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Game 1 (19 – 24), 6th of May

Verbalisations Time During Score Codes

(Black – me) (Blue – other) Stamp Point?(Y/N)
Yep, yeah yeah you start 10:10 N 0–0 General comment;
confidence in partner
Yours 10:14 Y 0–0 Calling
Myn ooo 10:16 Y 0–0 Calling
Sorry, that was yours 10:18 Y 0–0 Miscommunication
Myn (laughs) 10:19 Y 0–0 Calling
Bad luck 10:22 N 0–1 Encouragement
Oooh yep 10:36 N 0–2 Frustration
Ooooo sorry 10:39 N 0–2 Ownership
Yeahhhh! We swap then. 10:55 N 1–2 Organisation
And then you serve?
Yeah 10:56 N 1–2 Organisation
Yours, ah bad luck 11:03 N 1–3
Sorry *laughs* 11:05 N 1–3 Enjoyment
Is that aah 3-1 11:06 N 1–3 Score check
Yep, 3 – 1 11:08 N 1–3 Score check
Bad luck haha all good 11:14 N 1–4 Encouragement
We need the yellow one 11:18 N 1–4 Reflection; low
Ah 3…4-1, haha yeah so 11:19 N 1–4 Score check
4–2 11:29 N 2–4 Score check
2–4 11:34 N 2–4 Score check
Yep 11:35 N 2–4
Oooh, does that count as 11:39 N 2–5 Point clarification
your point because it was
um not diagonal? is that
how it works?
Yeah yeah 11:44 N 2–5 Point clarification
Yeah, so your point 11:45 N 2–5 Point clarification
5-2 yep 11:47 N 2–5 Score check
Go! Ooh good job 11:54 Y 2–5 Partner praise
Yeahh, finessed that 11:57 N 3–5 Partner praise
3 – 5? 12:00 N 3–5 Score check
Yes 12:02 N 3–5
Is it first to something or 12:03 N 3–5 Point clarification
just timed?
Just timed I think 12:04 N 3–5 Point clarification
Just timed, yep 12:05 N 3–5 Point clarification
I got it 12:07 Y 3–5 Calling
Shot 12:12 Y 3–5 Partner praise
Oooh, I didn’t even see that 12:13 N 3–6 Reflection
Ah 6-3? 12:19 N 3–6 Score check
6-3, yep 12:20 N 3–6 Score check
Ooooooh 12:27 Y 3–6 Frustration
You got it 12:28 Y 3–6 Calling
Ooh no 12:29 Y 3–6 Frustration
7–3 12:33 N 3–7 Score check
Yours 12:42 Y 3–7 Calling
Yours 12:44 Y 3–7 Calling
Oh dear *laughs* 12:54 N 3–8 Frustration
7 – 3? 12:55 N 3–8 Score check
8-3 I think 12:56 N 3–8 Score check
Yours 13:00 Y 3–8 Calling
Shot 13:03 N 4–8 Partner praise
8 – 4? 13:07 N 4–8 Score check
Yep 13:07 N 4–8
Oh yeah that’s good, short 13:18 N 5–8 Reflection
one, long one, short one
again, that worked
8 – 5? 13:22 N 5–8 Score check
Yeah 13:22 N 5–8
I got behind 13:27 N 5–8 Planning
I got it ooooh 13:29 Y 5–8 Calling
9–5 13:34 N 5–9 Score check
Yep 13:35 N 5–9
Yours 13:44 Y 5–9 Calling
What’s the score? 8-5, 9-5? 13:55 N 5–9 Score check
Um 14:03 N 5–9 General comment
If I could see the ball that 14:04 N 5–9 Half time reflection
would be great *laughs*,
well not the ball the
I need to just generally like 14:06 N 5–9 Half time planning
speak but like I think if we
like see it and try to aim it
like right on the sides or in
the middle or um…
Couple of those short ones 14:16 N 5–9 Half time reflection
of yours were good
We might draw them back a 14:18 N 5–9 Half time planning
bit and then…
I think try and keep it away 14:20 N 5–9 Half time planning
from Joel
Yeah. Can be more 14:21 N 5–9 Half time planning; half
aggressive too, I always put time reflection
it like up instead of like
angling it down
And like or if we can’t 14:27 N 5–9 Half time planning
really get it to the sides, we
hit it to the middle of them
Oh yeah, definitely 14:30 N 5–9 Half time planning
Alright, thank you. You go 14:36 N 5–9 General comment
I think its 9-5. I think it was 14:45 N 5–9 Score check
Oh, switch ends 14:49 N 5–9 Planning
Here 15:11 N 6–9 General comment
9-6? 15:14 N 6–9 Score check
Yep 15:15 N 6–9
Yours 15:18 Y 6–9 Calling
Yours yours yours 15:20 Y 6–9 Calling
Woooah no 15:23 Y 6–9 Frustration
10 – 6 15:25 N 6 – 10 Score check
Um 10-6 15:29 N 6 – 10 Score check
Yep 15:30 N 6 – 10
Oh shot. 10-7 15:34 N 7 – 10 Partner praise; score
Oh that’s my fault 15:43 N 7 – 11 Ownership; low
Is that 11-7? 15:48 N 7 – 11 Score check
Yep 15:49 N 7 – 11
Yours 15:54 Y 7 – 11 Calling
Get there get there. Good 15:57 Y 7 – 11 Partner praise
job. Yeahhhh
All you, well done 16:00 N 8 – 11 Partner praise
So 11-8? 16:02 N 8 – 11 Score check
Yep 16:03 N 8 – 11
Ahhhhh 16:10 N 8 – 12 Frustration
I feel like I should get that 16:13 N 8 – 12 Reflection
Yeah, maybe if one is back 16:15 N 8 – 12 Planning
just kinda cut across. Yep
You got it 16:20 Y 8 – 12 Calling
Ohhh 16:21 N 8 – 13 Frustration
Whats that 13-8? 16:24 N 8 – 13 Score check
13-8 Yeah 16:25 N 8 – 13 Score check
I got it 16:32 Y 8 – 13 Calling
Umm 16:36 N 9 – 13
13-9 16:37 N 9 – 13 Score check
Yours 16:43 Y 9 – 13 Calling
Short short 16:45 Y 9 – 13 Anticipation
Out! 16:48 Y 9 – 13 Anticipation
That’s you 16:53 N 10 – 13 Partner praise
13-9 or 13-10? 16:55 N 10 – 13 Score check
It must be 10 because we 16:58 N 10 – 13 Score check
won the other one
Yep, 13-10 17:01 N 10 – 13 Score check
Yours yours yours 17:03 Y 10 – 13 Calling
You got it. Oh good 17:07 Y 10 – 13 Partner praise; calling
Heeey good job 17:09 N 11 – 13 Partner praise
13-11 17:15 N 11 – 13 Score check
Yours 17:20 Y 11 – 13 Calling
I got it I got it. Ohhh no 17:23 Y 11 – 13 Calling; Enjoyment
That was good I’ll try run 17:27 N 11 – 14 Reflection
Yeah, we’ll try and cut 17:29 N 11 – 14 Planning
across instead of just
sticking to like the sides,
14 – 11 17:35 Y 11 – 14 Score check
15 – 11 17:41 N 11 – 15 Score check
15 – 12 17:51 N 12 – 15 Score check
Oh 17:56 Y 12 – 15 Desperation
Was that over the net or 17:57 N 12 – 16 Point clarification
under? I couldn’t tell haha
Under haha 17:59 N 12 – 16 Point clarification
Okay haha I had no idea 18:00 N 12 – 16 Point clarification
