VIX. Nhà Hàng

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I. Waiter (W): Your steak and salad, sir. Please enjoy your lunch.
Guest (G): Yes, thank you. Can I see the dessert menu?
W: Sure. Here you are, sir.
G: Let’s see. I would like a cup of coffee, please.
W: Would you like to drink coffee with some milk?
G: No, thanks.
W: Certainly, sir. Just a moment, please.
W: Here you are, sir. Do you need anything else?
G: No, thanks.
W: Yes, please enjoy your lunch.
II. W: Here’s the menu, Sir.
G: Thank you. May I read it for a while?
W: Yes, Sir. My name’s Vu. Call me when you’re ready.
G: Vu! I want to order.
W: What do you want to order, sir?
G: Give me a plate of beefsteak, please.
W: Yes, would you like something to drink?
G: One wine for me, please.
W: All right, Sir. The food is out for a few minutes.
W: Here you are, please enjoy your lunch.
III. Waitress: Hello, I will be your waitress today. Can I get you both any
Paul: Yes. I would like an iced coffee, please.
Jane: And I will have the same please.
Waitress: OK 2 iced coffees, here you are. Are you now ready to order your, or
would you like a few more minutes?
Paul: I think we are ready to order. I will have the chicken soup to start, and the
steak with fries and the mixed vegetables.
Waitress: How do you want the steak cooked rare, medium, or well done?
Paul: I would like it well done, please.
Jane: I do not want a starter. I would like to have the fried chicken with fries and a
side salad please.
Waitress: Your meals will be here shortly.
Waitress: Here are your meals. If you need anything else just ask. Have a nice
IV> A: Welcome, what would you like to order?
B: I would like to get a double cheeseburger.
A: Would you like everything on it?
B: I would like everything on it, thank you.
A: Do you want any fries?
B: Let me get some large curly fries.
A: Can I get you anything to drink?
B: Sure, how about a medium Pepsi?
A: Is that everything?
B: That'll be all. Thanks.
A: You're welcome, and your total is $5.48.
B: Thank you. Here you go.
V.A: What can I get for you?
B: Hello, may I have a double cheeseburger?
A: With everything on it?
B: That sounds great.
A: Did you want fries with your order?
B: May I get a large order of curly fries?
A: Did you want something to drink?
B: Get me a medium Pepsi.
A: Would you like anything else?
B: No, thank you. That's it.
A: No problem, that'll be $5.48.
B: Thanks a lot. Keep the change.
A: How may I help you?
B: A double cheeseburger sounds good.
A: Everything on it?
B: Yes, please.
A: Would you like fries with that?
B: I would love large curly fries.
A: Would you like anything to drink?
B: Yes, let me have a medium Pepsi.
A: Will that be all?
B: Yeah, that's it. Thank you.
A: Your total comes to $5.48.
B: Here you go. Thank you very much.
– fork: nĩa – tongs: cái kẹp gắp – soup: súp – shellfish: hải sản
thức ăn có vỏ
– spoon: muỗng – sausage:
2. Thức ăn & món ăn: xúc xích – seafood: hải sản
– knife: dao
– wheat: bột mì – congee: – fish: cá
– ladle: cái vá múc cháo:
canh – cheese: phô mai – shrimps: tôm
– hot pot: lẩu
– bowl: tô – butter: bơ – crab: cua
– pork: thịt
– plate: đĩa – dairy product: sản lợn – octopus: bạch
phẩm làm từ sữa tuộc
– chopsticks: đũa – beef: thịt
– nut: đậu phộng bò – squid: mực
– teapot: ấm trà
– beans: đậu – chicken: – snails: ốc
– cup: cái tách thịt gà
uống trà – peas: đậu hạt tròn – jam: mứt
– roasted
– glass: cái ly – vegetable: rau food: đồ quay – French fries:
khoai tây chiên
– straw: ống hút – salad: món trộn, gỏi – grilled kiểu Pháp
food: đồ
– pitcher: bình – noodles: món có nướng – baked potato:
nước nước (phở, bún, hủ khoai tây đút lò
tiếu, mì…) – fried food:
– mug: cái ly nhỏ đồ chiên – hamburger:
có quai – spaghetti/ pasta: mì hăm-bơ-gơ
Ý, mì ống – Saute: đồ
– pepper shaker: xào, áp chảo – sandwich: món
hộp đựng tiêu có – fried rice: cơm chiên kẹp
lỗ nhỏ để rắc tiêu – stew: đồ
lên món ăn – sauce: xốt hầm, ninh, – pie: bánh có
canh nhân
- coffee: cà phê
– napkin: khăn ăn
-Americano: cà phê – steam food: – Sweet soup: chè
– table cloth: khăn đồ hấp
đen pha nước
trải bàn
-latte: cà phê sữa – chicken
– crepe: bánh kếp breast: ức gà
-cappuccino: cà
– waffle: bánh tổ phê sữa bọt – beefsteak:
ong bít tết
-espresso: cà phê đen
– pizza: bánh pi- nguyên chất
-macchiato /ˌmæki
– curry: cà ry
ˈɑːtəʊ/ cà phê bọt
– ice-cream: kem sữa
-mocha /ˈmɒkə/
– tart: bánh trứng
cà phê sữa rắc
– rare: món tái
bột ca-cao
– medium: món -decaf coffee /ˌdiː
chín vừa
ˈkæf kɒfi/ cà phê lọc
– well done: món caffein
chín kỹ
-egg coffee /’eɡ kɒfi/
– Appetizers/ cà phê trứng
starter: món khai
-phin coffee /’fɪn kɒfi/
cà phê phin
– main course:
-weasel coffee
món chính
/ˈwiːzl kɒfi/ cà
– dessert: món
phê chồn
tráng miệng

