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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris



A. Multiple Choice
Choose the Best Answer

Before the Dutch capitulation in 1942, the Japanese had identified Java as a major source of
labor. In the beginning the Romusha were promised good food, wages, and accommodation in
return for carrying out easy work for the Japanese. Few even brought their wives and children to
these camps. However, they, and be found themselves dumped in huts, driven to exhaustion
and brutally beaten by the Japanese and Korean guards. They were unable to buy extra food
and become sick, bewildered and frightened. As the number of Romusha volountering for the
work declined, the Japanese began using force and intimidation with the threat of punishment.
Using this method, the Japanese gained many laborers.

1. Why did people want to volunteer themselves to be Romusha?

a. They were promised to receive good food and wages by Japanese
b. It was a mandatory from their king and sultanate
c. They were asked by their family and colleagues to join
d. They wanted to develop the country with the help of the Japanese

e. They would live in prosperity by joining the Romusha

Romusha is a Japanese word for laborers, but it come to mean forced labor during the
Japanese accupation Indonesia during World War II. It is estimated that in Java, between 1 and
10 million Romusha were forced to work by the Japanese.
In April 1943, the Pekanbaru railway began to construct. The Romusha were used to
build the embankment, cutting and passes with nothing more than pickaxe and shovels. Later
in 1944 they also built the campt that the allied Prisoner of War {POW) live in along the length
of the railway. They also worked at miner for the coal mine near the village of Petai.

2. How did the Romusha build the railway in Pekanbaru?

a. They used modern tools
b. They used simple and traditional tools
c. The Japanese provided tools from their country
d. They were assisted by the prisoners of war

e. They were bare-handed when digging holes

3. “When liberation of the allied prisoners began at the end of the war, little was done to ensure the
wellbeing of the Romusha who were left”.
What is the meaning of bold word?
a. Health
b. Finance
c. Goodness
d. Condition
e. Prosperity

On November 10, Indonesia Celebrates Heroes day in remembrance of the battle of Surabaya which
started on that very date in the year 1945. The bloody battle took the place because Indonesians
refused to surrender their weaponry to British army. British army at that time was oart of the allied
Forces. The defiant Bung Tomo is the well-known revolutionary leader who played a very important
role in this battle.

4. Why do we celebrate Heroes day?

a. To inaugurate the founding of Surabaya city
b. To honor the struggle of Indonesia heroes and heroes against colonialism
c. To remember the struggle of the youth to drive the Japanese troop out of Surabaya
d. To commemorate the battle of Surabaya which started in 1945
e. To remember the agreement when Indonesian troops and militia refused to surrender
their weapon

The Battle all started because of a misunderstanding between Brithish tropps in Jakarta and those in
Surabaya, under the command of Brigadier A.W.WS. Mallaby already had an agreement with
Governor of east Java Mr. Surya. The agreement stated that the British would not ask Indonesian
troops and militia to surrender their weapon. However, the British plane from Jakarta dropped
leaflets all over Surabaya. The leaflet told Indonesians to do otherwise on October 27, 1945. This
action angered the Indonesia troops and militia leaders because they felt betrayed.

5. What triggrered the anger of Indonesians soldiers in Surabaya?

a. The death of Brigadier A.W.WS. Mallaby
b. The collapse of the Red Bridge because of the British bomb
c. The British troops’ attack towards Bung Tomo that suddenly occurred
d. The death of Indonesian fighters in Surabaya because of British betrayal
e. The non-compliance with the agreement signed by Mr. Surya and Mallaby

Following the Collapse of the VOC in 1799, administration of the Indies had fallen to the Dutch
government. However, the Netherlands fell to Napoleon Bonaparte in 1806, and Napoleon's brother
Louis was placed on the Dutch throne. Committed to the liberal ideas of the French revolution, Loouis
appointed Herman Daendels as a Governor General of the Indies to put the idea into practice. Who
defeated the Netherlands?
6. Who defeated the Netherlands?
a. Louis
b. The VOC
c. The British troops
d. Herman Daendels
e. Napoleon Bonaparte
7. “The defiant Bung Karno is well known revolutionary leader who played a very important
role in this battle.
What is the similar meaning of the bold word?
a. Brave
b. Strong
c. Assertive
d. Opposing
e. Charismatic