Yours 18:06 Y 12 – 16 Calling
Ooo shot 18:08 N 12 – 17 Partner praise
Ooh no. My fault. Set him 18:19 N 12 – 18 Frustration; Ownership;
up haha Reflection
Ooh no 18:33 N 12 – 19 Frustration
They’re really hard 18:34 N 12 – 19 Reflection; low
I don’t even see them haha 18:35 N 12 – 19 Reflection
Shot 18:44 Y 12 – 19 Partner praise
Yours yours yours 18:45 Y 12 – 19 Calling
Go go, 18:47 Y 12 – 19 Encouragement
No 18:48 Y 12 – 19 Frustration
Oh nearly 18:49 N 12 – 20 Encouragement
It’s like such a low net 18:51 N 12 – 20 Description
Need a volleyball net haha 18:54 N 12 – 20 General comment
Yours yours, good job, good 18:58 Y 12 – 20 Calling; Partner praise
I got it 19:00 Y 12 – 20 Calling
Oh hahah 19:02 N 12 – 21 Enjoyment
Hit it 19:15 Y 12 – 21 Encouragement
Haha good job 19:19 N 13 – 21 Partner praise
You got it 19:28 Y 13 – 21 Calling
Oooh 19:29 Y 13 – 21 Frustration
Oooh good 19:31 Y 13 – 21 Partner praise
Haha nah 19:32 N 13 – 21 General comment
Shot. Straight back 19:43 N 14 – 21 Partner praise
14 – 21? 19:49 N 14 – 21 Score check
Yep 19:50 N 14 – 21
Shot 19:54 Y 14 – 21 Partner praise
Ooh go go go 19:56 Y 14 – 21 Encouragement
Out! Yes haha that was so 19:59 Both 15 – 21 Calling; partner praise;
good. Close your eyes and reflection
swing haha good job
Yours 20:09 Y 15 – 21 Calling
Ooooh 20:14 Y 15 – 22 Frustration
22 – 15? 20:19 N 15 – 22 Score check
Yep 20:20 N 15 – 22
Yours, bad luck 20:23 N 15 – 23 Calling; encouragement
Yours 20:21 Y 15 – 23 Calling
I’ll come in for that 20:35 N 15 – 24 Planning
Yours 20:43 Y 15 – 24 Calling
Yours 20:58 Y 15 – 24 Calling
Shot 21:00 N 16 – 24 Partner praise
Thank you 21:23 N ? General comment
23 – 18? 21:27 N ? Score check
23 – 18 21:28 N ? Score check
23 – 19 21:33 Y ? Score check
Yours 21:40 Y ? Calling
Yours, ooo 21:42 Y ? Calling
24 – 19 21:46 N ? Score check
What was it. 22:02 N 24 – 19
What was the score? 22:03 N 24 – 19
24-19 I think it ended up 22:03 N 24 – 19 Score check
Good job 22:10 N 24 – 19 Partner praise

Game 2 (21 – 22), 13th of May

Verbalisations Time During Score Code
(Black – me) (Blue – other) Stamp point
Ooo just, nearly out 3:51 N 0–1 Reflection
Oh Sam’s playing 3:53 N 0–1 Description
Alright 4:00 N 0–2 General comment
Oooooooh 4:02 N 0–2 Frustration
Laughs* 4:03 N 0–2 Enjoyment
Good start 4:06 N 0–2 Sarcasm
Alright 4:10 Y 0–2 General comment
Ooooh 4:14 Y 0–2 Frustration
I don’t know whether to go 4:17 N 0–3 Miscommunication; low
for them confidence
Is that out? 4:17 N 0–3 Point clarification
Is it that one? 4:18 N 0–3 Point clarification
Nah its that one 4:18 N 0–3 Point clarification
Never mind 4:19 N 0–3 Point clarification
Inaudible* 4:19 N 0–3 General comment
Alright you spy 4:20 N 0–3 Sarcasm
Got it 4:26 Y 0–3 Calling
Yours, hit that! 4:28 Y 0–3 Calling; Encouragement
Out! 4:31 Y 0–3 Anticipation
You go 4:34 N 1–3 Planning
3–1 4:36 N 1–3 Score check
Yeah 4:36 N 1–3
Yours 4:41 Y 1–3 Calling
Yours 4:43 Y 1–3 Calling
Out! 4:47 Y 1–3 Anticipation
Ooooh that’s in 4:48 N 1–4 Point clarification
Do you wanna take like the 4:51 N 1–4 Planning
shorter ones in between and
ill take deep or?
Yep, yeah ill come up a bit 4:54 N 1–4 Planning
You got this one 4:56 N 1–4 Planning
Yours 5:00 Y 1–4 Calling
Yours 5:03 Y 1–4 Calling
Oh shot 5:07 Y 1–4 Partner praise
Laughs* 5:08 Y 1–4 Enjoyment
Go go go! Hit that! 5:12 Y 1–4 Encouragement
Yesssss! 5:14 N 2–4 Partner praise
Laughs* 5:14 N 2–4 Enjoyment
That was a good point 5:15 N 2–4 Partner praise
Um is that 2 – 4 5:19 N 2–4 Score check
Yeah 5:19 N 2–4
Oh sorry haha 5:20 N 2–4 Ownership
All good 5:21 N 2–4 General comment
Wooo 5:25 N 2–5 Enjoyment
Oh that’s your point because 5:26 N 2–5 Point clarification
it was in um…
Yeah 5:28 N 2–5 Point clarification
Inaudible* 5:29 N 2–5 General comment
Yeah 5:30 N 2–5 General comment
5 5:31 N 2–5
5–2 5:31 N 2–5 Score check
Is that over or under haha? 5:42 N 3–5 Point clarification
Under haha 5:44 N 3–5 Point clarification
Serve 5:48 Y 3–5 Partner praise
Yours 5:49 Y 3–5 Calling
Oh shit 5:51 Y 3–5 Frustration
Yours yours 5:52 Y 3–5 Calling
Good 5:53 Y 3–5 Partner praise
You got it 5:55 Y 3–5 Calling
Oooo no hahaha 5:56 N 3–6 Frustration
Ahh hold up 6:02 N 3–6 General comment
What a mess 6:04 N 3–6 Reflection; low
Is that 6 – 3? 6:05 N 3–6 Score check
Yep 6:06 N 3–6
Hit that! 6:10 Y 3–6 Encouragement
Laughs** 6:16 N 4–6 Enjoyment
6–4 6:18 N 4–6 Score check
Oh out! 6:21 Y 4–6 Anticipation
Arrrghh 6:21 N 4–7 Frustration
Oooh hate that 6:22 N 4–7 Low confidence;
I’ll take deep 6:24 N 4–7 Planning
What is it? 7 – 4? 7 – 3 ? 6:26 N 4–7 Score check
I got it 6:29 Y 4–7 Calling
Good job 6:33 Y 4–7 Partner praise
Yours 6:34 Y 4–7 Calling
Out! 6:36 Y 4–7 Anticipation
Its 7 – 5 6:37 N 5–7 Score check
Yep 6:38 N 5–7
I’ll go up a bit 6:42 N 5–7 Planning
You got it 6:46 Y 5–7 Calling
Out! 6:47 Y 5–7 Anticipation
Was that out? 6:48 N 6–7 Point clarification
Yep, just 6:49 N 6–7 Point clarification
7 – 6? 6:52 N 6–7 Score check
Yep 6:53 N 6–7
Ooooooh 6:56 N 7–7 Partner praise
I thought that was going 6:56 N 7–7 Low confidence;
straight out Reflection
Good drop, good drop 6:58 N 7–7 Partner praise
7 all 7:00 N 7–7 Score check
Strategic play haha 7:03 N 7–7 Partner praise
Yours 7:07 Y 7–7 Calling
Yours 7:07 Y 7–7 Calling
You got it 7:14 Y 7–7 Calling
Oh good 7:15 N 8–7 Partner praise
That worked coming up short 7:16 N 8–7 Reflection
7 – 8? 7:18 N 8–7 Score check
Yep 7:18 N 8–7
Yours 7:27 Y 8–7 Calling
You got it 7:28 Y 8–7 Calling
