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“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio


(Yellow Granex and Red Creole)

A. Site Selection

1. The area to be planted with bulb onions must be loose, friable and preferably of
sandy loam or clay loam type.

2. It must be devoid of nematodes or any of the harmful, soil-borne pests. If there is

prevalence of any pests apply Furadan or similar pesticide for this purpose.

3. It will be advantageous if the soil is rich in organic matter (5 to 10%) up to a

depth of 30 to 40 cm.

B. Seedbed Preparation

1. The soil for the seedbed must be loose and friable. If the soil is clayey it will be
advisable to add about 3-4 cm thick of rice hull and then burned.

2. Plow the seedbed and then harrow twice to pulverize the soil and ensure that the
weeds are eliminated.

3. Normally, 8 seedbeds will be needed for one hectare plantation, 1 lb (contents of

one can) per seedbed.

4. Further pulverize and level the soil of the seedbed and make a ridge around the
edges about 7 to 10 cm high.

5. Mix with the soil 200g of organic fertilizer per square meter. Then water the
seedbed to moisten the soil.

6. Broadcast the seeds carefully and evenly on the seedbed then cover with about 1
cm of topsoil mix with rice hull. To attain more or less equal distribution during
broadcasting mix the seeds with an equal weight of fine sand ( ½ kg of seeds with
½ kg of sand).
“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

7. Spray a mixture of 0.67% solution (100 ml of the fertilizer in 16 liters of water)

of foliar fertilizer and ½ % solution (80g of the fertilizer in 16 liters of water) of
ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) inorganic fertilizer, 15 days after seeding.

8. Spray the same mixture in Step B-7, at 10-day intervals.

C. Land Preparation Prepare the land thoroughly by means of plowing or

rotovating and 2 to 3 times harrowing. This operation will pulverize the soil as well
as eliminate the weeds.

1. If plot method is opted, the land is prepared as in the conventional method

described above (Step C-1). However, narrow plots are formed enough to plant
at least 10 rows of onion per plot.

2. Apply 20 bags of organic fertilizer per hectare by broadcasting onto the soil
before the last harrowing.

D. Transplanting and Care of Plants

1. Transplant one seedling per hill spaced 15 cm x 15 cm at least 40 days after


2. Dibble the seedling 1.0 cm deep into the soil, doing it carefully not to hurt the

3. Irrigate the field at various stages as follows:

3.1 1st - - - Right after mulching.

3.2 2nd - - - Two weeks after transplanting or after first application of fertilizer.

3.3 3rd - - - At 50 days after transplanting (DAT) which is early bulbing stage.

3.4 4th - - - At 60 DAT which is bulbing stage

3.5 5th - - - This is done depending on plant conditions and/or moisture status.
By experience, sandy loam soil will require 7 to 8 irrigations up to the time
of harvest.
“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

4. Fertilizer applications are done by following the prescribed rates and time of

4.1 Broadcast a mixture of 1 bag of urea (46-0-0) and 3 bags of complete (15-15-
15) fertilizers per hectare at 14 DAT.

4.2 Spray a mixture of 0.67% solution of foliar fertilizer (100 ml of the fertilizer
in 16 liters of water) and 1.0% solution of urea (160 grams of the fertilizer in
16 liters of water), at 25 DAT.

4.3 Repeat Step 4.1 at 40 DAT.

4.4 Repeat Step 4.2 at 55 DAT.

4.5 Broadcast a mixture of 3 bags of muriate of potash (0-0-60) and 3 bags of

complete (15-15-15) fertilizers per hectare at 60 DAT.

4.6 Repeat Step 4.4 at 75 DAT. It will be advisable to add to the fertilizer
mixture 1 % solution (160 g) of muriate of potash (0-0-60).

4.7 Repeat Step 4.6 at 90 DAT.

5. For weed control: Oneside, Ronstar and Machete are normally used. Follow
instructions given by the manufacturer.

6. For pests and diseases that normally affect onions the following means of
control are recommended:

6.1 For cutworms, apply 3-5 tbsp of Cypermethrin for every 16 liters of water as
soon as the pests occur and at 10-14 days intervals.

6.2 For thrips, use 2-3 tbsp of Formethanate for every 16 liters of water as soon
as pests occur and at 10-14 days intervals.

6.3 For fusarium, apply 2-3 tbsp of Captan, Mancozeb or Dithane M-45 for
every 16 liters of water and at 10-14 days intervals.
“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

E. Harvesting, Curing and Cleaning

1. Harvest the bulbs when the neck tissues had softened and closed and the leaves
turned yellow and fallen. It will be advisable to spray the crop with a ripening
agent 2 weeks before harvest to enhance the softening of the neck.

2. Pile the harvested bulbs on the paddy with the leaves covering the bulbs.

3. Trim the onion roots and leaves after they had fully wilted and dried and the
neck totally closed.

4. Cure the bulbs right after trimming by air-drying at room temperature.

5. Clean the bulbs by peeling off the outer peelings. Arrange in crates and keep in
well-ventilated place free from high moisture and exposure to the sun.
“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

Cost and Return for One-Hectare Onion (Yellow Granex) Production

1. Gross Income:
Projected Yield 25,000 kg at P10.00 / kg P 250,000

2. Operating Expenses:
2.1 Labor: Seedling Production
2.1.1 Seedbed Preparation:
Plowing & Harrowing: 6 MD @ P150 900
Plotting & Sowing: 12 MD @ P80 960
2.1.2 Watering / Fertilizer Application: 60 MD @ P80 4,800
2.1.3 Seedling Pulling: 24 MD @ P80 1,920

2.2 Land Preparation

2.2.1 Rotovation (4 passings) 1,800
2.2.2 Harrowing (Carabao handler + weeder) 1,220
2.2.3 Plotting (Handtractor, 2 passings 1,000
+ Carabao handler) 1,840
2.3 Planting: 80 MD @ P80 6,400
2.3.1 Weeding: 30 MD x 2 freg. x P80 4,800
2.3.2 Insecticide / Fungicide / Fertilizer
Application: 9 freg x 4 MD @ P100 3,600
2.3.3 Weedicide Application: 2 freg x 4 MD @ P100 800
2.3.4 Irrigation: 10 freg x 3 MD @ P100 3,000
2.4 Harvesting: 50 MD x P80 4,500
Total for Labor Expense P 37,540

2.5 Fertilizer Inputs

2.5.1 20 bags Plantmate Organic Fertilizer @ P 300.00 6,000
2.5.2 2 bags urea @ P550.00 1,100
2.5.3 9 bags 15 – 15 - 15 @ P530.00 4,770
2.5.4 3 bags 0 – 0 – 60 @ P550.00 1,650
2.5.5 6 liters Prime EC Foliar Fertilizer @ P200.00 1,200
Total for Fertilizers P 14,720

2.6 Crop Protection Chemicals

2.6.1 Onecide (1 li) 1,100
2.6.2 Ronstar (1 li) 600
2.6.3 Machete (1 li) 900
“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

2.6.4 Captan / Dithane M – 45 790

2.6.5 Fastac(Cypermmethrin) (1 li) 750
2.6.6 Formethanate (1 li) 750
Total for Crop Protection Chemicals P 4,890

2.7 Irrigation: Diesel: 20 liters @ P 17.00 340

Rent for Irrigation: P 700 per can of seeds 5,600
2.8 Seeds: 8 cans x P700 5,600
Total for Seeds and Irrigation P 11,540

3. Total Expenses: P 68,690

4. Net Income: P 250,000 –P68,690 P 181,310

Note: These figures are based on Philippine conditions.

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