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Raphael- According to the Gazeta website , with the return to school in the USA , the
increase in contaminated by COVID-19 is absurd. The USA reaches the 170.858k death
mark after schools reopen . Estimated average of 1.000 deaths per day in the USA
Amanda- But, according to the G1 news website, most public school students do not have
internet, a snack (in some cases the only meal of the day), and a place to study. These are
the biggest obstacles to distance learning in public institutions.

Mariana- And, according to UOL, many students are finding it difficult to concentrate while
studying online, causing a low income, and social networks may be causing it. With
face-to-face teaching it would be easier to concentrate. Social isolation can affect their
mental health and end up generating anxiety.
Maria Clara- According to the BBC website, classes cannot go back because younger
children will not maintain social distance, they can forget and hug, play at any time, as if the
virus did not exist. With that, they can be contaminated, and transmit COVID-19 to their
family members.

Roberto- And, according to the Gazeta website, many children and young people have
contact with risk groups in the family, such as laps in face-to-face classes, these people can
transmit the disease to their families.
Amanda- According to the UOL website, face-to-face classes can be returned, as long as
they respect the distance of 1.5 meters
Mariana- using the digital thermometer, using the mask all day and only taking off to eat and
use alcohol gel.​A.ccording to the UOL website, face-to-face classes can be returned, as long
as they respect the distance of 1.5 meters, using the digital thermometer, using the mask all
day and only taking off to eat and use alcohol gelAcAccording to the UOL website,
face-to-face classes can be returned, as long as they respect the distance of 1.5 meters,
using the digital thermometer, using the mask all day and only taking off to eat and use
alcohol gelcording to the UOL website, face-to-face classes can be returned, as long as they
respect the distance of 1.5 meters, using the digital thermometer, using the mask all day and
only taking off to eat and use alcohol gelAccoAccording to the UOL website, face-to-face
classes can be returned, as long as they respect the distance of 1.5 meters, using the digital
thermometer, using the mask all day and only taking off to eat and use alcohol
gelrdiAccording to the UOL website, face-to-face classes can be returned, as long as they
respect the distance of 1.5 meters, using the digital thermometer, using the mask all day and
only taking off to eat and use alcohol gelng to the UOL website, face-to-face classes can be
returned, as long as they respect the distance of 1.5 meters, using the digital thermometer,
using the mask all day and only taking off to eat and use alcohol gel
Acr family members.According to the BBC .website, younger children will not maintain social
distance, they can forget and hug, play at any time, as if the virus did not exist. With that,
they can be contaminated, and transmit COVID-19 to their family members.AAccording to
the BBC website, younger children will not maintain social distance, they can forget and hug,
play at any time, as if the virus did not exist. With that, they can be contaminated, and
transmit COVID-19 to their family members.ccording to the BBC website, younger children
will not maintain social distance, they can forget and hug, play at any time, as if the virus did
not exist. With that, they can be contaminated, and transmit COVID-19 to their family
members.According to the BBC website, younger children will not maintain social distance,
they can forget and hug, play at any time, as if the virus did not exist. With that, they can be
contaminated, and transmit COVID-19 to their family members.According to the BBC
website, younger children will not maintain social distance, they can forget and hug, play at
fter schools 
any time, as if the virus did not exist. With that, they can be contam​

reopen . Estimated average of 1.000 deaths per day 

in the USA. to the Gazeta website , with the return 
to school in the USA , the increase in contaminated 
by COVID-19 is absurd. The USA reaches the 
170.858k death mark after schools reopen . 
Estimated average of 1.000 deaths per day in the 

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