll win the future.

And, today, women still earn on average only about 75 cents for every dollar a man earns.  That’s a huge

Had this country never suffered a cross-channel

invasion, had she been left to work out her destiny unaided and
uninfluenced by her neighbours, it is quite conceivable that at some
period in her history she would have imbibed the witchcraft spirit, and,
with the genius characteristic of her, would have blended it with her own
older beliefs, and so would have ultimately evolved a form of that creed
which would have differed in many points from what was held elsewhere.
THE LUTE. There was limited use for the lute in Greece and Rome, although
the instrument was known in Mesopotamia as early as the third millennium
B.C.E., and in Egypt soon thereafter. The name pandouros (“lute”) may derive
from the Sumerian pan-tur (“little bow”). In both Egypt and the
Mediterranean, the lute was another instrument primarily played by women.

And at a time when folks across this country are struggling to make ends meet – and many families are
just trying to get by on one paycheck after a job loss – it’s a reminder that achieving equal pay for equal
work isn’t just a women’s issue.  It’s a family issue.

This is not a set of carvings of 19. Knowing the place and the time of the
Cyrus, or of his times, but of his son-in-law Darius,
who became King of Kings around 521 B.C., nine years coming battle, we may concentrate from the
after Cyrus’s death. Darius had the inscriptions written greatest distances in order to fight.
in three different languages, which is, in part,
how we are now able to interpret old Persian writing.
Darius referred frequently to the Lord Ahuramazda,
chief of all  the gods, and said that
it was because
  of Ahuramazda that Darius had been
able to achieve
great things. Why, historians ask, did not Cyrus write
something similar?
Does this suggest he was not a Zoroastrian?

In one of my first acts as President, I signed a law so that women who’ve been discriminated against in
their salaries could have their day in court to make it right. 
25. In making tactical dispositions, the
Hector did as his brother bade him. He sprang from his chariot, and went highest pitch you can attain is to conceal
about everywhere among the host, brandishing his spears, urging the men
on to fight, and raising the dread cry of battle. Thereon they rallied and them; conceal your dispositions, and you
again faced the Achaeans, who gave ground and ceased their murderous will be safe from the prying of the
onset, for they deemed that some one of the immortals had come down
from starry heaven to help the Trojans, so strangely had they rallied. And subtlest spies, from the machinations of
Hector shouted to the Trojans, “Trojans and allies, be men, my friends, the wisest brains.
and fight with might and main, while I go to Ilius and tell the old men
of our council and our wives to pray to the gods and vow
hecatombs in their honour.”

But there are steps we should take to prevent that from happening in the first place. 

29. Military tactics are like unto water;

for water in its natural course runs
away from high places and
hastens downwards.
30. So in war, the way is to avoid what
is strong and to strike at what is weak.
When the startled Taverner asked him in God's name who he
The white race may have existed, and may was, he told him that he was James Haddock, and recalled
have been spread over a considerable himself to his mind by relating a trifling
portion of the old world, before a language
incident that had occurred in Taverner's father's house a
possessing the peculiarities belonging to the
Aryan had appeared; and it is a known short while before Haddock's death.
fact that southern portions of Europe, such
as the Greek and Italian peninsulas,
were inhabited by white people before they
were conquered by Aryans.

That’s why I was so disappointed when an important bill to give women more power to stop pay
disparities – the Paycheck Fairness Act – was blocked by just two votes in the Senate.  And that’s why
I’m going to keep up the fight to pass the reforms in that bill.  

Traditions found in the literatures of various European peoples in regard to an immigration from the
East supported this view.
The progenitors of the Romans were said to have come from Troy. The fathers of the Teutons were
reported to have immigrated from Asia, led by Odin. There was also the original home of the domestic
animals and of the cultivated plants. And when the startling discovery was made that the sacred books
of the Iranians and Hindus were written in languages related to the culture languages of Europe, when
these linguistic monuments betrayed a wealth of inflections in comparison with which those of the
classical languages turned pale, and when they seemed to have the stamp of an antiquity by the side of
which the European dialects seemed like children, then what could be more natural than the following
conclusion: The original form has been preserved in the original home; the farther the streams of
emigration got away from this home, the more they lost on the way of their language and of their
inherited view of the world that is, of their mythology, which among the Hindus seemed so original and
simple as if it had been watered by the dews of life’s dawn.

Known to the classical writers of the first and second centuries as the Vanedi, a people living beyond
the Vistula, the Balts and Slavs originated the northeastern Indo-European languages spoken in central
and eastern Europe, the Balkans, and parts of north Asia.The Slavs are generally subdivided into three
linguistic and cultural groups: the Western Slavs, including the Poles, Czechs, Moravians, and
Slovaks; the Eastern Slavs, made up of Russians, Ukrainians, and Belorussians; and the Southern Slavs,
comprising the Bulgars, Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. The closely related Balts are also divided into
three groups: Latvians, Lithuanians, and Prussians.

Achieving equality and opportunity for women isn’t just important to me as President.  It’s something I
care about deeply as the father of two daughters who wants to see his girls grow up in a world where
there are no limits to what they can achieve.  
As I’ve traveled across the country, visiting schools and meeting young people, I’ve seen so many girls
passionate about science and other subjects that were traditionally not as open to them. 

34. The five elements (water, fire, wood, metal, earth) are not
always equally predominant; the four seasons make way for
each other in turn. There are short days and long; the moon
has its periods of waning and waxing.

