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EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGY  The content is also the same for all users.

This is
FIRST QUARTER REVIEWER referred to as Web 1.0.
Lesson 1 – Introduction to ICT
Web 2.0: Dynamic Web Pages
ICT in Our Everyday Lives  evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic web
 Online platforms, Sites, and Content pages—the user is able to see a website
 Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 differently than others.
 The World Wide Web  Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking
 Trends in ICT sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted
 Online platforms, Sites, and Content services, and web applications.
 Web 2.0 and Web 3.0  allows users to interact with the page: instead
 The World Wide Web of just reading a page, the user may be able to
 Trends in ICT comment or create a user account
 also allows users to use web browsers instead
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) of just using their operating system
 use of different communication technologies  Browsers can now be used for their user
such as mobile phones, telephone, Internet, etc. interface, application software (or web
to locate, save, send and edit information. applications), and even for file storage.
 Most websites that we visit today are Web 2.0.
ICT in the Philippines (Info from book only)
 Several international companies dub the Features of Web 2.0:
Philippines as the “ICT Hub of Asia” 1. Folksonomy
 There is a huge growth of ICT-related jobs  allows users to categorize and
around the country, one of which is the call classify/arrange information using freely
center or BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) chosen keywords (e.g., tagging)
centers  Popular social networking sites such as
 2013 edition of Measuring the Information Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. use tags
Society by the International Telecommunication that start with the pound sign (#). This is
Union: There are 106.8 cellphones per 100 also referred to as hashtag.
Filipinos in the year 2012. 2. Rich User Experience
 For every 100 Filipinos you meet, there is a high  Content is dynamic and is responsive to
user’s input
change that they have a cellphone and
 An example would be a website that shows
approximately for the seven of them, they have
local content
 In the case of social networking sites, when
 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and logged on, your account is used to modify
Industries, NSO, in 2010: the ICT industry shares what you see in their website
19.3% of the total employment population here 3. Long Tail.
in the Philippines  Services are offered on demand rather than
 Time Magazine’s “The Selfiest Cities around the on a one-time purchase
World” of 2013 places two cities from the  In certain cases, time-based pricing is better
Philippines in the top 1 and top 10 spots. The than file-size-based pricing or vice versa
study was conducted using Instagram, a popular  This is synonymous to subscribing to a data
photo sharing application. plan that charges you for the amount of
time you spent in the Internet, or a data
plan that charges you for the amount of
Web 1.0 bandwidth you used.
 When the World Wide Web was invented, most 4. User Participation.
web pages were static  The owner of the website is not the only
 Static (also known as flat page or stationary one who is able to put content.
page) in the sense that the page is “as is” and
cannot be manipulated by the user.
 Others are able to place a content of their 4. Vagueness
own by means of comment, reviews, and  Certain words are imprecise. The words “old”
evaluation. and “small” would depend on the user.
 Some websites allow readers to comment 5. Logic
on an article, participate in a poll, or review  Since machines use logic, there are certain
a specific product (e.g.,, online limitations for a computer to be able to predict
stores). what the user is referring to at a given time.
5. Software as a Service.
 Users will subscribe to a software only Trends in ICT:
when needed rather than purchasing them. 1. Convergence
 This is a cheaper option if you do not always  Technological convergence is the synergy of
need to use a software. For instance, technological advancements to work on a
Google Docs is a free web-based application similar goal or task.
that allows the user to create and edit word 2. Social Media
processing and spreadsheet documents  Social media is a website, application, or online
online. When you need a software, like a channels that enable web users to create, co-
Word Processor, you can purchase it for a create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-
one-time huge amount and install it in your generated content.
computer and it is yours forever.  Six types of social media:
 Software as a service allows you to “rent” a a. Social Networks – These are sites that allow
software for a minimal fee. you to connect with other people with the
6. Mass Participation. same interests or background.
 It is a diverse information sharing through b. Bookmarking Sites – These are sites that
universal web access. allow you to store and manage links to
 Since most users can use the Internet, Web various websites and resources.
2.0’s content is based on people from c. Social News – These are sites that allow
various cultures. users to post their own news items or links
to other news sources.
Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web d. Media Sharing – These are sites that allow
Semantic Web you to upload and share media content like
 a movement led by the World Wide Web images, music, and video.
Consortium (W3C). e. Microblogging – These are sites that focus
 The W3C standard encourages web developers on short updates from the user.
to include semantic content in their web pages. f. Blogs and Forums – These websites allow
 According to the W3C, “The Semantic Web users to post their content.
provides a common framework that allows data 3. Mobile Technologies
to be shared and reused across application,  The popularity of smartphones and tablets has
enterprise, and community boundaries.” taken a major rise over the years. This is largely
 The aim of Web 3.0 is to have machines (or because of the devices’ capability to do tasks
servers) understand the user’s preferences to that were originally found in personal
be able to deliver web content specifically computers.
targeting the user.  Kinds of Operating Systems:
a. iOS – used in Apple devices such as the
Several problems of Web 3.0: iPhone and iPad
1. Compatibility b. Android – an open source operating system
 HTML files and current web browsers could not developed by Google. Being open source
support Web 3.0. means several mobile phone companies use
2. Security this OS for free.
 The user’s security is also in question since the c. Blackberry OS – used in Blackberry devices
machine is saving his or her preferences. d. Windows Phone OS – a closed source and
3. Vastness proprietary operating system developed by
 The World Wide Web already contains billions Microsoft
of web pages.
e. Symbian – the original smartphone OS; especially those that deliver common
used by Nokia devices government services. 
f. WebOS – originally used by smartphones;  Initially, the following development systems
now used for smart TVs will be targeted for integration: e-Serbisyo as
g. Windows Mobile – developed by Microsoft the single sign-on portal, Unified-Purpose ID
