Soal Pendalaman Materi - Hafid Roihan

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Jl. Raya …………………………….


Satuan Pendidikan :
Mata Pelajaran :
Kelas/Semester :
Waktu :
Hari dan Tanggal :

1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian Lembar Jawaban yang disediakan;
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab;
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah
soal kurang;
4. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah;
5. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar dengan menghitamkan bulatan jawaban;
6. Apabila Anda ingin memperbaiki/mengganti jawaban, bersihkan jawaban semula
dengan penghapus sampai bersih, kemudian hitamkan bulatan jawaban yang menurut
Anda benar;
7. Periksalah seluruh pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

1. Mrs. Carr : Good evening, George. Come in. How have you been?
George : Just fine, thank you. How are you?
Mrs. Carr : Oh, reasonably well.
George : Mrs. Carr, Albert, this is Mrs. Elaine Carr.
Albert : Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Carr.
Mrs. Carr : Pleased to meet you, Albert.
A. How do you do?
B. I would like to introduce a friend of mine.
C. I’ve heard so much about you.
D. Long time no see
E. Here you are!
2. Hello, I want you to meet my old friend, Sri Wulandari. I call ‘Sri’.
A. she
B. he
C. her
D. him
E. it
3. Mr. David : Hello, Mr. Jackson. Thank you for coming. I’m glad you could come. I really
appreciate it.
Mr. Jackson : Thank you, Mr. David.
Mr. David : Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Jackson.
A. Congratulations on the opening of your new branch office!
B. You did it!
C. How is your new branch office?
D. Is this your new branch office?
E. Congrats for you too!
4. You : Excuse me, but I was just admiring your bag.
Stranger : Oh, thank you.
A. That’s really bad!
B. I don’t like it at all.
C. Where did you buy it?
D. Is it your bag?
E. It’s really nice!
5. Merry : Ella, are you free this weekend?
Ella : Yes, I have no plan this weekend.
Merry : How about today?
Ella :
Merry : I see. Please send my best regard to your grand ma.
Ella : Okay
A. I gotta go
B. Sorry, I am going to go to the market.
C. I will visit my grand ma.
D. I am free
E. I don’t know yet
6. Read the following texts!
Gunung Tujuh Lake is one of the many Cukang Taneuh, which is original name for
lakes in Kabupaten Kerinci province. It is Green Canyon, is located in the Village of
an amazing tourist place to visit. Kertayasa, Cijulang District 31 km south of
Pangandaran. Green Canyon is located not so
The location of Gunung Tujuh Lake is in far from Batukaras and Nusawiru Airport.
Kecamatan Kayu Aro. It is about 50 km
from Sungai Penuh to Pelompek Village Green Canyon is a part of Cijulang River that
by public transport. Then, people climb and goes through a cave full of stalactite and
walk for another 4 km or for 2.5 hours. The stalagmite surrounded by two beautiful green
lake is surrounded by steep forest slopes hills.
and seven mountains. The highest peak of
Gunung Tujuh Lake is 1,950 meter above At the entrance of the cave, lies the Palatar
sea level. The length of the lake is 4,5 km waterfall. The waterfall gives the area cool
and the width is 3 km. It is a volcanic lake and fully adventurous atmosphere. Rock
and the highest in the Southeast Asia. The climbing, swimming, sailing and fishing are
temperature around the lake is very cold. some pastime famous activities in this area.
Besides waterfalls, you can also find
animals such as siamang, elephants and Boat can be rented at the Ciseureuh dock to
birds. reach the area. Green Canyon is facilitated
with boat docks, parking areas, food stalls,
Indeed, Gunung Tujuh Lake is really souvenir shops, rest rooms, and other
beautiful with a spectacular scenery. facilities.

