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Pre EA/632 2012 Series CIVIL/MECHANICAL (COMMON) Paper Il Time : 150 Minutes Max. Marks ; 150 INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please check the Test Booklet and ensure that it contains all the questions. If you find any defect in the Test Booklet or Answer Sheet, please get it replaced immediately. 2. The Test Booklet contains 150 questions. Each question carries one mark. 3, ‘The Test Booklet is printed in four (4) Series, viz. [A] [B][G][D]. The Series, [A] or [B] or [6] or [D] is printed on the right-hand corner of the cover page of the Test Booklet. Mark your Test Booklet Series [A]or [B] or[G] or [D]in Part C on side 1 of the Answer Sheet by darkening the le with Blue/Black Ball point pen. appropriate ci Example to fill up the Booklet Series It your Test Booklet Series is A, please fill as shown below: @®OoO If you have not marked the Test Booklet Series at Part C of side 1 of the Answer Sheet or marked in a way that it leads to discrepancy in determining the exact Test Booklet Series, then, in all such casex, your Answer Sheet will be invalidated without any further notice. No correspondence will be entertained in the matter. Each question is followed by 4 answer choices. Of these, you have to select one correct answer and mark it on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle for the question. If more than one circle is darkened, the answer will not be valued at all. Use Blue/Black Ball point pen to make heavy black marks to fill the circle completely. Make no other stray marks, eg. : If the answer for Question No. 1 is Answer choice (2), it should be marked as follows 110/@/@/® EA/632 (2) c 5. 10. Mark Paper Code and Roll No. as given in the Hall Ticket with Bluc/Black Ball point pen by darkening appropriate circlos in Part A of side 1 of the Answer Sheet. Incorrect/not encoding will lead to invalidation of your Answer Sheet. Example : If the Paper Code is 027, and Roll No. is 95640376 fill as shown below Paper Code Roll No. @©OOOO|* 9 @ Q @ @ @ @ © @ @ © ©OQeOQOOOOOO}~ © ©O @O@OQOOOOO|* QOQQOGEOOOO|+ QOOO@OOOOOE|° QOQOOOGEOOSO|+ ©OQ@OQOOOOOO|~ ©@Q089OOO9O)|° QOQOOQOQHOOOE|° QOO@GQOOEOO|* © © Please got the signature of ihe Invigilator affixed in the space provided in the Answer Sheet. i ‘Answer Sheot without the signature of the Invigilator is liable for invalidation. ‘The candidate should not do rough work or write any irrelevant matter in the Answer Sheet Doing so will lead to invalidation. Do not mark answer choices on the Test Booklet. Violation of this will be viewed seriously. Bofore leaving the examination hall, the candidate should hand over the original OME Answ Sheet (top sheet) to the Invigilator and carry the bottom sheet (duplicate) for his/her reeord, fail which disciplinary action will be taken. Use of whitener is prohibited. If used, the answer shect is liable for invalidation. EAl632 i A thin eylinder of radius r and thickness t when subjected to an internal hydrostatic pressure ‘p’ causes a radial displacement ‘v’, ‘Then the tangential strain caused is du yy ae @ a 1 da 2) a & ro dt @ = wees A body having weight of 1000 N is dropped from a height of 10 cm over a close coiled helical spring of stiffness 200 N/em. The resulting deflection of spring is nearly (@) Bem 2) 16cm (3) 35em (4 100em Which of the following stresses are associated with the design of pins in bushed pin type flexible coupling ? @® Bearing stress (ii) Bending stress (ii) Axial tensile (iv) Transverse thear Code: (1) (@, Gili) and tiv) 2) Gi), Gi) and (iv) (3) @, Gi), and Gi) @ @, Gi) and Gv) (3) In a beam of I section, the maximum shear force is carried by (2) the upper flange 2) the web (3) _ the lower flange (4) Any of these Autofrettage is the method of (1) joining thick eylinders (2) calculating stresses