Good shot 7:32 N 9–7 Partner praise
Ooo just 7:32 N 9–7 Description
Was that in? 7:33 N 9–7 Point clarification
Yeah that’s yours 7:34 N 9–7 Point clarification
9–7 7:34 N 9–7 Score check
7–9 7:35 N 9–7 Score check
Yours 7:40 Y 9–7 Calling
Ooooh noo 7:44 N 9–8 Frustration
Those ones are so frustrating 7:45 N 9–8 Reflection; low
Alright 7:48 N 9–8 General comment
Is it 8 all? 7:49 N 9–8 Score check
Hm? 7:50 N 9–8
Is it 8 all? 7:51 N 9–8 Score check
9–8 7:52 N 9–8 Score check
8–9 7:52 N 9–8 Score check
Apologies 7:53 N 9–8 Ownership
Sorry 7:58 Y 9–8 Ownership
Go go! 7:59 Y 9–8 Encouragement
I got it 7:59 Y 9–8 Calling
Yours 8:00 Y 9–8 Calling
Yessss! 8:02 N 10 – 8 Partner praise
10 – 8? 8:09 N 10 – 8 Score check
Yeah 8:10 N 10 – 8
Yours 8:14 Y 10 – 8 Calling
Does that count? 8:18 N 10 – 8 Point clarification
Yeahhh 8:18 N 10 – 8 Point clarification
Yep 8:18 N 10 – 8 Point clarification
No! 8:19 N 11 – 8 Frustration
We’re swapping sides 8:23 N 11 – 8 Planning
Oh yeah 8:24 N 11 – 8 General comment
Swap sides 8:31 N 11 – 8 Planning
Inaudible*… deep 8:35 N 11 – 8 General comment
Yeah. Do you want to always 8:36 N 11 – 8 Half time planning
take deep or do you want to
just do whoever is like not
Are you happy to, like, do 8:41 N 11 – 8 Half time planning
you have a preference
I feel like most of the deep 8:45 N 11 – 8 Half time planning
ones are coming on this side
so should we have whoever is
on this side
Whoever’s on that side just 8:48 N 11 – 8 Half time planning
stays a bit deeper
Yep 8:51 N 11 – 8 General comment
Um 8:52 N 11 – 8 General comment
I feel like I need to verbalise 8:56 N 11 – 8 Half time planning
like the things that theyre
Yeah yeah I’m too focused 8:59 N 11 – 8 Half time planning
Whats the score? 8:59 N 11 – 8 Score check
11 – 8 9:00 N 11 – 8 Score check
11 – 8 9:00 N 11 – 8 Score check
Your way? 9:02 N 11 – 8
Yep 9:03 N 11 – 8
Yep 9:03 N 11 – 8
So uhh 11 – 9 9:11 N 11 – 9 Score check
11 – 9 9:12 N 11 – 9 Score check
Everyone laughs* 9:17 N 12 – 9 Enjoyment
Haha that nearly went over 9:20 N 12 – 9 Reflection
Um 9:22 N 12 – 9 General comment
12 – 9 9:23 N 12 – 9 Score check
Oh that’s high 9:30 Y 12 – 9 Description
Oooh no 9:33 Y 12 – 9 Frustration
That was the easiest one out 9:39 N 12 – 10 Frustration; low
of all of them confidence
Um 10 9:42 N 12 – 10 Score check
11 9:43 N 12 – 10
12 9:43 N 12 – 10
Oh 12, sure 9:44 N 12 – 10 Score check
Short 9:50 Y 12 – 10 Anticipation
Yours 9:51 Y 12 – 10 Calling
Haha Ella 9:54 N 13 – 10 Enjoyment
So 13 – 10? 9:59 N 13 – 10 Score check
yep 10:01 N 13 – 10
Yours 10:03 Y 13 – 10 Calling
Oh no that was bad 10:04 N 13 – 11 Low confidence;
Oh nearly 10:05 N 13 – 11 Encouragement
Okay I got deep 10:10 N 13 – 11 Planning
Yep, I got short 10:11 N 13 – 11 Planning
Yours 10:13 Y 13 – 11 Calling
Ohh no 10:15 Y 13 – 12 Frustration
Ooo shot 10:15 N 13 – 12 Partner praise
Ah what’s that, 11 – 13? 10:17 N 13 – 12 Score check
13 – 12 10:19 N 13 – 12 Score check
Yup 10:20 N 13 – 12
Oh my god 10:26 Y 13 – 12 Frustration
Everyone laughs* 10:27 N 13 – 13 Enjoyment
I can’t like adjust my arm that 10:30 N 13 – 13 Reflection; low
low confidence
13 all 10:33 N 13 – 13 Score check
14 - 13 10:40 N 14 – 13 Score check
Okay 14 – 13 10:41 N 14 – 13 Score check
Yours, good job 10:48 Y 14 – 13 Calling; Partner praise
I got it 10:49 Y 14 – 13 Calling
Yeah that works 10:53 N 15 – 13 Reflection
Good, just straight at the 10:55 N 15 – 13 Partner praise
15 – 13 10:59 N 15 – 13 Score check
Yep 11:00 N 15 – 13
I got it 11:04 Y 15 – 13 Calling
Go 11:09 Y 15 – 13 Encouragement
Yours 11:11 Y 15 – 13 Calling
Good 11:13 N 16 – 13 Partner praise
15 – 13? Or is that, no, 16 11:15 N 16 – 13 Score check
Yeah 11:18 N 16 – 13
16 – 13 11:20 N 16 – 13 Score check
Argh 11:25 N 16 – 14 Frustration
16 - 14 11:30 N 16 - 14 Score check
Yours 11:34 Y 16 – 14 Calling
I got it 11:37 Y 16 – 14 Calling
Yours yours yours 11:40 Y 16 – 14 Calling
I got it 11:42 Y 16 – 14 Calling
Good 11:44 Y 16 – 14 Partner praise
I got it, ooo 11:45 Y 16 – 14 Calling
Go in! 11:47 Y 16 – 14 Anticipation
Yeah that was out 11:53 N 16 – 15 Point clarification
15 – 16 11:54 N 16 – 15 Score check
Yeah 11:55 N 16 – 15
Oh that’s deep 11:59 Y 16 – 15 Description
Yes! 12:00 N 17 – 15 Partner praise
No 12:00 N 17 – 15 Frustration
Off the rim 12:03 N 17 – 15 Description
You got it 12:08 Y 17 – 15 Calling
Ah 18 – 15 12:12 N 18 – 15 Score check
Yep 12:13 N 18 – 15
You got it 12:21 Y 18 – 15 Calling
Yours yours 12:23 Y 18 – 15 Calling
Oooh why did I get that 12:25 Y 18 – 15 Miscommunication
Yes! 12:25 Y 18 – 15 Partner praise
Ella 12:29 N 18 – 16 General comment
18 12:31 N 18 – 16 Score check
16 12:32 N 18 – 16 Score check
16 12:33 N 18 – 16 Score check
Yep 12:33 N 18 – 16
Ooo serve 12:38 N 18 – 17 Partner praise
18 – 17 12:38 N 18 – 17 Score check
Yeah 12:39 N 18 – 17
I’m hot 12:42 N 18 – 17 General comment
Yeah 12:43 N 18 – 17 General comment
Yours 12:44 Y 18 – 17 Calling
Good job 12:46 Y 18 – 17 Partner praise
Yours 12:47 Y 18 – 17 Calling
Your yours yours, come in, 12:49 Y 18 – 17 Calling; Anticipation
Leave 12:51 Y 18 – 17 Anticipation
Oh out, 17 – 19 12:53 N 19 – 17 Anticipation; Score check
Thank you 12:56 N 19 – 17 General comment
Oh good 13:03 Y 19 – 17 Partner praise
I got it 13:04 Y 19 – 17 Calling
Oh no 13:09 Y 19 – 17 Frustration
Play it play it 13:12 Y 19 – 17 Anticipation
Are you allowed to do that 13:14 Y 19 – 17 Point clarification
Are you allowed to pull the 13:21 N 19 – 18 Point clarification
net down?