Xenephon portrays King Cambyses as a wise, though old and tired,

man, and Cyrus as a vigorous, excitable young one.
This was a staple of Greek literature, for the Greeks believed a man
could become a full man only by being among men, especially
those older than he. Whether Cyrus really enjoyed such a close
relationship with his father is not known; there are suggestions that
King Cambyses had to be a very skillful diplomat, for he was king
of Persia at a time when that small kingdom could have been
swallowed up by any of the major powers, including
Babylonia and Media.

We even held a science fair at the White House, where I met a young woman named Amy Chyao. She
was only 16 years old, but she was actually working on a treatment for cancer. 

He went to Malone, found a

woman named Eleanor Walsh,
who proved to be the wrong
person, but who told him she had
a namesake living hard
by, upon which Taverner took no
further trouble in the matter, and
returned without delivering his
1. Sun Tzu said: In war, the general receives his
commands from the sovereign.
2. Having collected an army and concentrated his
forces, he must blend and harmonize the different
elements thereof before pitching his camp.

She never thought, “Science isn’t for me.”  She never thought, “Girls can’t do that.”  She was just
interested in solving a problem.  And because someone was interested in giving her a chance, she has
the potential to improve lives.
Black Earth, according to Solon, was ‘greatest mother of the
Olympian gods’.1
Nymo African
a trickster-deity of the Kru people She was the source of agricultural wealth, and the nurse of
When the king demanded that Nymo children. We will investigate these two functions in turn.
tackle the impossible task of weaving a Earth herself was a figure more of
new mat from grains of rice, Nymo thought and of myth, a very important one, than of cult, but
turned the tables by asking for the
king’s old mat so that he could match she had some place at that level too.
the pattern.

That tells me how far we’ve come.  But it also tells me we have to work even harder to close the gaps
that still exist, and to uphold that simple American ideal: we are all equal and deserving of the chance to
pursue our own version of happiness. 

China planned for “battles of quick decision” (sujue zhan) but

conducted a series of slow, indecisive operations. In the Lang Son
area, one Vietnamese regiment held up two Chinese armies for a
week, and another Chinese army needed up to ten days to secure
Lao Cai and Cam Duong, a pair of towns that lie less than fifteen
kilometers from the border. The PLA had so much difficulty
securing Cao Bang that it had to commit at least two armies to a
renewed assault on a city that it claimed to have already taken, and
in Quang Ninh a platoon of Vietnamese delayed for five hours a
Chinese regiment’s capture of Cao Ba Lanh Mountain, inflicting on
the Chinese regiment the loss of 360 of its 2,800 men. Such losses,
repeated all over the battlefield, were grievous and bought little. The
PLA proved incapable of using its masses of troops
effectively through the use of suitable tactics, and incapable
therefore of attaining a tempo of operations that would translate into
its desired “battles of quick decision.”

That’s what Eleanor Roosevelt was striving toward half a century ago. 

O-Goncho Japanese
a bird, harbinger of famine This bird was a manifestation of a
white dragon which lived in a pond and appeared only once in every
fifty years.

That’s why this report matters today.  And that’s why, on behalf of all our daughters and our sons, we’ve
got to keep making progress in the years ahead.  
Thanks for listening.




March is Women’s History Month, a time not only to celebrate the progress that women have made,
but also the women throughout our history who have made that progress possible.  

 Мы, многонациональный народ Российской Федерации, соединенные общей

When this scheme was disclosed to the Helvetii by informers, they, судьбой на своей земле, утверждая права и свободы человека, гражданский
according to their custom, compelled Orgetorix to plead his cause in мир и согласие, соединяя исторически сложившееся государственное
единство, исходя из общепризнанных принципов равноправия и
chains; it was the law that the penalty of being burned by fire should
самоопределения народов, чтя память предков, передавших нам любовь и
await him if condemned. On the day appointed for the pleading of his уважение к Отечеству, веру в добро и справедливость, возрождая
cause, Orgetorix drew together from all quarters to the court, all his суверенную государственность России и утверждая незыблемость ее
демократической основы, стремясь обеспечить благополучие и процветание
vassals to the number of ten thousand persons; and led together to the России, исходя из ответственности за свою Родину перед нынешним и
same place all his dependents and debtor-bondsmen, of whom he had a будущими поколениями, сознавая себя частью мирового сообщества,
great number; by means of those he rescued himself from [the
necessity of] pleading his cause. While the state, incensed at this act,
  was endeavoring to assert its right by arms, and the magistrates were
mustering a large body of men from the country, Orgetorix died; and
there is not wanting a suspicion, as the Helvetii think, of his having
committed suicide.

One inspiring American who comes to mind is Eleanor Roosevelt. 

The comparative study of the mythologies of the world
compels us to view the cultural history of mankind as a unit;
for we find that such themes as the fire-theft, deluge, land of
the dead, virgin birth, and resurrected hero have a worldwide
distribution—appearing everywhere in new combinations
while remaining, like the elements of a kaleidoscope, only a
few and always the same.

In 1961, the former First Lady was unhappy about the lack of women in government, so she marched up
to President Kennedy and handed him a three-page list of women who were qualified for top posts in
his administration. 
In the Indian Revolt, as in most colonial wars, the
battles were not simply between Europeans and non-
No one would have believed in the last Europeans. Nineteenth-century paintings, however,
years of the nineteenth century that rarely tried to illustrate this reality. Lady Elizabeth
Butler’s (1846–1933) The Defence of Rorke’s Drift
this world was being watched keenly and (1880) is an unrivaled example of this tendency. In this
closely by intelligences greater battle scene of the Zulu War, a small, all-white band of
than man's and yet as mortal as his own; British soldiers fight off vast, indistinct, and darkened
African warriors on the horizon. The artist was praised
that as men busied themselves in Britain for not including images of Africans. As one
about their various concerns they were critic noted, she omitted ‘‘such an unsavory adjunct’’
(Honour, 1988, p. 288).
scrutinised and studied, perhaps
almost as narrowly as a man with a
microscope might scrutinise the transient
creatures that swarm and multiply in a
drop of water.