for smartphones and pocket PCs (UMID), the Philippines Key Infrastructure (PKI),
eBayad and the Philippines Government
4. Assistive Media Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS).
Assistive media is a nonprofit service designed to help
people who have visual and reading impairments. A Electronic Governance in Local Government Unit
database of audio recordings is used to read to the user. Projects (E-LGU Projects)
 is intended to revolutionized local governance
Current State of ICT in the Philippines by making the LGUs electronically enabled
Electronic Government (e-Government) thereby improving the delivery of public
 The use of information and communication services, promoting transparency in
technology and other web-based technology to government transactions and increasing public
enhance access of information and improve access to government information services,
delivery, efficiency and effectiveness of services among others. Some projects are:
to the public.  Electronic Real Property Tax System (eRPTS)
 Electronic Business Permit and Licensing
ICT Projects in the Philippines: System (eBPLS)
 Electronic Treasury Operations
Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH) Management System (eTOMS)
 DOST’s mobile version of Project NOAH enables
Filipinos to access real time information Contact Center ng Bayan (CCB)
relevant to weather conditions and disaster  is a joint initiative to improve service delivery
preparedness in the palm of their hands (mobile and reduce red tape in government frontline
phone) and new ways of using mobile devices, services. Through a single number, a citizen can
thereby saving lives and potential economic gain access to government services and
loss. information, report complaints and ask
assistance through various communication
Mobile Operational System for Emergency Services channels.
 Aims to support the current operations of Philippines Community eCenter (CeC)
project NOAH.  - Design to help Local Disaster  is a program that seeks to establish new CeCs in
Risk Reduction Management Council in making municipalities where there are no shared
decisions concerning the impending disaster, internet access facilities, transform existing
whether to declare suspension of works or school computer laboratories and internet
classes in schools or to take evacuation actions cages, where feasible, to become CeCs and
in their areas of concern.  enhance and strengthen existing CeCs.
 It can receive real-time weather and flood
information from PAGASA and Project NOAH. E-Government Philippines Health Insurance Corporation
Additionally, it allows users to access weather (PhilHealth)
data such as: temperature, moisture, and other  Personally Controlled Health Records (PCHR) -
vital information directly accessible from The plan for PhilHealth to release specifications
Doppler radar, water level sensor, and water for PCHR to enable a transformation on health
gauges. data management is expected to recreate a
patient-centric care as well as stimulating a new
Integrated Government Philippines business sector on health data stewardship. The
 is a joint project of DOST-ICTO and DOST-ASTI, PCHR will be owned by the patients and co-
the project aims to set-up a government- managed with their health providers such as
shared network that will facilitate, deployment hospitals and clinics
and integration of mission-critical ICT projects
iPinay Program Estrada Administration: Policies
 The continuing commitment to address the  2000: The Electronic Commerce Act
gender ICT gap, by empowering more women  Defines the government’s policies on e-
with ICTs. We are also engaging with more local commerce and electronic transactions
and international partners to provide  Recognize electronic evidence as admissible
opportunities for our CeCs in various areas: in court
 Health information services & telemedicine  2000: Government Information Systems Plan
 Employment and Livelihood Opportunities (GSIP) 2000 framework (Executive Order 265 s.
 Linking with Libraries 2000)
 Global connection and Exchange with high  Computerize key frontline and common
school government services and operation
 Tech Age Girls  Created Information Technology and
 Micro-entrepreneurship & Business skills eCommerce Council (ITECC)
mentoring Community Based on line content  Partnership between public and private
development. sectors for IT and eCommerce matters
 ISP.COM strategy
Ramos Administration: Policies
 1994: National Information Technology Plan Arroyo Administration: Policies
2000 (NITP2000)  Placed ICT as a priority in its agenda
 1994 & 1998: Executive Order 190 s. 1994  General Appropriations Act of 2004 – 2010
(amended by EO 469 in 1998) established the establishes an e-Government fund as
National Information Technology Council (NITC) source of funding for mission-critical, high-
 Directly policy body in ICT matters in the impact, and cross-agency government ICT
country projects
 Mandated the designation of Information  Strengthened Information Technology and
System Planners in each government eCommerce Council (ITECC) which was created
agency to take charge. by President Estrada
 1997: Government-approved IT21 was  2004: Commission on ICT (CICT), a de facto DICT
formulated  CICT formulated Philippines IT Roadmap
 Countries action agenda for year 2000 and  Fell short compared to Malaysia’s
beyond Wawasan 2020 and Singapore’s iN2015
 Promoted best practices in ICT governance  (shortly after roadmap was formulated,
 Encouraged outsourcing of government ICT National Broadband Network (NBN) scandal
projects to promote ICT growth erupted, consumed greater part of public
 1997: Administrative Order 3332: Directives for attention
Government Agencies’ Internet Connectivity
 Aims to connect for greater efficiency in Aquino Administration: Policies
communication and data interchange.  Abolished CICT, instead moved IT directives
 Government under DOST-ICTO (Information and
 Academe Communication Technology Office)
 Industry business sector  Minimized red-tapes for starting a business, tax
 Stimulate the growth of the Philippines web holidays for business operating in PEZA
– thereby strengthening the role of  May 23, 2016: Signed into law bill creating the
telecommunications systems, network and Department of Information and
communications systems, content Communications Technology or DICT
management and applications to provide  The department will promote ICT
better services development, institutionalize e-government
 Meant to develop the Philippines and manage the country’s ICT environment
Information Infrastructure (PII) framework  The department shall be the primary policy,
planning, coordinating, implementing, and
administrative entity of the Executive
Branch of the government that will plan,
develop and promote national ICT  Who your Mother and Father are – full names
development agenda. are risky, especially the mother’s maiden name
as it could be an answer to a secret question for
Duterte Administration: Policies a lost password
 Open PH to foreign telos (or telcos idk) to speed  Who your siblings are – strangers can use their
up internet connections identity to dupe you
 Develop national broadband plan for the  Your address – criminals can find you
Philippines  Your home phone number – scams use this to
 Creation of NIPC or National ICT Confederation deceive and a stranger can pretend to know
of the Philippines your parents or can pretend to be you