Rule check! 13:24 N 19 – 18 Point clarification
19 – 18? 13:25 N 19 – 18 Score check
Rule check 13:27 N 19 – 18 Point clarification
Oh no 13:35 Y 19 – 18 Frustration
Ah 20, what were you guys 13:39 N 20 – 18 Score check
18, 19? 13:41 N 20 – 18 Score check
20 – 18 13:43 N 20 – 18 Score check
Yep 13:44 N 20 – 18
Oh was that in or out? 13:48 N 21 – 18 Point clarification
I don’t know 13:49 N 21 – 18 Point clarification
I feel like it popped in but 13:50 N 21 – 18 Point clarification
Someone review it on the 13:52 N 21 – 18 Point clarification
Yeah haha 13:54 N 21 – 18 Point clarification
Video replay haha 13:56 N 21 – 18 Point clarification
Yours 14:00 Y 21 – 18 Calling
Oh yeah good adjustment 14:01 Y 21 – 18 Partner praise
Is that? Because it’s on that 14:13 N 22 – 18 Point clarification
That’s coming at my face 14:14 N 22 – 18 Description
21 or 22? 14:20 N 22 – 18 Score check
We’re on 21, no 22, because 14:22 N Score check
of that one
22…. – 20? 14:24 N 22 – 18 Score check
Yeah sure, 20 14:25 N 22 – 20 Score check
Ooo nearly 14:28 N 22 – 21 Encouragement
No 14:29 N 22 – 21 Frustration
So 21 – 22 14:32 N 22 – 21 Score check
21 – 22 14:33 N 22 – 21 Score check
Wait was that 14:39 Y 22 – 21 Point clarification
All good, we, played it 14:40 Y 22 – 21 Point clarification
Argh 14:45 N 22 – 22 Frustration
Stupid game 14:47 N 22 – 22 Frustration
Inaudible* 14:49 N 22 – 22 General comment
I think so yeah, I think if we 14:50 N 22 – 22 Point clarification;
play it, its play on. We’ll call Planning
Myn 14:52 Y 22 – 22 Calling
I got it 14:54 Y 22 – 22 Calling
Argh, that doesn’t count 15:02 N 22 – 23 Frustration
Yes it does, we won 15:05 N 22 – 23 Point clarification
Good game guys 15:08 N 22 – 23 Partner praise
Good game 15:09 N 22 – 23 Partner praise
Ah I got sweaty hands 15:09 N 22 – 23 General comment
because of the racquet
Good job 15:10 N 22 – 23 Partner praise

Game 3 (33 – 23), 20th of May

Verbalisations Time Durin Score Code
(Black – me) (Blue – other) stamp g
Um let’s do the like short 4:08 N 0–0 Planning
deep thing again
Short deep, yep, see what 4:09 N 0–0 Planning
they’re like
Yeah, move over 4:14 N 0–0 Planning
Can we use the yellow one 4:20 N 0–0 Planning; low
Yeah, use the yellow 4:22 N 0–0 Planning
Alright have we started 4:26 N 0–0 Point clarification
Yeah 4:27 N 0–0 General comment
Yours 4:29 Y 0–0 Calling
Oooo 4:31 N 1–0 General comment
Sorry 4:31 N 1–0 Ownership
Straight into it haha 4:33 N 1–0 Description
Oh wait is it me or is it you? 4:34 N 1–0 Miscommunication
Ahhh swap 4:35 N 1–0 Planning
Yeah 4:36 N 1–0 General comment
Yeah 4:36 N 1–0 General comment
1 – 0 there way 4:37 N 1–0 Score check
1–0 4:38 N 1–0 Score check
I feel like it is yours isn’t it 4:40 Y 1–0 Planning
Yours 4:41 Y 1–0 Calling
You got it 4:43 Y 1–0 Calling
I got deep 4:44 Y 1–0 Planning
Woohoo 4:51 N 2–0 Enjoyment
I feel like it is meant to be the 4:53 N 2–0 Point clarification
same person serving
Alrigth, stay then 4:55 N 2–0 Point clarification
No but 4:56 N 2–0 Point clarification
You got it 5:01 Y 2–0 Calling
Oooo that’s high 5:03 Y 2–0 Description
You got it 5:04 Y 2–0 Calling
Ooooooh 5:04 Y 2–0 Frustration
2 – 1, sorry 5:06 N 2–1 Score check
I’ll go up 5:09 N 2–1 Planning
Yep 5:13 Y 2–1 General comment
Shot 5:14 Y 2–1 Partner praise
Yours 5:16 Y 2–1 Calling
Me 5:16 Y 2–1 Calling
Ooh haha blame the glasses 5:17 N 2–2 Description
It’s that backhand 5:18 N 2–3 Reflection
Ooo good shot 5:26 Y 2–3 Partner praise
I got it 5:27 Y 2–3 Calling
You got it 5:27 Y 2–3 Calling
You got short 5:35 N 3–3 Planning
Shot 5:39 N 4–3 Partner praise
Good job 5:40 N 4–3 Partner praise
That was really yours 5:40 N 4–3 Miscommunication
Nah come a… because that’s 5:41 N 4–3 Planning
your right hand so its stronger
4–3 5:46 N 4–3 Score check
Yes! 5:51 N 5–3 Partner praise
Good job 5:52 N 5–3 Partner praise
Fiiiiive, no, six 6:06 N 6–3 Score check
6 yeah 6:07 N 6–3 Score check
Yours 6:13 Y 6–3 Calling
7–2 6:21 N 7–2 Score check
Hit that! 6:25 Y 7–2 Encouragement
Yeah I saw that coming haha 6:31 N 8–2 Reflection
8–2 6:32 N 8–2 Score check
Yep 6:33 N 8–2
Myn 6:38 Y 8–2 Calling
Oooo 6:41 N 8–3 Frustration
8–3 6:42 N 8–3 Score check
Yep 6:43 N 8–3 Score check
Do you reckon that’s you or 6:44 N 8–3 Reflection
do you reckon that’s me?