3. Đồ uống:

– wine: rượu

– beer: bia

I. Đón khách đến

Good evening, I’m Hải Anh, I’ll be your server for tonight.
Would you like me to take your coat for you?
What can I do for you?
How many persons are there in your party, sir/ madam?
Do you have a reservation?
Have you booked a table?
Can I get your name?
I’m afraid that table is reserved.
Your table is ready.
I’ll show you to the table. This way, please.
I’m afraid that area is under preparation.
II.Mẫu câu khi thực khách gọi món
Are you ready to order?
Can I take your order, sir/madam?
Do you need a little time to decide?
What would you like to start with?
Oh, I’m sorry. We’re all out of the salmon.
How would you like your steak? (rare, medium, well done)
Can I get you anything else?
Do you want a salad with it?
Can I get you something to drink?
What would you like to drink?
What would you like for dessert?
I’ll be right back with your drinks.
II. Khi đến nhà hàng:
We haven’t booked a table. Can you fit us in?
A table for five, please.
Do you have a high chair for kid, please?
I booked a table for three at 8pm. It’s under the name of …
Do you have any free tables?
Could we have a table over there, please?
Could we have an extra chair here, please?
May we sit at this table?
I prefer the one in that quiet corner.
IV> Mẫu câu gọi món
Can we have a look at the menu, please?
What’s on the menu today?
What’s special for today?
What’s Irish Stew like?
We’re not ready to order yet.
What can you recommend?
I’d prefer red wine.
The beef steak for me, please.
A salad, please.
Please bring us another beer.
Can you bring me the ketchup, please?
I’ll have the same.
Could I have French Fries instead of salad?
That’s all, thank you.
V. Mẫu câu yêu cầu và than phiền
Can I have another spoon?
Excuse me this steak is over done.
Could we have some more bread, please?
Could you pass me the salt, please?
Do you have a pepper?
We’ve been waiting quite a while.
Excuse me, I’ve been waiting for over half an hour for my drinks.
Excuse me, but my meal is cold.
This isn’t what I ordered.
Excuse me this wine isn’t chilled properly.
I’m sorry but I ordered the salad not the vegetables.
Would you mind heating this up?
Can I change my order please?
It doesn’t taste right./ This tastes a bit off.
VI> Mẫu câu thanh toán
Can I have my check / bill please
I would like my check please.
We’d like separate bills, please.
Is service included?
Can I get this to-go?
Can I pay by credit card?
No, please. This is on me.
Could you check the bill for me, please? It doesn’t seem right.
I think you’ve made a mistake with the bill.

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