 Commit to create one million direct jobs  Your birthday – prone to identity theft
and three million indirect jobs in the
countryside by 2020  The Internet is defined as the Information
superhighway = anyone has access to this highway,
Lesson 2 – Rules of Netiquette can place information, and can grab that
 network etiquette, the do’s and don’ts of online Tips to Stay Safe Online:
communication 1. Be mindful of what you share online and what
site you share it to
10 best rules of netiquette: 2. Read before accepting terms and conditions
1. The Golden Rule 3. Check out the privacy policy page of a website
2. No Flaming 4. Know the security features of the social
3. Don’t type in all caps networking site you use
4. Don’t spam 5. Do not share your password with anyone
5. Don’t talk with people you do not know 6. Avoid logging in to public networks/Wi-Fi.
6. Obey Copyright Laws “Incognito browsing” won’t protect you from
7. Use proper grammar and spelling hackers
8. Be honest/Be yourself 7. Don’t talk to strangers whether online or face-
9. Follow the TOS (Term of Service) to-face
10. Shop secure sites 8. Never post anything about a future vacation
9. Add friends you know in real life
Online security, safety, and ethics 10. Avoid visiting untrusted websites
 the internet is a powerful tool, but it also has 11. Install and update an antivirus software on your
“another side of the coin” computer
 dangerous place if you do not know what you are 12. Make your Wi-Fi at home a private network by
doing adding a password
 Internet Safety – online security or safety of 13. Avoid downloading anything from untrusted
people and their information when using the websites (torrents = most vulnerable, not
internet monitored by site owner)
 HTTPS – “Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Secure” 14. Buy the software, don’t use pirated ones
 Types of Information: 15. Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails
 First Name – hackers can know plenty of stuff
just from your first name Internet threats
 Last Name – sharing both first and last names is 1. Malware
riskier; prone identity theft  malicious software
 Middle Name – not the riskiest; entire full name  set of instructions that run on your computer
would be most risky and make your system do something that an
 Current and previous schools (s) – can be used attacker wants it to do
for verification purposes  good for stealing personal information, deleting
 Your Cellphone Number – same as posting your files, clicking fraud, stealing software serial
number on a billboard numbers and using your computer as relay
 kinds of malware:
 Virus 2. Spam – transmission of unsolicited messages from
 malicious program designed to replicate various origins using electric messaging systems;
itself and transfer from one computer unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers
to another either through the internet 3. Phishing
and local networks or data storage like  software or a program used by an attacker to
flash drives and CDs obtain personal information
 a computer virus is a piece of malicious  targets the passwords to hack and take control
computer code that attaches itself to a of a user account
software program, email or computer  goal is to acquire sensitive personal information
file without your permission like passwords and credit card details
 can transfer through the internet and
local networks or data storage like flash  Pharming
drives and CD’s  more complicated way of phishing where it
 Worm exploits the DNS (Domain Name Service)
 A malicious program that transfers from system
one computer to another by any type of
means How to avoid these threats?
 uses computer network to spread itself  A very effective way of avoiding these threats is
 Example: ILOVEYOU worm, Love Bug verifying the authenticity and credibility of the
Worm created by Filipino WEB source.
 Trojan
 A malicious program that is disguised as Government Provisions for Online Courtesy and
a useful program but once downloaded Etiquette
or installed, leaves your PC unprotected  Republic Act 10627 or Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
and allows hackers to get your  Republic Act 10175 or Cybercrime Prevention
information Act of 2012
 Rogue security software – tricks the
user into posting that it is a security Think Before You Click
software. It asks the user to pay to 1. Before you post something on the web, ask
improve his/her security but in reality these questions to yourself: Would you want
they are not protected at all your parents or grandparents to see it? Would
you want your future boss to see it? Once you
Both Trojan and Worm spread to other post something on the web, you have no
computers. control of who sees your posts.
2. Your friends depend on you to protect their
 Spyware reputation online. Talk to your friends about
 program that runs in the background this serious responsibility.
without you knowing it 3. Set your post to “private.” In this way, search
 has the ability to monitor what you are engines will not be able to scan that post.
currently doing and typing through 4. Avoid using names. Names are easy for search
keylogging engines to scan.
 Keyloggers – used to record the 5. If you feel that a post can affect you or other’s
keystroke done by the user. This is done reputation, ask the one who posted it to pull it
to steal their password or any other down or report it as inappropriate.
sensitive information. It can also record
email, messages or any information you Copyright (Copyright Infringement)
type using your keyboard  intellectual property = If you create something
 Adware —an idea, an invention, a form of literary work,
 program designed to send your or a research, you have the right of how it
advertisement, mostly as pop-ups should be used by others
 Some tips to avoid copyright infringement:
 Understand – Copyright protects literary
works, etc. but it generally does not protect
underlying ideas and facts; you can express Tips in conducting online research
something using your own words but you 1. Have a question in mind
should give credit to the source 2. Narrow it down
 Be responsible – Be responsible enough to 3. Advanced search (Google)
know if something has copyright  Bing certain keywords and symbols for
 Be creative – Ask yourself whether what advanced search:
you are making is something that came
from you or something made from
somebody else’s creativity
 Know the law – in the Philippines,
copyrights only last a lifetime (of the
author) plus 50 years; there are also
provisions for “fair use” where intellectual
property may be used without consent as
long as it is used in commentaries,
criticisms, search engines, parodies, news
reports, research, library archiving, teaching
and education; fan-fiction is copyright
infringement and some copyright holders  By default, all searches are AND searches
ignore them but they can opt to use their  You must capitalize the NOT and OR functions
rights  Stop words (commonly occurring words and
numbers that are omitted to speed a full-text
Effective Searching search) and all punctuating marks, except for
Search Engines: Google, YouTube, SlideShare, Scribd the symbols noted in this topic, are ignored
unless they are surrounded by quotation marks
What happens when you Google? or preceded by the + symbol
 Only the first ten terms are used to get search
 Similar to the MDAS, term grouping and
Boolean functions are supported in the
following order: parentheses, quotation marks,
NOT +-, AND &, OR|