In the early morning of November 10, 1945, British troops began to advance into Surabaya
with cover from both naval and air bombardment. Although the Indonesian defended the
city heroically, the city was conquered within 3 days and the whole battle last in 3 weeks. In
total, between 6,000 and 16,000 died while casualties on the British side were about 600 to
2000. Battle of Surabaya caused Indonesia to loose weaponry which hampered the countries
independent strunggle. However, the battle provoked Indonesian and International mass to
rally for the country’s independent which made this battle especially important for
Indonesia national revolution.
8. How did the result of the battle on November 10,1945
a. British troops had to flee
b. Brigadier Mallaby was killed
c. British troops were defeated
d. Indonesian Army was defeated
e. Sir Philip Christison was killed

The Balinese had embraced Hinduism by the 7 th century CE. Mahendratta, the
mother of Airlangga (who ruled Java from 1019 to c. 1049), marriage Udayan. It triggered
the Javanese king and many Javanese Hindus migrated to Bali.
In 1284 Kertanegara, the last king of Tumapel (Singhasari) in Java, captured Bali, but
upon his death in 1292, the island regained its independence. Bali came under the rule of
the Majapahit Empire of eastern Java in1343 and contiud under the Majapahit’s until the
empire was overthrown in 1478 Moslems.
9. according to the text, what made the Javanese migrate to Bali?
a. The birth of Airlangga
b. The invasion of the Japanese troop to Bali
c. The capture of the last king of Tumapel in Bali
d. The marriage of Mahendratta with Udayana
e. The Dutch attacks that forced them to evacuate to Bali
In 1284 Kertanegara, the last king of Tumapel (Singhasari)in Java, captured Bali, but upon his
death in 1292, the island regained its independence. Bali came under the rule of the
Majapahit Empire of eastern Java in1343 and contiud under the Majapahit’s until the
empire was overthrown in 1478 Moslems.
10. What is the paragraph about?
a. The spread of Islam in Bali
b. The Balinese kingdom independent
c. The occupation history of Bali Island
d. Majapahit’s colonialization on Bali Island
e. The fight of Balinese people against colonialization

The following test is for number 11-12

The Dutch first visited Bali in 1597 when the island was divided into a number of warring
moslem states. The Dutch annexed the northern Balinese states of Buleleng and Jembrana
in 1882, and, in the 1894 Dutch invasion of bearby Lombok Island, the Balinese prince,
Anak agung Ketut, was killed. In 1906 the Dutch attacked Denpasar, massacred about
3,600 Balinese and captured the whole island.
Bali was then occupied by the Japanese during World War II. In 1946 a battle occurred
berween the Dutch troops and Indonesian revolutionary forces at Marga in western Bali.
The island became part of the Republic Indonesia in 1950.
11. When did Bali Island belong to Indonesia?
a. In 1597
b. In 1882
c. In 1906
d. In 1946
e. In 1950
12. “Bali came under the rule of Majapahit Empire of eastern Java in 1343 and continued under
the Majapahit’s until the empire was overthrown in 1478 by Moslem”.
What is the best replacement of the bold word?
a. Loaned
b. Defeated
c. Controlled
d. Returned
e. Taken over

I would like to tell you the legend from Java

Long ago, Mount Slamet was so high that could reach the sky. One day, several monkeys
climbed up the mountain and reach the top of it. Then, they took the stars on the sky which
made the art dark during the night. People were sad and gods were angry. The gods
commended Semar to solve the problem.
Semar cut the top of the mount Slamet. He trew the largest one to Cirebon which become
mount Ceremai and the smallest parts become Mount Clirit and Mount Tapak
13. What was the conflict about?
a. Mount Slamet was too high
b. The monkeys took the stars
c. Mount Slamet covered the stars
d. The monkeys climbed mount Slamet
e. People kept monkeys in mount Slamet
14. How did Semar solve the problem?
a. He moved the mountain to Cirebon
b. He reseized the stars from the monkeys
c. He brought the monkeys to Mount Ciremai
d. He stayed on the top of the mountain to keep it
e. He cut the top of the mountain into several parts