in thick cylinders (3) _ prestressing thick cylinders (4) increasing the life of thick cylinders During tensile-tosting of a specimen using a > UTM, the parameters actually measured include (1) True stress and true strain (2) Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus (3) Engineering stress and Engineering strain (4) Load and elongation In the formulation of Lewis equation for toothed gearing, it is assumed that tangential tooth load ‘Fy’ acts on the (2) pitch point (2) tip ofthe tooth (3) root of the tooth (4) whole face of the tooth EAI632 10. iL In a thick cylinder pressurized from inside, the hoop stress is maximum at (2) the centre of the wall thickness (2) the outer radius (3) _ the inner radius (4) _ both innor and outer radii Which one of the following features improves the fatigue strength of a metallic material ? (1) Increasing the temperature (2) Scratching the surface (3) Over stressing Under stressing t——*—_ 1 — ¥P 1=375 x 10-§ mt 5m E=200 GPa ‘Determine the stiffness of the beam shown in tho above fig. 1) 12 10!.N/m 2) 10«10! N/m (@) 4% 101N/m (4) 8x10 N/m Cormets are (2) metals for high temperature use with ceramic like properties (2) ceramics with metallic strength and lustre @) @ coated tool materials ‘motal-ceramics composites (4) 12, 14. Circumferential and longitudinal strains in a cylindrical boiler under steam pressure are & and €2 respectively, Change in volume of the boiler eylinder per unit volume will be GQ) ey +2€ (@) 83 (3) 2, +8 ef ee If two shafts of the same length, one of which is hollow, transmit equal torque and have equal maximum stress, then they should have equal (1) _ polar moment of inertia (2) diameter (@)__ polar modulus of section (4) angle of twist A plane stressed element is subjected to the state of stross given by , = ty = 100 kef/em* and o = 0. Maximum shear stress the element is equal to a) 603 keffem* (2) 100 kgf/cm? (8) 50/5 ket/em? (4) 150 kgf/em? A632 15. 16. 17. 18. For the beam shown in the fig, the clastic curve between the supports B and C will be P P a 2b a () circular (2) parabolie (3) olliptie (4) astraight line Dynamic viscosity (h) has the dimensions as a) ML? @) MiP @) MAP @) Moa Atmospheric pressure held in terms of water ‘column is @) 75m Q) 85m @) 981m 4) 1030m The flow rate through a cireular pipe is monsured by () _ pitot-tube Gi) venturimeter ii) orificemeter (iv) None of the above Code a (2) (i), Gi) and Giiy (3) Gi) and Gi) (4) Allof the above (5) 19. 21. 22, Hydrostatic law of pressure is given by we a 2 og e @) 28 1 3 @) eR a) 2/8 Study of fluid at rest is known as (Kinematics (2) Dynamics @) Statics (4) None ofthe above ‘The rate of flow through a V-notch varies as Q H @ Vit (Hae () He Notch is a device used for measuring (2) rate of flow through pipes (2) rate of flow through a small channel (3) velocity through a pipe (4) velocity through a small channel A632 ( 23. For supersonic flow, if the area of flow increases then (1) velocity decreases (2) velocity inereases (3) _ velocity is constant (4) None of the above Chezy’s formula is given by ivm6 a (@) v=C¥mi (@) vem/G (4) None of the above ‘The square root of the ratio of inertia force to gravity force is called (2) Reynolds number (2) Froude number (3) Mach number (4) Euler number ‘Muschel curve means (2) curve at constant head (2) curve at constant speed (8) curve at constant efficiency (4) None of the above 6) 27. 29, ‘The hydraulic mean depth is given by 6 yo = y A 2 o@ = A a» A (3) P a o ye Where A— Area, P — wetted perimeter Cavitation will take place if the pressure of the flowing fluid at any point is (2) more than vapour, pressure of the fluid (2) equal to vapour pressure of the fluid (3) less than vapour pressure of the fluid (4) None of the above ‘The speed ratio for Pelton wheel varies from (2) 0-45 10 0°50 (2) 06t00-7 (8) 03t00-4 (4) 081009 Maximum efficiency of power transmission through pipe is ay 60% 2) 66-67% @) 75% @) 100% EA632 (7) 81. For the same discharge in a pipe with laminar | 34, flow, reduction of radius to half will increase the pressure gradient by a factor of @ 2 @ 4 @) 8 @ 16 35. 