9.H B.Inggris Teks Drama Cindelaras

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Drama Cindelaras

Class : IX – H
Group : 2

Angelika Novelina as Second Wife Dhea Anugrah as Healer

Dwiratih Ratna as Queen Farrell M. Hanau as King

M. Adlan Razaqa as Cindelaras M. Raihan Andika as Soldier


Long time ago, there lived a famous King, his name was Raden Putra. He
had a very beautiful wife, a Queen. They lived happily. But, Raden Putra not only
had one wife, but also he had two wives. One day, the second wife of King and
Queen looked intimacy that made her jealous of it.

Second Wife: "Ahhh! What's she doing with my King? And what wrong with me?
I'm more beautiful than the Queen! Oh my God! I hated the Queen!
What shall I do? Ok, I must get rid of the Queen!”

Then the second wife of King saw Healer who was passed later called

Second wife: “Hey you healer! Come here!"

The healers approached the second wife.

Healer: "What's going on? Can I help you?"

Second Wife: "I want you to tell the King that the Queen has hurt me!"
Healer: “I’m sorry, I'm sorry, I cannot do it because, the King would disappointed
surely hate me if I lied.”
Second Wife: "You! Listen to me! If you still want to live with peaceful in
here, you must do it!"
Healer: "What? Okay I will do it. “

Healers go and carry out the task of the second wife of King but suddenly he
turned again

Healer: "Sorry, I forgot what I should do before?"

Second Wife: “You’re, idiot! Don't you understand?”
Healer: “I understand!”

Healers do his task. The healers knock the King’s door and open the door

King: “What are you doing healer?”

Healer: “There is something trouble, King and I must say it to you”
King: “Healer says, what's the problem?”
Healer: “I'm sorry to say that but the second wife's you sick!”
King: "What? What is her disease?"
Healer: "I found poisons in her blood. She was drink with the Queen yesterday."
King: "With whom?"
Healer: "With the Queen yesterday, King."
King: "Are you sure? It's impossible, the Queen is the person kind. I don't believe
it. You must be lying to me!"
Healer: "No, Majesty. I'm not a liar, I just checked the condition of the second wife
and I got that information from the second wife maid."
King: "Healer you capture the queen to come here!"
Healer: “Both noble King!”

Then the healer arrest the queen but the Queen didn’t know the problem

Queen: "What happen my husband? Why you called me with the rude way like
King: "I'm really disappointed with you! I can't believe that you tried to kill my
second wife."
Queen: "I don't do anything to her. Trust me my husband. You must heard my
King: "Stop it! I don't want to hear you reason. Go away!
Queen: "Oh God. Trust me my husband, trust me!”

At the same time, the second wife be happy because she doesn't have a rival

Second Wife: "Hahahaha...! I had get rid of the Queen! I'm the winner. And
now, I’m the Queen. Hahaha...!"

In the woods, the Queen live not alone, the vice regent accompany her go to
the woods

Soldier: "I'm sorry Queen. I believe that you never do that. I hope you will be all
Queen: "Thank you soldier. Thank you so much! Surely the truth is revealed."

The King didn't know that the Queen was pregnant their child. And now the
Queen gave birth to a baby boy. He was so handsome and his name was
Cindelaras. Cindelaras grow to be a brave boy and smart. He was so polite and
love his mom so much someday he found a chicken has something magic. The
chicken can talk. And it was made Cindelaras surprised.

Cindelaras: “It's the greatest chicken I’ve ever met. I'll take you the palate to
fight with the King's cock.”

Upon arrival at the Kingdom. The cock was fighting. Cindelaras's cock can
beat the King's

Cindelaras: "Yess! I'm the winner!"

King: "Okay! I admit defeat, but who are you?"
Cindelaras: "I'm Cindelaras and my mother is the Queen who was expelled by
King: "What? I don't believe it but your mom was died."

Soldier suddenly approached King and Cindelaras and told all that occurred
during this.

Soldier: "No, she still life and she miss you Majesty!"
King: "I made a big mistake. Please forgive me my son, and I want to meet your

Later King Cindelaras Go to the woods to pick up the Queen back to the
kingdom and live with the King and Cindelaras. And they arrived in the jungle

King: "My Wife, if you'll forgive my mistakes? I'm sorry to have you out of the
kingdom. "
Queen: "Of course, I've long forgiven my husband."
King: "Thank you my wife forgives me. Do you want to live with me again in the
kingdom? "
Queen: "I followed my willingness Cindelaras alone. Cindelaras, if you want to
live with your father? "
Cindelaras: "I want the mother, as long as we live happily in there."

The lie's revealed and the King and his son with the Queen lived happily
ever after. The second wife was in the prison because her lie.

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