This led the President to select Mrs. Roosevelt as the head of a new commission to look at the status of
women in America, and the unfairness they routinely faced in their lives.  
Whereas the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled at
Westminster, lawfully, fully and freely representing all the estates of the
people of this realm, did upon the thirteenth day of February in the year
of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty-eight [old style date]
present unto their Majesties, then called and known by the names and
style of William and Mary, prince and princess of Orange, being present
in their proper persons, a certain declaration in writing made by the said
Lords and Commons in the words following, viz.:
The representatives of the people of France, formed into a National
Assembly, considering that ignorance, neglect, or contempt of human rights,
are the sole causes of public misfortunes and corruptions of Government,
have resolved to set forth in a solemn declaration, these natural,
imprescriptible, and inalienable rights: that this declaration being constantly
present to the minds of the members of the body social, they may be for
ever kept attentive to their rights and their duties; that the acts of the
legislative and executive powers of government, being capable of being
every moment compared with the end of political institutions, may be more
respected; and also, that the future claims of the citizens, being directed by
simple and incontestable principles, may tend to the maintenance of the
Constitution, and the general happiness.

Though she passed away before the commission could finish its work, the report they released spurred
action across the country.  It helped galvanize a movement led by women that would help make our
society a more equal place.  
The Great Charter of English liberty granted (under considerable duress) by King
John at Runnymede on June 15, 1215
1. John, by the grace of God King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and
Count of Anjou, to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, barons, justices, foresters, sheriffs, stewards,
servants, and to all his officials and loyal subjects, greeting.
Know that before God, for the health of our soul and those of our ancestors and heirs, to the honour of
God, the exaltation of the holy Church, and the better ordering of our kingdom, at the advice of our
reverend fathers Stephen, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and cardinal of the holy
Roman Church, Henry archbishop of Dublin, William bishop of London, Peter bishop of Winchester,
Jocelin bishop of Bath and Glastonbury, Hugh bishop of Lincoln, Walter Bishop of Worcester, William
bishop of Coventry, Benedict bishop of Rochester, Master Pandulf subdeacon and member of the papal
household, Brother Aymeric master of the Knights of the Temple in England, William Marshal, earl of
Pembroke, William earl of Salisbury, William earl of Warren, William earl of Arundel, Alan de
constable of Scotland, Warin Fitz Gerald, Peter Fitz Herbert, Hubert de Burgh seneschal of Poitou,
de Neville, Matthew Fitz Herbert, Thomas Basset, Alan Basset, Philip Daubeny, Robert de Roppeley,
John Marshal, John Fitz Hugh, and other loyal subjects

When, at the Council of Clermont in 1095, Pope Urban II called for an armed pilgrimage to liberate the
Holy Land, he brought into existence a movement that was to have profound
consequences for the history of Europe, the Near East, and North Africa for centuries to come. Hundreds of
thousands of men and women took part in crusade expeditions to various goals, a huge number of them
dying in the process. Millions of people lived as subjects of states that
were brought into existence as a direct consequence of crusades to Palestine and Syria, to the Baltic lands,
Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du Citoyen du 26 août 1789 (placée ensuite en and to Greece and the islands of the eastern Mediterranean. Others
tête de la
Constitution de 1791) served as members of religious orders established to protect pilgrims or ransom captives, while many more
L'Assemblée nationale voulant établir la Constitution française sur les principes qu'elle supported crusades through taxes and voluntary donations, or by prayers and participation in the liturgy of
vient de reconnaître et de
déclarer, abolit irrévocablement les institutions qui blessaient la liberté et l'égalité des the Christian Church. Many of the political, economic, religious, and
droits. artistic consequences of the crusades are still apparent in the world that we live in.
• Il n'y a plus ni noblesse, ni pairie, ni distinctions héréditaires, ni distinctions d'ordres,
ni régime féodal, ni justices
patrimoniales, ni aucun des titres, dénominations et prérogatives qui en dérivaient, ni
aucun ordre de chevalerie, ni
aucune des corporations ou décorations, pour lesquelles on exigeait des preuves de
noblesse, ou qui supposaient
des distinctions de naissance, ni aucune autre supériorité, que celle des
fonctionnaires publics dans l'exercice de
leurs fonctions.
• Il n'y a plus ni vénalité, ni hérédité d'aucun office public.
• Il n'y a plus, pour aucune partie de la Nation, ni pour aucun individu, aucun privilège,
ni exception au droit commun
de tous les Français.
• Il n'y a plus ni jurandes, ni corporations de professions, arts et métiers.
• La loi ne reconnaît plus ni voeux religieux, ni aucun autre engagement qui serait
contraire aux droits naturels ou à la

It’s been almost fifty years since the Roosevelt commission published its findings – and there have been
few similar efforts by the government in the decades that followed.
That’s why, last week, here at the White House, we released a new comprehensive report on the status
of women in the spirit on the one that was released half a century ago.