Ooo, oh my god haha 6:47 Y 8–3 Enjoyment
Yours 6:48 Y 8–3 Calling
Good job haha 6:50 N 9–3 Partner praise
Switch 6:53 N 9–3 Planning
Good up 6:53 N 9–3 Partner praise
Ah what is it 9 – 3? 6:58 N 9–3 Score check
8 – 4? That could be 7:00 N 9–3 Score check
completely off
Yours, good job 7:02 Y 9–3 Calling; Partner praise
Oh 7:05 Y 9–3 General comment
Yours 7:06 Y 9–3 Calling
That was going out 7:08 N 10 – 3 Reflection
Well done 7:08 N 10 – 3 Partner praise
Isn’t that still you? 7:09 N 10 – 3 Point clarification
Ah yeah that’s me 7:10 N 10 – 3 Point clarification
You got it 7:18 Y 10 – 3 Calling
Sorry that’s you 7:22 Y 10 – 3 Miscommunication
Yours 7:25 Y 10 – 3 Calling
Yours 7:25 Y 10 – 3 Calling
Sorry haha that’s myn 7:27 N 10 – 4 Miscommunication
Inaudible* 7:30 N 10 – 4 General comment
Ahh 5 – 9 7:33 N 9–5 Score check
Poor calling from me sorry 7:35 N 9–5 Reflection
Yours 7:36 Y 9–5 Calling
Oooh good spot, right in the 7:41 N 10 – 5 Partner praise
middle of them
Ah 10 – 5 7:42 N 10 – 5 Score check
Yep 7:43 N 10 – 5
Thank you 7:48 N 10 – 5 General comment
Myn 7:54 Y 10 – 5 Calling
Short one! Oh yep 7:56 Y 10 – 5 Anticipation
Yep! 7:59 N 11 – 5 General comment
Ah 11 – 5 8:05 N 11 – 5 Score check
They’re tough when they 8:12 N 11 – 6 Reflection; low
come straight at you confidence
Yeah 8:13 N 11 – 6 General comment
Switch 8:22 N 12 – 6 Planning
Our serve 8:26 N 12 – 6 Point clarification
What’s the score? 8:29 N 12 – 6 Score check
Ah 12 – 6 8:30 N 12 – 6 Score check
12 – 6 8:31 N 12 – 6 Score check
You got it 8:35 Y 12 – 6 Calling
Oooh no 8:40 Y 12 – 6 Desperation
Get there! Oooh 8:41 Y 12 – 6 Desperation
Ooooh 8:41 N 12 – 7 Frustration
I was like I touched it! 8:42 N 12 – 7 Reflection
We were so ready for that! 8:42 N 12 – 7 Reflection; confidence
Wherever it went 8:45 N 12 – 7 Reflection
Ah 12 – 7 8:47 N 12 – 7 Score check
Yep 8:47 N 12 – 7
Yours 8:53 Y 12 – 7 Calling
You got it 8:56 Y 12 – 7 Calling
You 8:57 Y 12 – 7 Calling
Yours 9:02 Y 12 – 7 Calling
Gooood 9:05 N 13 – 7 Partner praise
They go pretty flat 9:07 N 13 – 7 Reflection
Yeah 9:08 N 13 – 7 Reflection
Good catch ahah 9:14 N 14 – 7 Partner praise
Hit that! 9:22 Y 14 – 7 Encouragement
Oh yes! 9:24 N 15 – 7 Partner praise
Feels like a volleyball spike 9:27 N 15 – 7 Description
those ones
Thanks 9:32 N 15 – 7 General comment
15 – 7 9:35 N 15 – 7 Score check
Good 9:38 N 15 – 7 Partner praise
So… (inaudible*) 9:40 N 16 – 7 General comment
Thanks 9:41 N 16 – 7 General comment
Oooooh yep 9:47 N 16 – 8 Frustration
Myn 9:57 Y 16 – 8 Calling
Nice 9:59 N 17 – 8 Partner praise
Switch 9:59 N 17 – 8 Planning
oooooo 10:13 N 17 – 9 Frustration
17 – 9 10:16 N 17 – 9 Score check
Yep 10:17 N 17 – 9
I got deep 10:22 N 17 – 9 Planning
Yep I’ll go up 10:23 N 17 – 9 Planning
What’s the halftime score? 10:31 N 18 – 9 Score check
Ahhh 18, 8 10:33 N 18 – 8 Score check
18, okay 10:35 N 18 - 8 Score check
Um 10:37 N 18 – 8 General comment
A lot flatter this week, like a 10:38 N 18 – 8 Half time planning
lot more aggressive
There coming like, especially 10:40 N 18 – 8 Half time reflection
on, both their serves are
pretty short and low, um
Yeah 10:43 N 18 – 8 General comment
I don’t know, its good, keep 10:45 N 18 – 8 Half time planning
hitting it between them or
like at them
Yeah, yeah we’ve hit a few 10:48 N 18 – 8 Half time reflection
like straight at them, we said
that last week so that was
Yeah and like we’ve had a 10:53 N 18 – 8 Half time reflection
couple opportunities to just
whack it over
You’re good at those when 10:58 N 18 – 8 Partner praise
you’re up, up at the front
Do we switch ends? 11:05 N 18 – 8 Planning
Yeah we do actually 11:07 N 18 – 8 Planning
That was a long 6 minutes 11:09 N 18 – 8 General comment
Sorry 11:10 N 18 – 8 General comment
That was a long 6 minutes, 11:11 N 18 - 8 General comment
we got a lot of points in
What’s the score like 17… 11:13 N 18 - 8 Score check
18 – 8 11:15 N 18 - 8 Score check
Are we on 9? 11:17 N 18 - 8 Score check
Oh is it 9? You might be on 11:18 N 18 – 9 Score check
9, go 9 (change)
We’ll figure it out 11:20 N 18 – 9
Um and I think also like the 11:27 N 18 – 9 Half time planning;
deepish like in the middle of low confidence
the court that like could be
yours could be myn I feel
like, like ill cut across better
than you because like my
backhands shit, I don’t know
when you’re here if you
prefer it or
Feel like we should go, 11:40 N 18 – 9 Half time planning
because you’re right-handed,
I’m left-handed, hang on
Oh yeah 11:44 N 18 – 9 General comment
Yeah because they’re both 11:45 N 18 – 9 Half time planning
our backhands
Right 11:47 N 18 - 9 General comment
So it depends who wants to 11:48 N 18 – 9 Half time planning
take them
Yeah, I don’t know 11:51 N 18 – 9 Half time planning
It’s alright if we’re on the 11:52 N 18 – 9 Half time planning
other sides because it’s both
our forehands
Yeah 11:55 N 18 – 9 General comment
It’s just when we’re on these 11:55 N 18 – 9 Half time planning;
sides low confidence
Have you got? Oh yep, your 12:03 N 18 - 9 Half time planning
18 – 9 12:08 N 18 – 9 Score check
You got it 12:15 Y 18 - 9 Calling
Oooo I had it 12:18 N 18 – 10 Frustration