32. A pipe is said to be a siphon if () ican operate without external power (2) itean discharge a liquid at a fast rate (3) _ it has sub-atmospheric pressure in it, (A) the exit is at a lower level than the inlet 38, In supersonic flow, a diverging passage results in 36, (1) increase in velocity and pressure (2) decrease in pressure and density (3) increase in velocity and density (4) decrease in velocity and pressure Which one of the following is dimensionless ? oo a "Qt @ 2. @ 2. w 2, a Assertion (A) :1In a supersonic flow, the velocity increases as the area increases, Reason (R) : Conservation of masses, momentum and energy require that dA/A should inerease with dM/M for M greater than unity. (2) Ais true; Ris true, and it explains A 2) A is true; R is true, but it does not explain A (3) Ais true; Ris false (4) Ais false; Ris true How does the sonic velocity in air at STP condition change with the altitude in the standard atmosphere ? Q) 3403 m/s @) 170-15 mis @) 0 4) 6806 mis EAI632 87. 38, Match List I with List I and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists List I List A. Oscillatingjump i, less than 2 B. Strong jump fi_between 2 and 3 Weak jump around 4 D. Undularjump iv. around 10 Code: Rie ec) OQ) ii iv Hi @ ii iv @) iv i i ii @® fi ii iv A rectangular channel of 4 m width conveys water at 8 mis under critical condition. Specific energy for this flow is @) 11123m (2) 1-4830.m 3) 03703 m @) 07416 m (8) 39. 40, aL. Match List T with List Il and select the correet answer using the codes given below the Lists List 1 List A. asphere i 02 B. an aerofoil i 08 ©. abluff body ii 16 D. aracing car iv. 04 Code: ASB eB CY iy aise @)o i fe al i (ae ta ee @ wi i itt A trip wire is mounted near the leading edge of a body (2) to increase the lift (2) to decrease the lift (8) toadvance the point of separation (4) _ to delay the point of separation ‘The flow in a capillary tube is laminar because (1) the capillary tube is made of glass (2) the surface tension and capillarity promote laminarisation (8) only inviscid liquids can flow through a capillarity tube (4) the diameter of the capillarity tube is very small A632 42, 43. 44, 45, Impingement of a jet on a flat plate may be idealised by a) yey @) y=x?-y? @ yextsy? @) yan Coefficients of velocity, contraction and discharge arranged in increasing order of value are . DM ence QD eatery B eneaee WD C646 In a converging steady flow, thero is (1) no acceleration (2) no temporal acceleration (8) _ only convective acceleration (4) convective and temporal acceleration A solid body sinks in a fluid when (1) the specific gravity of its material is greater than unity (2) the buoyaney force does not pass through the metacentre (3) * the weight of the fluid displaced is less than the weight of the body (4) _ the metacentre lies below the C.G. (a) 47, 48. Select the correct statement. (1) Viscosity of gas increases with tomperature, (@) Density of gas increases with temperature, (3) Surface tension of liquid inereases with temperature. (4) Bulk modulus is independent of temperature, Measurement of velocity without any obstruction to the flow in a pipe may be made by (2) _ pitot-static probe (2) hot-wire anemometer (3) hot-film anemometer (4) laser-doppler anemometer Schlieren flow visualisation technique operates by employing (2) density variation in flow (2) density gradients in flow (3) second derivatives of density (4) _ higher derivatives of density EAIG2 (10) 49, The intogral momentum equation requires the | 53. ‘There is a pin hole of diameter 0-1 mm at the ae bottom of a glass vessel containing mereury. 