Meanwhile, with the legion which he had with him and the soldiers which had assembled from the
Province, he carries along for nineteen [Roman, not quite eighteen English] miles a wall, to the height
of sixteen feet, and a trench, from the Lake of Geneva, which flows into the river Rhone, to Mount
Jura, which separates the territories of the Sequani from those of the Helvetii. When that work was
finished, he distributes garrisons, and closely fortifies redoubts, in order that he may the more easily
intercept them, if they should attempt to cross over against his will. When the day which he had
appointed with the embassadors came, and they returned to him; he says, that he can not,
consistently with the custom and precedent of the Roman people, grant any one a passage through
  the Province; and he gives them to understand, that, if they should attempt to use violence he would
oppose them. The Helvetii, disappointed in this hope, tried if they could force a passage (some by
means of a bridge of boats and numerous rafts constructed for the purpose; others, by the fords of
the Rhone, where the depth of the river was least, sometimes by day, but more frequently by night),
but being kept at bay by the strength of our works, and by the concourse of the soldiers, and by the
missiles, they desisted from this attempt.

There was a lot of positive news about the strides we’ve made, even in recent years.  For example,
women have caught up with men in seeking higher education.  In fact, women today are more likely
than men to attend and graduate from college.  

Man, apparently, cannot maintain himself in the universe without belief in some
arrangement of the general inheritance of myth. In fact, the fullness of his life would
even seem to stand in a direct ratio to the depth and range not of his rational thought
but of his local mythology. Whence the force of these unsubstantial themes, by which
they are empowered to galvanize populations, creating of them civilizations, each with
a beauty and self-compelling destiny of its own? And why should it be that whenever
men have looked for something solid on which to found their lives, they have chosen
not the facts in which the world abounds, but the myths of an immemorial imagination
—preferring even to make life a hell for themselves and their neighbors, in the name of
some violent god, to accepting gracefully the bounty the world affords?
Mexican painters, many of whom studied in Spain,
France, and Italy, assimilated the styles and traditions of
the grand masters, the impressionists, the expressionists,
and the cubists, as well as that of the ancient and
contemporary native cultures of Mexico. The
internationally admired muralists of the 1920s and 1930s,
particularly Diego Rivera (1886–1957), Jose´ Clemente
Orozco (1883–1949), and David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896–
  1974), produced a ‘‘revolutionary’’ public art that was
populist and didactic.

Yet, there are also reminders of how much work remains to be done.  Women are still more likely to live
in poverty in this country.  In education, there are areas like math and engineering where women are
vastly outnumbered by their male counterparts. 

Oengus was asleep one night when he saw something like a young girl
coming towards the head of his bed, and she was the most beautiful woman
in Eriu. He made to take her hand and draw her to his bed, but, as he
welcomed her, she vanished suddenly, and he did not know who had taken
her from him. He remained in bed until the morning , but he was troubled
in his mind: the form he had seen but not spoken to was making him ill. No
food entered his mouth that day. He waited until evening, and then he saw
a timpán in her
hand, the sweetest ever, and she played for him until he fell asleep. Thus he
was all night, and the next morning he ate nothing.

ARTICLE PREMIER. - Le Royaume est un et indivisible : son territoire est distribué en quatre-vingt-trois
départements, chaque département en districts, chaque district en cantons.
ART. 2. - Sont citoyens français : - Ceux qui sont nés en France d'un père français ; - Ceux qui, nés en
France d'un père étranger, ont fixé leur résidence dans le Royaume ; - Ceux qui, nés en pays étranger d'un
français, sont venus s'établir en France et ont prêté le serment civique ; - Enfin ceux qui, nés en pays étranger,
descendant, à quelque degré que ce soit, d'un Français ou d'une Française expatriés pour cause de religion,
demeurer en France et prêtent le serment civique.
ART. 3. - Ceux qui, nés hors du Royaume de parents étrangers, résident en France, deviennent citoyens
après cinq ans de domicile continu dans le Royaume, s'ils y ont, en outre, acquis des immeubles ou épousé
Français, ou former un établissement d'agriculture ou de commerce, et s'ils ont prêté le serment civique.
ART. 4. - Le Pouvoir législatif pourra, pour des considérations importantes, donner à un étranger un acte de
naturalisation, sans autres conditions que de fixer son domicile en France et d'y prêter le serment civique.
ART. 5. - Le serment civique est : Je jure d'être fidèle à la Nation à la loi et au roi et de maintenir de tout mon
la Constitution du Royaume, décrétée par l'Assemblée nationale constituante aux années 1789, 1790 et 1791.

This is especially troubling, for we know that to compete with nations around the world, these are the
fields in which we need to harness the talents of all our people. That’s how we’ll win the future.

To none will we sell, to none deny or delay, right or justice.

He thinks the same of the description of Britain, the
notices of the Roman emperors, and the detail of the first
arrival of the Saxons. But, it may be observed, those
passages to which he alludes are not to be found in the
earlier MSS. The description of Britain, which forms the
introduction, and refers us to a period antecedent to the
invasion of Julius Caesar; appears only in three copies of
the "Chronicle"; two of which are of so late a date as the
Norman Conquest, and both derived from the same source.
Whatever relates to the succession of the Roman emperors
  was so universally known, that it must be considered as
common property: and so short was the interval between the
departure of the Romans and the arrival of the Saxons,
that the latter must have preserved amongst them
sufficient memorials and traditions to connect their own
history with that of their predecessors.

And, today, women still earn on average only about 75 cents for every dollar a man earns.  That’s a huge

And at a time when folks across this country are struggling to make ends meet – and many families are
just trying to get by on one paycheck after a job loss – it’s a reminder that achieving equal pay for equal
work isn’t just a women’s issue.  It’s a family issue.  