Inaudible* 12:19 N 18 – 10 General comment
Yeah, lost that 12:22 N 18 – 10 Description
Ah, 10 – 18 12:24 N 18 – 10 Score check
Yep 12:25 N 18 – 10
Sorry 12:28 N 18 – 11 Ownership
Oooh haha 12:29 N 18 – 11 General comment
That’s the one hey haha 12:33 N 18 – 11 Reflection
It’s the backhands 12:34 N 18 – 11 Low confidence;
Yours 12:39 Y 18 – 11 Calling
Ooo that was flat 12:42 N 19 – 11 Reflection
I thought that was going 12:43 N 19 – 11 Reflection
straight into the net
Ah 19 – 10? 12:49 N 19 – 10 Score check
Yep 12:50 N 19 – 10
Good take 12:52 Y 19 – 10 Partner praise
I got it 12:54 Y 19 – 10 Calling
Oh you had that haha 12:59 N 20 – 10 Reflection
21 – 10 13:05 N 21 – 10 Score check
Oh good job 13:09 Y 21 – 10 Partner praise
Yours 13:09 Y 21 – 10 Calling
Ooo I should’ve covered 13:11 N 21 – 10 Reflection
That was a fluke holy shit 13:12 N 21 – 10 Description
Yours 13:23 Y 21 – 10 Calling
Ooooo 13:26 N 21 – 11 Frustration
The reaction time on that one 13:27 N 21 – 11 Description
Uh oh 13:35 Y 21 – 11 Desperation
Ooooo 13:39 N 21 – 12 Frustration
Oh no 13:39 N 21 – 13 Frustration
Oh my god! 13:57 N 21 – 14 Frustration
I’ve lost it! 14:00 N 21 – 14 Frustration; low
Complacency, alright 14:05 N 21 – 14 Description
We’re back 14:10 N 22 – 14 Description
Uh oh 14:20 Y 22 – 14 Desperation
Oh I should’ve come up, 14:22 N 22 – 15 Reflection
that’s me
I feel like I should do though 14:24 N 22 – 15 Reflection
because you’ve got deep
16 – 22, yours 14:29 N 22 – 16 Score check
Alright 14:31 N 22 – 16 General comment
Oh I’ll go up 14:35 N 22 – 16 Planning
Oh my god! 14:39 N 22 – 17 Frustration
Frustrating haha bad luck 14:41 N 22 – 17 Encouragement
Ah is that 17 – 22? 14:43 N 22 – 17 Score check
Yeah 14:45 N 22 – 17
Good! Straight in the middle 14:51 N 23 – 17 Partner praise
of them
Thanks 14:56 N 23 – 17 General comment
23 – 17 14:58 N 23 – 17 Score check
Yep 14:59 N 23 – 17
Hit that! Go on! 15:05 Y 23 – 17 Encouragement
Yeeeesss! 15:07 N 24 – 17 Partner praise
It hit the side … inaudible* 15:11 N 24 – 17 Description
Sacrificing my body haha 15:15 N 24 – 17 Description
I got it 15:19 Y 24 – 17 Calling
You got it 15:28 Y 24 – 18 Calling
Is that in? 15:37 N 25 – 18 Point clarification
Good job 15:39 N 25 – 18 Partner praise
25, are you on 18? Yeah 25 – N 25 – 18 Score check
I got it 15:51 Y 25 – 18 Calling
Ooo that’s long 15:52 Y 25 – 18 Anticipation
Inaudible** 15:59 N 26 – 18 General comment
Yeah it was tough, yeah I was 16:00 N 26 – 18 Reflection
like you’re gonna win that
point if it goes over
18 – 26 16:06 N 26 – 18 Score check
I’ll go up 16:10 Y 26 – 18 Planning
Oh good angle 16:12 N 27 – 18 Partner praise
I got help from the metal bit 16:14 N 27 – 18 Description; low
27 – 18 16:17 N 27 – 18 Score check
Yours yours 16:22 Y 27 – 18 Calling
Me 16:22 Y 27 – 18 Calling
Oh sorry I should’ve got that 16:25 N 27 – 19 Miscommunication
Ah that should’ve been me 16:25 N 27 – 19 Miscommunication
That’s a tough one 16:28 N 27 – 19 Reflection
Um 27 – 19 16:29 N 27 – 19 Score check
Yep 16:30 N 27 – 19 Score check
Yeah uh meant to do that 16:38 N 28 – 19 Ownership
28 – 19 16:42 N 28 – 19 Score check
Wooo 16:46 N 29 – 19 Enjoyment
Did he touch that? 16:47 N 29 – 19 Point clarification
That’s your serve 16:51 N 29 – 19 Planning
I was gonna play it haha 16:52 N 29 – 19 Reflection
29 – 19 16:54 N 29 – 19 Score check
Oh yes, that was so good 16:57 N 30 – 19 Partner praise
30 – 19 17:06 N 30 – 19 Score check
Ooooh 17:08 N 30 – 20 Frustration
Oh no 17:09 N 30 – 20 Frustration
Two can play at that game 17:10 N 30 – 20 General comment
Head shots haha 17:11 N 30 – 20 Description
Ah 30 – 20 17:17 N 30 – 20 Score check
Did that go over? 17:20 N 30 – 20 Point clarification
Ooo nah that was under 17:21 N 30 – 20 Point clarification
Yours 17:26 Y 30 – 20 Calling
Wait, oh I should’ve left it on 17:28 N 30 – 21 Low confidence;
this side shouldn’t I Reflection
30 – 21 17:30 N 30 – 21 Score check
I’ll call that for you 17:30 N 30 – 21 Planning
Myn 17:34 Y 30 – 21 Calling
Switch 17:38 N 31 – 21 Planning
31 17:40 N 31 – 21 Score check
31, what did you guys get, 17:41 N 31 – 21 Score check
Yep 31 – 22 17:44 N 31 – 22 Score check
Hit that! 17:47 Y 31 – 22 Encouragement
32 – 22 17:53 N 32 – 22 Score check
32 – 22 17:54 N 32 – 22 Score check
Sorry 17:56 N 32 – 22 Ownership
Yep 18:00 Y 32 – 22 General comment
Yours yours yours 18:01 Y 32 – 22 Calling
Go, oooo 18:03 N 32 – 22 Encouragement
Yours yours 18:15 Y 32 – 23 Calling
Yeeeesss 18:18 N 33 – 23 Partner praise
33 – 23? 18:19 N 33 – 23 Score check
You ended on 23 18:25 N 33 – 23 Score check
I reckon we only got 39 18:32 N 33 – 23 Reflection
between us last week
Good game 18:35 N 33 – 23 Partner praise

Game 4 (31 – 19), 20th of May

Verbalisations Time stamp Durin Score Code
(Black – me) (Blue – other) g
Home court advantage 0:02 N 0–0 General comment;
Alright 0:06 N 0–0 General comment
I got it 0:09 Y 0–0 Calling
Are we switching for the first 0:12 N 1–0 Planning
Oh yours 0:21 Y 1–0 Calling
Short! 0:23 Y 1–0 Anticipation
2 nil 0:26 N 2–0 Score check
Yours 0:31 Y 2–0 Calling
You got it 0:34 Y 2–0 Calling
Ooooo 0:35 N 2–1 Frustration
Oh bad luck 0:35 N 2–1 Encouragement
