General Values in America and Indonesia

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Name : Baiq Irma

Class : 4A TBI
NIM : 180107013

General Values in America and indonesia.

Freedom is a condition in which people have the opportunity to speak, act and pursue
happiness without unnecessary external restrictions. Freedom in America. American
understanding of freedom is shaped by the founding father's belief that all people are
equal and that the role of the government is to protect each person's basic "inalienable"
rights. Most importantly in this country, Amercan's enjoy freedom of choices. They enjoy
freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and countless freedoms.
Freedom in indonesia. In general, freedom is conditions where individuals has the
ability to act in accordance with his whises. The purpose of freedom here is to lead to
postive things. Same as America, in Indonesia tjere are kind of freedoms including :
freedom from slavery and torture, freedoms of opinion and expession, the right to work
and education and others. Everyone has the right to these rights, without discrimination
from anyone.
B. Individualism.
Individualism is a social theory favoring freedom or action for individuals over
collective or state control. Individualism in America, Thomas jefterson believed that a free
individuals identity should be held sacred and that his or her dignity and integrityshould not
be violated. Individualism understood not only as self relience but also as economic self-
sufficiency, has been a central theme in america history. American's believe each individual's
life belong to himself and he has an inalienable right to live it as he seea fit, to act on his own
judgement, to keep and use the product of his effort, and to pursue the values of his choosing.
This is the ideal that the american founders set forth and sought to establish when they
darfted the declaration and the constitution and created a country in which the individual's
right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness were to be recognized and
Individualism in indonesia. Individualism is a phylosophy that has a moral, political
or social view that emphasizes human freedom and the interests of responsibility and freedom
itself. Individualism has three important meanings :
1. An understanding that considers human personally needs to be considered
(their abilities and needs should not be generalized).
2. Understanding that requires freedom of action and adheres to a belief for
everyone and an understanding that prioritizes individual right in addtion to
the interests of soaciety or the state.
3. Understanding that considers your self more important than others.
Some example of individualism :
 When the government allows citizens to be responsible for their own
retirement instead of relying on social security.
  When you support yourself financially and do not depend on anyone else for
your needs.
 As a process of development of oneself.

C. Punctuality.
In america Punctual is often used synonymously with "on time." It is a common
misconception that punctual can also, when talking about grammar, mean "to be accurate."
but this is not the case in such instances as doctor's appointments or school lessons. In some
cultures, such as japanese society, or in the military there basically is no allowance. In
cultures which value punctuality, being late is tantamount to showing disrespect for other's
time and may be considered insulting.
In indonesia, Punctuality is an organization in the sense that all activities are aimed at
realizing goals. Punctuality is the cornerstone of designing concepts and ideas for realizing
those goals. Regardless of surveys, Indonesia also has its own 'punctuality' culture. It is
common for indonesians to say (on the way), but in fact it is just leaving home. 30 minutes
late from the meeting schedule was considered customary. But punctuality restrictions can be
different. Depends on how important the meeting is and who the person will meet.

D. Volunteerism.
In America, Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity, and is
intended to promote good or improve human quality of life, which in return produces a
feeling of self-worth and respect, but no financial gain. Volunteers are highly motivated
people, workers who organize themselves and others to solve a particular community
problem or meet an immediate social need, rather then waiting for someone else – usually the
govt- to do it. Volunteerism reflects Americans‘ optimistic pride in their ability to work out
practical solutions themselves. Americans like to form associations of different kind . Many
volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as medicine, education, or
emergency rescue.
Volunteerism in indonesia is activity to help an event carry out or the continuity of an
organization. Much as you can show or organization appeal, the benefits of volunteering
much as it did for volunteer itself. The purpose of this volunteer program is to provide a great
experience and instantly face the unique challenge of how Indonesia maintains its
environment and its assets.
Some example of volunteerism :
1. Provide an Animal Rescue Shelters. Local animal shelters almost always need
2. National Parks. Volunteering at a national park means more than just cleaning
up litter.
3. Act as a librarian. Libraries typically need help organizing shelves and
assisting patrons.

