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What are some weak leadership qualities?

Outlined below are a few telltale leadership qualities to

look for that poor leaders often demonstrate.
 Poor Integrity. ...
 Lack Of Adaptability. ...
 Little Vision For The Future. ...
 Lack Of Accountability. ...
 Poor Communication Skills.
What are the signs of poor leadership?
Qualities of Ineffective Leaders
 Communication problems.
 Inability to make decisions.
 Poor performance.
 Lacking conflict resolution skills.
 Quick to blame instead of taking responsibility.
 Slow reaction to change.
 Lack of focus and attention to detail.
 Comfortable with the status quo.

A weak leader focuses solely on getting the job done

instead of using the job as a way to help their people
develop new competencies and skills. It's an
ineffective leader who keeps their people playing small
without investing in them, whether it's through neglect or
because they see others as a threat.

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