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Activity 7

Name: Angelie P. Gonzaga Date: December 19, 2020

Name of Instructor: Hannee Saloria Badilles
Class Schedule: MTh 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM


1. Based on what you read, how did the propagandists envision an ideal Filipino nation? What did it
stand for? Why?

As an increase in exports in the sector of agriculture, new social status arise which is the middle class.
They can send their children to university and even abroad. Through studying abroad, they gain the idea of
reforming and aim to have changes in our country, with just the use of their pen or literature. The educated and
rich Filipinos are called Illustrados and later asked the Spanish administration to have some changes in the
Philippines. This is the time when the Propaganda Movement was established and envision the Philippines as
a province rather than a colony of Spain. They do not want to seek independence from their colonizer but to
have reformed. For propagandists, this is what an ideal Filipino should be. They want to change the concept of
‘Indios’ into a more nationalistic term ‘Filipinos’. Their reason is Filipinos are better if they become a Spanish
citizen, benefiting equal rights and privileges. They imagine the Filipino having a representative in the
administration of the Spanish, having various freedoms for instance freedom of speech, freedom of the press,
freedom to meet and petition for redress and grievances.

2. Did the reform movement have some successes? Discuss what these successes were and
discuss their significance.

Although the reform movement was known as a failure, it also has some successes. One of that is the
change of 40 days labor to 15 days a year, the decrease was a great development for the Filipinos. During the
movement several laws was passed that was advantageous for the Filipinos like the Maura Law of 1893, which
is the reorganization of the government, the law for obligatory teaching of Spanish in schools, and laws
presenting reforms in the judiciary. However, these laws were only passed but not implemented. But the most
significant success of the reform movement is adding fire to the development of nationalism of Filipinos during
the colonization of the Spanish. Reformist established a newspaper where they can expose the misdeeds,
inefficiency, greed, and corruption of the Spanish government in the Philippines. Some of them also wrote long
stories about the bad activities of friars. For instance, Graciano Lopez Jaena wrote about Frary Botod, which is
an immoral and cruel person. This may be a simple story for others but for those who already have raging
emotions to be free from Spaniards, this long story encourages them to protect their country and its people.
For me, this reform movement was a success because it’s the preparatory stage for the Filipinos to act
revolutionary against the Spanish. This makes the Filipinos realize that Spaniards will not listen to them even no
matter what, thus the creation of Katipunan which is a very different movement because it uses weapons and
brute force to defend our country.

3. Examine the causes of the failure of the reform movement.

In its search for changes, the propaganda movement didn't work. None of the demands
were responded to by the Spanish government. In other words, the Propaganda Movement was a failure. There
are four reasons why the reform movement did not succeed. First, all the time, Spain itself had a lot of inner
conflicts, which may clarify why the mother country refused to acknowledge the Filipino demands. They are too
pre-occupied to hear the reformist during this time. Second, reformists did not have enough financial capital to
make their movement more efficient in Spain and the Philippines. For the continuous publication of La
Solidaridad, Compromisarios sent funds to MH del Pilar in Madrid. Eventually, the supply of funds to Spain
ceased, because several participants avoided paying their fees. Since its last issue on November 15, 1895, La
Solidaridad died out because of the shortage of funds. The Propaganda Movement eventually failed with the
fall of La Solidaridad. The third cause of the fail is the internal conflict of the Propaganda Movement. Reformist
jealousy with each other made them not united. Since most of them were in the upper-middle class, to secure
their assets and so many other properties, they had to exercise vigilance. Besides the insufficient budget,
personal disputes and minor quarrels were often a roadblock to the success of the movement. Lastly, the friars
were too influential and powerful both in Spain and the Philippines. The power of the friars was at the peak at
that time and they constantly showed arrogance to flaunt their influence. Another reason why the Propaganda
did not succeed is aside from Jose Rizal, no other powerful and dynamic leader arose from the party.

4. What are the reasons for the founding of the Katipunan?

The creation of the idea of Katipunan started when Jose Rizal was arrested and exiled to Dapitan on
July 7, 1892. Andres Bonifacio realized the pointlessness of peaceful revolution against the Spaniards because
they would still not listen. He wants to have an opposite revolution against the Spaniards thus he created the
Kataastasan Kagalanggalangang na Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan together with his colleagues, Teodoro
Plata, Valentin Diaz, Ladislao Diwa, Deodato Arellano, and others. The objectives of the Katipunan can also be
the reason why they established such an organization that is civic, political, and moral. Civic is the self-help and
defense of the poor and the oppressed. The members aim to help sick comrades and their families and adhere
to the Katipunan’s ideals outlined in the Kartilya ng Katipunan. Political is the separation of the Philippines from
Spain. Lastly, Moral os the good manners, hygiene, good morals, and rejection of religious fanaticism and
weakness of character.