4. Look for a credible source

5. Give credit

Tips in effective searching

 Use unique, specific terms – use unique terms that
are specific to the subject you are researching
Google Search Results:  Use quotation marks for exact phrases
 Don’t use common words and punctuation
(punctuation; “a” and “the” = stop words; they are
ignored; Raven and The Raven return entirely
different results)
 Capitalization – most search engines do not
distinguish between uppercase and lowercase, even
within quotation marks
 Drop the suffixes – enter the base word so that you
don’t exclude relevant pages
 Maximize AutoComplete
 Use browser history
 Set a time limit, then change tactics – try something
else if you can never find what you are looking for
 creates a blank form document that simulates
either a blank label or envelope of pre-defined
YouTube Searching size and will use the data file that you selected
1. Use quotes for exact matches to print the information, typically, individual
2. Limit your searches to a time frame addresses.
3. Using in title to force words to appear in the
title Integrating images and external materials
4. Take advantage of filters to narrow down
results Kinds of Materials:
5. Use “+” or “-” to include or omit keywords 1. Pictures – electronic or digital pictures or
6. Let YouTube fill in the blanks photographs you have saved in any local storage
Remember:  .JPG – short term for .jpeg or Joint Photographic
 The Internet is the great equalizer for those Experts Group; identifies data compression for
who know how to use it efficiently. the internet; 16.7 million colors; isn’t
 Anyone can now easily find facts using a search transparent; best quality; doesn’t work well on
engine instead lettering, line drawings or simple graphics; small
 Never underestimate the power of a skilled file size
search expert.  .GIF – Graphics Interchange Format; displays
transparencies; 256 colors; simple animation;
Other key terms: logos, drawings, small text, black and white
 Cybercrime – crime committed or assisted images, or low-resolution files
through the use of the Internet  .PNG – “ping”; Portable Network Graphics;
 Privacy Policy – tells user how the website will transparencies; 16 million colors; doesn’t
handle its data support animation; allows control of
 Virus – malicious program designed to replicate transparency level or opacity
itself and transfer from one computer to 2. Clip Art – a .GIF type; line art drawings or images
another used as generic representation for ideas and objects
3. Shapes – printable objects or materials that you can
Lesson 3 – Advanced Word Processing Skills integrate in your document to enhance its
appearance or to allow you to have some tools to
Mail merge and label generation use for composing and representing ideas or
 Mail Merge = allows you to create documents messages
and combine or merge them with another 4. Smart Art – predefined sets of different shapes
document or data file grouped together to form ideas that are
2 Components of Mail Merge: organizational or structural in nature
1. Form Document 5. Chart – allows you to represent data characteristics
 document that contains the main body of the and trends
message we want to convey or send 6. Screenshot – Sometimes, creating reports or
 also included here is what we call place holders, manuals for training or procedure will require the
also referred to as data fields or merge fields integration of a more realistic image of what you
 this marks the position on your form document are discussing on your report or manual
where individual data or information will be
inserted Word Processor
2. List or Data File  is an electronic device or computer software
 where the individual information or data that application that performs the task of
needs to be plugged in (merged) to our form composing, editing, formatting, and printing of
document is placed and maintained documents
 Examples: OpenOffice Writer, LibreOffice
Writer, Polaris Office, Kingsoft Writer,
Wordperfect, Wordpad, Microsoft Word
Label Generation
Microsoft Word
 is a word processor developed by Microsoft
 It was first released on October 25, 1983
 Home Tab – allows you to change document
 It is also known as MS Word.
settings, such as the font properties, adding
 Press “Windows Logo” + R then type “winword”
bullets or a numbered list, adjusting styles, and
then enter.
other common features (Text Alignment: Left,
 Features of MS Word:
Right, Center, Justified)
 AutoCorrect – corrects common spelling errors
 Insert Tab – is used to insert different features
as well as capitalization mistakes
such as tables, pictures, clip art, shapes, charts,
 AutoFormat – applies formatting to text, e.g.
page numbers, word art, headers, and footers
number listing, bullet, hyperlinks
into a document.
 Grammar Checker – proofreads documents for
 Page Layout Tab – refers to the arrangement of
grammar, writing style, sentence structure
text, images, and other objects on a page
errors and reading statistics
 Page Sizes: Short (Letter) – 8.5” by 11”, Long
 Template – a document that contains the
(Folio) – 8.5” by 13”, A4 - 8.27” by 11.69"
formatting necessary for a specific document
 Page Orientation: Portrait, Landscape
 Image Placement:
 Thesaurus – provides synonyms for a word in a
 In Line with Text – default setting for
images that are inserted or integrated
 Tables – organize information into rows and in a document.
columns  Square – allows the image you inserted
 Mail Merge – a feature that allows you to to be placed anywhere within the
create a document and merge them with paragraph with the text going around
another document or data file the image in a square pattern like a
 Text Wrap – adjusts how the image behaves frame.
around other objects or text  Tight – almost the same as the square
setting, but here the text “hugs” to the
 Keyboard Shortcuts in Word Processing Software: general shape of the image.
 Ctrl + A – Select All  Through – allows the text on your
 Ctrl + B – Bold Text document to flow even tighter, taking
 Ctrl + C – Copy Text the contour and shape of the image
 Ctrl + D – Show Font Dialog Box  Top and Bottom – pushes the text away
 Ctrl + E – Align Text to Center vertically to the top and/or the bottom
 Ctrl + F – Display Find Dialog Box of the image so that the image occupies
 Ctrl + G – Display Go To Dialog Box a whole text line on its own.
 Ctrl + H – Display Replace Dialog Box  Behind Text – allows your image to be
 Ctrl + I - Italicize Text dragged and placed anywhere on your
 Ctrl + J – Justify Text document but with all text floating in
 Ctrl + K – Create a hyperlink front of it.
 Ctrl + L – Align Text to Left  In Front of Text – allows your image to
 Ctrl + M – Tab be placed right on top of the text as if
 Ctrl + N – Create a new document your image was dropped right on it.
 Ctrl + O – Open a document
 Ctrl + P – Display Print dialog box Lesson 4 – Advanced Spreadsheet Skills
 Ctrl + R – Align Text to Right
 Ctrl + S – Save a document Microsoft Excel
 Ctrl + U – Underline Text  provides an automated way of displaying any
 Ctrl + V – Paste a copied text statistical data
 Ctrl + X – Cut a selected Text  It can be used to automatically compute for
 Ctrl + Y – Redo the last undone action several factors that are not easy to notice
 Ctrl + Z – Undo the last action especially when faced by a large data
 Microsoft Excel includes several arithmetic and
 Customizing a Word Document basic functions that help you compute faster.
 Formula: =A1+A2+A3+A4+A5
Basic Excel Formulas:  Function: =SUM(A1:A5)
Addition (+)
Subtraction (-) More complex formula:
Multiplication (*)
Division (/)