E. Equality.
The Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal". In many
ways people believe this; we can see equality in such common practices as "waiting in line".
When we go to the bank, to the post office, or to immigration, we will be asked to take a
number and wait.
In indonesia, Social equality is a social policy in which all persons who are in a
particular community or group share a common status. In indonesian culture there is a gender
equality. Gender equality is one of our human rights. The right to live honorably, free from
fear and free to choose life is not only a choice made for men; women are to have equal by
Some example of equality :
1. GendeR.
2. Sex.
3. Religion.

F. Informality.
American values, Informality is right understood as idealism in practice, or
democracy in action, the right of the individual balanced by his responsibilities, in the basic
unit is the family. The American visiting Indonesia on the other hand might be surprised to
see that in Indonesia, the parent-children relationship is rather formal, where children have to
respect their parents, parents still have the authority, and there is no equality‘ at home.
Indonesia has its own informal meaning. Informal means A contradiction of existing
rules or regulations. The informal's free from rules or regulations. For example, in informal
communication according to certain circumstances using informal speech. Informal
communication can go at any time or how it will proceed, regardless of the structure in the
organization, or where one's position in the organization is. Informal communication can take
place in informal situations such as communication running on ordinary everyday life. Then,
the language spoken was the language of everyday life. These informal Settings can be found
when some individuals convey information or messages in the form of rumors, gossip, or
even rumors that circulate. And so, in a sense, this informal communication is a process that
is still unclear or factual, for there is not a reliable source.
Example of informality :
1. Informal activities outside of formal organization.
2. Just by acting casually and speaking without formal or personal appeal, even with
family and with friends.
G. Idealizing what is practical.
In America Many historians believe that most of the beliefs and values which are
characteristically American emerged within the context of the frontier experience. Survival
experiences also explain the American tendency to idealize whatever is practical. This can do
spirit is something Americans are proud of today. They like to think they are natural-born do-
it-yourselfers. The pioneers and their frontier experience have greatly influenced the beliefs
and values which are looked upon as characteristically American. It was the robust and
enterprising individualist who survived best in the wilderness. In America, what works is
what counts. Most pioneers who went west had not trained themselves in prairie farmingor
sod house construction, but they trusted they would be able to find workable solutions to the
daily problems and dangers they had to face. Inventiveness was necessary for survival.
Just as in America, Indonesia defines something practical as what is to be done to
improve life, it is the ability to survive in a condition or circumstance. Survival can also be
defined as technique or science in the face of threats to safety. Among the proponents of life-
defense wildlife activities are understood to be the ability and survival technique needed to
survive conditions that harm survival in the open world by using makeshift equipment.

H. Mobility.
As a nation of immigrants, Americans have shared from the beginning the assumption
that the practical solution to a problem is to move elsewhere and make a fresh start. Mobility
in America is not a sign of aimlessness but optimism. Mobility means A quality or capability
which permits to move from place to place while retaining the ability to fulfill their primary
For indonesia, Mobility is essentially a shift in the status of people in society either
vertically or horizontally. Mobility itself is a term with a Latin origin, "caris," meaning it's
easy to move from one place to another. Some factors contribute to mobility : There's
population densities in the region that create mobility, Lack of employment, There is a lack
of natural resources in the region that makes a person shift.
Example of mobility :
1. Moved from one company to another, in the same position (example of mobility in
the job).
2. Movement from village to village (example of mobility in society).
3. The arrival of a governor's daughter, who in time also became governor of the same region
(example of mobility in politics).

In America, It is associated with the idea of freedom is the ideal of progress. The
nation‘s progress has been measured by the taming of the frontier and industrial expansion.
The desire to progress by making use of opportunities is important to Americans. In this
immigrant society, progress is personally measured as family progress over generations.
Many Americans can boast that with each succeeding generation since their first ancestors
arrived, the family‘s status has improve.
Progress in Indonesia is social change that can lead to or lead to advancement that can
benefit the lives of social communities. An example of the social change of progress, of
growing technology, growing power to remote villages, growing education, etc.

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