5. What happened to Andres Bonifacio and the revolutionary movement after March 1897?

March 1897 was the Tejeros Convention, an event aiming to established a revolutionary government
where Emilio Aguinaldo was declared as the president and not the founder Andres Bonifacio. Katipunan was
reorganized with Aguinaldo as the leader and Revolutionary Government was established without the
customary elections on 17 April 1897 with Aguinaldo completing his Cabinet members through an appointment.
After the Tejeros Convention, Bonifacio tried to form his revolutionary government in accordance with ‘Naic
Pact’ that was signed by his 41 supporters including some of Aguinaldo’s followers but after a talk with
Aguinaldo, they turned their back against Bonifacio. On April 27, 1897, there was a confrontation between
Bonifacio and Aguinaldo resulting in the death of Ciriaco, while Bonifacio and Procopio were detained. Bonifacio
was stabbed in the neck making him weak and soaking in blood. Eventually, Aguinaldo ordered the execution
of the Bonifacio brothers.


Describe the document as if you were explaining it to someone who can’t see it. Select only one of
the primary sources either written by the reformists or the members of Katipunan.

Use the following guide questions:

Who wrote it? Who read/received it? When is it from? Where is it from?

What is it talking about? What are the main points expressed? Quote evidence the document that
tells you this. What was the happening at the time in the history the document was created?

What did you find out from the document that you might not learn anywhere else? What other
documents or historical evidence are you going to use to help you understand this event or topic?

Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa by Andres Bonifacio

Documentary Analysis Review

The earliest published of Kalayaan, known to be the newspaper of Katipunan, included the Pag-ibig sa
Tinubuang Lupa written by Andres Bonifacio on March 1896. During the time Bonifacio created this is the
Philippines is being colonized by the Spanish empire. Filipinos suffered a lot of loss because of the abuse,
corruption, and transgressions of the Spanish government. As a result, the Filipinos are desperate to be free of
oppression. The poem was published with the author ‘A.I.B’, which is similar to another publication with the title
‘Ang dapat mabatid ng mga tagalog’. The ‘A.I.B’ generally translated to Agapito Bagumbayan which is the pen
name of Andres Bonifacio. They want the Filipinos to see and read it to encourage them to join the revolution
to free the Philippines from the colonizer Spanish. It calls the citizen to revolt for the liberation of the distressed
motherland from its Spanish colonizer. Aside from the Filipinos, Andres Bonifacio also wants the colonizer to
be his audience. He wants them to know how cruel they are because of their corruption, greed, misdeeds, and
abuse of the Filipinos. He wants them to feel guilty and responsible for every life they take and the rights they

In every stanza of the poem, you can realize the love of Andres Bonifacio for his motherland. In the first
three stanzas, it talks about your will to serve and risk your life for your country reflects that you are courageous
enough and you should be respected. Serving your country does not need any qualifications, regardless of
status, age, appearance, and culture. In the next four stanzas, the author encourages everyone to use whatever
they have to express their desperation for independence. And he is talking about their talent, literature, or
knowledge. Bonifacio also challenged and question the Filipinos for the reason he wants them to act already.
He awakens the sleeping heart of those people who fail to recall who they are because of the Spanish influence.
In the six stanzas that followed he goes on a trip to the past, remembering the days the Philippines was beautiful,
peaceful, and lots of cultures. Trying to remind the Filipinos about their ownership of the country the Spanish
are violating. The fourteenth to eighteenth stanza, explains the happiness you will feel if you serve, protect, and
sacrifice your life for the independence of the country. If someone starts tormenting your country and its people,
the need for unity of everyone should be the priority. Never put the fight for independence as your least priority.
Bonifacio also states the revolutionary intention is to bring unity and independence and if no one will do
significant action, the chaos and abuse will just continue and will worsen. In the next 4 stanzas, Andres Bonifacio
clariid that no one can heal the motherland unless it's her children. He asked the unbothered conscience of its
children if they really want their mother to underestimate and abuse their motherland. It is followed by the five
stanzas where Bonifacio is calling for the Filipinos to be united and fight against the colonizers. In the last stanza,
Bonifacio reminded everyone to be courageous enough because there is no loss in serving, protecting, and
loving your country.

Overall, the poem of Andres Bonifacio ‘Ang Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa’ greatly expresses his love for
the country and the nation. And he wants all the Filipinos to not hesitate in giving their whole love and sacrifice
their life for the independence of the country. This is evident in his line ‘ Ipaghandog-handog ang buong pag-
ibig hanggang sa mga dugo’y ubusang itigis kung sa pagtatanggol, buhay ay (mailit) ito’y kapalaran at tunay
na langit’. The information that I can learn from this document from other sources is the raw love of Andres
Bonifacio to the Philippines. His love was unmodified by other authors for their document. This primary source
also gives me knowledge about Andres Bonifacio’s choice of words in making his poem which I cannot find
from other sources because there is a big possibility, they will alter it. I think I can also use Emilio Jacinto’s
poem entitled ‘Sa Bayang Tinubuan’ because it tackled the wrongdoings of the Spanish at that time and also
mentioned Cuba under Spanish which means that not only the Philippines was struggling.

The ‘Ang Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa’ was not only for the Filipinos at that time but also for the present.
Andres Bonifacio wants all of us to be reminded to protect and love our country regardless of what generation
it is. Stand up and take a step forward, do not wait for anyone to do such a thing, instead, do it yourself.

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