1) the flow i (2) the flow is uniform Gide, doth ‘GF marcia an he put Sw Whe (2) the flow is unidirectional vessel without any leakage occurring ? Take (3) tho fluid is incompressible 6 = 055 N/m. (4) the flow is stondy 2) -h= 0265 cos 0m 50, The critical angle of attack of an acrofvil is} ¢) 0.28 cos m that where (1) _ the lift becomes zero (3) h=0m (2) the drag becomes zero @ h=103m (3) the drag begins to rise 4) the Lift 0 eae ee 54, Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists 51, The height through which water rises by capillary action in a glass tube of 2 mm bore if ‘Lith List the surface tension at the prevailing . f temperature is 0-075 gem, is Revie terhine. deere atmospheric @) Vem pressure @) 30m B. Pelton wheel ii igh-part loa (3) 07%5em officiency 4) 103em C. Axial flow pumps iii pressure hea recovery 52. Caloulate tho maximum allowable discharge ; of water through a venturimeter throal 5 em, Draft fale, Deguee wute fitted in a 10 cm diameter line with its inlet at. Ng an open channel. Assume ¢, = 0-95 ae (1) 0.0224 m/s (ee eip (2) 0-0448 m/s We aH 2 v @) 08mis ae _ @ % i it iv (4) 0-04 mis @ it ii EAl632 55, 56, 57. A dimensionless group formed with the variables p, w, and Dis ()— pwu/D? (2) pwD'/u @) Dw (4) pwuD An air stream with a velocity of 300 m/s at 10 kN/m? vacuum and temperature of 320 K passes through a section where its gauge is 20 KN/m?, Compute its stagnation proporties M, 7, P), (1) 0-84, 365 K, 142 kN/m? (2) 0:96, 385 K, 284 N/m? (8) 0-42, 295 K, 71 kN/m? (4) None of the above A. 3 metre wide rectangular channel flowing at its normal depth of 0:8 m carries a discharge of 65 ms. The bed slope of the channel is (1) Steep (2) Critical @) Mild (4) Adverse (11) 58. 59, @ The head loss in a sudden pipe expansion from area Ay, to area Ay and from velocity 1, to velocity ug is given by 2 uj ) (A= Ay/Agy. oe WB @) (1-A,/Agy?, 22 2g 2 1 ye, 2 @ G-a/ay. 3 2 @ Go ss/A) Compare the cost of pumping the same fluid at the same flow rate through a 150 mm pipe and through 200 mm pipe bath having the same roughness factor = 0:03. (negligible minor loss). () 42times (2) 2-1 times (3) 8-4 times (4) 10 times A 2m diameter cylinder rotates at 1800 rpm, in a stream (P = 1-225 kg/m?) of 25 m/s, Estimate the lif per unit length of the cylinder. Q) L=1b55kN @) L=922kN (8) L=24kN 4) L=599KN EAl632 61. 62. ‘An oil of specific gravity 0-7 and pressure 0-14 kgt/em? will have the weight of oil as () Toemofoil @) 2mofoil (3) 20¢mofoil (4) 80.cmofoil ‘The term v2/2g is known as (2) kinetic energy (2) pressure energy (8) kinetic energy/unit weight (4) None of the above Bernoulli's theorem deals with the law of conservation of (mass @ ‘momentum (3) onergy (4) None of the above For a submerged body, if the centre of buoyancy coincides with the centre of gravity, the equibibrium is ealled a) stable (2) unstable (3) neutral (4) None of the above (12) 65. 67. If the fluid particles mov the flow is called a zig-zag way, (2) unsteady (2) non-uniform (a) turbulent (4) incompressible Compressibility is equal to av/V 1 oe dp @ =eviv a 2 a o ‘A current meter is a device used for measuring (1) velocity (2) viscosity (3) current (4) pressure ‘The discharge through a__single-acting reciprocating pump is E632 69. 70. T, ‘The boundary layer takes placo (1) for ideal uid (2) for pipe flow only (3) for real fuid (4) for flow over flat plates only ‘The discharge through a rectangular channel is maximum when Qj) m=d/3 @) m=4p (3) ma2d () m=3q/2 For a circular channel, the wetted perimeter is given by ies 2 (2) 3R0 (3) 2Ro (4) Ro ‘The discharge through a trapezoidal channel is maximum when (2) half of top width = sloping side (2) top width = half of sloping side (3) top width = 1.5 x sloping side (4) None of the above (13) 73. 