As in Mexico, artists in the former British colonies around the world, the
dominions, sought to create unique national arts that promoted national
identity by connecting with the past, both colonial and native, and
with the different peoples and cultures of the present. ‘‘The artists of the
Dominions,’’ writes MacKenzie, ‘‘began to draw upon the motifs,
pigments, and spiritual concepts of indigenous art. By the middle of the
twentieth century, this fusing of local symbols with European techniques
had become standard throughout the territories of white settlement’’
(1996, p. 315).

In one of my first acts as President, I signed a law so that women who’ve been discriminated against in
their salaries could have their day in court to make it right. 

Rome was a slave-owning society. Although the Romans are often portrayed as kind and
benevolent in their treatment of slaves, the Roman system of slavery was brutally oppressive
and its victims were often subjected to inhuman conditions. But slavery in the Roman world
was not racially motivated and it did offer possibilities for emancipation. In those respects, it
was fundamentally different from the slavery
that existed in America and in the British colonies. Romans considered neither the concept nor
the practice of slavery evil or unusual. They recognized
that slavery was contrary to the laws of nature, but accepted it as a law of man. Military victors
made slaves of the people they conquered and, as Rome conquered more and more people,
slaves began to flood domestic markets. Piracy and kidnapping also increased the supply of

A major military engagement in which a Mongol army commanded by Kitbuga Noyon was
decisively defeated by a Mamluk army from Egypt near ‘Ayn J¢l‰t (the Spring of Goliath), a
village situated between the towns of Bethsan and Nablus (in mod. West Bank), on 3
September 1260. The Mongols under Chinggis (Genghis) Khan, his sons,
and his senior commanders had invaded the northeastern regions of the Islamic world in 1220.
During the next forty years they swept all before them, overthrowing or reducing to submission
virtually every Muslim ruling dynasty in central
Asia, Persia, Afghanistan, and Anatolia, culminating in Hulegu’s conquest and virtual
destruction of Baghdad in 1258. In January 1260 a Mongol army seized Aleppo in
northern Syria and on 1 March that year entered Damascus, the governing center of Maml‰k
Syria. In response a substantial Mamluk army was sent from Egypt to halt the Mongol advance.
It was commanded by Sultan Qutuz, while its vanguard was led by Baybars al-Bunduqd¢ri,
who himself became sultan later that year.
Most sources agree that the Mongol army was outnumbered by that of the Maml‰ks, although
the widely accepted figures of 120,000 Mamluks fighting a mere 10,000 Mongols are probably
a great exaggeration. The Mongols were also
supported by numerous Christian allies or auxiliaries.

But there are steps we should take to prevent that from happening in the first place.  That’s why I was
so disappointed when an important bill to give women more power to stop pay disparities – the
And thereupon the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and
Commons, pursuant to their respective letters and elections,
being now assembled in a full and free representative of this
nation, taking into their most serious consideration the best
means for attaining the ends aforesaid, do in the first place (as
their ancestors in like case have usually done) for the vindicating
and asserting their ancient rights and liberties declare:

Paycheck Fairness Act – was blocked by just two votes in the Senate.  And that’s why I’m going to keep
up the fight to pass the reforms in that bill.  

We shall straightway return all hostages and

charters  which were delivered to us by
Englishmen as a surety for peace or faithful
50. We shall entirey remove from their
bailwicks the relatives of Gerard de Athyes,
so that they shall henceforth have no
bailwick in England: Engelard de Cygnes,
Andrew Peter and Gyon de Chanceles, Gyon
de Cygnes, Geoffrey de Martin and his
brothers, Philip Mark and his brothers, and
Geoffrey his nephew, and the whole
following of them.

Achieving equality and opportunity for women isn’t just important to me as President.  It’s something I
care about deeply as the father of two daughters who wants to see his girls grow up in a world where
there are no limits to what they can achieve.   The next governor of Sierra Leone, who had oversight over the Gold
Coast, Charles MacCarthy (1822–1824), discarded Dupuis’s advice to
remain on friendly terms with the Asante. Rather, he organized an anti-
Asante coalition between December 1822 and May 1823. MacCarthy’s
contempt for the Asante was exemplified in his failure to send a message
to Kumasi, the Ashanti capital, on his arrival in the Gold Coast, as
demanded by custom. He also rejected the overtures of accommodation
from the Asantehene (ruler) Osei Bonsu (r. ca. 1801–1824).

As I’ve traveled across the country, visiting schools and meeting young people, I’ve seen so many girls
passionate about science and other subjects that were traditionally not as open to them. 

We even held a science fair at the White House, where I met a young woman named Amy Chyao. She
was only 16 years old, but she was actually working on a treatment for cancer.  She never thought,
“Science isn’t for me.”  She never thought, “Girls can’t do that.” 
Yet so vain is man, and so blinded by his vanity, that no
writer, up to the very end of the nineteenth century,
expressed any idea that intelligent life might have developed
there far, or indeed at all, beyond its earthly level. Nor was
it generally understood that since Mars is older than our
earth, with scarcely a quarter of the superficial area and
remoter from the sun, it necessarily follows that it is not
only more distant from time's beginning but nearer its end.

She was just interested in solving a problem.  And because someone was interested in giving her a
chance, she has the potential to improve lives.