*type <=> before the formula, thus: =a1+a2 <then, hit

the ENTER key>

• Average – a function used to compute for the average

of the number of a range.

• COUNTIF – a function used to count the cells with a

specified content within a range; =COUNTIF(range,
criteria) What makes a formula?
 =(3*$A$2*SUM(A3:A9))^1/3
• SUMIF – a function used to compute for the  Begin with =
summation of a range if a certain condition is met  Constants
 Cell References
• AVERAGEIF – a function used to compute for the  Operators
average of a range if a certain condition is met;  Functions
=AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, average range)
 Values entered directly into a formula
Excel Formulas and Functions  Simple
 Accurate
You can use formulas to:  Inflexible
 Solve mathematical problems  2, 3, 12, 14.32
 Complete statistical and financial functions
 Return numerical and text values based on
other cells References
 Add and format text in cells  Relative (Column Row)
A1, C18, ZZ65536]
 Mathematical Equation  Absolute ($Column$Row)
 All formulas begin with an equal (=) sign $A$1, $C$18,$ZZ$6553
 Data that is stored in the worksheet and that
needs to be used in a formula is referenced  Mixed (Fixed Column or Row)
using the cell’s address $A1, C$18
 =A1+A2/(A3-A4)
 Named Ranges:
Int_Rate, Grade_Scale

 Arithmetic
- (negative) % ^ (Exponent) * / +
 Comparison
= < > <= >= <>

 Text
Functions &
 A predefined formula  Reference
: (Colon) _ (Space) , (Comma)

Operator Order
 Formulas are read from Left to Right
1. ( )
2. Negation
3. %
4. ^
5. or /
6. + or –
7. &
8. = < > <= >= <>

Error Messages (Cell Reference) Add values

 ######### – Column not wide enough  Within a certain range:
 #VALUE! – Wrong Argument or Reference =SUM(C2:C13)
 #DIV/0! – Dividing by zero  For an entire range:
 #Name? – Excel doesn’t recognize text in =SUM(C:C) Note: Insert this function in another
formula column.
 #N/A! – Missing data or wrong value for lookup
function Count Values
 #REF – Cell reference not valid (Deleted cell,  Count values in a range and it the entire range:
pasted over) =COUNT(C2:C13)
 #NUM! – Invalid numeric value =COUNT(C:C)
 #NULL! – Specified cells do not intersect  Conditional Counting:
=COUNTIF(A2:A13, “Jones”) or
How to Copy Formulas? =COUNTIF(A2:A13, “=Jones”) – equal
 AutoFill is a command you can use when you =COUNTIF(A2:A13, “<> Jones”) – not equal
want to copy the same formula across a range  Count the Number of Sales Greater than a
of adjacent cells. Target Value:
 AutoFill will automatically change cell addresses =COUNTIF(C2:C13, “>”&D1)
depending on where the new formula is being Note: the concatenation operator (&) is used to
copied join the greater than symbol (>) with the cell
 Count the Number of Sales Greater than the
Sales Average:
=COUNTIF(C2:C13, “>”&AVERAGE(C2:C13))