(Bahasa Inggris, Intan Pariwara)

The text is about

A. Gunung Tujuh Lake is the highest lake Green Canyon is facilitated with boat
in the world docks, parking areas, food stalls, souvenir
shops, rest rooms, and other facilities
B. Gunung Tujuh Lake is surrounded by 8 Cukang Taneuh is located near Green
Mountains Canyon
C. Gunung Tujuh Lake is about sixty Palatar is the waterfall which gives the area
kilometres from Sungai Penuh to cool and fully adventurous atmosphere
Pelompek Village by public transport
D. Gunung Tujuh Lake is the highest Green Canyon is a part of Cijulang River
lakein the Southeast Asia that goes through a cave full of
stalactite and stalagmite surrounded by
two beautiful
green hills
E. Gunung Tujuh Lake has a hot People can rent a boat at the Ciseureuh
temperature dock
7. Read the following text!
Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum is a place to preserve the historical evidence of Mr. Soeharto's
struggle and service to the country and nation since early independence up to the era of
national development. As a tourist object, this museum also houses a number of the finest
works of art presented to Mr. and Mrs. Soeharto by friends as well as colleagues from all
concerns of the world. Through this booklet, one will have a glimpse at Purna Bhakti Pertiwi
Museum. It covers the meaning and material of the existing collections consisting of various
kinds and forms of work of art which makes this museum appealing to visit.
(Pathway to English, Erlangga)
According to the text, what is the importance of Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum?
A. as a place to remember Mr. Soeharto as a President of Republic Indonesia
B. as a reminder for us about Mr. Soeharto
C. a place to preserve the historical evidence of Mr. Soeharto's struggle to the country
D. a place to remember Mrs. Soeharto did when Mr. Soeharto became president
E. a place to keep Mr. President did with his people
The following text is for number 8 to 10
To preserve The Indonesian Cultural Heritage, especially ‘Batik’, the Art Extra- curricular
Class will hold a Batik- Making Seminar and Workshop for 4 sessions on Sunday, at 9 a.m. at
SMA 5 Auditorium. Those who would like to participate in this activity can contact Wirajati
at jati- or call at 08122971234
8. “To preserve The Indonesian Cultural Heritage, especially ‘Batik’, the Art Extra- curricular
Class will hold a Batik- Making Seminar and Workshop…”
The word ‘preserve’ is synonymous with
A. Neglect
B. Leave
C. Stay
D. Let
E. Protect
9. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. to inform the readers about making a batik dress
B. to inform the readers about The Indonesian Cultural Heritage
C. to inform the readers about Batik
D. to inform the readers about seminar and workshop
E. to inform the readers about a Batik- Making Seminar and Workshop
10. What should the participant do if he/ she wants to join the activity?
A. She/ he can contact the Principal
B. She/ he can contact the personal number of the committe
C. She/ he can come without RSVP
D. She/ he can come for 4 sessions
E. She/ he can come to the seminar without registering
11. Yudi : I heard that the students won’t be allowed to bring cellphones or tablets to school.
What would you say about that?
Dessy :
A. Please put it here.
B. I don’t think that’s a good idea.
C. That’s very kind of you.
D. There are many applications you can share.
E. Let’s see an electronic exhibition this afternoon.
The following text is for number 12 and 13
SMA Nusa Bangsa
JL. Pattimura No. 10
To: All members of Youth Red Cross
As members of Youth Red Cross, you have to be skillful at covering many areas dealing
with safety, especially after accidents have occurred.
Please attend the simulation of first aids to victims of accidents which will be performed by
the Search and Rescue Team:
Day/ Date : Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Time : 3 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Place : School yard
Be there or you’ll be behind.

Vita Almanda
Youth Red Cross Chairperson
12. Based on the text above, the invitation expression is
A. To: All members of Youth Red Cross
B. Be there or you’ll be behind
C. you have to be skillful at covering many areas dealing with safety
D. Please attend the simulation of first aids to victims of accidents
E. Day/ Date : Wednesday, October 11, 2017
13. Vita Alamanda invites all members of Youth Red Cross because she is
A. the VIP of the school
B. the Search and Rescue Team
C. skillful at covering many areas dealing with safety
D. member of the Youth Red Cross Chairperson
E. the Youth Red Cross Chairperson

