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Part 1: (7 points) There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three
pictures and a short recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick (√) in the box below

PART 2: (5 points) You will hear a man telling a group of students about a trip to the theater.
Listen and check () whether the statement is True (T) or False (F)

Statements T F
1. The coach will pick everyone up at the front gate
2. The students should read the play in advance.
3. The cost for the play is £3.50
4. The students won’t have time for a meal.
5. All students will get off at school.

Question 1-5: Listen and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer (5 points)

The Dinosaur Museum

* The museum closes at (1)_______________________________ p.m. on Mondays.
* The museum is not open on (2)________________________________________.
* School groups are met by tour guides in the (3)____________________________.
* The whole visit takes 90 minutes, including (4)______________________ minutes
for the guided tour.
*There are (5)________________ outside, at the back of the museum where students can
have lunch.
Questions 6-8: Circle three letters among A-G: Which THREE things can students have with
them in the museum?(3 points)
A. food B. water C. cameras D. books
E. bags F. pens G. worksheets


Part 1.(10 points) Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence.
1. Jane and Jack stood in front of the mirror and looked at ……………………..
a. herself b. himself c. themselves d. ourselves
2. Which one is …………… milk or orange juice?
a. better b. the best c. good d. well
3. They haven’t found the paintings ……………………from the museum.
a. steal b. stole c. stolen d. stealing
4. The smaller the room is, the …………….furniture it needs.
a. fewer b. smaller c. more d. less
5. Henry, …………….work have been famous in the world, was an American writer.
a. which b. that c. who d. none are correct
6. It took him ages to ………………… living in the new town.
a. use to b. get used to c. will used to d. will use to
7. The house was …………………………………… building.
a. a nice old stone b. a nice stone old c. a stone old nice d. an old nice stone
8. Nga had difficulties in bringing the heavy box, and Mai, her friend, offered to help.
Mai : “Need a hand with your heavy box, Nga ?” -Nga : “.....................”
a. I don’t need b. Not at all c. That’s very kind of you d. No, thanks
9. Peter: “ ...............?” Mary: “ Well , I’d like to see that dress”
a. Do you want anything b. May I help you
c. What would you like d. What do you want to do
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
10. She is a very generous old woman. She has given most of her wealth to the charity organization.
A. amicable B. hospitable C. mean D. kind
Part 2 (10 points). There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Identify the mistakes and write
the corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes. (00) has been done as an example.
Example: Line (00): in the world the world

0 When I left university I went traveling all over

00 in the world. I was so fascinated by New Zealand
1 that I decided to spend a year there. In order that
2 do so I had to find a job. However I had very
3 money to get by for a few of months, so needless to
4 say, I took the opportunity to travel around and see the
5 country. Everywhere I went, the people were the friendlier
6 than anywhen else I had ever been , which is important

7 when one traveling. The landscape was wonderful as well,
8 with the more richest variety of plant life I had
9 ever seen. I was also fascinated by the traditions
10 of Maori natives and took every opportunity to talk
11 to them. My journey were very enjoyable and I wanted
12 more than ever to say, but that was dependent on
13 finding a job. I hadn’t been looking for more than
14 a few days when I found a job as a waiter. Everyone person
15 at work was great and I really enjoyed my time there.

SECTION C. READING ( 35 points)

Part 1 (10 points). Fill ONE suitable word into each numbered blank. Write it in ‘Your answers’
I am learning English because I am studying law and when I finish my course, I(1)........ like to
work for a big company, or possibly, I will continue my(2) ......... in Britian or in the U.S.A. To do
(3) ........ of these things, it is important to reach a certain (4)........ of English. Another reason is (5) .......
I want to communicate with foreign people because nowadays countries are becoming closer and closer.
You need to be(6) ........ to speak a foreign language if you want to travel(7) ........ any problems. My
sister, who lives in England, says that life is very different there and the weather is not so good. Later
this year I am going to visit England and stay with my sister for two months. I hope to (8) ........ my
level of English. I am certainly looking(9)....... to spending the summer in England. After studying at
college for six weeks I will be going on holidays with my sister. We plan to hire a car and visit the
south west of the country, (10) ......... I have heard, is very interesting with lovely country.