Conditional Summing
 Formula that adds all the sales in January:
=SUMIF(B2:B13, “=Jan”, C2:C13)
 Add up sales made by other sales
=SUMIF(A2:A13, “<> Rogers”, C2:C13)
 Add up the sales greater than a certain value:
=SUMIF(C2:C13, “>500”,C2:C13)

Using the IF Function

 Display a value that depends on criteria you set
 Returns a value if one condition is true and  use bullets or short sentences
returns another value if the condition is false  summarize the information on the screen to
have your audience focus on what the speaker
=IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false) is saying than on reading the slide
 limit the content to six lines and seven words
PMT Function per line
 Function used to calculate a loan payment  this is known as the 6 x 7 rule
amount using principal, interest rate and 4. Visuals
number of payment periods.  use graphics to help in your presentation but
=PMT(rate, nper,pv) not too many to distract the audience
=PMT( .09/12,4*12,24000)  instead of using a table of data, use charts and
Calculating time period 5. Consistency
 Each day, month, and year is given a particular  make your design uniform
numerical value or serial number by your  avoid having different font styles and
computer. backgrounds
 Your computer will work from 1900 date system 6. Contrast
or 1904 date system  use light font on dark background or vice versa
 1900 date system: Jan 1, 1900 –Dec 31, 9999  this is done so that it is easier to read
 1904 date system: Jan 2, 1904 – Dec31, 9999  in most instances, it is easier to read on screen
 To check go to Tools – Options – Calculation if the background is dark; this is due to the
brightness of the screen
Other Key Terms:
 Accounting Number Format – number that is Hyperlinks
used for accounting
 Orientation – angle at which a text is diplayed Using Hyperlinks in Microsoft Powerpoint:
1. Select an object or highlight a text.
Lesson 5 – Advanced Presentation Skills 2. Go to Insert > Hyperlinks (under links category)
or use the shortcut key Ctrl + K. The insert
Creating an Effective Presentation Hyperlink dialog box would appear.
 here are some quick tips in creating an effective
presentation: Link to Options:
1. Minimize a. Existing File or Web Page – creates a
 keep slide counts to a minimum to maintain a hyperlink to website or a local file saved in your
clear message and to keep the audience hard drive. Just browse your file in the dialog
attentive box or type the web address.
 Remember that the presentation is just a visual
aid b. Place in This Document – creates a hyperlink
 Most information should still come from the that allows you to jump to a specific slide in
reporter your presentation.
2. Clarity
 avoid being fancy by using a font style that is c. Create a New Document – creates a hyperlink
easy to read that once clicked, creates a new document on
 make sure that it is also big enough to be read your specified location.
by the audience
 once you start making your presentation, d. E-mail Address – creates a hyperlink that
consider how big the screen is during your opens Microsoft Outlook that automatically
report adds your specified recipient on a new email.
 A font size of 72 is about an inch (depends on
the screen size). A one-inch letter is readable 10 3. When done, click OK to apply your hyperlink.
feet away; a two-inch letter is readable 20 feet
3. Simplicity Embedding files and data
5. Proportion – Visual elements create a sense of
Embedding Objects in Microsoft Powerpoint unity where they relate well with one another.
 Embedding objects is easy using PowerPoint 6. Variety – This uses several design elements to
Presentation. With this option, you can insert draw a viewer’s attention.
an Excel file that would look like a table to a
PowerPoint Presentation. Infographics
 Information graphics or infographics are used to
Embedding an Excel File to your Powerpoint represent information, statistical data, or
Presentation knowledge in a graphical manner usually done
1. Go to the Insert tab. in a creative way to attract the viewer’s
2. On the Text group, click on Object. attention.
3. The Insert Object dialog box would appear:  Creating Infographics using Piktochart:
1. Create a piktochart account by going to and click sign up on
the upper right corner of the page.
2. Fill up the information on the Sign Up page;
alternatively, you can connect with Google+
or Facebook
3. Once you have created an account and
logged in, select a template for your
infographic. Since your data relates to
marketing or sales, simply hover over the
Presenta Board theme under Free Themes
then select Create
4. The Piktochart editor will open (may take a
while to load depending on your Internet
Options: connection). The Presenta Board theme
a. Create New – creates a new file from scratch. consists of three blocks (parts). Select the
You can select on a wide variety of files listed. blocks and input the information as you see
b. Create from File – creates a file from an fit.
existing file saved on your hard drive; simply 5. While editing a block, you can use the
browse the file to use it. Putting a check on the various tools on the left side of the page:
“link” option will allow you to modify the Excel A. Graphics – allows you to insert lines,
file inside your PowerPoint Presentation. shapes, icons and even photos
B. Uploads – allows you to upload images
4. Once you are done, click OK. for your infographic
C. Background – changes the background
Lesson 6 – Imaging and Design for Online Environment of a selected block
D. Text – allows you to insert text to your
Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout: infographic with the option to add text
1. Balance – The visual weight of objects, texture, frames
colors, and space is evenly distributed on the E. Styles – allows you to modify the color
screen. scheme of your infographic
2. Emphasis – An area in the design that may F. Tools – allows you to create charts
appear different in size, texture, shape or color (similar to the ones in PowerPoint),
to attract the viewer’s attention. maps (for demographics), and videos
3. Movement – Visual elements guide the viewer’s
eyes around the screen. Editing tips:
4. Pattern, Repetition, and Rhythm – These are the  Double-click a text to edit the content
repeating visual element on an image or layout  When working with objects, the toolbox
to create unity in the layout or image. Rhythm is on top of the topmost block will allow
achieved when visual elements create a sense you to manipulate it. This is similar to
of organized movement. working with objects in PowerPoint
where you can arrange an object to be 4. Page – arranges several photos to create a
on top or bottom of another single one; similar to a mosaic
 When working with charts, double-click 5. Combine – links several images together to
the chart to open the datasheet editor form a bigger image
 You may rename the title of your 6. Animated GIF – allows you to create an
infographic on the top toolbar. animated GIF from several pictures
6. To save your work, click on Save on the top 7. Print – readies pictures for printing
right of the page. To save it in your 8. Splitter – divides a single photo into multiple
computer, click on Download. In the parts
Download options, select the medium-sized 9. Screen Capture – captures the screen and saves
and the PNG file type. it
10. Color Picker – grabs a pixel from your screen to
be used in editing
Online Image File Formats 11. Raw Converter – converts RAW images
(uncompressed images usually from digital
camera) to JPEG
12. Rename – allows you to rename a batch of
13. Paper Print – useful tool for printing your own
calendars, sheets, lined paper, graph paper, etc.