Ah 2 – 1 0:38 N 2–1 Score check
2–1 0:39 N 2–1 Score check
Yours 0:44 Y 2–1 Calling
Oh that’s back here I 0:45 N 2–2 Miscommunication;
shouldn’t do that low confidence
Oh we should’ve, I’ll call 0:47 N 2–2 Planning
that, yeah
Oh, the backhands 0:59 N 2–3 Reflection
3–2 1:03 N 2–3 Score check
Yes 1:04 N 2–3
Yeah, alright I’ll take the 1:04 N 2–3 Planning
deep one
In 1:11 Y 2–3 Anticipation
Switch 1:16 N 3–3 Planning
I’m not very good at hitting 1:20 N 3–2 Reflection
back to them (change)
3 – 2? 1:25 N 3–2 Score check
3 – 2? 1:26 N 3–2 Score check
Yep 1:27 N 3–2
5–2 1:42 N 5–2 Score check
2 – 5, yep 1:43 N 5–2 Score check
Thanks 1:47 N 5–2 General comment
Hit that! 1:52 Y 5–2 Encouragement
Oooo bad luck 1:53 N 5–3 Encouragement
4 – 3? 1:56 N 5–3 Score check
Yep, or 5 – 3? 1:57 N 5–3 Score check
5 – 3, yep sorry 1:59 N 5–3 Score check
I got it 2:01 Y 5–3 Calling
Hit that, good 2:05 Y 5–3 Partner praise
Switch 2:08 N 6–3 Planning
6–3 2:09 N 6–3 Score check
I hate that when its right at 2:11 N 6–3 Low confidence;
you Reflection
Ah 6 – 3? 2:13 N 6–3 Score check
Yep 2:13 N 6–3
Yours yours 2:19 Y 6–3 Calling
Good good 2:22 Y 6–3 Partner praise
Out! 2:24 Y 6–3 Anticipation
Out! Ahhhh good shot 2:24 N 7–3 Anticipation
7 – 3? 2:28 N 7–3 Score check
Yep 2:29 N 7–3
Yours 2:32 Y 7–3 Calling
Wooo 2:40 N 8–3 Enjoyment
Ah that’s still you 2:40 N 8–3 Point clarification
Ah 8 2:48 N 8–3 Score check
8–3 2:48 N 8–3 Score check
Yep 2:49 N 8–3
Yours 2:54 Y 8–3 Calling
You got it 2:55 Y 8–3 Calling
Oh that’s real high 2:56 Y 8–3 Description
Do you want me to leave that 2:59 N 8–4 Reflection
one for you or because its the
Yeah I reckon 3:01 N 8–4 Reflection
Leave it, alright, I’ll leave it 3:02 N 8–4 Planning
8–4 3:03 N 8–4 Score check
In 3:07 Y 8–4 Anticipation
I got it 3:10 Y 8–4 Calling
Ah 9 – 4 3:18 N 9–4 Score check
Yep 3:19 N 9–4 General comment
Ooh no 3:37 N 9–5 Frustration
Ooh sorry haha so sorry 3:41 N 9–5 Ownership
I get it I made a mistake haha 3:45 N 9–5 Enjoyment
Ah 9 – 5? 3:48 N 9–5 Score check
Yep 3:50 N 9–5
Yep 3:50 N 9–5
Good shot! 3:53 N 10 – 5 Partner praise
I got help! It hit the metal bit 3:56 N 10 – 5 Description
so it was like a, ah yep
10 – 5 4:00 N 10 – 5 Score check
11 – 5 4:07 N 11 – 5 Score check
Good shot 4:12 N 11 – 6 Partner praise
I swear she touched that 4:15 N 11 – 6 Point clarification
Ah 6 – 10, or 11? 4:19 N 11 – 6 Score check
We’re on 11, 11 – 6 yep 4:20 N 11 – 6 Score check
In 4:25 Y 11 – 6 Anticipation
Good shot, over the head 4:28 N 12 – 6 Partner praise
12 – 6 4:29 N 12 – 6 Score check
Ooh that’s myn sorry 4:40 N 12 – 7 Miscommunication
Nah that’s a tough one 4:41 N 12 – 7 Reflection
12, something 4:46 N 12 – 7 Score check
Myn 4:48 Y 12 – 7 Calling
You got it 4:48 Y 12 – 7 Calling
Hit it 4:51 Y 12 – 7 Encouragement
Good angle 4:53 N 13 – 7 Partner praise
It hit the rim haha 4:54 N 13 – 7 Description
Yeah that happened to me too 4:55 N 13 – 7 Description
13 – 7 4:58 N 13 – 7 Score check
We got like a minute, oh 5:08 N 14 – 7 General comment
I need to start talking I feel 5:09 N 14 – 7 Planning
like, oh its my serve again
isn’t it
We got like less than a 5:11 N 14 – 7 General comment
minute I think, couple more
Good job 5:19 N 15 – 7 Partner praise
Whats that, 15 – 7 ? 5:21 N 15 – 7 Score check
15 – 7 5:22 N 15 – 7 Score check
Yours 5:38 Y 15 – 7 Calling
Leave it, oh yours 5:40 Y 15 – 7 Anticipation; Calling
Good job, good angle 5:43 N 16 – 7 Partner praise
Ah 16? 5:46 N 16 – 7 Score check
Yeah 5:47 N 16 – 7
Ooo nearly 5:55 N 17 – 7 Encouragement
Sorry 6:02 N 17 – 7 Ownership
That’s okay 6:03 N 17 – 7 Encouragement
Good shot 6:11 N 17 – 8 Partner praise
Did that go over? 6:12 N 17 – 8 Point clarification
Yeah it did 6:12 N 17 – 8 Point clarification
17 – 8 6:13 N 17 – 8 Score check
Switch sides 6:15 N 17 – 8 Planning
Its good I think keep hitting 6:18 N 17 – 8 Half time planning
Yeah 6:19 N 17 – 8 General comment
Um, I just need to talk 6:24 N 17 – 8 Half time planning;
low confidence
All my coding is like myn, 6:26 N 17 – 8 General comment
yours, good, myn, sorry
Short, deep, yeah, um 6:29 N 17 – 8 General comment
I reckon we can still be, like 6:34 N 17 – 8 Half time planning
hit it a bit harder
Yeah 6:35 N 17 – 8 General comment
And try and get through it 6:37 N 17 – 8 Half time planning
quickly, like just to try and
get points like because our
points are fairly short so can
just keep going and going
Yeah, pass them back quickly 6:42 N 17 – 8 Half time planning
Yeah look haha 6:47 N 17 – 8 General comment
Oh they’re all leaving 6:52 N 17 – 8 General comment
And we’ve gotta download 2 6:55 N 17 – 8 General comment
Mm that’s gonna take a while 6:57 N 17 – 8 General comment
Alright, should we start 6:57 N 17 – 8 General comment
Switch ends 6:59 N 17 – 8 Planning
Is that 17 – 8? 7:02 N 17 – 8 Score check
Ah yeah 7:04 N 17 – 8
This side trips me out, I think 7:07 N 17 – 8 Description; low
it’s everything in the confidence
Yeah and the, like the 7:09 N 17 – 8 Description
windows and stuff
C’mon Sam haha 7:18 N 17 – 8 General comment
Should we start? 7:19 N 17 – 8 General comment
Yeah, alright 7:21 N 17 – 8 General comment
We’re starting Sam 7:22 N 17 – 8 General comment