The following text is for number 14 to 16

Technology has become so advanced that your smartphone is essential a working
computer. Students are starting to be encouraged to use technology such as laptops, computers,
and ipads during class. Many parents don’t want their kids to use technology during class
because they feel like their child wouldn’t use the smartphones for learning purposes, but
instead use them to send text messages, play games, and stay plugged into
social media outlets. The question we’re trying to cover in this essay is whether students
should be allowed to use smart phones in their schools.
Students are already encouraged to use other sources of technology in class such as
laptops and ipads to help increase their learning. Many teachers are already using projectors
which are linked to laptops and demonstrate how to complete an assignment. If you’re in higher
education such as college, you’re allowed to use your smartphone in class to complete any
work or take notes. But, when you’re in high school, you’re not allowed to use your
smartphones during class. If you can use smartphones in college, you should be able to use
smartphones in high school and middle school. There need to be set rules on what you can do
while using your smartphone.
In classes, many students use their phones to take pictures of lectures, power points and
record the lecture. The issue is that taking pictures and videos require special permission from
your professor. College students take pictures of lectures and then also record the class. This
can help them later when they need to study information. Now, one thing we do have to
consider is that college classes have students who need to pass the class, while in high school
it’s more of choice. So the motivation for using smartphones in high school and college is both
Many parents and staff members disagree that the use of smartphones would help their
classrooms. And while we get where they are coming from, that still doesn’t mean that students
shouldn’t be allowed to use their smartphones in class. For example, smartphones can be used
as calculators and can help anyone who is taking a math class. Regular calculators cost a lot
of money for a student to use, therefore using their phone is easier and more effective. Not only
that but students will be able to access their online courses and be able to follow the lecture
through power points. Lastly, students can also take pictures of PowerPoint slides and take
notes by using their phones. This would make it much easier than having them learn how to
take notes.
With the advancements in technology, we believe that smartphones should be used in
classrooms. They offer students and teacher instant access to any and all information. Of
course, they can’t be used during testing, quizzes, or other activities that could be considered
cheating. Therefore, they should only be used during the lecture. It would make taking notes
in class a brass, and for those students who want to ace the class, they would be able to access
the lecture if they recorded it at a later time and review materials.
14. The main idea of the text is
A. Technology has become so advanced that your smartphone is essential a
B. The students should be allowed to use smartphones in their schools
C. In classes, many students use their phones.
D. Many parents and staff members disagree of using smartphones in the classroom
E. Smartphones must be banned in the classroom
15. The communicative purpose of the text above is
A. to analyze the text about smartphones should be used in classrooms.
B. to discuss the smartphones should be used in classrooms
C. to entertain the readers about smartphones should be used in classrooms
D. to describe the smartphones
E. to retell the smartphones
16. According to the text, what is the advantage of using smartphones in the classroom?
A. It can be used for playing an online game
B. It can be used for cheating
C. It aims for texting their parents or friends
D. It offers the students and teacher instant access to any and all information
E. The students can stay plugged into social media outlets
The following text is for number 17 to 19
How A Cancer Is Formed
What is cancer? It is actually a group of more than one hundred separate diseases. Most
of us are fear from cancer It is reasonable because next to heart disease, cancer is the second
leading cause of death.
Cancer cells come from normal cells because of mutations of DNA. Those mutations
can occur spontaneously. The mutations may be also induced by other factors such as: nuclear
and electromagnetic radiation, viruses, bacteria and fungi, parasites, heat, chemicalsin the air,
water and food, mechanical cell-level injury, free radicals, evolution and ageing of DNA, etc.
All such factors can produce mutations that may start cancer.
Cancer cells are formed continuously in the organism. It is estimated that there are about
10,000 cancer cells at any given time in a healthy person. Why do some result in macroscopic-
level cancers and some do not? First, not all damaged cells can multiply and many of them die
quickly. Second, those which potentially divide and form cancer are effectively destroyed by
the mechanisms available to the immune system. Therefore, cancer develops if the immune
system is not working properly or the amount of cells produced is too great for the immune
system to eliminate.
17. The topic of the text is
A. The definition of cancer
B. Cancer is the second leading cause of death.
C. Cancer cells are formed continuously in the organism
D. The development of cancer
E. How cancer is formed
18. How is cancer formed?
A. It is formed because of viruses
B. It is formed because of mutations of DNA
C. It is formed because of nuclear radiation
D. It is formed because of electromagnetic radiation
E. It is formed because of evolution
19.“Therefore, cancer develops if the immune system is not working properly…”
The word ‘develops’ similar with
A. stop
B. end
C. compress
D. expand
E. decrease
20. William has been sick for almost a year. cancer, he must be treated at the hospital.
A. When
B. Because
C. Because of
D. Cause
E. Since
21. Student : You look so tired.
Mr. Adnan: Thank you.
A. May I help you?
B. May I help you to take some water?
C. Can you help me?
D. I need you to bring some water
E. I want you to bring some water
22. Dany : Good morning, Jane! Do you want an ice cream?
Jane : Oh, great! _ , I’d love one
Dany : Chocolate or Strawberry?
Jane : Chocolate, please.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is
A. Yes please
B. No, Thanks
C. Don’t bother
D. Never mind
E. Not for me
The following text is for number 23 to 25
Taylor, Inc694
Rockstar, Lane
Durham, NC 2778