Editor and Batch Edit

 *When inserting text to a web page, you can simply Editor Edit
copy a text to your html editor, or you can upload it 1. Open PhotoScape then choose editor
on a website as a PDF file. Most browsers support 2. Choose the folder where the image you want to
“add-ons” so that you can open PDF files without manipulate is located using the file explorer on
leaving the browser. the upper left
3. Once you have selected the folder, you will see
Principles and Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation a preview of all the images found on that folder
 Tips to help you edit images for your website: at the bottom of the file explorer
1. Choose the right file format – Try to make a 4. From the preview, select the image you want to
real-life photograph into GIF to see the use. The image will now be shown on a much
difference between PNG, GIF, and JPEG. bigger preview inside your work area similar to
Knowing the purpose is the key to finding out what is shown below
the best file format. 5. Notice the properties of the image like the file
2. Choose the right image size – A camera with 12 name, the image size (in pixels), and the file size
megapixels constitutes to a bigger image size. found on the bottom of the preview
Monitors have a resolution limit, so even if you 6. Manipulate the image using the tools on the
have a million megapixels, it will not display bottom
everything. a. Home tab – this is where you can add a
3. Caption it – Remember to put a caption on frame, resize, sharpen, and add filters and
images whenever possible. If it is not related to effects to your image
the web page, then remove it. b. Objects tab – this is where you can place a
wide variety of images like texts, shapes,
Creating and Manipulating Images Using Photoscape and symbols
1. Viewer – picture viewer with features the same c. Crop – this is where various tools can be
with most image viewers like changing image found in order to properly crop an image to
orientation a desirable size
2. Editor – alters the appearance of a single image d. Tools – includes other tools like red eye
3. Batch Editor – alters the appearance of multiple correction, mole removal, mosaic effect and
images brush tools. For more information about a
tool, simply click it and a tip will be
displayed describing how to use it.
7. Click Save located on the lower right of the
program. The Save As dialog box will appear.
Save it in your activities folder with the file
name editorexer.jpg. Check the file size and see
how much space you need.

Batch Edit
 one of the most useful tools when trying to easily
manipulate all images at the same time 4. Once selected, a progress bar will appear
1. Select the folder where your photos are indicating that the image is uploading. This may
located, then on the Preview window, drag the take a moment and will depend on your
photos you want to be part of the batch edit to Internet connection. Once you are done, you
the work area (center) will see an indicator similar to the one shown in
2. Use the tools on the right to edit your photo. the image below.
This is similar to the options in edit except the
Crop and Tools tab which are replaced by the
Filters tab. The Filters tab is used to add a
certain filter that will apply to all your photos.
3. Resize the pictures so that they do not exceed a. View Uploads – views photos you just
800 pixels in width. Add filters if you want. uploaded which also grants you options to
4. Click on Convert All button found on the upper share and edit them individually
5. The Save dialog box will appear that will allow b. Share Album – shares everything you just
you to change the location, the name of the uploaded plus the other contents of your
images, and the file type. specified folder

Sharing Photos with Photobucket c. Edit Photos – uses Photobucket’s photo

 There are plenty of free image hosting sites out editing tools to manipulate your image
there, and Photobucket is one of the oldest.
Here’s how to access it: 5. Let us just assume you will share a photo
1. First, sign up for a Photobucket account on individually. To do this, click on View Uploads. Just like Piktochart, you may Once the page loads, click the photo you want
use your Google+ or Facebook account to to share.
automatically sign up. 6. On the top of the image, you will see the
2. Once your account is set up and you are already following options:
logged in, click the Start Uploading button.