You got 7:26 Y 17 – 8 Calling
Yours 7:27 Y 17 – 8 Calling
Oh bad luck 7:29 N 17 – 9 Encouragement
That didn’t count haha 7:29 N 17 – 9 Enjoyment
Haha replay 7:31 N 17 – 9 Enjoyment
17 – 9 7:34 N 17 – 9 Score check
In 7:36 Y 17 – 9 Anticipation
You got it, good 7:39 Y 17 – 9 Calling; Partner praise
Out out out 7:41 Y 17 – 9 Anticipation
Ah 18 – 9 7:45 N 18 – 9 Score check
Yep 7:46 N 18 – 9
Good job 7:54 Y 18 – 9 Partner praise
So close haha 7:56 N 19 – 9 Encouragement
20 – 9 8:00 N 20 – 9 Score check
I got ya 8:04 Y 20 – 9 Calling
Inaudible* 8:07 N 20 – 10 General comment
Nah it’s on my side 8:08 N 20 – 10 Reflection
Short 8:19 N 20 – 10 Anticipation
That’s alright have another 8:19 N 20 – 10 Encouragement
Yep go for it 8:20 N 20 – 10 Encouragement
In 8:27 Y 20 – 10 Anticipation
Good job 8:29 Y 20 – 10 Partner praise
You got it 8:30 Y 20 – 10 Calling
Oh I had it, that’s poor 8:31 N 20 – 11 Reflection; Ownership
Myn 8:41 Y 20 – 11 Calling
Ah sorry haha 8:57 N 20 – 13 Miscommunication
Nah that’s me, I need to 8:58 N 20 – 13 Miscommunication:
come across Reflection
It’s always the start of the 9:00 N 20 – 13 Reflection
second half, we drop off,
alright let’s go
Myn 9:07 Y 20 – 13 Calling
Good, yes, yes! 9:09 Y 20 – 13 Partner praise
What are you guys on? 9:18 N 21 – 13 Score check
Um 21 – 13 9:19 N 21 – 13 Score check
Yep 9:20 N 21 – 13
Oh shit 9:23 Y 21 – 13 Desperation
Oooh that’s just in 9:25 N 22 – 13 Point clarification
It was in? 9:28 N 22 – 13 Point clarification
I don’t know, I don’t care, 9:29 N 22 – 13 Point clarification
Ah 22 – 13 9:34 N 22 – 13 Score check
Oh yes 9:38 Y 22 – 13 Partner praise
Hit that hit that! 9:39 Y 22 – 13 Encouragement
Yes! Deserved that 9:40 N 23 – 13 Partner praise
23 – 13 yeah 9:50 N 23 – 13 Score check
In in in 9:57 Y 23 – 13 Anticipation
Good job 9:58 Y 23 – 13 Partner praise
Yours yours 10:00 Y 23 – 13 Calling
Ah 24 – 13 10:06 N 24 – 13 Score check
Yep 10:07 N 24 – 13
Oo I’ll come up 10:10 N 24 – 13 Planning
Sorry sorry haha 10:15 N 24 – 14 Ownership
You’re fine haha 10:16 N 24 – 14 Encouragement
Ah 24 – 14 10:17 N 24 – 14 Score check
I don’t know what to do for 10:18 N 24 – 14 Reflection
those haha
Short short 10:26 Y 24 - 14 Anticipation
So hard to tell if it’s coming 10:28 N 24 – 15 Reflection; low
over confidence
That’s a tough one 10:29 N 24 – 15 Reflection
24 – 15 10:31 N 24 – 15 Score check
Yep 10:32 N 24 – 15
You got it 10:33 Y 24 – 15 Calling
Yours yours 10:35 Y 24 – 15 Calling
Good! 10:37 N 25 – 15 Partner praise
Yes! Is that in? 11:01 N 26 – 15 Point clarification
My hand is so sweaty on the 11:06 N 26 – 15 General comment
Yeah they’re not the greatest 11:08 N 26 – 15 General comment
Ah 26 – 14 11:09 N 26 – 14 Score check
Yep 11:10 N 26 – 14
Yep 11:10 N 26 – 14
Thanks 11:12 N 26 – 14 General comment
I got it 11:18 N 26 – 14 Calling
Its just at that awkward 11:23 N 26 – 15 Reflection; low
height confidence
Ah 26 – 15 11:26 N 26 – 15 Score check
Yep 11:27 N 26 – 15
Switch 11:36 N 27 – 15 Planning
27 – 15 11:37 N 27 – 15 Score check
28 11:48 N 28 – 15 Score check
Yep 11:49 N 28 – 15
Oh shit 11:55 Y 28 – 15 Frustration
Sis did not read that well 11:56 N 29 – 15 Frustration
29 – 15 11:58 N 29 – 15 Score check
Yours, oh the backhand 12:04 Y 29 – 15 Calling: reflection; low
Oh so close 12:08 N 29 – 16 Encouragement
Leave it 12:13 Y 29 – 16 Anticipation
Oh, good leave 12:15 N 30 – 16 Partner praise
30 – 16 12:17 N 30 – 16 Score check
Yep 12:18 N 30 – 16
Short, hit that! 12:24 Y 30 – 16 Anticipation:
Ooo just long, so close 12:27 N 30 – 17 Description;
One more minute I think 12:32 N 30 – 17 General comment
we’ve got
Hit that! Go on! 12:38 Y 30 – 17 Encouragement
Ive like bruised my wrist 12:44 N 30 – 18 General comment
from hitting it
That cookie jar 12:47 N 30 – 18 General comment
In, oooh you’re too strong 12:54 N 30 – 19 Partner praise
Ah 18 – 30? 13:03 N 30 – 18 Score check
Yeah let’s go with that 13:05 N 30 – 18
Good job 13:08 Y 30 – 18 Partner praise
Yes! Oh go 13:10 Y 30 – 18 Encouragement
I got behind you 13:12 Y 30 – 18 Planning
yours 13:13 Y 30 – 18 Calling
I got it I got it 13:14 Y 30 – 18 Calling
Yours 13:17 Y 30 – 18 Calling
Bad luck 13:24 N 30 – 19 Encouragement
30 – 19 13:26 N 30 – 19 Score check
Yep 13:27 N 30 – 19
Oh that was such a good 13:32 N 31 – 19 Partner praise
Shot 13:32 N 31 – 19 Partner praise
Wooo good job 13:36 N 31 – 19 Partner praise
Whats that, 31 – 19 13:37 N 31 – 19 Score check
31 – 19 13:38 N 31 – 19 Score check
Good job 13:39 N 31 – 19 Partner praise

Coding tally
Code Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Total
Anticipation 2 11 2 15 30
Calling 33 43 38 30 144
Partner praise 20 26 26 24 96
Point clarification 9 32 11 9 61
Planning 16 12 23 13 64
Score check 39 51 51 50 191
Frustration 12 21 14 4 51
Encouragement 6 7 6 18 37
Enjoyment 2 8 3 4 16
Low confidence 3 8 8 7 26
Reflection 9 8 24 14 55
Description 1 6 14 7 28
Desperation 1 0 4 1 6
Half time planning 6 6 10 5 27
Half time reflection 3 0 3 0 6
Ownership 2 3 4 6 15
General comment 7 19 28 26 80
Miscommunication 1 2 6 4 13
Sarcasm 0 2 0 0 2
Confidence 1 0 1 1 3

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