Dear Human Resource Manager,

I just read an article in the New Observer about Taylor’s new computer Centre in North
Durham. I would like to apply for a position as an entry-level Programmer at the Centre.
I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and customs documentation. I am a fresh
graduate of De Vry Institute of Technology in Atlanta with an Associate degree in Computer
Science. In addition, I have taken a broad range of courses, I served as a computer consultant
at the college’s computer Centre Where I helped training computer user on new system.
I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and discuss how my education and
experience match your needs. You can reach me at (919)233-1552.


Raymond Krick
23. “You can reach me at . . .” (3rd paragraph)
The underlined word refers to . . .
A. Raymond Kirck
B. Readers
C. Taylor’s Inc Owner
D. Human Resource Manager
E. The Applicant
24. What will the human resources department probably do after reading the letter?
A. Evaluate the salary offered
B. Start working at Taylor, Inc.
C. Promote Mr. Krick to be a manager
D. Consider Mr. Krick for an interview
E. Expecting Mr. Kirck to revise the job applicant
25. What is the Raymond Krick’s reason writing the letter?
A. He was a fresh graduate
B. He will be happy to meet HRD.
C. He helped training computer user on new system.
D. He want to be an entry-level Programmer at the Centre.
E. He understood that Taylor produces both in-house and customs documentation.

