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Recoletos de Bacolod Graduate School


Name: Roldan J. Manguiran

Date: September 13, 2020

Prepared by: Joel M. Bual, MAEd

General Instruction: Given the images, analyze and discuss using the following guidelines:
a. Discuss each of the images using three (3) paragraphs with 3-5 sentences. Use Times New
Roman-12 font size. Single spacing.
b. Indicate your discussions after each image. Follow the Introduction-Body-Conclusion model of
writing. Connect your sentences with transitional words.
c. Provide facts for your discussions and indicate your used references at the end.

Content and quality of ideas and facts: 48%
Organization (Introduction-Body-Conclusion) 29 %
Conventions (Grammar, usage, and mechanics, sentence construction): 19%
Total: 96%
The classroom serves as one of the most important venues in developing every single individual
learner. Teaching and learning would not be complete without implementation and evaluation,
both of which are mainly carried out in the classroom. Most of the class activities take place
while learners are seated. A classroom should always be conducive to learning. However, given
the view depicted in the picture above, it is clearly shown that there is no adequate space for
meaningful training and learning. There is a large number of students with only one teacher that
results to an over-crowded classroom. The quantity and quality of interaction in the class are
likely to be adversely affected due to lack of space for moving around the class and the
overwhelming number of students that the teacher has to deal with within a forty-minute lesson
(Ijaiya, 1999).
This is a very common scenario in the Philippine education set-up. Before the teachers and
learners were separated in time and space due to covid-19 pandemic, educational institutions in
the Philippines were over-crowded caused by the increasing number of enrolled learners and
shortage of teachers. The attention given to physical facilities is far from being adequate.
The system of education is seriously affected by lack of adequate funding and poor preparation.
The government must address this issue. As Article. XIV, Section 2 of 1987 Constitution
provides that the state shall establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate and integrated
system of education relevant to the needs of people and society, thus, the government must see to
it that educational institutions are adequately funded.
The family is as far as we know, the toughest institution we have. It is, in fact, the institution to
which we owe our humanity. This famous line of Margaret Mead accentuates the significant role
of parents in guiding their children to learn. For the longest time, the teaching and learning
process is only clipped on the idea that learning only takes place within the four walls of the
classroom. Contrarily, letting students learn is not an eight-hour job of the teacher only. It is a
twenty-four-hour job of the parents to see to it that their child is learning in every way. The
picture implies that parents can also facilitate learning, teaching their child certain types of
acceptable behavior, and see to it that the child develop in all aspects- physically, emotionally,
socially, and academically.
Learning always begins at home. Going back to the olden times, we can somehow connect the
situation in the picture to the time when there was no formal education. Children before learned
basic things from the folks in a community and learned reading, writing, and arithmetic which
were taught technically by their parents.
It is just that in the new normal of education, the role of parents in teaching and guiding their
children to learn is being highlighted. In the absence of teachers, the parents must be there
guiding their children to learn. This new normal reminds the parents to play their role in raising
their children to grow and develop holistically.
As we all face the challenge this global pandemic has given us, we can really see the important
role that technology plays most particularly in education. It is not only useful in reaching out
your students or teachers but also helpful for students and teachers to access all the information
they want. Said otherwise, infusing technology to learn. The girl in the picture uses her phone
not as a tool for leisure but as a support system to enhance learning capability.
It is very relevant in the new normal wherein blended learning is being practiced. The new
normal of education requires the utilization of technology given the different teaching modality.
Online platforms are being used during classes. Submission of school requirements is also done
Dealing with the challenges of distance learning requires the availability of gadgets and other
technological products and the adeptness to manipulate them. Technology supplements the
classroom curriculum and one of the sources of learning today. The advent of technology is
surging through all spheres of life. For us not to be left behind, we must integrate technology in
our lives and continue moving forward.

Vega, V., & Prieto, N., & Carreon, M. (2015). Social Dimensions of Education. Lorimar
Publishing House, Inc.
De Belen, Rustico T. (2019). Education Laws Jurisprudence and Governance, Jobal Publishing

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