74, 6. ‘The difference in pressure head, measured by ‘@ mercury water differential manometer for a 20.em difference of mercury will be a) 272m 2) 252m @) 20m @ 02m Shear strain rate is given by 1(au (a eles @ lou aw Cae ae a ‘The value of momentum correction factor for the viscous flow through a cireular pipe is a) 133 2) 150 é @) 20 @ 125 A632 (14) 76. A boundary is known as hydrodynamically | 80. smooth if k ay E-08 OE 6 @ t >08 @ ‘cow @ 77. The resultant hydrostatic force acts through a | 81, point known as (1) centre of gravity (2) centre of buoyancy (3) centre of pressure (4) None of the above 78. The loss of pressure head for the laminar flow through pipe varies (2) as the square of velocity (2) direetly as the velocity 82. (8) as the inverse of the velocity (4) None of the above 79. Geometric similarity between model and prototype means (1) the similarity discharge (2) _ the similarity of linear dimensions (3) _ the similarity of motion (4) the similarity of forces ‘The work saved by fitting an air vessel to single acting reciprocating pump is (1) 39.2% (2) a9-4% (3) 488% (4) 923% ‘The thickness of laminar boundary layer a! distance x from the leading edge over a f plates varies as @ Dx @) x @ x If the surface tension at the air - wa interface is 0-073 N/m, estimate the press! difference between inside and outside an bubble of 0-01 mm. (1) 159-7 N/m? (2) 159-7 MN/m® (3) 819-4 KN/m? @) 0 EAI632 83. 85. Piezometric head of a fluid is defined as (1) the sum of absolute pressure head and (15) 87. datum (2) the stagnation pressure head (8) the sum of stagnation head and datum head (4) the sum of gauge pressure head and datum head 88, The pressure at a point in a fluid is not equal in all directions if (1) the fluid is at rest (2) there are shear stresses a (8) the fluid is accelerated (4) the fluid is rotated at a constant speed Assertion (A) ? Pressure is equal in all 89, directions at a point in an ideal fluid flow. Reason (R) : Paseal’s law is valid for all cases Where shear stresses are zero. (1) Ais true; R is true, and it explains A (@) A is true; R is true, but it does not explain A @ (A) Ais false; Ris tru 90. Observation of a flow net enables us to (1) determine the veloeity at all points (2) estimate the pressure at all points (8) estimate the velocity variations (4) determine the energy loss in flow Ka} The assumption not made in the derivation of Bernoulli's equation is (1) inviscid flow (2) steady flow () two-dimensional flow (4) uniform flow Venturimeter (V), flow nozzle (N) and orificemeter (O) arranged in increasing order of co-efficient of discharge are @ YV,N,O @ NOV @) ONV @ O,V.N According to the King’s Law for a constant temperature hot wire anemometer @ Bev @) Bau @ Bea Wo @ Baw? ‘The dividing streamline for a uniform flow superimposed over a two-dimensional droplet GQ) astraight line 2) acirele (3). asphere 4) anellipse EAIGS2 (16) 91, The number of clastic constants for a/ 94. completely anisotropic elastic material which follows Hooke's law is @ 3 @ 4 @ 2 @ 2% 92. A close-coiled helical spring absorbs 80 N: mm of energy while extending by 4 mm. ‘The stiffness of the spring is @) 5 N/mm @ 10N/mm 95. (3) 16N/mm 4) 20N/mm 98. Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using tho codes given holow the lists List List IL A. Both ends hinged on B, One end fixed and ii, W2L, other end free C. Oneendfixedand iti, L/2 the other pin joined : D. Both ends fixed iv. 2L Code: ABS C Geka ie @ i i & ww Ott way Wert toe at @ A simply supported beam is loaded as shown in fig. The maximum shear force in the beam Will be 2W Fc oot Q) Zero @ WwW (3) 2W 4 ‘The equivalent bending moment under ‘combined action of bending moment M and ‘torque T is a). {M2 +7? 42) 5M a? (3) M+ yM? 4T? ) S[m+ fae or?