The following text is for question 26 to 27

26. To whom is the caption addressed?

A. Next generatio
B. anyone who forgot the history
C. The repeater of history
D. anyone who do not have a history
E. anyone who can't gain anything from history
27. “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
What does the word “it” refer to?
A. history
B. next generation
C. anyone who cannot learn from history
D. history is doomed to repeat.
E. history cannot be learnt.
The following text is for question 28 and 29
Yogyakarta (JP)- National flag carrier Garuda Indonesia has temporarily diverted its
flights intended for Adisucipto Airport in Surakarta, Central Java, after one of its planes
overshot an Adisucipto runway lane on Wednesday night.
“All of Garuda Indonesia Indonesia flights heading toward Yogyakarta, for a total of
34 flights, now will (diverted) to Surakarta,” Garuda Indonesia VP of corporate
communications Benny S. Butarbutar said in an official statement on Thursday. The flights
include 10 coming from and going to Jakarta, three to and from Denpasar, Bali, two to and
from Makassar, South Sulawesi, and one flight from Surabaya, East Java.
The airline would provide a bus at Adisumarno Airport to transport passengers to
Yogyakarta. Garuda Indonesia is still evacuating the Boeing 737-800 NG, which slipped on
the runway and overshot a lane on Wednesday night. It carried 123 passengers, none of
whom were harmed. Garuda aims to finish evacuating the aircraft on Thursday afternoon. (bbn)
(Taken from:
28. What is the text about?
A. Redirect flights of Garuda Indonesia from Jogyakarta to Surakarta because of
B. Slipped plane accident in Adisucipto runway lane.
C. Evacuation of Garuda Indonesia after its accident.
D. Confirmation of Garuda Indonesia VP of corporate communication about overshot
E. The delay of Garuda Indonesia after one of its planes overshot an Adisucipto runway
29. From the monolog above, we can conclude that
A. Adisucipto Airport will be closed after the incident
B. Because of the incident, Garuda Indonesia redirected Yogyakarta flights to Surakarta
C. Garuda Indonesia supplied bus to support passengers from Surakarta to Yogyakarta
D. Garuda Indonesia had been finished evacuating its plane when this news was reported
E. There are a lot of passengers were harmed due to that accident
The following text is for question 30 and 31
Earthquake Aftershock hits Nepal and India, magnitude 6.7
A powerful earthquake aftershock hit Nepal and India on Sunday, causing a snowslide
in the Himalaya region and affecting buildings in New Delhi.
The United States Geological Survey said that the earthquake was of a 6.7 magnitude.
The earthquake is believed to have been less dangerous than Saturday’s earthquake that killed
at least 1,900 people with its 7.9 magnitude tremor.
“We have an aftershock no,” said Indian mountaineer Arjun Vajpai on a telephone call
with Reuters from his base camp, which is located 20 km from the Everest.
As Vajpai was speaking on the phone, the sound of the avalanche could be heard.
Additionally, according to a tweet from a Romanian climber, Alex Gavan, the aftershock had
triggered three avalanches.
30. What is the text about?
A. The United State Geological Survey.
B. The earthquake preceded by a volcano eruption.
C. An earthquake struck India and Nepal on Sunday.
D. Arjun Vajpai reported on a strong earthquake in India.
E. The sound of the snowslide could be heard from New Delhi.
31.Alex Gavan tweeted that the aftershock had set off three avalanches.
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Tremors
B. Disasters
C. Eruptions
D. Landslide
E. Snowslides
32. Daughter : Mom, can you help me with the English assignment? It’s too difficult for me.
Mother : I’m sorry, you have to do your task by yourself.
Daughter :
A. If only I’m able
B. If you would help me
C. If only I could
D. If it is easy enough
E. If it was easy enough
33. Erica : Let’s play badminton next Sunday afternoon at 4, will you?
Nana : OK. I’ll come if
A. It is raining
B. It isn’t rain
C. It doesn’t rain
D. It won’t rain
E. It don’t rain
The following text is for question 34 to 36
How to Make a Cheese Omelet
1 egg, 50 gr cheese, 1 cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper
Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese-grater, bowl, and plate
• Crack the egg into a bowl and whisk it with a fork until all is the same color.
• Add milk and whisk it well again
• Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir it
• Heat the oil in frying pan and pour the egg into the frying pan.
• When it is cooked, turn it over with spatula.
• When both sides are cooked, take it out of the pan.
• Season it with salt and pepper.
34. What is the purpose the text?
A. Teaching readers how to make their own cheese omelet
B. Telling readers how to make a business of cheese omelet
C. Informing reader’s ingredients and utensils to make omelet
D. Inviting readers to know how to make a cheese omelet
E. Helping readers how to make various types of omelet
35. What is the omelet made from?
A. Some ingredients
B. Some methods
C. Some ingredients and utensils
D. Egg, cheese, milk, oil, salt and pepper
E. Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grate, bowl and plate
36. What does ‘take it out of the pan’ mean?
A. Put the omelet out of the pan
B. Put the omelet off the pan
C. Remove the omelet from the pan
D. Place the omelet in the pan
E. Lay the omelet out of the pan
37. Rearrange the following jumbled sentence into the correct and meaningful procedure.
How to operate a digital thermometer:
(1) Wait for few second until you hear its beep sounds.
(2) To make sure the thermometer is working, switch it on first.
(3) Set the temperature to zero as you can see it from the indicator.
(4) Place the tip of the thermometer under your tongue, keep it in that position by closing
your lips.
(5) Take the thermometer out of your mouth and see your temperature
The correct arrangement is
A. 2,3,4,1,5
B. 2,3,4,5,1
C. 1,3,4,2,5
D. 2,1,4,3,5
E. 3,1,4,2,5
38. The paper that we use in our daily life from wood or tree.
A. make
B. made
C. are made by
D. are made from
E. is made from
The following text is for number 39 and 40
Titanium – Sia Furler
You shout it out,
But I can’t hear a word you say
I’m talking loud, not saying much
I’m criticized, but all your bullets ricochet
You shoot me down, but I get up
I’m bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won’t fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won’t fall
I am titanium
Cut me down
But it’s you who’ll have further to fall
Ghost and haunted love
Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones
I’m talking loud not saying much
39. What is the song about?
A. How to get away from fire accident
B. Being stronger whatever others try to discourage yo
C. How to get away from a person who tries to shoot you
D. Being able to control yourself when you get angry
E. Being able to get away from any danger
40. “I’m bulletproof, nothing to lose.” The word ‘nothing to lose’ means _
A. irritated
B. impatient
C. anxious
D. nervous
E. easy going

