2 Workplace Situation Skills Professional Practice Elearning v1 January 2020

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Professional Practice

Workplace Situation Activity Workbook

Real Estate Institute of NSW – RTO 90117

Phone (02) 9264 2343 Email training@reinsw.com.au

How you will be assessed.........................................................................3
Steps for completing this assessment........................................................4
Scenario 1..........................................................................................5
Scenario 2..........................................................................................8
Learner Declaration...............................................................................10

© REINSW Professional Practice Workplace Situation Skills Cluster v1 January 2020 Page 2
This workbook contains activities for the unit(s) of competency:
CPPREP4001 Prepare for professional practice in real estate

CPPREP4002 Access and interpret ethical practice in real estate

CPPREP4004 Establish marketing and communication profiles in real


for more information on the units of competency go to www.training.gov.au.

The scenarios contained in this workbook are designed to assess your ability to
communicate and interact with clients, complete file notes and use supporting
documentation to show the knowledge and skills required to work in real estate.
You will be required to take on the role of real estate agent and your assessor
will be the client.

To prepare for the assessment you will need to carefully read the scenario and
prepare notes that you can refer to during the role play.

For each scenario you will need to demonstrate the following skills:

 An understanding of the legislative, ethical and personal requirements to

work in the real estate industry
 Communication skills
 Strategies to deal with client complaints

At the end of the assessment you will need to write file notes about the
outcomes achieved.

REINSW recognises the individual needs of each learner and will provide
reasonable adjust when required. If you are experiencing difficulties, please
speak with your trainer.

How you will be assessed

It is important to take every opportunity to demonstrate your skills and

The way you present yourself verbally will play an important part in the
assessment. Ensure that you speak clearly and don’t use slang or jargon.
Be prepared for each scenario, make sure that you have your notes available
during the assessment and any supporting documents.
Be natural, you are not being assessed on how well you can read your notes, but
rather on how you interact and communicate with your assessor.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification as you undertake the
assessment, your assessor is there to help you succeed.
Your assessor may ask additional questions to gain evidence of your

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Steps for completing this assessment

Read the scenario

Make notes that will help you during the role play
Make your appointment for your telephone assessment, you need to allow 30
minutes for this conversation
Participate in the role play. Remember to take notes of any outcomes that you
achieve during the conversation
After your conversation with the Assessor and you have finalised all the notes in
the workbook, upload and submit the workbook to your learner portal.

Important – Please Note

Do not book your skills assessment unless you have completed your

You must be prepared, have your notes written prior to your telephone
assessment. If it is apparent that you are not prepared the Assessor will cease
the assessment and request a resubmission.

You will need to wait one week before you can rebook your assessment.

To complete this section, type your answer where you see the I insertion
symbol. You have limited formatting options.

© REINSW Professional Practice Workplace Situation Skills Cluster v1 January 2020 Page 4
Scenario 1
Refer to Case study Anna Thompson
Your assessor will take the role of Anna Thompson.
Anna Thompson is a new landlord at your agency. She has had her investment
property for 10 years and during this time she has had five different agencies
handling the management.
It is clear to say that she has not have a good experience and hold little faith
in property managers.
Anna Thompson appears to be pedantic and difficult, but when discussing the
issues, she has faced you soon realise that she has a right to be feeling
apprehensive and nervous about placing her property with another property
manager. The issue over the past ten years include:
 A lack of communication – Anna felt that she was always “left in the
dark”. She always had to initiate telephone contact, there appeared to
be not strategy to when and how the previous manager made contact.
 No follow up – when there was an issue with the property, Anna would
always have to do the follow up
 Poor problem correction – previous property manager had poor conflict
resolution skills. When there was a problem, it appeared that was not
dealt with until it reached crisis point.
 Lack of information – Anna would read about changes to legislation,
again it was Anna who had to ring the agency to get clarification. Anna
felt that tenants’ rights were more important than that of the landlord.
Anna just wants to feel that her property manager has her best interests at
Your task
Discuss with Anna how your agency will manage her property and address
each of her concerns.

Type your notes here

Real estate agency offer property management as a secondary service. In real

estate property management, the property manager or management agency has
four major areas of responsibility:

 Marketing and Financial

 Tenant and Occupancy
 Facility
 Administration & Risk Management

© REINSW Professional Practice Workplace Situation Skills Cluster v1 January 2020 Page 5
The property manager is the owner's partner in maximizing the return on
investment of the property through the efficient performance of these four
functional areas of responsibility. The property management company acts in the
best interests of the owner to maintain the property, keep it occupied with
tenants, collect rents, budget improvements and maintain records.

Because I am an agent, I have a legal binding ‘fiduciary relationship’ with my

client Anna Thompson. A relationship that exists between two persons or entities
where the prior one is bound to exercise rights and powers in good faith for the
benefit of the latter and required to be one of trust and confidence in the
dealings is called a fiduciary relationship.

Therefore, my lack of skill, care and due diligence in carrying out these tasks,
client Anna can sue me in a court of law.

As agent, I am bound by fiduciary law to do the following:

 Keeping the client informed of all relevant information.

 The agency or the agents must also act in good faith at all times, keeping
the clients interest primary and exercising due skill and care in carrying out
the tasks involved
 Keeping the necessary books of account - in particular a ‘trust account’
which holds clients’ monies entrusted to agents during the course of
 The agents must follow the instructions of their client unless it is unlawful or
unreasonable to do so.

