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NCS Plus Inc

Ncsplus Incorporated Debt bondage is classically defined as a situation when a person

provides a loan to another and uses his or her labor or services to repay the debt; when
the value of the work, as reasonably assessed, is not applied towards the liquidation of the
debt, the situation becomes one of debt bondage. See United Nations 1956
Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery. This was very common in
Ancient Greece. Debt Bondage was terminated by Solon the ruler of Greece at the time.

NCSPlus Incorporated Highlights of the NCSplus System

1. The Best Value in the Industry. No matter the age or the size of the balance, our entire
fee is always less than ten percent, sometimes as low as one percent of the monies
recovered. There is no "hidden percentage" charged after collection.

2. A Recovery Rate That Is Over Twice The National Average. NCS' unique flat-rate
system enables you to recover up to twice as much money as compared with percentage
based collection agencies...because our fee is the same regardless of the balance
outstanding, or how old the claim is. NCS works all of your accounts -- including smaller
and older claims. Our fixed-fee structure permits Cash Recovery System users to turn
over accounts at a significantly earlier aging period which substantially increases
recovered dollars.

3. Direct Pay - Gross Remit To You. All recovered money is sent directly from the
delinquent to you, not to your collection agency. NCS does not interfere with your cash
flow. If you prefer NCS will handle all debtor contact and debtor payments all for the
same low flat-fee per account.

4. Is It Easy To Use? Absolutely! You supply only the debtor's name, address and
balances due, in lists, on computer tape, on NCS Claim Forms, or on-line through our
web site - no cumbersome copies or backups are required. The completely computerized
NCS system provides you with monthly progress reports on all active accounts. Accounts
are easily reviewed and updated.

5. Are Delinquents Reported To Credit Bureaus? If you wish, NCS will report persistent
debtors to Experian, Transunion, and Equifax credit bureaus. The debtors will be given
ample warning. There is no fee charged for this important service.

NCS Plus

Debt is that which is owed; usually referencing assets owed, but the term can also cover
moral obligations and other interactions not requiring money. In the case of assets, debt is
a means of using future purchasing power in the present before a summation has been
earned. Some companies and corporations use debt as a part of their overall corporate
finance strategy.
A debt is created when a creditor agrees to lend a sum of assets to a debtor. In modern
society, debt is usually granted with expected repayment; in most cases, plus interest.
NCSPlus Incorporated
Prior to the early modern age, feudal and serfdom systems were the predominant political
and economic systems in Europe. These systems were based on the holding of all land in
fief or fee, and the resulting relation of lord to vassal, and was characterized by homage,
legal and military service of tenants, and forfeiture.

A modernization of the feudal system was "peonage", where debtors were bound in
servitude to their creditors until their debts were paid. Although peons are only obliged to
a creditor monetarily.
NCS Plus The word comes from the French dette and ultimately Latin debere (to owe),
from de habere (to have). The letter b in the word debt was reintroduced in the 17th
century, possibly by Samuel Johnson in his Dictionary of 1755— several other words that
had existed without a b had them reinserted at around that time.

Before a debt can be made, both the debtor and the creditor must agree on the manner in
which the debt will be repaid, known as the standard of deferred payment. This payment
is usually denominated as a sum of money in units of currency, but can sometimes be
denominated in terms of goods or services. Payment can be made in increments over a
period of time, or all at once at the end of the loan agreement.
Types of debt

A company uses various kinds of debt to finance its operations. The various types of debt
can generally be categorized into: 1) secured and unsecured debt, 2) private and public
debt, 3) syndicated and bilateral debt, and 4) other types of debt that display one or more
of the characteristics noted above.

A debt obligation is considered secured if creditors have recourse to the assets of the
company on a proprietary basis or otherwise ahead of general claims against the
company. Unsecured debt comprises financial obligations, where creditors do not have
recourse to the assets of the borrower to satisfy their claims.

Private debt comprises bank-loan type obligations, whether senior or mezzanine. Public
debt is a general definition covering all financial instruments that are freely tradeable on a
public exchange or over the counter, with few if any restrictions.

A basic loan is the simplest form of debt. It consists of an agreement to lend a principal
sum for a fixed period of time, to be repaid by a certain date. In commercial loans
interest, calculated as a percentage of the principal sum per year, will also have to be paid
by that date.

In some loans, the amount actually loaned to the debtor is less than the principal sum to
be repaid; the additional principal has the same economic effect as a higher interest rate
(see point (mortgage)), and is sometimes referred to as a banker's dozen, a play on
"baker's dozen" – owe twelve (a dozen), receive a loan of eleven (a banker's dozen). Note
that the effective interest rate is not equal to the discount: if one borrows and must repay ,
then this is (–)/ = 10% interest; however, if one borrows and must repay , then this is (–)/
= 11 1/9 % interest.

A syndicated loan is a loan that is granted to companies that wish to borrow more money
than any single lender is prepared to risk in a single loan, usually many millions of
dollars. In such a case, a syndicate of banks can each agree to put forward a portion of the
principal sum. Loan syndication is a risk management tool that allows the lead banks
underwriting the debt to reduce their risk and free up lending capacity.

A bond is a debt security issued by certain institutions such as companies and

governments. A bond entitles the holder to repayment of the principal sum, plus interest.
Bonds are issued to investors in a marketplace when an institution wishes to borrow
money. Bonds have a fixed lifetime, usually a number of years; with long-term bonds,
lasting over 30 years, being less common. At the end of the bond's life the money should
be repaid in full. Interest may be added to the end payment, or can be paid in regular
installments (known as coupons) during the life of the bond. Bonds may be traded in the
bond markets, and are widely used as relatively safe investments in comparison to equity.

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