The majority of slaves worked in agriculture and industry. Th e nature of their

work varied enormously.
In farming, for example, one slave might perform the lowest type of drudgery,
actually pulling a plow through a fi eld, while another was privileged to serve as
overseer with power over all the farm slaves.
In industry, at one end of the spectrum were slaves who performed the dangerous
work of a miner or a quarryman while others produced fi nely fashioned
  sculptures or frescoes.
Slaves also served on the staff s of political, religious, and military leaders, as
personal attendants, curriers, and secretaries. Th e navy depended on slaves as
oarsmen. Forced to endure diffi cult and dangerous conditions, galley slaves who
rowed below decks were crucial to the success of the Roman navy. Public slaves
were the property of the government and kept the city in good working order.
They cleaned
and repaired the streets, sewers, buildings, bridges, and aqueducts.

That tells me how far we’ve come.  But it also tells me we have to work even harder to close the gaps
that still exist, and to uphold that simple American ideal: we are all equal and deserving of the chance to
pursue our own version of happiness. 

54. No one shall be taken or imprisoned on account of

the appeal of a woman concerning the death of
another than her husband.
That’s what Eleanor Roosevelt was striving toward half a century ago. 

V. The law ought to prohibit only actions hurtful to society.

What is not prohibited by the law, should not be hindered; nor
should any one be compelled to that which the law does not

Now in pursuance of the premises the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and
Commons in Parliament assembled, for the ratifying, confirming and establishing
the said declaration and the articles, clauses, matters and things therein contained
by the force of law made in due form by authority of Parliament, do pray that it may
be declared and enacted that all and singular the rights and liberties asserted and
claimed in the said declaration are the true, ancient and indubitable rights and
liberties of the people of this kingdom, and so shall be esteemed, allowed,
adjudged, deemed and taken to be; and that all and every the particulars aforesaid
shall be firmly and strictly holden and observed as they are expressed in the said
declaration, and all officers and ministers whatsoever shall serve their Majesties
and their successors according to the same in all time to come.

That’s why this report matters today.  And that’s why, on behalf of all our daughters and our sons, we’ve
got to keep making progress in the years ahead.  
On the following day they move their camp from that place; Caesar does the
same, and sends forward all his cavalry, to the number of four thousand (which he
had drawn together from all parts of the Province and from the Aedui and their
allies), to observe toward what parts the enemy are directing their march. These,
having too eagerly pursued the enemy's rear, come to a battle with the cavalry of
the Helvetii in a disadvantageous place, and a few of our men fall. The Helvetii,
elated with this battle, because they had with five hundred horse repulsed so
large a body of horse, began to face us more boldly, sometimes too from their
Thanks for listening. rear to provoke our men by an attack. Caesar [however] restrained his men from
battle, deeming it sufficient for the present to prevent the enemy from rapine,
forage, and depredation. They marched for about fifteen days in such a manner
that there was not more than five or six miles between the enemy's rear and our


The Siege of Mecca-Part02a.3gp

March is Women’s History Month, a time not only to celebrate the progress that women have made,
but also the women throughout our history who have made that progress possible.  

The B-2 is a phenomenal weapon system… born out of the cold war as a
strategic nuclear penetrator... now proving it’s worth with a wide range of
tactical precision weapon delivery capabilities. This case study deals with
the early Full Scale Development (FSD) and Engineering Manufacturing
Development (EMD) phases of the program, known today as System
Design and Development (SDD)…there is a subtle but important
difference…did you catch it? Hopefully, as you work through this case
study, you see that the System Engineering process applied on the B-
2 program from 1979 (as the Advanced Technology Bomber requirements
  definition phase) through completion of the first airplane build played a
significant role in bringing about the superior capability the system has
today; not just in the design of the airplane, but also the in the development
of new manufacturing processes as well.

Part One, Terms and Their Definitions, contains the definitions of

terms that are used in the Treaty and this Protocol.

the generalized name of the Dodonna/Blissex RZ-1 Starfighter. It is a flat, one-man, wedged-shaped snub
fighter built for the Alliance after the lost of the Hoth base and prior to the Battle of Endor. The A-Wing
was designed, as it's name implies, by Jan Dodonna and Walex Blissex. Because the Alliance was short
on funds, most A-Wings were custom-built in private shops. The ship Tycho Celchu flew at the Battle of
Endor had its cockpit inlaid with Fijisi wood. It is 9.6 meters in length, and was designed for interception
and long-range reconnaissance. A unique feature of the A-wing is the short hydro-servo bearing installed
in each wingtip, allowing the pilot to tilt the laser cannons up to 60 degrees up or down. Its top sublight
speed is 120 MGLT, and can maneuver at 1,300 kilometers per hour in an atmosphere. It has limited
navcomp capabilities, being able to calculate only 2 jumps before requiring recalibration.

One inspiring American who comes to mind is Eleanor Roosevelt.  In 1961, the former First Lady was
unhappy about the lack of women in government, so she marched up to President Kennedy and handed

Would the United States have a strong central

government or would the greater power remain with the
individual state governments?
him a three-page list of women who were qualified for top posts in his administration.  This led the
President to select Mrs. Roosevelt as the head of a new commission to look at the status of women in
America, and the unfairness they routinely faced in their lives.  

1.A diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State.
He shall also enjoy immunity from its civil and administrative jurisdiction, except in the case
(a) A real action relating to private immovable property situated in the territory of the receiving
State, unless he holds it on behalf of the sending State for the purposes of the mission;
(b) An action relating to succession in which the diplomatic agent is involved as
executor,administrator, heir or legatee as a private person and not on behalf of the sending
  (c) An action relating to any professional or commercial activity exercised by the diplomatic
agent in the receiving State outside his official functions.