Yongker was a poor man. He lived with her mother. He collected firewood from the
forest, and the sold them in the market to fulfill their need.
One day, he went to the forest wood to look for wood, but he couldn’t find any. The
day was almost dark, so he look for a place to sleep. Finally he found a hut.
In the morning, suddenly the old man woke him up. The man asked why he slept
there. Yongker’s told him that he was lost when he look for wood.
Then the old man asked him to go to place near the hut. There were bamboo tree. The
old man knew that Yongker was kind, so he gave him great power. Yongker had to used it
wisely. Then the old man took a bamboo and hit him to try the power. Yongker did not feel
the pain. After giving the power, the man and the bamboo trees disappeared.
Later, Yongker helped people in need using his power. People named the place where
Yongker met the old man as ‘Bulu Pamali’ Bulu means ‘bamboo’ and Pamali means ‘gone
15. What does the story tell us about?
a. The wise old man
b. The strongest man
c. The legend of a place
d. Yongker and his family
e. The history of bamboo tree
16. Where did the story mostly take place?
a. In a hunt
b. In a market
c. In a village
d. In the woods
e. At Yongker’s house
17. The old man gave Yongker Supernatural power because of his______
a. Ability
b. Service
c. Poverty
d. Personality
e. Appearance
18. “Yongker had to use it wisely (paragraph 4).
What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
a. The pain
b. The wood
c. The power
d. The bamboo
e. The firewood
19. ‘Then the old man asked him to go to place near the hut. There were bamboo tree. The old
man knew that Yongker was kind, so he gave him great power’
what is the meaning of kind here?
a. jenis
b. warna
c. baik
d. jujur
e. ceria

The Legend of the dream Catcher

One upon a time, in the time that world still young, an old of the Lakota tribe
found his way up to the mountain. The leader of the tribes used to go to the mountains
for visions and insight, which the later passed onto their people.
There, the leader had a vision. Iktomi, the great trickster and a teacher of wisdom,
appeared to him in the form of a spider. He spoke to the leader in a sacred language.
Only the leader understood this language. Iktomi told the leader about life and other
truths. He told the leader how the circle of life kept moving and how all of the people
were born many times.”All os us have many faces every time we are born,” the spider
spoke. “and some of us are good and bad.
The spider spoke whilst weaving a circle out of the fathers and hair from the hoop
of the leader. “But you must remember to only mind the good things and good people. If
you do that, the good will steer you. But if you concentrate on the bad things, nothing
good will ever come your way”.
20. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To explain the process of making a dream catcher
b. To amuse the people with the story about a dream
c. To give a proper description about a dream catcher
d. To make a reader respect a certain cultural custom
e. To make the reader enjoy the process of making a dream catcher

When the wise spider talked, he made a perfect circle. He had started making a
circle from inside out. This had led to hole in the middle. Then, the spider spoke again.
“The web of tread will catch the good things if you believe in the good. And the bad things
will go out of the hole in the middle. Then, if you believe in the bad, the bad things will
stay and the good thing will go out of the hole in the middle”.
“Use this web to help yourself and your people. It can retain visions and dream”,
Iktomi finished. The Lakota elder was highly enlightened. So, he went back to his people
and passed the wisdom. Ever since then these tribes have believed in dream catcher and
have used them.
21. What was the leader expected to do?
a. To pass Iktomi’s message
b. To lead his people with Iktomi
c. To distribute dream catchers
d. To visit Iktomi on the mountain
e. To learn to trust other people

The Legend of the dream Catcher

One upon a time, in the time that world still young, an old of the Lakota tribe found
his way up to the mountain. The leader of the tribes used to go to the mountains for
visions and insight, which the later passed onto their people.
There, the leader had a vision. Iktomi, the great trickster and a teacher of wisdom,
appeared to him in the form of a spider. He spoke to the leader in a sacred language. Only
the leader understood this language. Iktomi told the leader about life and other truths.
He told the leader how the circle of life kept moving and how all of the people were born
many times.”All os us have many faces every time we are born,” the spider spoke. “and
some of us are good and bad.
The spider spoke whilst weaving a circle out of the fathers and hair from the hoop of
the leader. “But you must remember to only mind the good things and good people. If
you do that, the good will steer you. But if you concentrate on the bad things, nothing
good will ever come your way”.

22. What can we learn from the text?

a. It is good to ask for helpful advice
b. We must always stay positive in life
c. We need to be wise in solving our problem
d. It is important to take our time in order to enjoy our life
e. We need to work together to achieve happiness

When the wise spider talked, he made a perfect circle. He had started making a
circle from inside out. This had led to hole in the middle. Then, the spider spoke again.
“The web of tread will catch the good things if you believe in the good. And the bad things
will go out of the hole in the middle. Then, if you believe in the bad, the bad things will
stay and the good thing will go out of the hole in the middle”.
“Use this web to help yourself and your people. It can retain visions and dream”,
Iktomi finished. The Lakota elder was highly enlightened. So, he went back to his people
and passed the wisdom. Ever since then these tribes have believed in dream catcher and
have used them.
23. From the text, we know that_______
a. The leader was afraid of the spider
b. The leader also went to the mountain
c. Iktomi was one of the villager of the tribe
d. The villagers also believed in Iktomi’s wisdom
e. a dream catcher would keep away bad things

The following text is for number 24-25.

