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Ethics of War

Relationship Between Nations and Citizens of The Holocaust

Bryan Nguyen
What is “Ethics?”

The term ethics can be more complex than it seems. The definition
of ethics is a system of moral principles. Ethics display what is right
and wrong. Whether it is an activity or behaviour, everyone has their
viewpoint on morals.
Discriminating Based On Race
Discriminating others based on their
race is absurd and unethical. Once
Adolf Hitler raised in power, he wanted
to target every political threat. The
Nazi's ideology was pureblooded
Germans were the superior race, and
all other races were inferior. The
inferior races identified as the
"non-Aryan." The non-Aryan society
included Jews, Polish, Slavs, and
various ethnicities.
Gassing Operations
The Nazi's gassing operation is
inhuman and unethical. It intended to
exterminate all Jewish people. In doing
so, the Nazi's would reward the Jewish
people by giving out bits of bread and
offering showers at these camps they
have mentioned. For instance, the
Nazi's brought the Jews to
“Auschwitz-Birkenau.” The Nazi's
ordered the Jews to take a shower
from their long journey. Instead of
water, "Zyklon B pellets" dropped, which
exposed poisonous gas in the air,
efficiently killing six thousand Jews Gas Chambers
Human Experimentation
The Nazi's conducted human
experimentation on a large number of
detainees at their concentration
camps. Even though they were
detainees, it was cold-hearted and
unethical to do so. For example,
"Dachau Concentration Camp" was the
first opened to hold detainees.
Detainees underwent tragic medical
tests to design Hitler's superior race.
They would be abused to examine pain
tolerance, medical procedure without
anaesthesia, and chemical eye drops
to produce blue eyes. Dachau Concentration Camp

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