Though she passed away before the commission could finish its work, the report they released spurred
action across the country.  It helped galvanize a movement led by women that would help make our
society a more equal place.  
Those familiar with my firrst book, No Shining Armor: The Marines at
War inVietnam, will know that book attempts to portray the American
infantry experience in Vietnam through the efforts of a single unit—the
3rd Battalion,
3rd Marines. It was not a book about politics, generals, grand strategy,
or other lofty topics except as these subjects affected the day-to-day
lives of our ¤ghting men in Vietnam. It was essentially a book about
men at war.
This book is an attempt to once more deal with the human side of
warfare, but in a different setting, against a different enemy, and with a
fundamentally different public perception about the worth of the
efforts of the American warrior.
General Solovtsov said that Russia would conduct 13
missile launches in 2009; five would support the
development of new missiles, three would confirm the
life-extension of existing missiles, and five would launch
satellites into orbit using SS-18s. 8
  Development of a new ICBM appears to be underway.
U.S. intelligence reported in March 2006 that a new
ICBM, which could be deployed in both land- and sea-
based versions, may be under development but had not
yet been test-launched.9 In December 2007, a spokesman
for the Strategic Missile Force stated, “In the next 5–10
years, Russia’s [missile force] may adopt a new, more
advanced ballistic missile system [than the Topol-M]” for
possible deployment starting in 2017.10

It’s been almost fifty years since the Roosevelt commission published its findings – and there have been
few similar efforts by the government in the decades that followed. That’s why, last week, here at the
White House, we released a new comprehensive report on the status of women in the spirit on the one
that was released half a century ago.
Let me define some of the terms I will use
throughout this book in discussing safer
You may be monogamous with your
partner. You have committed to be each
other's sole sexual partner. You've been
  tested for HIV and STDs, and you do not
necessarily use latex barriers or follow
safer sex guidelines.

There was a lot of positive news about the strides we’ve made, even in recent years.  For example,
women have caught up with men in seeking higher education.  In fact, women today are more likely
than men to attend and graduate from college.  
At night, when the cold winds sweep through the rugged
Judean wilderness overlooking the Dead Sea, it is said that the
ghosts of Masada cry out. The anguished wails and
lamentations of those who knew they were about to die echo
around the treeless, redbrown hills and valleys, a mournful
dirge for their fate—and a world that would vanish for two

Yet, there are also reminders of how much work remains to be done.  Women are still more likely to live
in poverty in this country. 

Human Resources Management Division: Performs

Major Army Command (MAJCOM)
functions related to agency civilian and military
personnel management.
Logistics Management Proponency Office (CP-
13/17): Recruits, trains, and educates civilians
in supply management and materiel maintenance management to
support all army logistics operations.

In education, there are areas like math and engineering where women are vastly outnumbered by their
male counterparts. 

By the middle of the nineteenth century, large waves of immigrants were

pouring into America. Nearly 3 million immigrants arrived in America
between 1845 and 1854, a number that represented more than 14 percent
of the country’s total population, according to William E. Gienapp’s book,
The Origins of the Republican Party. Prejudice against foreigners,
particularly Catholic foreigners, soon followed.
On the same day in 1995, Thomas Jefferson joined both the Republican and
Democratic Parties. At a Republican Party fund-raiser, dubbed the Jefferson-
Eisenhower Dinner, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (and
former history professor) Newt Gingrich spoke of Jefferson's Republican Party
credentials. "This great Founding Father," Gingrich boasted, "knew the
importance of limited government, the folly of 'entangling alliances,' and the
need for equitable taxation." If alive today, he implied, Jefferson would be a
"No way," retorted Iowa's fiery New Deal Democrat, Sen. Tom Harkin.
Speaking at the annual Democratic Party fund-raiser, the Jefferson-Jackson
Day Dinner, Harkin hailed Jefferson as a "compassionate activist," dedicated
to government interventionism on behalf of noble causes at home and abroad.
"If alive today," Harkin said, "Jefferson would be a Democrat.'' Would the real
Thomas Jefferson, please stand up?

This is especially troubling, for we know that to compete with nations around the world, these are the
fields in which we need to harness the talents of all our people. That’s how we’ll win the future.

Bio-energy Array
this prototype biological weapon was developed by the Qektoth
Confederation. Like many of their other designs, the bio-energy array
has the ability to pass through conventional shields to attack the target
below. The weapon discharges a blue, lightning-like tangle of
energy at its target, much like the pulse from an ion cannon. However,
the weapon requires so much power to operate that it effectively
drains the starship of power. Shields and life support suffer until the
weapon can be recharged. (KO)

  What chiefly attracts and chiefly benefits students of history

is just this—the study of causes and the consequent power
of choosing what is best in each case. Now the chief cause
of success or the reverse in all matters is the form of a
state’s constitution; for springing from this, as from a
fountain-head, all designs and plans of action not only
originate, but reach their consummation.
- Polybius, The Histories, vi.2.8-101

And, today, women still earn on average only about 75 cents for every dollar a man earns.  That’s a huge
discrepancy.  And at a time when folks across this country are struggling to make ends meet – and many
families are just trying to get by on one paycheck after a job loss – it’s a reminder that achieving equal
pay for equal work isn’t just a women’s issue.  It’s a family issue.  
Most Americans view the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan as a naked act of aggression by a ruthless,
totalitarian state. The reality was far more complex. For
more than a year, Soviet leaders rejected pleas from the
Afghan communist government to send troops to
  help put down rebellion by the rural population
protesting the regime’s merciless modernization
programs. After Moscow did invade, it found itself
locked in conflict—essentially, a civil war—it
could barely comprehend. While it cannot be said that
Afghanistan triggered the Soviet collapse, it did project
an image of a failing empire unable to deal with a
handful of bedraggled partisans in a remote part of its
southern frontier.