A long time ago, two boys went hunting with bows and arrows. They saw a blackbird
sitting in a tree. They were hungry, so they shot the bird with an arrow and made a fire to
cook the bird.
Just as the bird was ready to be eaten, a women walked out of the trees toward
them. “I’m very hungry,” she said to them. The boy took the cooked bird off the fire and
gave it to her.
The women sat down and ate a very bit of the meat. When she finished eating, she
stood up. “You are very kind to share what you have. I’m going to give you something in
return. Come back tomorrow to this exact spot.”
The next day, the boys returned . They looked at the place where the fir had been.
On the ground were strange tall plants with cobs covered with soft yellow seeds. The boys
had never seen anything like it.
“Let’s take this home and ask somebody what it is,” they said
No one in the village knew what it was. They all tested it and liked it. What should
this delicious present be called? The boy said, “We shall call it Tanchi.” and that is how
Tanchi, or corn, come to be

24. What is the story about?

a. Two kind hunters
b. The origin of corn
c. The grateful women
d. The women useful gift
e. Two generous boys
25. What is the lesson in this story?
a. We should be friend many people
b. we should be grateful for what we have
c. we will feel peaceful if we can help others
d. We may ask for other help to solve our problems
e. We will be rewarded if we are kind and generous

This text is for number 26-28

This story is about a poor widowed women who had a special gift for weaving
beautiful tapestries. Her three sons supported the family by cutting wood, while she spent
all her time all her time weaving a beautiful tapestry with flowing streams, fish, animals
and flowers. Her work on tapestry was finished at the end of three years.
One day as the sons were arguing about the tapestry, a gust of wind carried it out of
the widow and of into the eastern sky. One by one the three sons journeyed to retrieve
the tapestry.
At a mountain pass each son had to choose between completing a few difficult tasks
or taking a box of jewels. The first two son took the jewels and went off to the sky. The
youngest son completed three dangerous tasks and was whisked to a palace at the top of
Sun Mountain. There he found Three fairies weaving copies of his mother’s tapestry that
hung on the wall.
He stay at the night and woke to find the fairies gone and the tapestry rolled up next
to him. Soon he started for home, again completing three difficult tasks, carrying the
tapestry and thinking of one particular beautiful fairy.
His mother was overjoyed at seeing him and the tapestry. as he rolled it out on the
grass, it surrounded them and became their environment. at that moment, the animals
and flowers come tolife and the beautiful fairy he desired stepped out of the tapestry.
Then, you know the rest…the young couple become husband and wife.

26. Who took the box of the jewels?

a. all the sons
b. Her late husband
c. The first and the second son
d. The first and the third son
e. The second and the third son
27. Where did the youngest son find the tree fairies?
a. In the sky
b. In a cave
c. In a shop
d. In the middle of the forest
e. at the top of a mountain
28. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To persuade the reader
b. To amuse the reader
c. To explain a special thing
d. To describe an experience
e. To discuss the past thing

This text is for number 29-30

Mama. now I’m coming home

I’m not all you wished of me
A mother love for her son
Unspoken, and maybe
Yeah, I took your love granted
I need your arms to welcome me
But, a cold stone’s all I see

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still
Let my heart go
Mama, let my heart go

29. What does the singer wish?

a. His mother loves him forever
b. He could accompany his mother
c. His mother lets him become himself
d. His other lets him to be dependent
e. He is allowed to stay at home forever

30. How is the singer’s mother at that moment?

a. She has passed away
b. She says nothing to him
c. She stays alone at home
d. She loves him very much
e. She welcomes him warmly

The following text is for number 31-34

Lately I’ve been noticing

I say the same things he used to say
And I even find myself acting the very same way
I tap my finger on the table
To the rhythm in my soul
And I jingle the car keys
When I’m ready to go
When I look in the mirror
He’s right there in my eyes
Starin’ back at me and I realize