A – shares your photo directly to social media

and blogging platforms: Facebook, Twitter,
Google+, Tumblr, and Pinterest, respectively
3. A new page will load allowing you to drag and B – gives you a variety of link codes for HTML,
drop your photos or to choose them manually Forums, Emails, Instant Messaging, and a direct
or to choose an entire folder to upload. Select a link
folder, add a password (optional), then feel free C – shares your image via email
to upload any photos you have right then. D – allows you to download your image
E – shares your image to social media sites with
the option to add a custom message.
7. You may choose to share your photo to your Disadvantages of Cloud Computing:
friends on Facebook. If you are done sharing, 1. Can be hampered down by slow internet speed;
you may now log off and close the browser. no connection, no cloud computing
2. May still require compatible software like a
Lesson 7 – Online Platforms for ICT Content browser
Development 3. You do not own the software; you are simple
renting it
Social Media Platforms 4. Security risk of doing things over the Internet as
 Websites like Facebook allow you to create not opposed to your personal computer alone
only personal accounts but also pages and 5. More prone to hacking
groups where you can share content.
 Twitter, LinkedIn (focus is on business and Lesson 8 – Basic Web Page Creation
professional networking), YouTube, Instagram  Web page creation using templates
 Web page design using an online WYSIWYG
Blogging Platforms platform
 It typically looks like a newsletter where you are
given options to change the design to your WYSIWYG
liking. Though you can manipulate the design,  WYSIWYG is the acronym for What You See Is
social media platform’s popularity is still What You Get. This means that whatever you
unrivaled. type, insert, draw, place, rearrange, and
 WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, Wix, Joomla everything you do on a page is what the
audience will see.
Content Management System
 A Content Management System (CMS) is a Creating a Website using Microsoft Word
computer application (sometimes online or 1. Open Microsoft Word.
browser-based) that allows you to publish, edit 2. Type anything on the page like “Welcome to my
and manipulate, organize and delete web Website.”
content. CMS is used in blogs, news websites, 3. Click on File > Save As > Browse.
and shopping. 4. On the Save As dialog box, locate your activities
folder and create a new folder named “Sample
Starting a Blog in Five Steps: Webpage.”
1. Choose a blogging platform, domain name, and 5. Specify the filename “Sample Webpage.”
hosting option. 6. On the Save As type, select “Web Page (*.htm;
2. Design your blog using a simple theme. *.html).”
3. Modify your blog to get your desired look and 7. Click the Change Title button.
feel. 8. Input the title as seen below, then click OK then
4. Select the best plugins for your blog. Save.
5. Write compelling content that adds value to 9. Check the files on your Sample WebPage folder.
readers. You will see a new folder generated including
your htm/html file.
 You can change the layout, color, backgrounds, 10. Open the Sample WebPage.htm file and you will
fonts, and menu of your Blog. see that you just created a webpage using MS
Cloud Computing
 A web-based online software Creating your Own Website using Jimdo
 Jimdo is a WYSIWYG web hosting service. It
Advantages of Cloud Computing: offers free, professional, and business web
1. No need to install hosting services.
2. Saves hard disk space  Jimdo has an iOS and Android App which you
3. Easy access to your software can use to manage your website whenever you
4. Saves you money from buying software licenses do not have access to a PC.
5. No need to update because it updates
Steps:  View tools - used to enable enlarge image, link
1. Sign-Up (New Account) or Login (Existing photo, and remove link.
Account)  Other tools - caption and alternative text; allow
2. Select a website that you want to create sharing to pinterest
(Website, Store, Blog) 3. Paragraph Elements:
3. Select an editor (Jimdo Dolphin and Jimdo  Heading - to insert heading type of text
Creator)  Text - to insert a paragraph type of text
4. What is your website all about? (Health &  Photo - to insert a single photo
Wellness, Consulting & Coaching, Services, Art  Text with Photo - to insert a photo surrounded
& Design, Photography & Portfolio, Store, Bar & with text
Restaurant, Tourism, Home & Garden, Fashion,  Photo Gallery - to insert multiple photos on one
Community & Clubs, Personal, Blog, Other, Not area
sure yet)  Horizontal Line - to insert a horizontal line that
5. Choose the available template acts as a divider
6. Select a plan for your website (Business, Pro,  Spacing - to add a space with a specified size
Free)  Columns - to insert columns that divide an area
7. Type your domain name vertically
8. Jimdo Editor; Hover the cursor to the element.  Video - to insert a video from video hosting site
Select the options like YouTube
9. Click "Edit Menu" to add menu from the menu  Form/Form Button - creates a Send an Email
bar form for feedback (Radio button and Checkbox
10. New Page for the Menu that you created (?))
11. Select the available layout for your page  Store Item - adds a space for selling an item
12. Add/ Edit information (online shopping)
13. Upload picture from your computer  Share Buttons - adds buttons for the site visitor
14. Choose for the layout of the pictures to share your website
 Additional Elements - include other options like
Jimdo Editor Icons Google Maps, file download, widgets, etc
(Icon pics at the end of the reviewer) Categories of Cloud Computing
1. Editing Elements: Cloud Computing
 Hovering over the text, image, or any elements  Generally speaking, cloud computing can be
you see on the website will highlight the thought of as anything that involves delivering
element. hosted services over the Internet.
 Move element up - used to move the
element up by one level Service Models:
 Move element down - used to move  Software/Application
element one level down  Platform
 Delete element - used to remove the  Infrastructure
 Duplicate element - used to duplicate the
 Drag tool - click and drag the element to a Software/
valid part of the page Application
2. Image Elements
 Sizing tools - used to make image larger or
smaller or restore actual size of page Platform
 Align tools - used for left, right, center
alignment page
 Rotate tools - used to rotate image clockwise or Infrastructure
counterclockwise page.
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
 Also referred to as “software on demand,” this
service model involves outsourcing the
infrastructure, platform, and
 Typically, these services are available to the
customer for a fee, pay-as-you-go, or a no
charge model.
 The customer accesses the applications over
the internet.
 end user

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
 A service model that involves outsourcing the
basic infrastructure used to support
operations--including storage, hardware,
servers, and networking components.
 The service provider owns the infrastructure
equipment and is responsible for housing,
running, and maintaining it. The customer
typically pays on a per-use basis.
 The customer uses their own platform
(Windows, Unix), and applications
 Professional User
 foundation, input and output, hardware or
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) software, networking
 A service model that involves outsourcing the  maintained by system administrator
basic infrastructure and platform (Windows,  combination of SAAS and PAAS
 PaaS facilitates deploying applications without
the cost and complexity of buying and
managing the underlying hardware and
software where the applications are hosted.
 The customer uses their own applications
 Professional User
 Web application – dynamic or static, online
 Mobile application – installed on mobile
 System application – apps installed in

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