| ‘Young’s modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio of a material are 1:25 x 10 MPa and 0:34 respectively. The modulus of rigidity of the material is (2) 04025 x 105 MPa (20-4664 x 10° MPa (3) 08375 x 105 MPa (4) 09469 x 105 MPa EA/632 97, 100. (17) A solid circular shaft is subjected to a maximum shearing stress of 140 MPa, The magnitude of the maximum normal stress 101, developed in the shaft is (1) 140 MPa @) 80MPa (3) 70MPa (®) 60MPa 102. The ratio of circumferential stress to Jongitudinal stress in a thin eylinder subjected to intemal hydrostatic pressure is QM 2 @ 1 @) 2 @ 4 103. The independent clastic constants for a homogeneous and isotropic material are @ BGKy @ BGK @) EG,» @ Be The ratio of the deformation of a bar due to its ‘own weight, to the deformation due to axial load equal to its weight, is @ 1 ae @ ap @ 2 4 ‘A material having identical proporties in all directions, is called ) clastic (2) homogeneous (3) isotropic (4) Any of these The stresses in a thick eylinder subjected to uniform pressure vary proportional to aor Q) Ife @ 2 A) art ‘Maximum deflection for a cantilever of span loaded at the free end by P is given by PL? pee © gE PLP aye enes ®. SE Pe Oh tee PLS ee The ratio of lateral strain to linear strain is known as (1) Elastic limit (2) Poisson's ratio (3) Elasticity (@) Rigidity EAI632 105. 106. 107. 108, 109. (18) Polar moment of inertia of a circular area is 110, x 1) ode mM 32 Za @ Ze @) tat 4 w te m1. 4 ‘The diameter of kernel of a circular section of diameter ‘dis a 4p @ 4s (3) dy a 4/4 ‘The flexural rigidity of a beam is a) ET @ EA @ Ye (4) E/ One kef/em? when converted into SI units is (2) 0-0981 MPa (2) 0981Pa (3) 10*Pa () 1Pa Point of contraflexure is where Q) BM. is maximum Q) S¥.is maximum @) SFis zero (4) BM. is zero 112. 118. ‘The equivalent length of a column fixed at, both ends is, a 071 (@) 052 @ 1 (20 If two springs with stiffness K, and Ky are connected in series, then stiffness of the composite spring is given by @ +k 2 feuts 2 ad Ky 2 disse goes ooo ® Kh If 6; and o, are principal stresses, the shear stress on the principal planes ie given by a @ 0 or tog [OE rere @ o-% ‘The reaction at the prop in a propped cantilever beam subjected to ud. is aye : 4 a am 8 5 Wi 5) a (3) 8 (4) os A632 114. The ratio of maximum shear stress to average shear stress is 1:5 in a beam of (1) Circle (2) Rectangle (3) Triangle (4) Any cross-section 115. A solid circular shaft is subjected to pure torsion. The ratio of maximum shear to maximum normal stress at any point would be @ at 108 @) 2:1 @ 2:3 116. The unit of elastic modulus is the same as those of (2) stress, strain and pressure (2) "strain, shear modulus and pressure (8) _ shear modulus, stress and force per area (4) _ strain, shear modulus and force 117. The work done per unit volume in elongating a body by a uniaxial force is (1) stress/strain (2) stress x strain @) F stress x stain (4) None of the above (19) 118. A solid thick cylinder is subjected to an external hydrostatic pressure P. The state of stress in the material of the cylinder is represented as @ Pol kp P @ P| P @) Pp @ Po — Consider the following statements : Assplined shaft is used for 119. @ transmitting power. i) holding a flywheel rigidly in position. ii) moving axially the gear wheels mounted onit. Gv) mounting V-belts pulley on it. Code (2) Gi) and (ii) are correct (2) @and (iv) are correct (8) Gi) and (iv) are correct (® Gand Gi) are correct 120, Two close-coiled springs are made from a small diameter wire, one wound on’ 25 cm diameter core and the other on 1:25 em diameter core, If each spring had ‘n’ coils, then the ratio of their spring constant would be a) 1/16 @) 18 (3) 4 @ 12 EA/632 121. To measure strain, strain rosettes are used. (Linear @) Shear (3) Volumetric (4) Any of the above 122, A localised compressive stress at the area of. contact between two members is known as 1) Shear (2) Crushing (3) Bending (4) Tensile 