Part 2 (10 points)

Most people think of computers as very modern ____(1), products of our new technological age.
But actually the idea for a computer ____(2) worked out over two centuries ago by a man ____(3)
Charles Babbage.
Babbage was born in 1791 and grew up to be a brilliant mathematician. He drew up plans for
several calculating machines ____ (4) he called “engines”. But despite the fact that he started building
some of these he never finished ____(5) of them. Over the years people have argue ____ (6) his
machines would ever work. ____ (7), however, the Science Museum in London has finished building an
engine based on one of Babbage’s designs ____ (8) has taken six years to complete and more than four
thousand part have been specially made. Whether it works or not, the machine will be ____ (9) show at
a special exhibition in the Science Museum to remind people ____(10) Babbage’s work.
1. A. discoveries B. inventions C. equipment D. means
2. A. was B. has C. had D. were
3. A. known B. recognized C. written D. named
4. A. whose B. who C. which D. these
5. A. some B. any C. both D. most
6. A. until B. whether C. while D. though
7. A. Fortunately B. Traditionally C. Recently D. Hardly
8. A. One B. He C. They D. It
9. A. in B. at C. on D. from
10. A. for B. of C. about D. with

Part 3 (10 points)

Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for each question.

History books recorded that the first film with sound was The Jazz Singer in 1927. But sound
films, or talkies, did not suddenly appear after years of silent screenings. From the earliest public
performances in 1896, films were accompanied by music and sound effects. These were produced by a

single pianist, a small band, or a full-scale orchestra; large movie theatres could buy sound-effect
machines. Research into sound that was reproduced at exactly the same time as the pictures – called
“synchronized sound” – began soon after the very first films were shown. With synchronized sound,
characters on the movie screen could sing and speak. As early as 1896, the newly invented gramophone,
which played a large disc carrying music and dialogue, was used as a sound system. The biggest
disadvantage was that the sound and the pictures could become unsynchronized if, for example, the
gramophone needle jumped or if the speed of projector changed. This system was only effective for a
single song or dialogue sequence.

In the “sound-on-film” system, sound was recorded as a series of marks on celluloid which
could be read by an optical sensor. These signals would be placed on the film alongside the image,
guaranteeing synchronization. Short feature films were produced in this ways as early as 1922. This
system eventually brought us “talking pictures”.

1. The passage is mainly about the __________.

A. history of silent movies. C. development of sound with movies.
B. disadvantages of synchronized sound. D. research into sound reproduction.
2. According to the passage, films using sound effects were screened __________.
A. before 1896. B. as early as 1896. C. as early as 1922. D. in 1927.
3. The word “screenings” is closest in meaning to __________.
A. projections. B. revelations. C. demonstrations. D. diversions.
4. Whish of the following is not mentioned as a producer of sound to accompany movies?
A. a jazz singer. B. a single pianist. C. a small band. D. a gramophone.
5. It can be referred that __________.
A. most movie theaters had a pianist.
B. sound-effects machines were not common because they were expensive.
C. orchestras couldn’t synchronize sound with the pictures.
D. gramophones were developed about the same time as moving pictures.
6. According to the passage, gramophones were ineffective because they __________.
A. got out of synchronization with the picture.
B. were too large for most movie theaters.
C. were newly invented and still had imperfections.
D. changed speeds when the needle jumped.
7. The word “sequence” is closest in meaning to __________.
A. interpretation. B. progression. C. distribution. D. organization.
8. The phrase “these signals” refers to __________.
A. sounds. B. series. C. marks. D, sensors.
9. According to the passage, sound-on-film guaranteed synchronization because the recording was
A. made during the film of the picture. B. read by an optical sensor.
C, inserted beside the image on the film. D. marked on the gramophone.
10. Short feature films produced as early as 1922 __________.
A. were recorded by optical sensors. B. put musicians out of work.
C. were only effective for dialogue sequences. D. preceding talking pictures.

Part 4: (5 points) Read the article about a trip to the Grand Canyon. Five sentences have been
removed. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use. An example is given at the beginning (0). (1.0/ea)


The view from the top of the Grand Canyon in Arizona is famous all over the world, but if you go
several miles down and look back up, the view's even more amazing. O G The best way to reach the
floor of the canyon is by raft, or small rubber boat. And that's exactly what my friend and I did last year.

Our six-day adventure began with a lesson in packing our bags. When you book a rafting trip, you're
sent a list of the things to take with you. 1 It's a very, very short list! If it doesn't float, or might
harm the environment in the canyon, then it's not going with you.

All our normal kit went back into our suitcases to be delivered to the end point of the trip in six days'
time. If we ever got there, that is. By the time our talk on safety began, half of the group was nervous
about the trip. 2 We were about to meet our guides, pull on our life-jackets, and get into our
rafts. We'd only just discovered that on a scale of one to ten, when one is flat and easy, several of the
rapids - parts of the river which were difficult to travel through - ahead of us were perfect tens. We also
learned that once we set off, there was no going back.