41. Fill in the blank with the most correct word!
My sister and I went to see a film last night. It was an American movie called The
Lost Flight.
42. Read the following text and fill in the blank with the most correct word!
Bandung, 5 November 2017
To my beloved friend, Aurora.
In Paris
Hello Aurora, How are you today? Hopefully you are fine. It's been a while since you
left me here alone, huhuhu so sad. My family and I here are missing you a lot.
How is Paris? I guess It’s very beautiful. Winter is coming soon right? Ah, I really
want to know how the winter is. But, the most importantly, please wear warm outfits and don't
get sick.
With Love,
43. Rearrange the following sentence into a correct dialog!
(1) Here it is.
(2) What can I do for you, Mam?
(3) Thank you.
(4) I need a pair of shoes
(2) What can I do for you, Mam?
(4) I need a pair of shoes
(1) Here it is.
(3) Thank you.

The following text is for number 44 and 45

Greta Thunberg nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Swedish MPs
Agence France-Presse
Stockholm, Sweden / Fri, January 31, 2020 / 04:03 pm
Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg and the global protest movement "Fridays for
Future" were nominated Thursday for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize by two Swedish lawmakers.
"Greta Thunberg is a climate activist, and the main reason she deserves the Nobel Peace
Prize is that despite her young age, she has worked hard to make politicians open their eyes to
the climate crisis," Left Party parliamentarians Jens Holm and Hakan Svenneling wrote in a
letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
"The climate crisis will produce new conflicts and ultimately wars. Action for reducing
our emissions and complying with the Paris Agreement is therefore also an act of making
peace," they said.
The pair added that without the Fridays For Future movement and Greta Thunberg, "the
climate issue would not have been on the agenda to such an extent as it is today."
Thunberg, 17, was mentioned as a possible Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2019, when
the honor ultimately went to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for his efforts to resolve
a long-running conflict with neighboring Eritrea.
In just over a year, the climate activist, who suffers from a form of autism called
Asperger's, has become the voice of a generation haunted by the climate crisis.
She began her "School Strike for the Climate" outside the Swedish parliament in August
2018, and has since inspired and mobilized millions of young people to get involved.
Nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize must be submitted by February 1 to the
Norwegian Nobel Committee. Thousands of people are eligible to propose candidates,
including former laureates, some university professors, lawmakers and government ministers
around the world, and current and former Norwegian Nobel Committee members.
The committee never reveals the names of the nominees, but those who propose
candidates are allowed to disclose their choice.
(Taken from:
44. What is the topic of the text?
Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg and the global protest movement "Fridays for Future"
were nominated for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.

45. According to the text, why is Greta Thurnberg deserved to get the Nobel Peace Prize?
She has worked hard to make politicians open their eyes to the climate crisis.

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