The older I get

The more I can see
How much he loved my mother and brother and me
And he did the best he could
And I only hope when I have my own family
That everyday I see
A little more of my father in me
31. What does the song tells us about?
a. The singer’s friend
b. The singer’s family
c. The singer’s father
d. The singer’s father
e. The singer’s brother
32. What does the singer describe the person in the song Lyric like?
a. Great
b. Patient
c. Honest
d. Cheerful
e. Humorous
33. From the song lyrics, we know that the singer_____the person in the song lyrics
a. loses
b. leaves
c. misses
d. looks like
e. reunite with
34. Which lines have the rhyming words?
a. Stanza 1: line 2 with line 3
b. Stanza 1 : line 4 with line 5
c. Stanza 2 : line 1 with line 2
d. Stanza 2 : line 3 with line 4
e. Stanza 3 : line 8 and line 9
The following text is for number 35-36

There is a hero if you look inside your heart

You don’t have to be afraid of what you are
There is an answer if you reach into your soul 35. What message can we learn from
the song?
And the sorrow that you know will melt away a. People face the world alone
And then a hero come along b. Allow anyone tear our dreams
With the strength to carry on c. The sorrow changes to sadness
And you cast your fears aside d. We never find the solution of
And you know you can survive our problems
So when you fell like hope is gone e. Don’t be afraid of what we are
Look inside you and be strong since everyone is a hero
And then you’ll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you 36. “With the strength to carry on”
What is the opposite of the word
It’s a long when you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
You can find love if you reach within yourself a. Truth
And emptiness you felt will disapear b. Power
c. Dream
d. Sorrow
e. Weakness

The following text is for number 37-40

I’m only one call away

I’ll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I’m only one, I’m only call away

Call me, a baby, if you need a friend

I just wanna give you love
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon
Reaching out to you, so take a chance

No matter where you go

You know you are not alone

Come along with me and don’t be scared

I just wanna set you free
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon
You and me can make it anywhere
For now, we can stay here for a while
Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile

And when you’re weak I’ll be strong

I’m gonna keep holding on
Now, don’t you worry, it won’t be long
Darling, and when you feel like hope is gone
Just run it to my arms

I’m only one call away

I’ll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I’m only one, I’m only one call away

37. What does the singer promise to the girl?

a. He will give her love
b. He will accompany her
c. He will always stay home
d. He will call her if she needs him
e. He will do whatever she asks him to do
38. “come along with me and don’t be scare”
What is the similar meaning of ‘scared?
a. Afraid
b. Deceived
c. Brave
d. Blushful
e. Embarrased
39. “I’ll be there to save the day”
What does the line mean?
a. The singer asks the girl to stay
b. The girl spend the day alone
c. The singer will cheer up the girl
d. The singer misses the girl every day
e. The singer will spend his day effectively
40. What is the message of the song?
a. The singer is the girl friend
b. The girl is afraid of the singer
c. The girl often avoids the singer
d. The singer will be ready whenever the girl needs him
e. The singer just needs to call the girl whenever he feels alone
B. Essay

Wild Things
(Verse 1)
Find table spaces
Say your social graces
Bow your hand, they’re pious here
But you and I, we’re pioneers
We make our own rules
Our own room, no bias here
Let ‘em sell what they are sellin’
There’re no buyer here
So gather all the rebel now
We’ll Rebel rause and sing aloud
We don’t care what they say no way, no way
And we will leave the empty chairs
to those who say we can't sit there
We're fine all by ourselves

So hey, we brought our drum and this is how we
No mistakin', we make our breaks, if you don't
like our 808s
Then leave us alone, 'cause we don't need your
We have no apologies for being

Find me where the wild things are (oh my, we'll
be alright, don't mind us)
Find me where the wild things are (oh my, we'll
be just fine,
Don’t mind us, yeah
Find me where the wild things are

(Verse 2)
I lose my balance on this eggshells
You tell me to tread, I’d rather be a wild one
Don’t wanna hang around the in crowd
The cool kids aren’t cool to me
They are not cooler than we are

We will cave our place into time and space.
We will find our way, or we’ll make a way, hey, he,
Find yu are great, don’t you hide your face

And let it shine, shine, shine, shine, shine, shine

1. What is the theme of the song?
2. What does the first stanza describe?
3. What is the singer advice for the listeners?
4. “We will cave our place into time and space.
We will find our way, or we’ll make a way,…”
What is the lines mean?
5. What can we learn from the song?

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