In one of my first acts as President, I signed a law so that women who’ve been discriminated against in
their salaries could have their day in court to make it right. 

But there are steps we should take to prevent that from happening in the first place.  That’s why I was
so disappointed when an important bill to give women more power to stop pay disparities – the
Paycheck Fairness Act – was blocked by just two votes in the Senate. 
And that’s why I’m going to keep up the fight to pass the reforms in that bill.  

Achieving equality and opportunity for women isn’t just important to me as President.  It’s something I
care about deeply as the father of two daughters who wants to see his girls grow up in a world where
there are no limits to what they can achieve.  

The B-2 has significant range performance and

payload capability. Table 1 shows the
design weights and the range and payloads for
the nuclear mission as well as the conventional
missions. The bomber was primarily designed as
a long-range strategic nuclear delivery system,
  but a significant conventional capability was
designed in from the beginning. The table shows
an abbreviated list of weapons currently certified
for carriage. The list of weapons carriage
capability continues to expand through ongoing
B-2 modernization programs.
This Article unfolds in a number of steps. In Part One,
I make the case that the Framers were substantially
influenced by ancient history and classical political
theory, and I very briefly examine the education of the
members of the Framing Generation—the availability
of classical readings and sources to the Framers and
their inculcation in classical republican
values. In Part Two, I turn to Roman Republican
models of American constitutionalism and consider
the theory of mixed government as applied to the
Roman constitution and the distribution of powers
among the organizations and institutions of the
Roman Republic, as well as the way
that the Framers understood these classical
constitutional designs.

As I’ve traveled across the country, visiting schools and meeting young people, I’ve seen so many girls
passionate about science and other subjects that were traditionally not as open to them.  We even held
a science fair at the White House, where I met a young woman named Amy Chyao. She was only 16
years old, but she was actually working on a treatment for cancer.  She never thought, “Science isn’t for
me.”  She never thought, “Girls can’t do that.” 

The commissars, were, however, often not prepared for

their posts at all. Babel described the 6th Cavalry Division’s
division commissar Yakovlev as: “a Moscow workingman,
obtuse but with the rough edges rubbed off,” and “a sly
peasant, rough, sometimes insolent and muddleheaded.”
Yakovlev’s assistants were, “limpy Gubanov the terror of
the regiment, a reckless rough-neck, a youngster of 23,
Part 1, "Prelude to Independence," begins the book with an then there’s modest Shiryaev and crafty Grishin.” Of
overview of the circumstances that produced the war and of another of the division’s many commissars Babel said,
the war itself: How Europe came to colonize the New World, “Vinokurov is a typical military commissar, he sticks to a
with particular emphasis on how the British line of his own, wants to reform the 6th Division, the
colonies came into being; how they related to the mother struggle with the partisan mentality, slow-witted, bores me
country, to each other, and to the New World colonies of other to death with his speeches, rude at times,
European powers; and the series of colonial wars that led up to addresses everyone familiarly.”12
the French and Indian War. The British government, partly in
an effort to recoup treasure expended on the French and Indian
War, sought to exploit its North American colonies, ultimately
creating a set of policies that were economically, politically,
and morally
repugnant to most Americans.
Part 2, "Heard 'Round the World," covers the beginning of the
war, including Paul Revere's celebrated ride, the
battles of Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, the siege of
Boston, and other early battles. The section ends with
the publication of Thomas Paine's epoch-making Common
Sense and the issuance of the Declaration of

She was just interested in solving a problem.  And because someone was interested in giving her a
chance, she has the potential to improve lives.

That tells me how far we’ve come.  But it also tells me we have to work even harder to close the gaps
that still exist, and to uphold that simple American ideal: we are all equal and deserving of the chance to
pursue our own version of happiness. 
For these reasons, the majority of the interviewees in
For the purposes of the Treaty and this Protocol: this work are the
1. (1.) The term "air base" means a facility at which
deployed heavy bombers are based and their operation is
officers and senior noncommissioned of¤cers whose
supported. actions had a measurable
2. (23.) The term 'aircraft" means any manned machine that
can derive support in the atmosphere from interaction with the impact on the battalion’s operations as a whole. This is
air other than the interaction of the air with the Earth's
surf ace.
certainly not meant
3. (86.) The term 'aircrew member" means an individual who to detract from the performance of the junior enlisted
performs duties related to the operation of an airplane and
who is included on the inspecting Party's list of aircrew men, whose performance,
members. as always, was outstanding.
4. (22.) The term "air-launched cruise missile" or "ALCM"
means an air-to-surface cruise missile of a type, any one of
which has been flight-tested from an aircraft or deployed on a
bomber after December 31, 1986.
5. (70.) The term "airplane" means a power-driven, heavierthan-
air aircraft that derives its lift in flight chiefly from
aerodynamic reactions on surfaces that remain fixed under
given conditions of flight.
6. (5.) The term "ballistic missile" means a missile that is
a weapon-delivery vehicle that has a ballistic trajectory over
most of its flight path.

That’s what Eleanor Roosevelt was striving toward half a century ago. 

That’s why this report matters today.  And that’s why, on behalf of all our daughters and our sons, we’ve
got to keep making progress in the years [and centuries] ahead.  
Thanks for listening.

[PRESIDENTIAL WEEKLY ADDRESS PHASE D END OF] 3,420 years of recorded human existence,
only 268 have been entirely free of war. It
is a statistic
that by the seventeenth century would lead
the political philosopher Thomas Hobbes to
his famous
conclusion “The state of nature is a state of

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