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Ns. Nurul Arifah, M. TEFL., M.Kep

Arranged By:
1. Firda Sabrina (191141025)
2. I Gusti Putu Bagus Surya Saputra (191141031)
3. Imelda Putri Bernanda (191141033)
4. Riski Aprilliani (191141057)
5. Disman Yanengga (181141007)
6. Nurrotul Afifah (191141046)
7. Fina Rohmatul Ummah (191141022)
8. Fitria Tri Suntari (191141024)

T.A 2021

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Praise the presence of Allah SWT, for the abundance of His Grace and Gifts, so that
the author can finish writing this paper with the title “ Bed Making”. Hopefully prayers and
greetings will always be lavished on the great Prophet, Muhammad SAW. As for the purpose
of writing this paper is structured to complement one the Basic English Course Assignments.
We would like to thank Miss Iffa as a lecturer in Basic English who gave this
assignment so that she could add to our knowledge and insight on Bed Making.
We also thank all those who have shared some of their knowledge so that we can
complete this paper.
With the hope that is, can add knowledge and broad insight to the reader. And the
author realizes that in writing this paper it is still far from perfect, both from the content, or
the writing literature. There fore, we expect criticism and suggestions so that the next paper
can be more perfect. In addition, this paper also aims to add insight into the procedures and
replacement of patient beds (Bed Making).
Thank You

Surabaya, 17-05-2021
Group 6

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Chapter I.....................................................................................................................................4
Problem Formulation..................................................................................................................4
Purpose Of The Problem............................................................................................................4
Chapter II....................................................................................................................................5
Study Of The Teory....................................................................................................................5
Understanding Bed
Types Of Bedding
Principles Of Bedding
Principles Of Replacing The Weaving
Sop For Replacement Of Weaving Tools Without
Sop For Replacing Weaving Tools With
Chapter III..................................................................................................................................7
Closing ......................................................................................................................................7

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In this life, humans need to learn how to change the bed loom. However, sometimes
most people still have doubts about how to replace the bed sheet. Therefore, we need to learn
to replace the bed loom because it is included in our daily needs, including in the medical
Changing the loom (Bed Making) or better known as making the bed is a part of
personal hygiene because a clean and tidy bed provides safety and comfort for the
improvement of patient well being.
In replacing bed looms, we will discuss how to replace bed linen with either the
patient or the absence of a patients on the bed in everyday life. Here will also discuss about
the correct technique of replacing the fabric to improve work efficiency, for the world of
nursing and other health.
1. What is bed making?
2. What is the purpose of bed making?
3. State and explain actions related to bed making?
4. Mention what tools are used in the implementation of bed making?
1. In order to know, that bed making is also a part of personal hygiene for patients
2. To know the meaning of bed making
3. To find out the purpose of bed making
4. To find out the actions related to bed making
5. To find out what tools are used in the implementation of bed making

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A. Definition of Bed Making Replace dirty looms with clean looms on clients beds with
clients on the bed and on empty beds
B. Purpose Of Ambulation
1. Give the client a feeling of pleasure
2. Prevents decubitus
3. Provide celanliness and tidiens
To provide a clean, quiet and comfortable environment
5. To remove irritants by creating sleeping pads and blankets that are free of dirt/ creases
6. To enhance the clients self image and self-esteem by creating a clean, tidy and comfortable
7. To control the causes of microorganism
C. Types Of The Bed Prep
a. Unoccupied bed (a bed that does not have a client on it)
1) Closed bad (closed bed)
It is a bed that has been prepared and is still covered with a sheet over it.
2) Open bed (open bed)
It is a bed that has been prepared without a cover sheet (over laken)
3) Aether bed (post surgery bed)
Is a bed prepared for postoperative clients who receive narcotics (anesthetics)
b. Occupied bed (changing the bed with the client on it)
Changing the dirty loom on the client's bed without moving the client.

D. Principles of bed care

1. The client's bed should be kept clean and tidy
2. Linen is changed as needed and from time to time, if it is dirty
3. Use of clean linen should be appropriate and not wasteful.

E. The Principles of Changing the Weaving Tool

1. Using the asepsis principle by keeping the old loom away from the nurse's body (not
sticking to the uniform)

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2. Do not flick the old loom, as this can spread microorganisms through the air
3. Do not put old linen (looms) on the floor to prevent the spread of infection
4. When changing the loom, use the principle of body mechanics
5. Maintain the privacy, comfort and safety of clients
6. If the client is not cooperative, use rails
F. Tools
1. Large bed linen / felt
2. Medium bed linen / Bovenlaken
3. Laken small / Stiklaken
4. Base / cushion
5. Slimut
6. Pillowcase
7. Place a covered dirty cloth
8. Two small buckets filled with disinfectant solution (lisol 1%) and clean water
9. Lap work 3 pieces

G. SOP replacing the bed loom without the patient on it

1. Using the asepsis principle by keeping the old loom away from the nurse's
body (not sticking to the uniform)
2. Do not flick the old loom, as this can spread microorganisms through the air
3. Do not put old linen (looms) on the floor to prevent the spread of infection
4. When changing the loom, use the principle of body mechanics
5. Minimizing the time to change weaving
6. Attach as neatly as possible for patient comfort

H. SOP replacing the bed loom with the patient on it

a. Pre-Interaction Stage
1. Check medical records
2. Prepare equipment and premises
- big sheets
- small sheets
- pillow case
- bolster
- blanket
- dirty laundry bucket
3. Wash your hands

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B. Orientation Stage
1. Greeting and introducing yourself
2. Tell the client the purpose and procedure of action
3. Provide an opportunity to ask questions

C. Work Stage
1. Bring the equipment close to the client
2. Closing the sampiran
3. Encourage clients to lie on their back (if able)
4. Move existing client equipment on the bed
5. Remove the blanket and cover, fold it and place on the dirty cloth
6. Helping the client sleep on his side away from the nurse, while still paying attention to the
general condition of the client
7. Removing laken, perlak, laken cuttings by rolling them towards the back of the client.
8. The dirty part is inside the roll
9. Installing the felt, perlak and cuttings on the half of the mattress, then make a corner
10. Spread clean linen into the center of the bed and lay it behind the client's back
11. The client is assisted to reverse the position in front of the nurse by passing the clean
linen roll
12. All dirty linen is taken and placed in the soiled cloth holder
13. Spread out a roll of clean linen, tidy it up by putting the rest of the linen on the side of the
14. The client is returned to the supnasi position
15. Putting on a clean blanket
16. Remove the pillow carefully while supporting the head
17. Take off a dirty pillowcase and replace it with a clean one
18. Tidy up the patient
19. Tidy up tools

D. Termination Stage
1. Evaluating the client's reaction
2. Contract for further activities
3. Documenting the results of the examination.

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A. Conclusion
1. Preparation to replace the lacquer is a stage of activities carried out immediately on the
postoperative patient resting bed and the bed that is not occupied by the patient.
2. The purpose of bed making (changing looms) is to meet the needs of activities in order to
maintain patient health and patient comfort.
3. Knowing how to change the linens on the client's bed, bring linen as needed. Do not carry
excessive linen to avoid contamination of germs / microorganisms and nosocomial infections
from one client to another.
B. Suggestions
1. As a good nurse, one must be able to master how to change the correct bed making even
with the patient on the bed.
2. As a good nurse, he must be able to master the correct replacement techniques to reduce
discomfort to the patient.
3. Knowledge to replace the correct cloth must be given to the patient, to reduce blisters and
discomfort that may occur in daily activities while the patient is in bed.

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