Still, we strapped ourselves into the rafts and started to paddle. And that's when it all started to go right. A
lot of good feeling came from our seven-strong team of guides and raft leaders. We had the perfect mix,
from fresh young university graduates to river tour guides with forty years' experience. 3

At first, this mainly involved them yelling: 'Pull! Pull! Left! Left! Now right! I said right!' at us all. But
when we finally got it right, they took advantage of the occasional strange silence to tell us about the area.
We learned lots about the canyon's history, its plant and animal life, and even some old stories from the

As the days passed, and we went deeper and deeper into the canyon, the atmosphere became more and
more mysterious. 4 Nights were just as special because we slept under the stars. After all, there
were no campsites on the canyon floor. Our beds might have been basic, but our meals were anything but
that. The guides used the ingredients they'd carried in boxes on the rafts to cook some delicious meals,
with pancakes for breakfast and steaks for dinner.

There wasn't a lot of privacy and it's not the best holiday for people who like a daily shower and a clean
pair of socks every morning. 5 We didn't just look at the Grand Canyon as it towered ever higher
above us. We felt it. For six glorious days, we lived in it. The only bad thing was that on the very last day
we had a pretty difficult climb getting out of it!

A The rest of us were terrified.

B It was worth it so that we could talk about the view from below.

C From the start they never stopped talking, but we didn't mind that.

D At times, it felt almost magical.

E And if you're looking for the second page, there isn't one.

F But it's ideal if you want to see sights that very few others get to see.

G Getting all the way down there is, in fact, a holiday in itself.

Part 1 (05 points). Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. He has been working for this company for 6 years.
He started ________________________________.
2. I can’t understand him because he speaks so quickly.
If he didn’t _________________________________.
3. His house is more beautiful than my house.
My house is not _________________________________.
4. It was such an awful meal that we complained to the waiter.
The meal ___________________________________________.
5. Please do not smoke in this area of the restaurant.
Customers are requested _____________________________________.

Part 2.(05 points). Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. DO NOT change the word given. You must use between TWO
and FIVE words, including the word given. (5 points)
1. The firemen managed to put the fire out after five hours. succeeded
→ The firemen _____________________________________ out after five hours.
2. It takes five hours by car to reach the nearest hotel. drive
→ It is ____________________________________________ to the nearest hotel.
3. Are you familiar with his teaching style yet? used
→ Have you _______________________________________ his teaching style yet?
4. David impressed his new boss by settling down to work. good
→ David _____________________________________ his new boss by settling down to work.
5. “Is Peter likely to change his mind?” Rob asked. chance
→ “Is there _____________________________________ changing his mind?” Rob asked.

Part 3: (15 points) A new shopping centre has opened in your town, and you are going there on
Saturday. Write an email to your English friend Rosie. In your email, you should:
- Invite her to visit the shopping centre with you
- Explain why you want to go there
- Suggest a good place to meet.
Write about 80 – 100 words.
Dear Minh,

Best wishes.


NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020


Part 1. 1x 7 = 7 points

1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.A

Part 2: 5 x 1 = 5 points
Statements T F
1. The coach will pick everyone at the front gate 
2. The students should read the play in advance. 
3. The cost for the play is £3.50 
4. The students won’t have time for a meal. 
5. All students will get off at school. 
Part 3
Question 1-5: 1 x 5 = 5 points
1. 1.30
2. 25 December/Christmas Day/December 25th
3. car-park/parking lot
4. 45
5. (some) tables
Questions 6-8 1 x 3 = 3 points
6-8. (in any order) C-F-G


Part 1. 1 x 10 = 10 points

1.c 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.d 6.b 7.d 8.d 9.b 10.c

Part 2. 1 x 10 = 10 points. Identify the mistakes and write the corrections in the numbered boxes.

Line Mistakes Corrections Line Mistakes Corrections

1. 1 that to 6. 7 one traveling traveling
2. 2 very enough/ Þ 7. 8 the more richest the richest
3. 3 of Þ 8. 11 were was
4. 5 the friendlier friendlier/ 9. 13 hadn’t had
more friendly
5. 6 anywhen anywhere 10. 14 Everyone person Everyone


Part 1. 1 x 10 = 10 points
1. would 2. study 3. one 4. level 5. that
6. able 7. without 8. improve 9. forward 10. which
Part 2. 1 x 10 = 10 points

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 3. 1 x 10 = 10 points Đọc đoạn văn và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.

1.C 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D
6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10.D

Part 4 : 1x 5 = 5 points
1. E 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. F


Part 1 1 x 5 = 5 points.
1. He started working/ to work for this company 6 years ago.
2. If he didn’t speak so quickly./ more slowly, I would understand him.
3. My house is not as beautiful as his house.
4. The meal was so awful that we complained to the waiter.
5. Customers are requested not to smoke in this area of the restaurant.
Part 2. 1 x 5 = 5 points.
1. succeeded in putting the fire.
2. a five-hour drive
3. got used to
4. made a good impression on.
5. any chance of Peter
Part 3: (15 points)
- Style: 3
- Grammar and vocabulary: 4
- Length: 3
- Ideas: 5


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