Type your outcomes here
After I give overview of real estate property management, “Fiduciary
Relationship” and laws, client Anna Thompson gets a better understanding on
the agency works and the responsibilities with her properties when the agency
takes the responsibilities of it. With the information, Anna Thompson now can
realize what can she expect and what legal and lawful actions she can take when

As for example, once the fiduciary relationship and the associated law is
explained to her, that will give her better insight with her past issues and ensure

© REINSW Professional Practice Workplace Situation Skills Cluster v1 January 2020 Page 6
her about our agency about how we are going to handle things regarding the

 Our agency will communicate with her frequently and keep her updated.
 Client Anna will be ensured about the follow ups. Because agency is bound
to follow client by the law of fiduciary relationship.
 Agency will always bring most effective correction to the problem. The
second part of the fiduciary law assures it.
 An agent is bound to share necessary information always when needed or
asked by the fourth law of fiduciary relationship.

This is how client Anna's concerns will be resolved while her nervousness and
apprehensive feeling can be reduced and she can have more faith in getting new
property manager for her property from our agency.

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Scenario 2
You are preparing to induct a new staff member. Your Assessor will take the
role of the new employee. The induction should cover:
 Regulatory framework
 Roles and responsibilities
 Your chosen area of practice eg sales, property management etc
 Professional development
 Ethics and fraudulent activities
Your task
Discuss with your assessor the role and responsibilities of agents working in
real estate.
Type your notes here

Assessor needs more clear understsnding about the agency’s regulatory

framework. It includes:

 NSW Fair Trading,

 Public Money,

 Legal Knowledge,

 Industry associations.

The legal and ethical responsibilities of the agent for fair and professional act in
the conduct of a real estate agency practice means that all parties to the
business need to be treated honestly and fairly.

Agents cannot offer a wrong opinion or he cannot mislead or deceive a customer

knowingly. Years of experience and how many cases the agent handled, based
on that the professional development of an agent can be understood.

“Fiduciary relationship” associated law also deal with the ethical and fraudulent
activities of agents that work and operate in real estate. These laws are:

 The duty to investigate and to use skill, care and due diligence

 The duty to account for all monies

 Full Disclosure

© REINSW Professional Practice Workplace Situation Skills Cluster v1 January 2020 Page 8
 Obedience

 Loyalty

 Confidentiality

Type your outcomes here
After I explain the agent’s role and responsibilities, it informs her on what my
field of work is and what it offers and what she should be expecting from my

© REINSW Professional Practice Workplace Situation Skills Cluster v1 January 2020 Page 9
Scenario 3
Using your personal profile created in previous questions. Introduce yourself to
your Assessor
Your task
Discuss your ethical approach to marketing.
Explain the importance of your personal profile in attracting potential clients
and discuss your thoughts on the general expectations of clients.
How you would align your personal practices to client expectations?
Type your notes here

The Code of ethics is designed to be a guide for real estate professionals to meet
and surpass the needs of clients and the community by being recognised as a
trusted profession.

My agency, Property Professionals Pty Ltd, will look after Anna’s properties and
everything that comes with it. My agency will also be trading with her as “REAL
Property Professionals” and she can inquire me as a working agent of the

The six main ingredients of ethical approach includes:

 Citizenship

 Fairness

 Care

 Trustworthiness

 Respect

 Responsibility

An ideal agent would make decisions through the filter of these six criteria.

Type your outcomes here
When I explain her the ethical approaches and its impact in marketing, assessor
Anna will be able to see me and find me as an ethical, trustworthy agent. She
will also see that the absence of these things from the previous agencies made
her suffer with her property.

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And that is how I align my ethical approaches as my personal practices to client

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Scenario 4
Assume that your Assessor is a potential client.
Your task
Give an overview of the role marketing and communication has, to engage
clients and community in real estate services.
Type your notes here

Marketing is important in your real estate business because it is the primary

method of communication to let your customers know who you are and what you
do. Marketing is important because without clients you have no business!
Studies show that 87% of real estate agents fail during their first year.

The client gets an understanding of the role marketing and communication and
she engage with the service.

 Marketing consists the business, planning, strategy and other.

 Communication, the execution side of selling.

 Business of promoting and selling products or services, including market

research and advertising.

 Exchanging of information or news.

 Promotes the marketing strategies or company position as well.

 Client Miss Thompson can become part of our community through

marketing & communication.

Type your outcomes here

With the overview of the role marketing and communication, she understands
how her property is going to be looked after and improved while she can also
engage with the new community by taking the service from us.

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Learner Declaration

Complete ALL sections including your legal name and Indicate with Y for Yes or
contact details. N for No

I submit this assessment and certify that:

 All work submitted has been completed by me

 No part has been completed or copied from any other person

 I have referenced and/or acknowledged all necessary authors

 I have kept a copy of my assessments

 Where necessary, I have attached supporting documents which are clearly

identified in line with the specific question

 Where required, I have completed any agreements, forms and documents

required for this assessment. I understand that partial completion will not
be accepted

 I understand that federal and state agencies have the right to access any
of my assessment materials for auditing and monitoring purposes

 I consent that REINSW may use my de-identified assessment for internal

moderation and validation purposes

 I understand that if a third party requests my results that REINSW will

only do so with my written permission

Learner Legal Name (print)

Unique Student Identifier
Contact Number
Home Address
Learner Signature Date

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