123, Moment of inertia of a semicircle about its XX-axis is given by @) o22rt 2) ort (3) 0-144 4) oat 124. ‘The point of contraflexure is also called as (2) the point of inflexion (2) avirtual hinge (8) Bither of the above (4) None of the above (20) a 125. Which of tho following are the statically determinate beams ? (1) Cantilevers (2) SSB (3) Overhanging beams (4) Allofthe above 126. The strength of the beam mainly depends on (2) Bending moment (2) C.G. of the section (3) Section modulus (4) Tee weight 127. In case of rectangular section z (1) Sapa 5 Ti (2) (3) @) tme= 25, imax = 5 Teen 128, A square section with side ‘X’ of a beam is subjected to a shear force ‘S’. The magnitude of shear stress at the top edge of the square is @ @ @ a) A632 129. A simply supported beam of span Tis carrying point load ‘W’ at the midspan. What is the deflection at the centre of the beam ? we fe ee © qgeI wit ® Ei swis 3 a 348 EI wie $e! 120 EI 130, .A beam length 4 m, fixed at both ends carries 4 point load of 120 kN at the centre. If EI for the beam is 2000 kN’ m2, deflection at the centre of beam is, @ 10mm @) 20mm (3) 60mm @ 100mm 181. Thin cylinders are frequently required to operate under pressures upto Q) 5 MN/m? (2) 15 MN/m? (8) 30 MN/m? (4) 250 MN/m? (21) 182, 133, 134, 135. The bursting pressure for a cold drawn seamless steel tubing of 60 mm! inside diameter with 2 mm wall thickness is (The ultimate strength of steel is 380 MN/m?) ) 25:33 MN/m? (2) 24:93MN/m? (3) 26:33 MN/m? (4) 5066 MN/m? Pressure vessels are made of (1) non-ferrous materials (2) sheet metal (steel) (3) cast iron (4) Any of the above abe riveting is used in structural units, @) Chain @) Zig-zag (3) Diamond (4) None of the above In shafts with keyways, the allowable stresses are usually of the value given (1) 25% @ 50% (8) 75% @ 95% a NIE S| eas ee fe, Soak aka ge ag A632 136. 137, 138, 139, For the same material, length and given torque, a hollow shaft weighs a solid shaft (2) less than @) @) “ more than coqual to ‘None of the above Wahl's correction factor (K) is given by the relation where S = Spring Index. In case of laminated springs, the load at which the plates become straight is called (2) Working load (2) Safe load 8) a) Proof load ‘None of the above ‘The stress due to suddenly applied load is ___ times that of gradually applied load. a 2 @ 3 a) 4 = w 5 (22) 140. 141. 142. @ Strain energy (U) caused by bending is given by the relation a 3) ‘The safe compressive load on a hollow east iron column (one end fixed other hinged) of 150 mm external diameter, 100 mm internal diameter and 10 m length is (Use Euler's formula with a factor of safety of 5, and B= 95 GN/m?) @) 748kN (2) 149-6 KN (@) aT4kN G) 299-2 KN The radius of gyration of a circular column of diameter ‘dis a aa @) a2 () a 4) a6 143. EAIe32 : (23) Buler’s formula is applicable for 147, (2) short column (2) Jong column (3) medium column (4) Allof the above 144. 145. 146, ‘The ratio of equivalent length of the column to the maximum radius of gyration is called () Poisson's ratio (2) Buckling factor (3) Factor of safety (4) None of the above A member under tension is called (1) strut. 2) tie (3) strut-tie 4) column A perfect frame should satisfy the relation a) 148. 149. 150. ‘Which one of the following properties is more sensitive to increase in strain rate ? (Q) Yield strength (2) Proportional Kimit, (3) Blastic limit (4) Tensile strength Which one of the following materials is highly elastic? (1) Rubber 2) Brass (3) Steel (4) Glass Castigliano’s theorems are valid for (1) elastic structure 2) truss (8) beam (4) linear structure If diamoter of a long column is reduced by 20%, the percentage of reduction in Euler buckling load is a 4 2) 36 (49 (4) 59 EA632 (24) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

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